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Fake Bride

Page 23

by Willow Cravings

  Chapter One

  I looked at my figure in the full-length mirror and sighed. There was just no way to hide these curves. My hips and ass barely fit in my pair of blue jeans. My breasts were overflowing out of my black top.

  Men always stared at my chest making me feel uncomfortable. I couldn't help it. It's just how my body was made.

  Delilah always said I had a killer body but I knew she was just trying to make me feel better. I was twenty-two years old and still never had a boyfriend.

  Only been kissed once.

  Never even had sex before.

  I didn't know what it felt like and the closest I had was my two fingers. It was a poor substitute but it made me feel better to imagine a cock fucking my wet pussy.

  Someday I'd find my prince.


  I had a lunch date with Delilah that I had been dreading for a week. Don't get me wrong, I loved Delilah. She was the only good friend I had left. But we both gravitated towards different interests. I loved books and she loved taking dick.

  I don't know how she could go from guy to guy. Sometimes I wished I could trade places with her and just get a sliver of her experience.

  We were drifting apart but we still made it a point to meet each other for lunch once a week. It was Delilah's soapbox for preaching how everything in my life was going wrong and all I needed was a real man to straighten me out.

  I always replied with where were these men that grew on a tree and all you had to do was pick them off. Delilah might have an easy time getting with guys but I was an introvert. Just the thought of talking with a guy made me sweat.

  I pulled up to Xpresso and found Delilah sitting at a table with her coffee already. She was a skinny little thing, wearing a tight blue top and black yoga pants. I couldn't help but be jealous of her.

  Her eyes lit up when she saw me. “Leah!” Delilah stood up and gave me a big hug. “You look fucking terrific!” She spun me around to get a look at me.

  I blushed. Delilah always made me feel ten times hotter than I actually was.

  “Where did you get that top? It fits your boobs so well.”

  I didn't agree with her but there was no need to argue. “I got it from the mall.”

  “Go get your drink,” she said, pushing me to the line of people waiting to order.

  I got myself a green tea latte and returned to Delilah. “So tell me everything that's happened to you since last week.”

  “You won't fucking believe this guy I started seeing. He's an actor who's been in a few films and he's so off-the-charts hot.”

  “Sounds nice. What movies has he been in?”

  Delilah took a sip of her coffee. “What? Oh, I have no idea and I didn't recognize any of the titles when he told me.”

  Classic Delilah. She never cared what these men did for a living. As long as they had a cock and could fuck, she was in. For all she knew, the guy was liar.

  “Have you found your true love?” she asked.

  “Oh come on, be serious, Delilah. You know I don't believe in true love. There isn't just one person for everyone.”

  Even though I didn't believe in it, I wanted it to be true. I wanted to hold out hope that my man was out there waiting for me. All it took was patience.

  “Well if you aren't waiting for true love, then what are you waiting for?”

  It was a perfectly valid question. Except for the fact that Delilah asked me the same thing every week. “You know I'm just waiting to meet a nice guy. Nothing special. He doesn't have to be my true love.”

  “There's plenty of nice guys at clubs. All of them would be eating out of your hands if you would only come with me once.”

  “Clubs just aren't for me plus I don't care for those douchebag types.”

  Delilah shook her head. “If only I had your body. I'd have every man in the club looking my way.”

  I couldn't believe she had thought about switching places with me. But in this case it just wouldn't be true. “You already get every man looking your way. All you have to do is sneeze and there's five dicks in your hand.”

  Delilah snorted and almost coughed up her coffee. “That would be a neat trick if I could really do that.” She turned serious for a moment. “I'm going to find you a man.”

  I waved her off. “Don't worry about it. I'm fine.” Deep down I didn't feel fine though.

  “I already did something for you that I hope you'll like.” Delilah showed me her phone and she had a dating app up. A picture of me was on it with a profile.

  What the fuck!

  Chapter Two

  Steam shot out from my nostrils. “What did you do, Delilah?”

  Fear was in her eyes. She knew she had done something wrong. “I signed you up for a dating app. I figured you were never going to do it so I set everything up.”

  “You should've asked me first.” I grabbed her phone and swiped through the pictures of me. “Where did you even get these?”

  “There ones I've taken over the years. You have some good stuff on your social media but I think I have better shots.”

  She was kind of right. These pictures actually made me look good. “I still can't believe you did this. It feels like an invasion of privacy.”

  I scanned the profile she wrote for me. “You put that I love dangerous men and jumping out of planes. Those points couldn't be anymore wrong.”

