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Steps to Submission Volume 1: Virgin Lesbian Erotic Romance (Steps to Submission Bundles)

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by Lexie X

  Steps to Submission Bundle 1

  A Kinky Virgin Lesbian Erotic Romance

  By Lexie X

  Kindle Edition

  Copyright © 2016 by Lexie X

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  This bundle includes the first five books of Steps to Submission:

  Training Piper

  Servicing Isabella

  Piper's Submission

  Loving Isabella

  Catching Isabella

  Also by Lexie X

  Serena's Submission




  Breaking Nicole

  The Locket

  Emma's Hypnosis

  Lydia's Hypnosis

  Gwen's Hypnosis


  Lynn's Craving

  My Roommate’s Girlfriend

  Seduction Games

  Sorority Seductions

  Tempting Jennifer


  Virgin Lesbians: Erotic First Time Stories

  Virgin Lesbians II: Erotic Stories of Seduction

  Virgin Lesbians III: Sapphic First Times

  Virgin Lesbians IV: Kinky First Times

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  About the Author

  Works by Lexie X

  Free Preview: Piper’s Play (Steps To Submission #6)


  Chapter 1

  Piper cautiously entered her dorm room and peered around the small space with trepidation. Much to her relief, her roommate Isabella was nowhere to be found. She slammed the door behind her, dumped her books on the floor, and fell prone on her bed with a sigh. Class had been long and boring, the day had been almost painfully hot, and she was definitely starting to feel the stressful effects of being cooped up with a roommate she didn't get along with. It was only a week into the semester. She had no idea how she was supposed to make it a whole year like this, let alone four!

  The lack of privacy had taken a toll in other ways as well. Still grimy from the long walk across campus in the mid-afternoon heat and now lying in her cool dorm room alone, she couldn't help but turn her thoughts toward a certain deprived luxury. Her roommate was in class, and she was already warm and sweaty—reaching down, she held her hand against her shorts and squeezed her thighs together experimentally.

  Yep, she thought, warmly energized and painfully aroused by her week-long forced celibacy. This is going to need a little something extra…

  Biting her lip, she sat up, rooted through her backpack, and fished out her laptop. After opening it up on the bed, she took a deep breath and navigated to a certain site she'd bookmarked several folders deep. In short order, she found a video she liked, made sure to mute it, and leaned back against her pillows. Her hand found its way down underneath her shorts and into heated humidity.

  Rubbing herself first over her damp panties, she settled in among the pillows and waited for the video to get to the good part. When she began seeing what she liked, she moved her hand underneath the fabric and let her fingers slide down her torrid mound.

  The door suddenly swung open, and Isabella abruptly entered.

  Pulling her hand out and slamming her laptop shut, Piper sat in place, her eyes on the bed and her entire body tingling with shock and embarrassment.

  "What the hell was that?" her roommate asked, regarding her with a suspicious expression.

  Her mind raced for words, but came up empty. Isabella was an imposingly pretty girl with luxurious blonde hair that was always kept perfectly made up, and Piper had been bouncing between being intimidated and annoyed by her all week. Many of the other girls on the floor had come and gone from their dorm room, already fast friends with the pretty blonde, but none had spared more than a hello for her introverted brunette roommate.

  Not waiting for an answer, Isabella kicked the door shut behind her and moved toward the bed. Grabbing the laptop and fighting through Piper's resistance, the blonde flipped it open. "Oh… my… god."

  "That's private!" she protested, her face burning red.

  "I'll say," Isabella replied, peering at the screen. "Gangbang domination…? Jesus, Piper."

  "It was a misclick. I didn't mean to—"

  The blonde laughed. "Of course you meant to. I just had no idea you were this kinky. Here I thought you were boring!"

  Piper froze. "Wait, what?"

  Isabella kicked off her shoes and then pushed over on the bed, scooting Piper against the wall before climbing onto the half that the move opened up. Lining the laptop up between them, she played the video. "Roommate bonding time!"

  Her cheeks burning even more painfully, Piper made a series of confused noises before she managed to speak. "What are you doing?"

  "This is gonna be super awkward if you don't participate," the blonde replied, sliding a hand down her own shorts. "I caught you watching some serious hardcore porn. We either avoid each other awkwardly all year, or we become those roommates that are weirdly super close and share everything. Personally, I like the second one, because then I can bring guys back here all the time without an issue."

  The girl did have a way with words. Piper continued staring at her like she was crazy, but her racing thoughts were already debating the two options. In a way, she was right. They'd already been speaking less and looking to avoid each other. Wasn't this kind of thing what college was for—sexual openness to a degree that wasn’t possible back home?

  And her body was aching from pleasure long denied…

  Scrunching up her face, she opted for the unthinkable and slid her hand downward.

  "See? It's no big deal," Isabella commented.

