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Gilbert and Louis Rule the Universe: First Impressions

Page 10

by Rebecca Heller

  But I thought he was a jerk

  Now I’m not so sure.

  Did I not see that he liked me? He never gave an indication. The time he asked me to dance at Ashley’s party was weird. Do I remember him pressing his hands against my back a little harder than normal? And then he found me in the pantry at the New Year’s Eve party. I never asked why he was looking for me. Am I imagining things? I am ashamed that I was so mean to him when he asked me out. He must absolutely hate me. Thinking how he hates me now and how I hated him then puts me in a total head spin and I totally want to vomit.

  Ms. Sanders picks that moment to call on me. “Leah, can you tell me how Basho uses imagery in this poem?”

  I look at the board in a total panic. I haven’t been paying attention at all. Kate turns around and looks at me. Seeing Kate makes me think about Ralph. My brain scatters all over the place. I got nothing.

  “Um…” I stall. Luckily Melinda is waving her hand wildly next to me. Ms. Sanders gives me an exasperated look. She moves on. “Melinda, do you know?”

  I slink out of class before Ms. Sanders calls me back and vow to start paying attention. I see Riley in the hall. As soon as I see her I am reminded about what is coming. Besides my own problems, the girls decided that today at lunch is when we are going to confront Riley. I am definitely not up for it, and none of us want to hurt her feelings, but we need to hear her side of the story. Riley hasn’t said anything to us about what is going on at school, I don’t know if she is blind to it. Either that or she is just ignoring it.

  I make it to lunchtime without any other teachers

  accosting me. I am so not in the mood for the whole Riley

  debacle, but the other girls are ready. They had asked me last night if I am okay to talk about Winston. I totally am, but they don’t know the real reason why.

  Before Riley sits down with her tray we all look at each other for support.

  Gilbert opens it up, “So are you and Winston going to hang out this weekend?” Riley is definitely surprised that we are talking about her and Winston in front of me because she looks at my face to check my expression before she answers. I smile politely.

  “I think so,” she says.

  “What are you guys going to do?” Maddy asks. I sit back waiting for the answer and eat another fry.

  “I don’t know, I guess he is not much of a planner, he usually texts me the last minute to meet somewhere,” Riley says. She hadn’t eaten a bite, and she begins to tear her napkin into tiny pieces.

  “Do you guys talk on the phone during the week?” Rowan asks.

  “Um, not really. But he is really busy. I think he has soccer practice,” Riley says. More napkin tearing.

  Even I know this doesn’t sound that good. I feel bad for Riley, she is definitely trying to convince herself that they have some sort of relationship going. Sounds like he sees it more like “friends with benefits,” and I am not even sure they are friends. You would think I would be relieved, but now that I know the truth about Winston, really, I just feel sorry for her.

  “Riley, are you sure you guys are, like, really going out?” I finally have to ask.

  Riley looks right at me. “Leah, you are just mad that he didn’t want to go out with you and that he’s going out with me.”

  I knew she would take it that way. The truth is, sure, in the beginning, I was pissed that Winston picked Riley over me. But now that I have more information, chiefly the letter from Ralph, I don’t care anymore. I believe Ralph, and I just don’t want to see Riley get hurt. Really. But let’s be honest, I don’t like confrontation, especially with one my best friends so I stammer on, “That’s not it…”

  I want to tell her that Winston is a bad guy, that he messes around with girls and then dumps them. That he is the druggie and not Ralph, but Riley beats me to it.

  She tears the last of her napkin and stands up. “You guys are just jealous that I have a boyfriend. Just leave me alone,” she says and storms off. She even left her tray behind for us to clean up.

  “Well, that went well,” Gilbert says sarcastically. We all giggle nervously.

  We don’t see Riley the rest of the day. I think she took off for home as soon as the bell rang. Thankfully it is a three day weekend ahead of us and Gilbert and I are going out of town with my dad and Bonnie. As we leave school Bill the janitor calls out to us, “Remember girls, first impressions aren’t always what they seem.”

  Chapter 23

  Sunday, January 17

  Today’s Horoscope: Your heart makes its own decisions.

