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Jake: The Hottest Guys You'll Love to Love (Best of the Bad Boys Book 1)

Page 3

by Jessie Cooke

  “Not even a little bit,” I said. But I sucked it up and went to the door with Lizzie and Sarah and followed their lead. The auditorium was packed…there must have been close to a hundred thousand people there. The television cameras were in front of us and security surrounded us as the lights dimmed and the announcer called us out, one at a time. Sarah went first and I watched the confident way she strutted and posed and blew kisses as she made her way to her octagon. Next was Lizzie…she looked like she was born to do this. I was pretty sure I would throw up when it was my turn. Lizzie stepped into her octagon and suddenly the spotlight was on me,

  “We have a new…com…er!” the announcer said. I was bathed in white light and the only thing positive I can say about it was that it kept me from being able to see all the people who were staring at me. Conscious of the fact I was also now on television, I tried to keep smiling and not squint. None of it was easy. I would have rather puked. “Cassandra Driver!” The upbeat music played and I went into automatic pilot. I emulated Lizzie’s strut as I smiled and waved and made my way to the octagon. I couldn’t see most of the audience, but I could hear the catcalls and the whistles. I guess I at least look okay. When I got to the big octagon marked with the “3” on the side, I was ushered inside and over to where my cards lay. The announcer moved next into introducing the fighters. He started with the first two octagons and as I waited for the focus to be back on mine I did a lot of deep breathing and positive self-talk. Lizzie’s right…I can do this. God, I wish I could throw up. I’d been inside of my own head and I missed the introduction of the challenger, but my ears perked up at the sound of the name Lizzie kept throwing around: “The defending champion…Jacob Wright!!” The crowd was going crazy and because of the security, I couldn’t see the guy coming down the aisle. That was when I looked up at the monitors. My mouth went dry when I saw that face…it was my God…the guy with all the tattoos and the sexiest body that I’d ever laid eyes on. I was in a ring with the guy I’d been having wet dreams about all week…and I was probably going to puke.

  I watched as the door to the octagon was opened and Jacob came strutting in. He was wearing red and black shorts…which suddenly made the colors Micah told me to wear make sense. His chiseled chest and abs looked like they’d been oiled. He was all shiny and my hands practically itched with the desire to touch him. I was surprised with myself. Maybe it had just been too long since I’d had sex. Scott and I broke up almost eight months ago and I hadn’t been with anyone since. I had never in my lifetime lusted over anyone with the kind of passion I felt for this guy that I didn’t even know. He suddenly looked at me and his big chocolate brown eyes locked with mine for a few seconds. I shuddered…just from that one look. What the hell was wrong with me? I looked away quickly and focused on what was going on around me. The referee was in the center of the ring and that was my cue to pick up the card. I went over and picked up the number “1”. When I turned back around, Chocolate eyes was looking at me again. He had a funny little smirk on his face and he was doing something weird with his finger. I furrowed my brow at him and the smirk turned into a grin full of gorgeous white teeth…and as if the rest of it wasn’t enough, dimples. I needed new panties. He pointed at my sign and I looked at it…the “1” was upside down. “Oh shit!” I said it out loud, but the background noise completely drowned it out. I flipped the sign over and I could feel the hot color rushing to my cheeks. I chanced another glance across at Jacob…he winked at me.


  I usually don’t sleep with local girls. I don’t want to take any chances that they’re going to want a relationship with me. I don’t take girls to my house and I definitely don’t tap the octagon girls. But…the new girl in my ring today had me so hot from just one look…I might have to reconsider. The ref motioned for me and my opponent, an up and coming young kid who called himself “Chainsaw”, to meet in the middle of the octagon. He gave us the usual “clean fight” speech. I’d heard it a million times before. Instead of listening, my eyes and my mind went back to what I wanted do to the girl with the caramel hair and blue eyes standing in the corner.

  “Hey! I said tap!” The referee seriously needed a tic-tac. I tapped fists with Chainsaw and went back to my corner. This kid was young and not all that experienced, but he was big and in the fights I’d watched of his, he was hungry. That’s exactly how I got the title. I took it from some old guy who was too cocky to realize how badly I wanted it. Sorry kid, it ain’t happening for you tonight. I watched hot girl walk her card around the octagon. She looked nervous and I strangely found that sexier that the girls who strut out there, happy to show off to the world. The bell rang and it was on, my head was back in the game.

