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Steps to Submission Volume 1: Virgin Lesbian Erotic Romance (Steps to Submission Bundles)

Page 5

by Lexie X

  Glancing repeatedly between the pink alluring sex under her fingers and the perfect breast being kneaded above her, Piper squeezed her own thighs hard, barely able to contain an overpowering need to be touched. Full of almost painful energy, she realized her arousal was so strong that her own tensing felt a little good! Isabella wouldn't know and call her weird if she managed to—

  Yeah—there it was—tensing her thighs and tummy in just the right way sent little jolts of enjoyment up her body as she worked her roommate. The jolts felt better the more she let herself indulge in looking at Isabella's aroused sex and kneaded breast, and the pleasure helped her ignore the tired drain in her fingers and keep going. Isabella's orgasm—and gorgeous reactions, quivers, and soft noises—sent the strange effect into overdrive.

  Ecstatic and confused, Piper shivered with a light, sideways, and unfamiliar orgasm; a pattern of pleasurable lines pressed across her awareness as she worked her roommate's sex.

  Isabella sighed and closed her legs, a deep look of satisfaction on her face. "Nice improvisation there."

  Still shuddering with aftershocks from her inexplicable little orgasm, Piper tried to act chill. "With the uh, thumb?" she said dumbly, not willing to say on your clit. "Did that feel good?"

  "Felt great," the blonde replied, standing. She grabbed her towel and wrapped it around herself, cloaking her flushed body. "You have any plans tonight?"

  She had planned to hide under her covers all day. "Nope…" she said instead, trying not to look at the bulging cleavage above the edge of her roommate's towel.

  "I think we're going dancing," Isabella said. "You should come."

  "Um… alright."

  "Cool," the blonde said, preparing to slip out past the curtain. "I'll tell you all about it back in the room, once you've… you know." She grinned and waved a hand at the brunette's nudity.

  Suddenly self-conscious, Piper grabbed her own towel and held it close with a gulp. "Right."

  And with that, the blonde was gone, apparently without any idea that she'd already had an orgasm.

  It had been light, unfamiliar, and a little surprising, but—

  Piper put her towel back on the little ledge and took refuge under the shower, her hands moving downward.

  It had definitely been an orgasm.

  Pulling her hands back up, she decided she was too confused. Holding off, she resisted her intense arousal, telling herself that she needed to get her head on straight first. Yeah, that sounded like a plan.

  Now all she had to do was wait a little bit so that Isabella wouldn't suspect she hadn't actually masturbated. She wasn't sure why the blonde would take issue with that, but she did sense that there were certain power dynamics forming between them, and it was time to begin holding certain cards close to her chest…


  Chapter 5

  Julie came to the room an hour or two early to pre-game and get ready with them. Piper laughed and did makeup alongside the redhead, secretly wondering if the girl had any idea what she and Isabella had been doing. No, she decided, she couldn't possibly. Isabella seemed completely normal, taking shots and doing her hair without a care in the world.

  Was it possible that the blonde was still cool with all of it and remained unperturbed? Piper tried to push confusion and doubt out of her mind to reach the same carefree state, but her unrelieved arousal from earlier had only grown to uncomfortable strength. Her thoughts weaved in and out of party mode while stolen glances at Isabella's body fueled mental questions about whether the gorgeous blonde would end up drunk and naked in her bed at the end of the night.

  Shaking her head, Piper blocked those thoughts from her mind. As roommates, she reminded herself, they were just backups. They were going out dancing, and Isabella would inevitably be inundated by a wave of suitors. She steeled herself for another dark night spent dwelling on Isabella going home with someone else.

  And that was fine, she repeatedly told herself. Why wouldn't it be fine? Seriously, it was fine.

  "Shot?" Julie offered, noticing the dark look on her face.

  "Yes!" She grabbed the shot and downed it.

  "Better slow down," the redhead laughed. "Long night ahead!"

  Piper nodded, thinking that such a statement was truer than the redhead could possibly know.

  Soon after, they left the dorm building and walked along sidewalks full of other college students heading various places for Saturday night activities. A few random catcalls came their way; Piper looked to Isabella, but the blonde just rolled her eyes.

  Their first destination was a house party with a rather relaxed atmosphere. Only somewhat filled with people, the party seemed to be just starting.

  "Thought we were going dancing?" Piper asked as they scouted out a corner to sit in.