  My dad and Bonnie planned a fun-filled adventure to the coast for the long weekend and decided to take Gilbert and me with them. Of course, it was just like my father to plan a beach trip in the middle of winter—it was freezing. We can’t even lay out and work on our tans.

  Actually, it ended up being kind of fun. We are in a small rental house right on the beach. Yesterday, my dad lit a fire in the fireplace and Bonnie even loosened up and made us mac and cheese right out of the box. Gilbert and I get to share a bedroom, which is super fun. Last night, we talked so long we didn’t fall asleep until two in the morning. Today we ran around jumping in the sand dunes and spent time reading on the big comfy couch. It has been really relaxing. But I can’t stop thinking about Ralph.

  Gilbert and I are bundled up in sweaters and blankets sitting on the porch staring at the sun setting over the ocean. We each have a mug of hot chocolate and between us there is a plate of chocolate chip cookies. Bonnie’s idea of being a good step-mother is to bake cookies for me and my friends. I finally decide to confide in Gilbert.

  “Gilb, I got a letter from Ralph this week.”

  “What? Wha’d it say?”

  I fiddle with my mug, running my finger around the rim, but it is no use, I start to cry. “I was all wrong about him.”

  “What do you mean?” Gilbert says.

  “I think I really messed up.”


  “I am so sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, but he said that he didn’t think Dylan and that girl did anything in Tahoe.” Gilbert puts down her mug and let out a sigh.

  “He said he only set them up because he really thought you didn’t like him and that he didn’t want Dylan to get hurt.”

  “Why would he think that?” Gilb asks.

  “Because remember what you said in the theater that day, when we were trying to keep Dylan a secret from your mom?”

  “Huh.” I can tell Gilbert is thinking. My nose starts to run and I wipe it on the back of my hand.

  “Wow. I guess you’re right, but it was still jerky of Dylan to go out with her even if they didn’t do anything.” Gilbert seems to visibly relax.

  I was glad to give her this piece of news. Even though I was kind of bitchy about them hanging out because I wanted Gilbert all to myself, I really do just want her to be happy. And if Dylan makes her happy, well then, I guess I better get used to it.

  “And Ralph also told me why he was sent to Havenhurst. It was all because of Winston.” I tearfully tell her the rest of the story.

  “Winston is such a jerk.” Gilbert says. “I figured with the way he was acting towards Riley, but I didn’t know it went that deep. Wow.”

  “I know, we have to get Riley away from him.” I say.

  “I guess we were wrong about Ralph,” Gilb says.

  “Yeah, I guess we were. I can’t believe I turned him down when he asked me out. I am sure he hates me now.”

  Gilbert says, “I bet he doesn’t hate you.”

  “Of course he does. I was so mean to him.”

  We sit outside as the sun disappears over the horizon, both lost in our thoughts.

  Chapter 24

  Friday, January 22

  Today’s Horoscope: Sometimes all one needs is a little nudge.

  Thank goodness it is a short week. After a weekend by the beach, I am having trouble getting back into the swing of things. All week, I kept walking up and down the street to s
ee if I could run into Ralph, but he never seemed to be around. I wasn’t even totally sure if his school had the same break as ours, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to try. I am not exactly sure what I am going to say to him if I see him.

  The rumors about Riley had died down because over the weekend the Fab Five got their hands on some beer from Hannah’s older brother, Olivia got drunk, and threw up in the 7-Eleven. The whole class is talking about it so Riley is off the hook. The girls and I are also trying to figure out how to break up Riley and Winston. Although we aren’t sure we will have to. Turns out, he hadn’t called her at all over the weekend.

  * * *

  Friday night I went over to Gilbert’s house to watch a movie. We were in the middle of High School Musical (it was my tenth time seeing it) when Gilbert’s phone vibrated.

  “It’s a text from Dylan. It says he wants to talk.”

  “Call him!”

  “Right now?”

  “Yes, right now. Call him.”

  We pause Zach and Vanessa in the middle of their number, and Alex calls Dylan. As soon as he answers she walks into the other room. I pick up People off the coffee table and flip through while I wait for her to come back.