  “Listen Leah, nobody tells the truth online. Your pictures already get men to click to you and your profile seals the deal. A white lie here or there isn't going to hurt anybody.”

  “I just still can't believe you set this up without my knowledge.”

  “I don't think you're going to be mad when you see how many people connected to you. Swipe right.”

  I swiped the phone screen and the app said that I was connected with three hundred men. “What is that supposed to mean? Three hundred men clicked on my profile?” That sounded pretty impressive. Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea.

  Delilah shook her head. “Connected doesn't just mean that they clicked on your profile. It means three hundred men want to take you on a date.”

  My jaw dropped. The number seemed too ridiculous. “Oh come on. That can't be right. Three hundred men want to date me?”

  Delilah snatched the phones from my app. “I'm dead serious. I've looked at some of these guys. They're drop dead gorgeous.”

  “And how do you know that their pictures and profiles aren't fake since mine obviously was,” I replied.

  “Well they have a complex verification system that matches your phone number to your social media accounts. You aren't verified if something doesn't add up. It's supposed to prevent people from catfishing.”

  The whole idea began to intrigue me. Could my man be one of those three hundred? “That's a lot of men. How am I supposed to pick and choose between them all.”

  Delilah smiled. “I see you're coming over to my side. I've already done all the work for you. This guy is my top pick.”

  She searched through the app until she found his profile. “This guy.” Delilah said, pointing her phone to me.

  The man before me was breathtaking. He wore a slim-fitting suit, short nicely combed hair, a little but of stubble and a stone physique. He had this aura of power about him that was already getting me wet.

  “His name's Blake. He owns his own business and looks pretty well off based off his pictures. There's plenty of other men that look good but there's something special about him. He's a perfect ten in my book.”

  “I have to admit he's really hot.”

  “I knew you'd see it my way. Want me to text him for you?”

  “Yeah I'm not so sure about this,” I said. “He's going to see me in person and run the other way.”

  “This guy wants YOU, Leah. You can't pass this up.”

  “What have you got to lose, Leah? You've never been with a man before. You're not going to find a better man than this, believe me.”

  “If it was so easy to connect with this guy, wh
y haven't you found someone similar?”

  Delilah pulled up her profile on the app and showed it to me. “I've been using this app for a year now. I find a good guy once in a while but nothing like Blake. Look at my connects.”

  I checked the number and it said: one hundred connections.

  Delilah pulled the phone away and put it down on the table. “As you can see I've barely had the success you've had and I only created your profile a week ago. These men are going crazy over you. I thought it would be funny if we put them all in an arena and have them fight to the death for you. The last man standing can have you.”

  I laughed. “That might be fun to watch.”

  Delilah's phone buzzed. She checked it and grinned. “You're all set for a date with Blake.”

  I grabbed the phone from her. “I didn't tell you to text him yet!” I looked at the recent text message:

  Blake: Meet me at my place and we'll go from there. I'm looking forward to meeting you.

  I scrolled up at the earlier text messages. He wrote things like: “Your pictures take my breath away. I've never seen anyone so beautiful before.”

  They seemed like lines he used on every woman. He couldn't possibly be talking about my curvy figure.

  But what if he was? Could a man like that actually be attracted to someone like me? There was something about him that I couldn't quite put my finger on. I was so curious that I would have to meet him to find out.

  Chapter Three

  I parked my jalopy of a car in the parking lot of a high-rise apartment building. The longer I sat in my car, the more I thought that this was absolutely crazy. Blake could be a murderer. Why was I meeting a complete stranger at his apartment?

  I put the keys back in the ignition and my car wouldn't start. I tried pumping the gas pedal and trying again. The engine sputtered but wouldn't turn over.

  It was a sign.

  Fate wasn't going to let me run away from this.

  I checked my makeup in the rear-view mirror. I had let Delilah do it since I was never very good at it. My eyes were dark and lips red. I didn't look too bad. I also had her pick out my outfit. A black dress hugged my curves, off-the-shoulders, short and showing off plenty of cleavage.

  “These puppies need to be out to play,” Delilah had said, pushing my big breasts together. “Blake's going to be expecting a knockout and we're going to give it to him.”

  I was feeling very self-conscious but I couldn't deny that it was a better outfit than I could ever pick out. I looked down my chest and made sure I was popping out. I got out of my car and didn't even bother locking it.

  A thief would be doing me a favor if he stole it. I tugged at the bottom of my dress to cover more of my legs. But that only pulled down the front which showed off my bra. I'd have to be content with the length which barely covered my large ass.

