Book Read Free

Chance Encounter

Page 15

by Alex Tempera

  Evan smiled as he wrote E & C to cover Chance’s scar in script letters. He was about to hand the marker to Chance when he smiled. He wrote the word Baby, also in script, over Chance’s heart. He took off his shirt and handed the marker to Chance.

  Chance smiled as he wrote C & E to cover Evan’s scar in script letters. He wrote the word Boss, over Evan’s heart and then kissed him. “Tomorrow night,” he smiled. “After we get married, I have an appointment for us.”

  “What kind of appointment?” the two men sat on the rocks, covering the words You are amazing.

  “Tattoos. You said one day they would be permanent, well, you and I are permanent. We’re like this marker that way, except we won’t ever fade when placed on each other’s body.”

  “I’d like that,” Evan said. “I’ve been on my own for so long. Estranged from my family and I have more than I ever thought I could have.” He handed Chance a beer and took one for himself.

  “I’m going to love sitting here, every night with you,” Chance smiled as he sipped his beer.

  “When you go back to being Chief, are you still going to do patrols?”

  “Yes, but not a full shift. More like a half shift. I didn’t have anything but my job before. I like doing patrols. I’m probably the only chief that does the beat like the officers, but I love it. Even when I have to break up an argument between Tom and Lloyd.”

  Evan snickered. “The election is in three weeks and I feel like these past nine months went fast and then slow. Do you think we rushed getting married?”

  “No,” Chance said. “I don’t. I think we took our time falling in love. We took our time getting to know each other. We dealt with the demons of our past and we know exactly what we want and whom we want. Why not get married? I don’t want anyone else but you.”

  Evan laid his head on his shoulder. “Are you sure you’re not the boss now?”

  “No, Boss, that’s you,” Chance kissed his cheek. “I’m not ashamed of anything, anymore.”

  “Me, either,” Evan smiled. “I love you, Chance.”

  “I love you, Evan.”


  Evan walked out of his office at the law firm and sighed as he tried to straighten his tie in the mirror. Elaine walked in the office from the conference room. “Here, let me help.”

  “Sorry, my hands are shaking,” he sighed.

  “Nerves,” she snickered.

  “No, I just don’t want to fall on my face or do something stupid and make a fool of myself. I want this day to be perfect for Chance.”

  “It will be perfect for you both. Hell, you know he’s across the street, having officers and my sister make sure everything is all right. You sure you two want to do this?”

  “Get married? Yes, of course.”

  “No, I mean walk down the street to the park. We could drive you in a squad car or something fancy.”

  “No, this is what we want to do. It’s a celebration of the town. Mayor or not, this is what I want to do.”

  “This is why you aren’t getting dressed at City Hall, right?”

  “I never want to push my position in people’s face. They know who I am. I’m a lawyer who happens to be the mayor, at least for another three weeks.”

  “You will be the mayor. You’re the first honest politician we’ve had in … well, forever,” she smiled. “Nothing against Judge Washington.”

  “Well, thanks, and thanks for standing up with me,” he said.

  “Of course,” she smiled. “Thanks for asking.”

  “And Fred, he’s not wearing his judge’s robe, is he?”

  “No, a dark blue suit,” she smiled. “He doesn’t like showing off either.”

  “Yes, he does,” Evan laughed. “Always was that way.”

  “Are you ready?”

  “I think so,” he sighed. “Yeah, I’m ready.”

  “Good, let me see if the rest of them are ready, too.”


  “You’ll see,” she smiled.

  Chance, wearing his dark blue Class A police dress uniform, paced back and forth in the lobby of the police station.

  Emma walked over to him and put her hand on his shoulder. “It’ll be all right, sir,” she smiled.

  “I know. I just don’t want to make a fool of myself.”

  “You never could,” she smiled. “It will be fine. The men are waiting outside for you.”

  He patted his jacket. “Shit. The ring.”