  When Alex walked back in the room, she is


  “Oh my gosh, he was so sweet,” she sighed as she flopped back down on the couch.

  “What’d he say?” I ask. I toss the magazine back on the coffee table.

  “He said he was bummed we aren’t hanging out anymore. And he said, he thought I hated him. Can you imagine? How can I hate him? I am totally in love with him?” As soon as the words are out of her mouth, she looks at me in shock. I think she realizes she just exposed more of her emotions than she meant to. I laugh.

  She starts picking at her nails. “Then it was kinda funny because he said he was surprised that I called. I mean of course I called. He texted me,” she says and looks up at me.

  “Of course,” I echo back.

  She leaned forward and grabbed my hands. “We are going to meet tomorrow at Giant Burger for lunch. You can come, right? I have to tell my mom I am with you,” she pleads.

  “Totally,” I can’t let her down.

  Gilbert gives me a huge hug.

  “Oh, I am so happy,” she says and picks up the remote to start up the movie. Before she hits play she says, “By the way, Dylan said he was over at Ralph’s house.” She looks at me sideways and lifts her eyebrow.

  The movie resumed but I stopped listening. I am thinking, when had Ralph come home and how long was he was around?

  Chapter 25

  Saturday, January 23

  Today’s Horoscope: Quietly expect the unknown.

  Dylan, Gilbert, and I are sitting on Dylan’s porch. I feel like a total third wheel, but I have to be Gilbert's

  alibi. Also, I secretly hope that Ralph might come by.

  The whole experience is nauseating. I am trying to read the latest issue of Seventeen, but I can’t concentrate. They are speaking all lovey-dovey to one another.

  “I am so glad you texted me last night. I totally missed you,” I hear Gilbert whisper to Dylan. See what I mean? Gross.

  “I didn’t text you, you called me,” Dylan says.

  “But I got a text from you. That’s why I called.”

  “I didn’t send one, but I am glad you called me.”

  “Wait a sec,” I blurted, “what do you mean you didn’t text her?”

  Gilb eyes me hard. She clearly doesn’t want to ruin the moment. “It doesn’t matter, Leah.”

  “Maybe someone else did it. Maybe someone thought we should be together,” Dylan says.

  “Awww… That is so sweet.” Gilbert says looking back at him with a mushy expression.

  My mind is spinning. I have so many questions, but obviously I can’t ask the two love birds. They are totally distracted, staring into each other’s eyes. Before I gag, I get up and begin to leave.

  “Hey guys, I am going to walk to the store to get some candy. I’ll be back. Do you want anything?”

  “No, thanks, “ Gilbert says without taking her eyes off Dylan.

  “Huh?” Dylan says.

  They ordered burgers and fries at Giant Burger but barely touched them, now they don’t even want candy, that’s how friggin’ in love they are. Oh, brother.

  As I walked to 7-Eleven I have to wonder. If Dylan really didn’t send the text, who did? I have my suspicions but I am trying not to get ahead of myself.

  * * *

  That night was Sophie’s birthday party. Sophie’s mom made her invite, like, the whole grade because she’s president of the PTA. During the week, even the uncool kids were coming up to Sophie saying they were excited to go to her party. You could see in her eyes that she would have been a lot happier if her mom had simply booked a private room for her and her friends at a fancy restaurant. Gilbert was excited because Dylan planned to meet her there. I kind of didn’t have the energy for the whole thing, but I am not the kind of girl to miss a party on any account.

  Gilbert and I meet up with Riley at Maddy’s house. Her mom offered to drive us and we all wanted to go together. Everyone but Rowan has arrived and we are sitting around the table getting hyper by eating chocolate covered coffee beans. The doorbell rings and Maddy runs to answer it. Rowan walks in.

  “Hi, guys!” she says.

  We all look up and our mouths fall open. Rowan has on a sweater with a reindeer embroidered on it.

  “Oh, no,” I say out loud.