  "Yeah, eventually," Isabella responded. She waved to some guy and then left to go talk to him.

  Julie arrived at the corner shortly, two red cups of beer in hand.

  "Thanks," Piper said, accepting one and taking a big swig.

  The redhead nodded. "This is always the most annoying part."

  Piper looked over in surprise. "Annoying part?"

  "Izzie cats around with guys while we just sit here like derps. Happens at least once every night."

  Eyes wide, Piper almost couldn't contain her overabundant agreement. "Right? We're just waiting around for her to get done flirting."

  Julie looked over at Isabella and her guy, then back at Piper. "Yep, she does what she wants. Guess we have to fend for ourselves."

  "Should we like… mess with her?" Piper found herself saying. "While she's trying to flirt?"

  Julie pursed her lips, thinking. "Could be funny. But, nah. Friends don't mess with friends. I mean, really, we don't have to sit here and be bored. We should be out there, too."

  Faced with the prospect of talking to strangers and flirting, Piper balked. "How do we like… talk to guys?"

  The redhead laughed. "How about the same way you did last night? I saw you at that dorm party."

  Embarrassed, she shook her head. "I was super trashed…"

  "I could tell. Didn't you make out with some guy?"

  "Oh yeah…" she admitted, her cheeks bright red. "I forgot."

  "Did you get his number or anything?"

  Piper shook her head.

  "Oh well," Julie said, scanning the party. "We look great. All we really have to do is stand somewhere and look pretty. They'll come to us."

  The two girls picked a spot by the kitchen and talked idly for a minute. Sure enough, random guys began approaching them. After the first few awkward conversations petered out without much effect, Julie turned to her. "You gotta stop watching Isabella and worry about your own game."

  "What?" Piper asked, blushing. "I'm not—"

  A strange look began crossing Julie's features, as if she was starting to guess what was going on. Desperate, Piper grabbed a random guy walking by and pulled him in hard, kissing him messily. The brown-haired guy pulled back after a moment, surprised. "Um, hi…"

  "Hi," she said breathlessly. "I'm Piper."

  Julie laughed loudly, her momentary suspicions completely averted. "Now that is how to do it!"

  Caught up in her own fearless silliness and her new friendship with Julie, Piper found herself wholly unworried by Isabella's flirtations. So the blonde might go home with some random guy—who cared? It really didn't matter, it was fine, it was college!

  Buzzed, relieved, and happy, Piper let the alcohol and night's energy overtake her. She stuck close to Julie, and, by the time they reached an actual club to dance at, they were both having a great time; it was now Isabella who was frowny and clearly feeling a little left out. Noticing that made Piper feel even more empowered.

  Taking another round of shots, the girls moved to the dance floor. In her charged state, Piper found herself willing to dance publicly for the first time in her life. Isabella danced nearby, often having some guy grind up on her, but it was Julie that danced closest.
Unused to the dense crowd and the redhead's proximity, Piper laughed nervously quite often, but Julie made a joke of it all and only moved closer. Soon enough, Julie was gyrating up against her.

  Already painfully aroused from the shower incident that morning, Piper fought a torturous heat. The alcohol certainly wasn't helping, but Julie's warm, soft body pressing close filled her head with chaotic urges. Too caught up in the music and movement, she struggled mentally, trying to decide whether to go with it or move away.

  "So what's with you and Izzie?" Julie asked out of nowhere.

  Shuddering from the warm breath on her ear as the redhead ground against her, Piper tried to keep moving without giving away her alarm. "Um, what do you mean?"

  "You two in a fight or something?" Julie clarified.

  Sighing with relief, Piper laughed, even as soft hands ran up and down her sides. "No, we're fine."

  "You sure? I can take one for the team if I have to."

  "Take one for the team?" Piper asked, arching her head up as those soft hands ran down her thighs. Did this girl have any idea what she was doing to her?

  "Get her trashed so you two can talk it out. She's not really a 'feelings' person. Gotta get her wasted first."

  Grinning reflexively, she agreed loudly. "I've noticed."

  Julie came back up, bringing her mouth close to Piper's ear. "So?"

  She didn't hesitate. "Do it."

  Julie pulled away, winked, and tugged Isabella by the hand. The random guy the blonde had been grinding with approached with a swagger, but Piper giggled nervously and waved him off. She danced by herself for an indeterminate time, blissfully drunk and unaware of anything but the music.