  Chainsaw and I met in the center, fists raised. We waited until the ref waved his hand between us and said, “Fight” and we began to circle around each other. I was sizing him up, trying to find a weak spot. I wanted this fight to be over quickly all of a sudden. I think I have a date.

  The crowd was roaring and I heard my trainer yell at me from the corner to take a shot. The ref said something about us kissing and I realized that we’d been circling for too long. Shit, I really need to keep my head in the fight. I threw out a right cross and the kid pulled back quickly. It caught him gently on the chin, but barely fazed him. That was okay though. From watching his fights, I knew what was coming next…and I wasn’t wrong. He threw out a quick right jab, going for my face. When he did, I brought my left hand up in an undercut and connected with the bottom side of his chin. Even with his mouth guard in, I heard his jaw snap shut hard. If it wasn’t broken, it was going to be sore as hell. The crowd was on their feet and screaming at me to take him down to the mat as he stumbled back and then forward. That was my plan. This guy didn’t have much of a ground game. I swept out my right foot, but he was already recovered from the punch and he jumped back. My guard was down for just a second, allowing him to throw a left jab and connect with my right eye. My head snapped back and I saw the spray of blood fan out. The little bastard drew first blood. I hope he’s happy with it, because that’s all he’s going to get. I sent out a hard right jab that landed against his left side. He doubled over and I could see him gasping for breath. I moved in and grabbed him in a clinch, pushing him back against the mesh and holding him there while I tried to sweep him off his feet. He was hammering at my back and sides with his fists as I got my leg wrapped around one of his and tried to pull him off balance. He kept his feet planted until he decided he was getting nowhere and tried to get his knee up and into my gut. I had my shoulder turned and driving into his chest and his movements were too constricted by my hold for the knee to work. I was getting winded though trying to take him down. The kid was like a rock, I had to give him that much.

  “Break it up!” The ref told us. I took a step back and the kid came off the mesh. He looked pissed now. We took our positions back and the ref waved his hand again. The kid didn’t waste any time now. He came at me like a bull, barreling into my gut with his head. I was thrown back and before I could recover my footing, he took me down. I felt my back slam into the mat and my lungs were suddenly fighting for oxygen as the big son of a bitch straddled me. He reared his fist back, bringing it back down hard for the ground-and-pound. I had my right arm loose and I threw it across my face and turned my head into it before he connected. He was raining fast, hard punches down on my forearm now and the force of my own arm slamming back into my head sent ripples of pain surging through me. I struggled until I got my left foot free. He was focused on pounding me now. I braced it against the mat and dug in. I bucked the kid nearly a foot in the air and before he even hit the mat, I had the mount. I immediately let go of a right hook and now it was his blood spittle flying across the sweaty mat. I was about to unleash my own ground-and-pound when the horn sounded and the ref was suddenly in my face. I got up and watched the kid scramble to his feet and over to his corner. He was scared now. I might finish this in two. I glanced over at the caramel haired girl wh
ile I took in the water my trainer was pouring into my mouth. She was looking at me. I spit the water out and before I put the mouth guard in I smiled at her. She smiled back…damn, she’s hot!



  I was further surprised by myself tonight as I watched this fight and felt the adrenaline surging through my veins. I found myself wanting to clap and cheer and whistle and wince along with the crowd. I don’t like violence. I think fighting is stupid. I’m a pacifist at heart. He’s ridiculously hot with that cut over his eye. God the way his muscles flex when he throws a punch turns me on. I’ve lost my mind. The ref gave me my signal and I did my thing again. It was a little easier than the first time except now I can feel the Adonis’s eyes on me and my insides feel like hot liquid. The horn sounded and the fight was back on.

