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Fake Bride

Page 49

by Willow Cravings

  My own orgasm went off and my head swirled with ecstasy. Spasms took over my body and I could no longer hold myself up. I collapsed on top of Shane and he took over the thrusting, exploring deeper than ever before.

  I couldn't concentrate anymore as pleasure burned through me. Shane held me close as we came together.

  His thrusts began to slow down and I could feel his hard cock become soft inside me.

  My hair was a mess over my face but I didn't care. I couldn't move even if I wanted to. I stayed put, listening to Shane's heart beat against my ear.

  “Don't leave me,” I said. “I want you to stay inside me.”

  Shane raked his fingers through me hair. “I'll never leave you,” he replied.

  I knew his words meant more than just staying inside me.

  Shane was going to be with me forever.

  The End

  Story Thirty

  Copyright 2018

  All Rights Reserved.

  Disclaimer: This ebook is a work of fiction. Any resemblance characters in this story may have to real people is coincidental.

  No section of this book may be copied or reproduced without the author's permission.


  Sarah finally found the love of her life. But there's one tiny problem. And it's a forbidden one.

  Now it's too late to go back and Sarah has to keep it a secret before everyone finds out.

  Bryant came home for a wedding and wasn't expecting to find love. He'll have to pick between going back to his old life or staying with Sarah.

  Warning: This insta-love story might be too hot. Management recommends blowing on it a little to cool it off before reading.

  Chapter One

  The mansion had turned into a literal madhouse five days before the wedding. Servants and wedding planners rushed around stuck in fast forward. It was almost impossible to sleep in anymore.

  Summer from college was supposed to be the time for me to catch up on all the sleep I'd lost during the last semester. But with the looming wedding around the corner, it seemed that wasn't going to happen.

  I rolled out of bed and shuffled over to the window that faced the backyard. I pulled away the rich white curtains to reveal the backyard bustling with activity.

  Hundreds of white chairs were set up in neat little rows all facing an altar. The greenery had all been sculpted recently for the event.

  My mom was going all out and I didn't expect anything less. This was the second great wedding I've had the pleasure of experiencing ever since my mom's first divorce. Every man she's been with had been richer than the one before.

  I grew up living in a two-bedroom townhouse and after three divorces, we moved up to a thirteen-room mansion with butlers, cooks, and maids. It seemed a little crazy and over-the-top but my mom loved living the extravagant life.

  I didn't care so much. That tiny townhouse was just fine for me. I didn't need expensive things or clothes. But I also didn't complain when my mom bought me stuff all the time.

  My closet was packed with outfits that any girl would dream about. The funny thing was that I barely brought any of it to college. I shared a small room and there wasn't much room for clothes. My mom had offered to rent me a house while I was away at college but I told her that I didn't want any special treatment.

  I wanted to have the real college experience. That meant sharing a little apartment with four others.

  I threw on a baggy white t-shirt, black shorts, and cute socks with cartoon kitties on them. I descended the grand marble staircase and walked into the kitchen that was bigger than my entire apartment.

  Our cook, Hugh, was from England and my mother imported him over here after eating at one of his restaurants. I didn't even want to know how much money it took to get him to abandon his five-star restaurant.

  “Good morning, Sarah,” he said in that thick British accent. I always loved the way he sounded. His accent made him seem like the smartest man in the room.

  “Good morning, Hugh,” I replied.

  “What can I make you this morning?”

  I sat down at the large kitchen island that was also made of white marble. I slapped my hands on the counter-top. “French toast sounds good.”

  Hugh bowed to me before taking out bread, eggs, and a pan. I always thought it was silly that the servants had to bow to us. We definitely weren't royalty. I think my mom paid them all extra to do it.

  “Is my mom rushing around the house like a chicken with her head cut off?”

  Hugh cracked an egg into a bowl and began to whisk it. “There seems to be a problem with the center pieces today.”

  “There's always going to be a problem that needs attending to. Even with all this help, she still has to take control of everything.”

  Hugh ignored my comment which was normal for the servants. They would never bad mouth their employer no matter how small or how much they wanted to.

  Hugh took almost the same amount of time decorating the plate as he did cooking the actual food. But when he placed the finished product before me, it was all worth it. Two slices of perfectly cooked French toast were surrounded with powdered sugar. Blueberries and strawberries were placed next to it. Everything Hugh cooked deserved to have a picture taken of it and preserved for all time.

  The first bite made me smile. I could never get this back at college. In fact I couldn't get anything like this anywhere else. Hugh was really in a class of his own.

  “Sarah!” my mom called from some other room in the house.