  Still, Piper found herself painfully embarrassed, and only partially overcame the feeling by focusing on the much-needed pleasure emanating from her fingers. She couldn't believe her roommate was seeing this video, let alone seeing her enjoying watching it!

  "Didn't know you were into stuff like this," Isabella breathed, her voice lowering as her hand worked faster under her shorts. "Love it when they choke the girl like that, make her do what they want. That power is hot."

  "Um, yeah," she forced out in response, practically drilling a hole in the laptop with her eyes. Isabella seemed open and comfortable, even looking over as she talked, but Piper was terrified to put her gaze anywhere but on the screen. She also decided to keep the nuance of her agreement to herself—she liked the girl being told what to do, yes, but not for the same reason. She wasn't sure what it was that attracted her so much to videos like this one, actually…

  Her introspection distracted her thoughts enough that she began enjoying herself just a little bit. Her aching body responded powerfully to the stimulation, even despite the embarrassing and awkward situation, and it wasn't long before her breathing deepened.

  Isabella reached forward and unmuted the video, letting the r
oom fill with quiet screams and moans.

  "Wait, won't someone hear?!" Piper asked, unable to stop rubbing herself.

  "Let 'em," her roommate replied. "The fuck are they gonna do?"

  At hearing the seemingly prissy blonde swear for the first time, Piper did a double-take. "The RA might—"

  "I'm friends with the RA. She won't care."


  And just like that, they were watching the video with sound. The extra stimulation gave Piper the edge she needed to cut through her embarrassment. A part of her just wanted to get to the end and finish this strange experience, but her week-long sexual frustration was eager for any release. Lowering her eyelids half-way, she focused on breathing softly and rubbing herself.

  Managing the good feelings, she built up the pleasure within herself and climbed toward a peak. Beside her, Isabella began panting, and Piper wondered briefly whether the blonde was going to start moaning and making more of a disturbance—but, thankfully, her roommate kept her sounds of pleasure low.

  Almost together, they both began squirming in response to their muffled ecstasy. Amid the random moans and screams of enjoyment from the video, Piper glanced over and watched Isabella's sock-covered toes move back and forth as both of their bodies tensed with orgasm. Forgetting to watch the video, her sidelong gaze remained fixated as she rode through the pleasure. The body-filling satisfaction elicited a sigh from her, and she slumped against her pillows.

  After finishing, Isabella squeezed her thighs together and sat up. Clicking the video off, she turned. "Feel better?"

  "Better?" Piper asked, finally working up the courage to look her roommate in the eye.

  "You've been annoying and irritable all week. I figured you were frustrated."

  She blinked. "Um, yeah, actually. I do feel better."

  "Then I'm glad we did this," the blonde said, straightening her shorts and underwear before standing. "Now we don't have to be frustrated anymore."

  Piper narrowed her eyes, a little confused, but before she could ask for clarification, Isabella pulled out her phone and answered a call. Chatting loudly, the blonde moved to her bed on the other side of the room and slid her own laptop out of her bag.

  Left dazed, shaken, and more than a little satisfied, Piper was left with no choice but to head awkwardly out of the room and down the hall to the floor's bathroom, where she hid in a stall for some time to collect her thoughts.

  The rest of the day passed in confusion. Isabella was apparently out for the night and partying with friends somewhere according to a short text message. Piper sat in her bed with the covers up high, wondering why her roommate was suddenly sharing her plans.

  Piper had told herself that very morning that they were just totally incompatible as friends, and then, out of nowhere, they'd masturbated together. What the hell?

  Running over the strange situation only reminded her how horny she was after a week without privacy. Without thinking, she grabbed her laptop, pulled up a video, and began rubbing herself.

  To her amazement, her body responded almost immediately with intense bouts of pleasure. The strangeness of what had happened had her reeling, and that confusion only fueled her arousal. In no time at all, she began writhing on the bed, her entire body caught up in the throes of impending orgasm. Completely lost in the animal energy of the moment, she even began moaning quietly.

  At that moment, the door swung open.

  "Seriously?!" she screamed, pulling the covers up over her desperately.

  Isabella stood at the foot of the bed again, one eyebrow raised. She gave the door behind her a little kick, closing it. "I was just stopping back for my fake ID. I left it here."

  Face burning, Piper kept her gaze down as her roommate moved to the other side of the room and began rummaging.

  "Here it is." The blonde paused for a long moment before turning. "That seemed… more intense than the first time I caught you."

  The statement hung in the air for several seconds. Isabella kept her questioning gaze fixed and unrelenting, implicitly demanding an answer with her stance.

  "Um, yes. It was," Piper finally stammered.

  "So our new openness thing is doing it for you?"

  Gulping, Piper glanced briefly up at her roommate, and then quickly looked away. "I guess."

  Isabella nodded absently for a moment, her gaze still hard. Without warning, her expression dropped into a cheery smile. "You should come out with us tonight."