  They moved in close to each other with their fists up. Chainsaw threw a punch with his right hand…I don’t know the difference between an upper-cut a cross, a hook and a jab…but this one connected with Jacob’s jaw and I saw his eyes glaze for just a second and then he gave his head a little shake and he started pummeling the guy’s stomach. Chainsaw wasn’t expecting it, or ready for it. He stepped back and he was obviously gasping for breath. He still managed to throw his fist out and land a punch hard on Jacob’s ribs. Jacob doubled over but he recovered quickly and the two of them started circling again. Chainsaw threw out a left and Jacob dodged it and with his right hand, he punched him in the ribs. Chainsaw stumbled back, but just a little. He advanced, sweeping his right leg out and connecting with the back of Jacob’s calf. Jacob threw a hard punch into the guy’s ribs. I actually heard him grunt over the roar of the crowd. Jacob went up on his toes like he was going to spin around and kick the guy, but before he got a chance, Chainsaw threw up his knee and connected hard in the middle of Jacob’s chest. He was bent in half and staggering to stay up and I was holding my breath, thinking this Chainsaw guy was going to finish him off when suddenly Jacob’s right arm comes out of nowhere and connects right underneath Chainsaws chin. Blood spatter soared through the air and Chainsaw flew back, literally off his feet an inch or two before he landed on his back on the mat…so hard that his head bounced up once and hit it again. He was out cold.

  Jacob was being announced as the winner and the ref was holding his arm up and the crowd was screaming at a deafening roar and suddenly I felt a strong arm snake around my waist and I was looking up into his beautiful face. He flashed me those dimples again…and then he kissed me. I was shocked…appalled…annoyed…and very, very, very hot. He let go of me as he was dragged back out of the octagon and down the aisle…but my lips were still tingling.


  I won. I hadn’t really doubted that I would, but it always felt so good to be the one standing there with your arm held up at the end. The little card girl was next to me at one point and I couldn’t seem to help myself, I kissed her. She looked shocked…and maybe mildly upset when it was over, but while I was kissing her I felt no resistance at all. Her warm body melded against my sweaty one and her sweet lips fell open as I kissed them. That one little taste had gotten in my head now and local girl or not, I was going to have her…and soon.

  I endured the cameras and microphones in my face and when they finally left me alone, I showered. When I stuck my head back out in the hall I could hear the other two fights still going on. There were camera and sound people shuffling around and a few of the make-up people sitting around talking, but I didn’t see any reporters. I slipped out and made my way across to where the octagon girl dressing room was. I tried the door but it was locked. Damn! I told myself if I missed her it was okay, I’d just see her at the next fight. The problem with that was, I didn’t want her at the next fight…I want her right now. I tried knocking and I was pleasantly surprised when she opened the door. She had changed out of her bikini and she was wearing a pair of cutoff jeans and a red tank top. She must have showered too because the make-up was gone and her long hair was wet and in a ponytail at the nape of her neck. She was so fucking gorgeous I had to catch my breath. I don’t think that’s happened to me since high school.

  “Hi,” I said, flashing her one of my smiles that was usually guaranteed to get me my way.


  “I’m Jacob,” I said. I knew that she knew that…but it was the polite thing to do. Suddenly I was Mr. Fucking Manners.


  “Can I come in, Cassie?”

  She looked around, like she wasn’t sure if it was okay or not. “Nobody’s going to care,” I told her. “Just for a minute?”

  She stepped back and when I stepped past her and into the room it took everything in me to keep from grabbing her right there and taking her down to the floor. She was still giving me that curious look and once I was all the way in she finally said, “Why did you kiss me?”

  “Why does any guy kiss a girl?” She cocked an eyebrow at me and she had one hand on her hip. She didn’t like my answer…I loved her stance. Everything she did was hot. “I’m sorry,” I tried to sound sincere…I wasn’t a bit sorry. I couldn’t wait to do it again. “I got caught up.”

  She seemed more satisfied with that answer. “Congratulations,” she said. My eyes watched her mouth form each syllable and my tongue came out and involuntarily ran itself across my bottom lip.

  “Thanks. So…are you going to the after party?”

  “I don’t think so,” she said.

  “Why not?”

  She shrugged, “I’m just not really into loud, wild parties.” I took a step forward…took a chance. The worst she could do was hit me…I doubted it would hurt as badly as Chainsaw’s fist had. I put my mouth close to her ear. I could hear her breathing faster and louder, and she didn’t step back.