  “I have it, Sir,” Hank said as he approached him, also wearing his dress blue uniform. “Where are your medals?”

  “I’m getting married, not opening a new mall,” he snickered.

  “Very funny. Section 16-21.5 of the Round River Code book states that all officers no matter the rank, when wearing Class A dress uniform, no matter the occasion, must display the medals appropriately.”

  “You’re making that up,” Chance crossed his arms.

  “Am I, sir? Would you like me to go get the book so you can read it?”

  “Emma, I need my medals,” he sighed. “I’ll be back. They’re in my desk. I think.” He headed down the hall to his office.

  Emma looked at Hank. “There is no section 16. Our code book only goes up to 15 dash 12.5.”

  “Yeah, I know,” Hank laughed. “He would never wear them otherwise.”

  “You’re right. He needs to wear them.”

  “He never wears the uniform so no one really knows how many metals he actually has.”

  “He never even displays the medals he got in the Marines.”

  “I didn’t know he was in the Marines,” Hank said.

  “Oh, yeah, before he came back. He was a cop and went into the service. When he retired a Master Sergeant, he was nominated by Mayor Washington to be the police chief.”

  “I had no idea. How come you know?” Hank crossed his arms.

  “I know everything,” she smirked.

  “I see that,” Hank said. “Too bad you’re married.”

  “Not for long,” she muttered.

  “Seriously?” Hank asked.

  “Yeah, it’s time,” she said. “I think the Chief gave me the inspiration.”


  “Yeah, never be ashamed of who you are or what you want. And I don’t want to be married to my husband and he doesn’t want to be married to me. Um, I can’t discuss this right now,” she smiled. “Oh, Sir, let me help you.” She walked over to Chance as he approached the lobby. She took the box out of his hand. She led him over to the counter, and set down the box. “Here,” she pinned the seven small medals on his chest pocket. She opened another box and placed the red rose in his lapel. “Seven. I thought there were eight?”

  “Eight?” he sighed. “No, I only got seven.”

  “The medal of valor,” Fred said as he walked into the building.

  “Shouldn’t you be at the park?” Chance sighed.

  “Soon. Don’t worry, they won’t start without you,” he smiled.

  “Why am I getting a medal?” Chance sighed.

  “You save the mayor’s life,” Fred smiled. “Now, there will be a huge ceremony next week when you two get back, but you should know that we all care about you. Right now, I’ll give you the pin so you can wear it on your special day and at the ceremony next week, you’ll get the ribbon and the whole nine yards,” Fred opened a small box and pinned the gold eagle pin on his lapel. “There. I’ll see you at the park. The crowd is starting to gather.” He walked out.

  Chance looked at Hank and Emma. “I looked up that code, too,” Chance said. “You should write it in the book. Make it real,” he smirked.

  “Yes, sir,” Hank said. “Are you ready?”

  “Yeah, I am.”

  Emma smoothed out her dress uniform and opened the door for Chance and Hank. The two men walked out of the precinct.


  Hank and Chance stood at attention outside the building. “Fall in,” Hank commanded.

  Emma joined the officers
forming two lines and presented their arms for salute as they faced the two men.

  Hank and Chance returned the salute and then dropped their hands to their side. The officers dropped their salute.

  “About face,” Hank commanded. He followed Chance to the end of the line behind the officers.

  Chance noticed Evan across the street, with Elaine by his side and his two brothers, Chad and Dominick, in front of him. The streets were empty but they could see the park filled with chairs down the block.

  Evan nodded to Chance and smiled.

  “Street walk,” Hank commanded.

  Chance looked at Hank because the command was not a normal command but he followed the officers and Hank.

  Evan, Elaine, Chad, and Dominick walked to the street. Chad and Dominick, dressed in their military dress uniforms, followed behind the officers. Elaine stood next to Hank.

  Evan looked at Chance as he stood by his side. “Our parade awaits,” he smiled.