  "Out drinking?"

  "Yeah. It'll be fun."

  Piper froze, more confused than ever.

  "Good, it's decided then," Isabella said promptly. "Get ready! I'll wait."

  While the imperious blonde watched, Piper was forced to get out of bed, get dressed, and do her makeup. Isabella even gave her some pointers and help, making her feel out of sorts. Was this outing real? Were they really going to be friends now? In some sense, it was preferable to avoiding each other in the tiny room all year.

  Finally, wearing a tight blue dress and feeling ridiculous, she followed her roommate out the door, down the hall, and then down the dorm stairwell, trying not to stumble on her rarely-worn heels.

  The night was humid and the walk was long, but Isabella seemed in good spirits. Soon, they came to the third in a row of large houses, where a crowd of students had spilled out the front door and onto the lawn. Already intimidated, Piper did her best to nonchalantly follow her roommate through the crowd of drunken partiers.

  After walking up to a keg and being handed two red solo cups full of beer, Isabella handed her one and then led the way to a far corner where a group of intimidatingly attractive girls stood huddled among the crowd.

  "Girls, this is my roommate, Piper," she said. "You've probably seen her in my room."

  "Oh yeah," the nearest girl said neutrally. "Nice to see you finally joining us."

  Piper nodded and smiled, but wondered whether she'd ever had a choice. The girl that had spoken was a tall and very fit redhead that she'd overheard talking about playing volleyball, but in her current skimpy attire, she looked every bit a party girl. "Julie, right?"

  The redhead nodded and smiled a little drunkenly.

  The other girls almost immediately began talking about guys she hadn't met and drama she knew nothing about. Standing between Julie and Isabella, she did her best to look interested and follow along. Out of nervous habit, she sipped her beer often, and soon ran out. Strangely, Isabella made sure to go back and grab fresh cups of beer whenever either of their drinks ran out.

  "So what are you two, like best friends now?" Julie asked the second time the blonde left for the keg, practically shouting in her ear to be heard.

  Piper raised her shoulders high and scrunched up her face, feeling far more expressive as her extremities began warming from the alcohol. "I have no idea!"

  Isabella returned and shoved another cup in her hand with a smile.

  Taking it, she sipped once and took a moment to judge her own intoxication.

  Julie moved around the group, tugging Isabella aside.

  As Piper watched out of the corner of her eye, the blonde whispered something in Julie's ear. The redhead looked over at her as they spoke, her eyebrows raised. At one point, she almost seemed to smirk—and then, just as quickly as it had begun, their conspiratorial meeting ended. Julie returned to her other side and rejoined the circle, acting as if nothing had happened.

  A little wary, Piper resolved to remain guarded out of fear that this outing might have been a setup for some horrible trick, but Julie only seemed more positive, and even tried to include her in some of the conversations going on by leaning over and explaining who and what the other girls were talking about.

  A few more beers in, Piper realized she was actually sort of having fun. The warm fuzzy blanket of alcohol on her thoughts had her inhibitions low, and she even began speaking up, adding a quip or two that garnered positive reactions from the other girls. Maybe they were just drunk, too, she guessed; in any
case, she let herself get swept up in the night.

  Isabella seemed enthused that she was participating. The blonde only grew friendlier as the night wore on, even leaning over to whisper conspiratorially sometimes the way she had with Julie. Of course, all bets were off once guys started appearing to hit on random members of the group. At some point, Piper realized the circle was slowly dissipating as clusters of girls went off in different directions.

  "Shit, it's one in the morning," Isabella commented, looking at her phone. "I have class way too early to be out now."

  "Me too!" Piper exclaimed, realizing her first class was in six hours.

  "Let's do our goodbye rounds and get out of here."

  The blonde checked in with each of her friends on the way out, and then they hit the sidewalk again to stumble toward home. Laughing and shrieking their way along the quiet streets, they made it back to the dorm building with a rather silly energy. High on the attention and inclusion and positive turn the night had taken, Piper collapsed back onto her bed with a drunken laugh.

  Much to her surprise, Isabella climbed onto the bed, pushed her over—and then opened her laptop. Her heart suddenly pounding, Piper sat up. She didn't have to ask what her roommate intended because she'd already been secretly thinking about it.

  Isabella clicked to a video that was new but still similar to the morning's entertainment. Flopping back against the pillows, she lifted the edge of her dress, laughed drunkenly, and slid her hand under her panties. "No time for guys tonight!"

  Rather swept up in the energy of the night, Piper felt weirdly comfortable settling in next to her roommate and rubbing herself. After all, she reasoned, it couldn't be strange if the other girl started it first—and the rush of feeling included had her rather energized.

  Watching the video, she began truly and unabashedly masturbating, all embarrassment and inhibition gone. Quick movements of her hand spun a ball of pleasure within her lower body, and she sighed with anticipation.


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