  “I'm in the kitchen, Mother!”

  My mom came bustling in wearing a white cocktail dress. She always looked like she was going out somewhere exotic even though she was just doing work around the house.

  “There you are Sarah!” My mom ignored Hugh and gave me a kiss on the forehead. “I've been looking everywhere for you. We have a huge problem.”

  “The centerpieces?” I asked, giving Hugh a knowing look.

  “No it's my wedding bouquet!” My mom placed a photo of a white roses in front of me. “The one I ordered isn't going to come in time and I have no idea what to do.”

  “Take a deep breath, Mom.” I waited a moment for her to follow my order. She took a deep breath and looked more visibly relaxed. “It's not that big of a deal. You could do the wedding without a bouquet if you had to.”

  My mom had a look of horror on her face.

  I spoke up before she could say anything. “We have white roses in the garden. Why don't you have the gardener pick the best ones and then wrap them into a bouquet. I think they'll look better than the one you were going to order. Plus it will be like having something more personal with you the whole time.

  My mom thought about it for a moment and smiled. “I don't know what I'd do without you, Sarah. You truly are a lifesaver.”

  She gave me another kiss on the forehead and ran off to find the gardener.

  “Putting out fires should be my full-time job,” I said to Hugh. He almost cracked a smile which was very unusual for him and that in turn made me laugh.

  Chapter Two

  I thanked Hugh for the amazing breakfast and went back upstairs to start the rest of my day. I didn't have any plans except to try and stay out of everyone's way. I would've like to go somewhere else and get away from all the craziness but my mom wouldn't like that. She needed me here in case another one of her “problems” cropped up.

  After a quick shower, I decided on taking a walk around the grounds. The land surrounding the mansion was exceptionally beautiful. It also helped that there wasn't another neighbor around for half a mile.

  I put on a pair of blue jeans and a tighter white t-shirt with a v-neck this time. My mom would just silently complain to herself about my appearance if she saw me. I didn't care. I wasn't going to dress all nice just to take a walk outside. I put on some black converse that would make my mom cringe and went outside.

  The April air was cooler than I was used to. The sun wasn't directly overhead yet and t
he mansion cast a large shadow over the whole backyard. My arms were a little cold as I walked about but they eventually warmed up.

  I went through the rows of white chairs and past the stage where the ceremony would take place. The reception area was set in clearing in the woods about one hundred yards from the mansion.

  A dance floor had been set up surrounded by reception tables. Servants were busy perfecting the centerpieces that would be on each table. I didn't need to guess where my mom and her new groom would be sitting.

  Elevated above the rest was a long ornate wooden table that had no business being outside. My mom loved being the center of attention but this was getting a little ridiculous.

  Of to the side, I spotted a man near the makeshift bar attending to the drinks. He was tall and incredibly handsome. His short dark hair complimented his black stubble. He looked exactly how you would expect a bartender to look at a high-end bar or club.

  I watched him as he poured a drink and tasted it. He took another sip and then I realized he wasn't tasting it but actually drinking it.

  “Isn't it a little early to be drinking?”

  The man looked up and locked eyes with me. He didn't seem startled by my sudden accusation. In fact he was as calm as a cucumber. He swirled the glass with dark liquid around in his hand. The ice cubes clinked.

  “Never too early to drink. Especially if you haven't been to bed yet. You want some?” He lifted a bottle of whiskey.

  The thought of whiskey in the morning made me want to gag. “I think I'll be okay.”

  The man shrugged and continued to drink.

  “I don't think my mom would appreciate the bartender drinking all the booze days before the wedding.”

  The man laughed. “So you're the daughter.” He made it seem like that was a bad thing.

  “Yeah and I could get you fired from this job that she's overpaying you for.”

  He let out another laugh and took one last sip of whiskey. He wiped his mouth and put down the empty glass, extending his hand to me. “My name's Bryant.”

  I was caught off guard by his apparent lack of respect. None of the other servants would dare say anything like that to me or my mother.

  But there was something different about this guy. Maybe it was the fact that he seemed wild. Untamed. He wasn't the usual type my mom hired for events.

  I reluctantly took his hand. “I'm Sarah.” His hand was rough and warm.

  Bryant took in a deep breath of fresh air. “I'm going to be around for a few days for the wedding. Mind taking me on a tour of the place?”

  I was taken aback at his proposal. I didn't usually fraternize with bartenders. But this guy was cute and didn't seem to be put off by my false threats.

  I pointed to the woods around us. “Well you've seen this already. Want to see inside the house?”

  Bryant nodded. “The place looks gigantic from the outside.”