  “Everyone loves a parade,” Chance snickered.

  The two men followed the line of men and women in front of them and walked in-step, side by side, the two blocks to the park.

  When they reached the park, the officers and Chad and Dominick separated into two lines, creating a center aisle between the chairs of residents. Chance noticed that the first four rows of chairs were empty but he had a sinking feeling they would soon be filled.

  Chance took a deep breath. Something was finally happening. He was marrying Evan. He thought about this moment ever since he woke up in the hospital and saw an exhausted Evan, sitting by his bedside, buried in legal forms or whatever. He was marrying Evan. He was actually getting married to a man who loved him as much as he loved him back.

  Evan looked at Chance and realized that he had never been happier. This was going to be a perfect day, even if the only good thing that happened was that he and Chance got married. He loved him. He knew he loved him the minute Chance told him the truth about Todd. He exposed himself and Evan fell in love with that. It didn’t matter when or where, but all that mattered was what they were doing at that moment. Getting married. Getting ready to spend the rest of their life together.

  Elaine and Hank slowly walked, instep, down the aisle toward the overlook, which had a red carpet leading up the steps to Fred, who stood under a large white trellis covered in red and blue roses.

  Evan and Chance waited until they reached the trellis, then the music started to play. Evan raised an eyebrow at Chance. “I didn’t know they made Cool Night into an instrumental,” he whispered.

  “Hell, Boss, they’ll make anything into an instrumental,” Chance smiled. “I did a little fine tuning, that’s all.”

  “I love it,” Evan said. “Ready, Baby?”

  “Yes, Boss,” he smiled.

  The two men took a deep breath in synchronization and walked, instep, down the aisle toward the trellis. Chance’s eyes darted around to the different faces and he saw his mother and brother sitting together, and he noticed Janet was sitting between Tom and Lloyd and wondered how she managed that or what she did to deserve to be punished that way.

  Evan took a deep breath as they reached Fred. Chance stood next to Hank and Evan stood next to Elaine. Fred nodded to both men and then pointed to the officers, who were slowly filing into the empty rows of seats. They turned and watched as Chad and Dominick joined the officers.

  Evan was about to turn back around when he noticed a man, the General, standing against a car on the road near the sidewalk. There was no emotion on his face. Evan tried to ground himself.

  Chance took Evan’s hand and brought it to his mouth. “Boss,” he whispered. “Focus on me.”

  Evan’s eyes met Chance’s. “Yes, Baby,” he smiled, ignoring the presence of a man who wished him dead.

  “He is not worth it,” Chance smiled. “He’s not worth your tears today. If you’re going to have tears, it will only be happy tears.” He kissed his lover’s cheek. “Ready, Boss?”

  “Yes, Baby,” he nodded.

  Evan and Chance turned and faced Fred. “I’m sorry,” Evan whispered.

  “Don’t be,” Fred said quietly. “Let’s get started.” He opened a small booklet and then focused on the couple in front of him.

  Evan and Chance slowly grasped hands and interlocked their fingers.

  “Dearly beloved, we are gathered together, in our beautiful community park to unite this couple, Evan and Charles, in bonds of marriage. From the earliest beginnings, marriage was instituted as a good for all people. No person should attend a wedding without giving thanks for this institution. It is with great joy, hope, and faith that we come together to witness Evan Ryan Manetti and Charles Jordon Endicott join in wedlock,” Fred smiled.

  “They bring all that they are to offer to each other. Their whole beings, their whole souls. For the commitment of marriage demands no less. They bring their dreams and accomplishments, as well as their fears and failures. They offer each other their virtues and vices, their fortunes and wants, and their well-being and their neediness. Whatever time brings their way, they shall remain united. On this journey, it’s love that will make each step easy. Love sweetens shared dreams and comforts the fearful. Love is accomplished in seeing the good and overlooking the bad. In hard times love bring hope. Love is at the very center of meaningful life. It is the presence of love that, here today, with this celebration and commitment, and we hope continues through their entire marriage. The past is forgotten and the future is unknown but something to have faith in, as long as you share it together.”