  Delilah had tried to convince me to wear heels but I had ultimately won that argument. “There is no way I can walk in heels. I've never done it before. I don't want to be falling all over the place,” I told her.

  My black flats were just fine and they matched my clutch with gold chain. I walked into the lobby of the building and to the elevator. The text had said his place was on the thirty-third floor. Apartment 336.

  The elevator only went up to the thirty-third floor so I hit the lowest button. The elevator shot up and I could feel the sweat building. This was my first date. And it was a first date with a man that looked like a model. Maybe I should've dated an ugly guy first just to get the jitters out of the way.

  It wouldn't have mattered even if this was my fortieth date. Blake wasn't someone you could just meet at a club or bar. He was top shelf material and I would've been nervous either way.

  The elevator stopped at the top floor and the doors opened to a long hallway to a single door. Was this the only apartment?

  I walked up to the door that said: 336. I took in a deep breath. You can do this, Leah,” I said softly.

  I lifted my hand to knock on the door but it opened before I could hit it. Blake stood there in the most expensive gray suit I ever laid eyes on. The man in the suit was even better. He looked even more handsome than his pictures. My knees went weak.

  “I thought I heard something outside the door and here you are. I'm Blake.” He put his hand out for mine.

  I grasped it and goosebumps formed on my arms. “I'm Leah,” I replied.

  “I have to say you look way better than the pictures on your profile. I mean you're literally stunning. I might have a heart attack if I look at you any longer.”

  I blushed. “Did you practice that cheesy line in front of the mirror?” I could be witty when I wanted to be. I wasn't sure this was the right situation for it though. It was kind of a defense mechanism.

  Blake cringed. “Took me all night to think of that one. It's no good?”

  I shook my head. “Sorry.”

  “I promise I'll do away with the cheesiness. “Do you want to come inside for a quick drink before we go out?” he asked.

  I nodded even though red flags were going off in my head. If he really was a serial killer than this was at the point in the horror movie when everyone screamed at the screen for me not to go inside with him.

  There wasn't anything I could do about it. My feet moved anyways and before I knew it the door was closed behind me and I was standing in his apartment.

  If you could even call it an apartment. This was more like an upscale loft. The view from the floor-to-ceiling windows was astounding. The city lights twinkled in the night.

  “This is beautiful,” I said, following Blake into the kitchen. It was very modern with stainless steel appliances and white marble.

  Blake was busy getting out some glasses. “You should see it at sunrise. You'll never forget it. What kind of drink do you want?”

  I sat down at a large kitchen island. “Surprise me.”

  I watched Blake with fascination as he used various ingredients and pulled out all the stops. I wondered if he was a bartender in his spare time. He cut slices of apple and put them on the edge of the martini glass.

  “Here you go,” he said, handing me the glass. “Be careful, it's warm.”

  The drink smelled like apple cider. And it was very warm. I took a sip and my eyes lit up. “This is delicious.” The flavors all came together and masked the alcohol perfectly. I could already feel it going to my head.

  Blake just stared at me with dreamy eyes as I sipped the drink. “You know when I first saw your profile picture, I knew there was something special about you. At the moment I knew I'd do whatever it took to have you.”

  My face flushed and my heart began to beat loudly in my chest. This guy couldn't be for real. This all had to be a dream.

  We wouldn't be leaving his apartment tonight.

  Chapter Four

  Blake walked around the kitchen island and took the drink from my hand and set it down. He swiveled my chair until I was facing him. I was frozen in my seat. I knew what he wanted and I wanted to give it to him.

  His thumb rubbed against my top and bottom lip, separating them slightly. “These lips deserved to be kissed all night.”

  I could barely breathe. It felt like all the oxygen had escaped the room. This was really happening.

  Blake bent down and pressed his mouth against my plump lips. A surge of passion overloaded me. He tasted so good. His tongue slipped into my mouth and took the kiss to the next level. Blake's hand wrapped around my neck and pulled me closer to him.

  Our lips moved against one another for what seemed like an eternity. I wanted to stay in that moment all night.

  Then he broke away and I suddenly realized that I needed to breathe again. I gasped for air, my eyes staring into his. The kiss was magical.

  No, more than magical. It was fucking life-changing.

  There were going to be a lot more of that tonight.

  “Do you want to go to my bedroom?” Blake asked, his hand still clenching my neck.

  I no
dded. That was all my brain would allow me to do.

  Blake took my hand and I felt a shock of electricity shoot through me. This man could do anything and I was willing to let him do whatever he wanted to me.

  He kissed me again as he led me into the bedroom. It was very modern with wall mirrors and a king-sized bed in the middle.


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