  “What are you into, Cassie?” My breath landed against her ear and I saw her shiver. I took an even bigger chance and let my lips rest against it this time as I said, “You think you could get into me? Or more accurate, pretty Cassie…can I get into you?” That time her shudder was convulsive and I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in for a kiss. She was shaking, but she wasn’t resisting. Her hot little tongue slithered its way in between my lips and she let it explore the darkest, deepest recesses of my mouth as we kissed. It was hot and it lasted a really, long time. Finally, she broke it…we both needed to breathe and as she stood there, red-faced and gasping for breath, she put her hands against my chest and said,

  “I-I-don’t…I mean I can’t…” she was panting and the words weren’t coming out. I was glad because I was sure they weren’t words I wanted to hear. I bent down and let my lips glide across hers and said,

  “I would bet my title belt that you don’t, Cassie…you don’t have sex with guys you don’t know…” I let my tongue slide across her bottom lip and I said, “But I’d also bet that you can…and if you did, it would be mind-blowing…and just between us.” Her arms went up around my neck and we locked lips again. There was a couch near the back of the room and I picked her up off her feet, not breaking the kiss and carried her over there. I sat down and pulled her into my lap. I reached for the bottom of her tank-top and she didn’t stop me as I pushed it up over her head and tossed it aside. Then I unclasped her bra and she let it slide off her arms and into the floor. I was eye to nipple with the most beautiful set of breasts that I’d ever seen. There wasn’t even a hint of silicone in this girl and as I reached up and touched them, I knew I had to have them in my mouth.

  I ran my hands up her sides and let them rest on her back as I brought her closer to me and covered one of her nipples with my mouth. I let my tongue trace around the nipple as I sucked on it and I let the fingers of my other hand trace lazily over the other one. Her sweet ass was pressing down against my aching cock and I felt like it was going to explode just touching and tasting her. I moved my mouth over to the other nipple and sucked on that one, gently biting at the nipple and making her quiver and moan. I let my right hand drop between her legs and work its way
into the leg hole of the cutoffs. I touched her panties over her sweet spot and she jerked. There was a wet spot there. I felt her hands on either side of my face and she pulled it back up to her lips. I let my fingers wiggle up underneath the elastic of her panties and when they contacted her soft, wet folds, she cried out against my mouth.

  “Cassie?” I said, not completely taking my mouth off of hers.

  “Yeah?” she was out of breath and her voice was deep and husky and sexy.

  “Will you take these off?”

  She smiled at me and I felt my heart speed up. It was another strange reaction for me. She stood up off my lap and my eyes took in her luscious body as she stripped off her shorts and panties. When she finished and was standing naked in front of me, I put my hands on her hips and pulled her towards me. She groaned loudly when my tongue found her slit. I ran it up and down and she whimpered and whined and moved her hips in an incredibly sexy way. Her head was thrown back and her mouth was open and she was arching her back to give me better access. I took it and let my tongue drive up into her. She was so wet and so hot and so fucking sweet. I moved my tongue around inside of her and then I pulled it out and pressed it into her clit. She jerked back and I pulled her into my face and started sucking on it.

  “Oh my God Jacob, what are you doing? Oh God! Don’t stop…Holy shit!” I put my fingers inside of her while I sucked on her clit. She felt so good and I could hardly wait to get my cock in there. I moved them in and out, up and down, finding her G-spot and rubbing against it while she gasped and writhed in my hands. She’d breathe out my name every so often and I fucking loved that. Her hands were wrapped up in my hair and she was pulling it hard, moving my face to where she wanted it. It was so sexy. I could tell by the way she was breathing and the sexy little sounds that she was making and the fact that her tight little pussy was gripping onto my fingers that she was about to cum. Her breaths got faster and I increased the motion of my fingers in and out of her and clamped down hard on her clit until her entire body went rigid and she threw herself forward into me, clutching onto my back, practically delirious with pleasure as the orgasm tore through her and she came hard against me. I was still working my fingers in and out slowly while her breathing slowed down and she came around…when there was a knock on the fucking door.


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