  Gilbert tries to cover for me. “Rowan, that sweater is a little…” she can’t think of anything nice to say, and her mother taught her, when you don’t have anything nice to say...

  “What?” Rowan really looks


  “Hideous.” Maddy never minces words.

  “Ladies, our mission here is clear.” I say, and I wink at Maddy.

  “Rowan, come with me.” Maddy takes Rowan upstairs to restyle her. We all bound out of our chairs to follow.

  When we get to Maddy’s room she says, “Rowan, you are a pretty girl. You just need to…” She is searching for the words.

  “Show off the goods!” Riley shouts. We all laugh.

  Rowan blushes.

  “Are you okay with this?” I say to Rowan. She nods her head enthusiastically.

  “Well then, let’s get started.” Maddy says.

  “Alex, hair and make-up,” Maddy orders. Gilbert mock salutes her and goes to the bathroom to grab a hair brush and make-up supplies.

  “Leah, go in my closet and start pulling out outfits.”

  “Riley, I will need you to pick out some jewelry and shoes.” Maddy is shouting out demands and we are executing them to the best of our ability. I run into the closet and start pulling cute sweaters and tops.

  “Just throw them out here,” Maddy yells. Out fly items of clothing until there is a pile on Maddy’s bedroom floor. Then one by one, Maddy picks up the clothes and holds them in front of Rowan. “Yes. No. Maybe,” Maddy says and throws each item into their different piles.

  Gilbert grabs a brush and pulls out Rowan’s ponytail. Her beautiful chestnut hair flows down around her shoulders. “Much better,” Gilbert says. Then she goes over to Maddy’s dresser and picks up the make-up she has gathered. A little light blush, some mascara and lip gloss. She doesn't want to overdo it, I mean, come on, we are only in seventh grade.

  Maddy makes Rowan step out of her baggy corduroys and step into some snugger jeans. She holds up a plushy sweater with soft pink and white stripes.

  “This is it,” Maddy says.

  Riley hands Rowan some cute brown boots. They are a little big, so Rowan puts on an extra pair of athletic socks. What we won’t do for fashion.

  Gilbert takes a look at her and at the last minute throws a pink headband in her hair.

  We all step back.

  “So, what do you think?” Rowan asks.

  “Wow,” is all I can say. She looks super pretty. This
is a whole new Rowan.

  “You look awesome.” Riley says.

  “Gorgeous,” Gilbert comments.

  Maddy looks smug. “Damn, I am good.” She says and we all laugh. Maddy opens her closet door wide to let Rowan see herself in the full-length mirror.

  I get nervous for a second. I don’t want Rowan to think the way she looks has anything to do with how we feel about her. I mean she looks great in these new clothes, but it is just superficial. She will always be our friend no matter what. I have all these thoughts but don’t have any way to express them, so I am relieved when Rowan says, “I look great!”

  Surprised by her own outburst, she gives us a shy smile and you can tell she is stoked on her new look. Whew!

  “Let’s go, girls!” Maddy’s mom calls from downstairs. With the new Rowan in tow, we all run to the car.

  * * *

  We walk into the party together. Sophie’s house is super nice. It has this huge entryway with stairs going up both sides to the top floor. Right in the middle of the entryway was a large table full of enormous boxes with fancy wrappings. There are so many presents some people began to pile theirs on the floor. The five of us had gone in on an iTunes gift card for her so we slip our meager little offering between a beautifully wrapped box from Bloomingdale’s and a huge box from Toys ’r’ Us. The living room is done up with white, black, and pink streamers and balloons. There are flowers everywhere and an enormous cake shaped like a shoe box with pink high heels on top. The back patio is covered with a black and white checkered dance floor and there is a DJ spinning tunes next to the pool. Floating lights bob in the pool.

  For my birthday, Gilbert and I went to the Olive Garden with my dad. The waiters sang to me.

  We head over to the buffet table. You can count on these kinds of events to be full of good eats, and we are definitely the kind of girls who hang out close to the food. The table is covered with mini grilled cheese sandwiches, sushi rolls, chips and pretzels, cut veggies with fancy dips, cookies and cupcakes. Yum.


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