  Fred smiled at Evan. “You have something you wish to say to Charles?”

  Evan nodded. “Yes,” he turned slightly to face Chance. He looked down at their interlocked hands and then raised his head slowly to look in Chance’s eyes. “I’ve never been in love before. When you and I first saw each other, you pulled me over for driving too slow,” the crowd laughed slightly. “We built on our friendship and we fell in love. We taught each other that we’re both pretty fu–, oh, sorry,” he looked around. “Um, we taught each other that we were both um, pretty amazing. You saved my life. Both literally and figuratively. You made me feel worth something. I’ll always be here for you. Chance, um, Baby, I love you and always will. Oh, and I had no clue you had so many medals. I guess I’m marrying a true hero. My Hero.”

  The crowd whirred with laughter.

  Fred looked at Chance as the laughter calmed. “And you have something to say to Evan?”

  Chance nodded and smiled. “I didn’t want to wear them, but Hank said I had to, you know, protocol or some made-up statute.” He cleared his throat. “The first thing I noticed about you was you flirting. At first, I thought you were flirting to get out of a ticket, but then I thought you just wanted to get in my uniform, well at least the bottom half.” Chance slightly bit his lip. “You made me a stronger man. I was so impressed by your strength, but I also love your vulnerability, even if I’m the only whoever gets to see it. I learned from you. I learned a lot about myself from you. I became a better man. You showed me that we were both amazing and that as our friendship and feelings grew, we deserved each other. I don’t remember what life was without you. I don’t want to ever find out what life is without you. Boss, you are my heart and soul.”

  Fred nodded to the couple. “Marriage is different than that of other relationships, we do not confuse it with friendship, business partnerships or caregivers, although all of those are part of being married but a marriage is so much more. It makes people kin, it celebrates intimacy, and it ties a lifelong knot. It is the most significant contract a person will make in their lifetime. It touches the heart more deeply than any other action to people can take. It strengthens the communities in ways too numerous to list. You are about to assume this relationship. You will pledge to each other your love and devotion,” he sighed. “Evan and Charles have found that their love for each other is so deep that they wish to commit themselves to each other in marriage.

��The contract of marriage is one not to be entered into lightly, but thoughtfully and with a deep realization of the obligations and responsibilities it entails. Please remember that love, loyalty, trust, and understanding are the foundation of a happy home. No human ties are more important or more tender or more intimate,” Fred nodded to both men. “Please face one another and join both hands.”

  Chance and Evan held both hands and gazed into each other’s eyes.

  “Evan, do you have Charles to be your husband, your baby, to live together as a friend and a mate? Do you love him as a person, respect him as an equal, sharing joy and happiness, as well as sadness, and triumph, and defeat. Will you keep him beside you as long as you both shall live?”

  Evan nodded. “I do.”

  “Charles, do you have Evan to be your husband, your boss, to live together as a friend and mate? Do you love him as a person, respect him as an equal, sharing joy and happiness as well as sadness, triumph, and defeat. Will you keep him beside you as long as you both shall live?”

  Chance nodded. “I do.”

  “Do you have the rings?” He held his hand palm side up.

  Hank and Elaine placed the rings in the palm of Fred’s hand.

  “These rings mark the beginning of a long journey filled with wonder, surprises, laughter, tears, celebration, grief, and joy. May these rings glow in reflection of the warmth and love which flow through the wearers today.” He nodded slightly.

  Evan and Chance took their yellow gold-ridged wedding bands out of Fred’s hand. Their eyes focused on the inscription that was on the inside each matching band. Chance’s ring to Evan was in scripted with the words You are amazing, Boss.

  Evan’s ring to Chance was in scripted with the words You are amazing, Baby.


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