  I laughed. “Trust me, it's even bigger on the inside.” I brought him across the grounds and through the wedding ceremony area.

  “Looks like it's going to be a big wedding,” he said as we walked around the aisles of chairs.

  “My mom must've invited the entire town to this. I'm sure the groom's side doesn't even compare.”

  I brought him inside the mansion and a butler bowed to me.

  Bryant gave me a sideways glance.

  Trying to explain it to him would take longer than it's worth. “Here's the kitchen,” I said.

  Bryant looked around. “So I've met your mother. Nice lady. What about the husband? What's he like?”

  “Irving is your typical male trophy with money. Exactly what my mom loves. To be honest, I never really gave him the time of day. You never know with my mom if this guy is going to be another the one.”

  I showed him the living room with the enormous flat-screen television with a sound system that would knock your socks off. Bryant didn't seem impressed. I figured for a bartender he probably would be wowed by expensive things.

  Not this guy.

  Chapter Three

  I had taken Bryant through all the rooms on the first floor. Bryant quietly listened as I explained what each room was used for. He actually listened to me and seemed somewhat interested. He probably had to listen people at the bar all the time so faking it came natural to him.

  We arrived back at the kitchen. “Well I guess that about does it. I'm sure you need to get back to mixing drinks or drinking them.”

  “What about the upstairs?” Bryant asked.

  At parties we never allowed guests to go upstairs. Only the servants were allowed up there. “I don't think it would be a good idea,” I replied.

  “What? Are there are bunch of family secrets up there that nobody can know about. I bet you have a disfigured older brother who's chained to the wall and only gets fed once a day.”

  I slapped him on the chest. I was amazed at how hard it was. He must work out a lot. “Nothing of the sort. It's just private up there.”

  “Sure,” Bryant replied with a slow nod.

  This man was so frustrating. “Fine, I'll take you upstairs.”

  Bryant grinned. He knew he'd won the battle.

  We ascended the marble stairs and I pointed down the hallway. “That's the wing with the master bedroom. We won't go in there.”

  “The master has it's own wing?”

  “The bathroom is bigger than most houses.”

  We started down the opposite hallway. I showed him one of the guest rooms and a guest bathrooms.

  “So I thought you lived here?” Bryant asked.

  “I'm away at college. I live in a tiny apartment with four other girls.”

  “Sounds cozy,” he replied.

  “Trust me, cozy is a nice way of putting it.”

  We walked past a closed door. “What's in here?” Bryant asked. He went for the door knob and I jumped in front of him.

  “That room is completely off limits.”

  “I see.” Bryant looked disinterested and continued down the hallway.

  I sped up to join him and that's when he did a complete u-turn and made a run for the closed door. There was no way I could beat him in time.

  Bryant swung the door open and revealed my room filled with everything unicorn-related. Bryant walked around with the biggest grin. “So this is your room, huh?”

  My face couldn't be any redder. “I've been away at college and my mom hasn't touched it since.”

  Bryant sat down on the edge of my bed and tested the springs. “That doesn't explain why it was like this during high school.”

  I couldn't believe this bartender was sitting on my bed and touching my stuff. Who did he think he was? “What can I say, I like unicorns.”

  Bryant stood up and took a step towards. “Well I like you.”

  He had me backed up against my mirrored closet door. There wasn't any way to escape. That's if I wanted to escape. The thought of this dirty guy taking me on my pristine bed was thrilling.

  I gulped and squeaked out, “What are you doing?”

  Bryant ignored my question and continued his advance until we were within inches of each other. I could smell the whiskey on his breath.

  I didn't want him to kiss me but at the same time I did.

  Bryant slipped his hand behind my back and pulled me into his orbit. There was no turning back now. I closed my eyes and parted my lips. Bryant's mouth met mine and electricity shot through my veins.

  His fingers dug into my back as he pushed deeper into the kiss. His tongue entered my mouth and explored. A wetness appeared between my thighs. I was like putty in his hands. Bryant could do whatever he wanted to me now and I wouldn't be able to protest.

  Bryant pulled away and I was stuck on my tippy toes in a state of bliss. He turned around and walked around my room like he owned the place now.

  “I'm not really for all this unicorn stuff but it's a nice room.”

  It took awhile for me to gather my senses. Who did this guy think he was? He just
waltzes in into my house and kisses me like I'm his woman.

  I was about to tell him to go to hell when my mom appeared in the doorway. “There you are, Sarah!” She spotted Bryant. “Oh I see you've two have met.”

  “Yeah we started talking by the bar and he wanted a tour around the house.”

  “Did you show him the guest room down the hall where he'll be staying?”


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