  Near closing time, Julie returned, Isabella in tow. "Let's go," the redhead slurred. "We did like… so many shots…"

  "Shots," Isabella echoed her, laughing and leaning on her friend.

  Sweaty and heated, Piper felt her arousal return as her dancing calm faded—only now, fueled by hours of close people and dancing, it was even stronger. It was all she could do to keep from jumping Isabella right then and there.

  Julie led them home, staggering at the last down the dorm hallway with Isabella on her shoulder, both girls loudly singing different songs. They burst the door open and Julie swung Isabella into the room. The blonde twirled around, dancing randomly.

  Julie turned and sighed with drunken exhaustion. "You're welcome."

  "Thanks," Piper replied, her whole body tingling with anticipatory electricity.

  The redhead stumbled off to her own room. Piper closed the door softly behind her before sitting gingerly on her own bed.

  Isabella plopped onto her bed on the other side of the room, laughing at some untold joke. "Tonight was fun," the blonde declared. "You…" she pointed and grinned. "You don't steal my friend."

  "I won't," Piper agreed calmly, her head abuzz, her eyes fixated on the cute blonde.

  Isabella sat up straight and gazed back at her. After a moment, she patted the bed.

  Piper didn't move. Feeling strangely calm from the hours of dancing alone, she retained the will to wait.

  Isabella narrowed her eyes. "Come over here."

  She didn't move. "Why?"

  Subtle darkness crossed the blonde's elegant features. "…because I'm horny."


  Unused to having the tables turned, Isabella glared defiantly, thinking. After a moment, she relaxed her expression and sighed, apparently giving in. "I'd like you to get me off."

  Heart racing, Piper unclenched her fingers. It was strange how much difference it made to put it out in the open. She began to get up, but then hesitated, seeing a potential opportunity to turn the tables even further. "Say please."

  "What?" Isabella replied, miffed. Again, she took a long, quiet moment to reconsider. "Fine. Please."

  "Please what?"

  "Please come over here."

  Piper couldn't help but grin. "Please come over there and what?"

  Isabella donned a dark expression, clearly tired of not being the one in control. Instead of replying, she lifted her dress up and off in one swift motion and threw it on the floor. "Come over here," she commanded.

  Piper shook her head even as she stared.

  Isabella slowly slid her panties down, watching as the brunette's eyes followed their graceful path. She let the panties fall around one ankle, and then spread her legs in a long, slow motion. "Come… over… here."

  Lines pulsing through her body with each pounding heartbeat, Piper struggled to stay strong, but her pent-up arousal had simply become too strong—and Isabella's commanding tone had fired her up in ways she couldn't resist. Before she knew what she was doing, she was on her knees on the carpet, positioned between her roommate's outstretched legs.

  Isabella's hand gripped her hair forcefully. "Don't pull shit like that again."

  Frowning, Piper balked. "I don't think I like drunk you very much…"

  The blonde's other hand grabbed her wrist and brought it up to her heated sex. "I know you want it," she said harshly. "It's all over your face every time you look at me."

  Face flushing red with anger, Piper shook bitterly, even as she instinctively began massaging her roommate's mound. The warm skin and soft little blonde stubbles distracted her thoughts. She wanted to tell Isabella off and end the whole thing, but maybe it would be best to do that tomorrow—

  Almost without realizing it, she slipped a finger in, seeking that warm intimacy again.

  Isabella tightened the grip on her hair. "Yeah, do it just like this morning."

  Surging with a dozen different kinds of heat, Piper frowned angrily—but slipped her finger around until she found that certain rough spot. She brought her other hand up and pulled back the little hood before her, exposing the blonde's clit. Her thumb went up, and she began working Isabella the way she'd gotten her off in the shower that morning.

  This time was different. She felt humiliated, angry, and powerless all over again; for some reason, that pain and energy churned inside her, increasing her arousal tenfold, all accentuated by the tight grip on her hair.

  Moving in closer for a better angle, she began fingering and rubbing harder, strangely energized. Glancing up, she found that Isabella was watching her intently this time, just like their drunken fooling around the night before. Was this what Julie had meant to expose with alcohol?

  As if on some unspoken cue, Piper moved her hand onto one thigh and pushed. Isabella moved with her, falling back on the bed and adjusting her position so that the brunette could lie on her arms between her legs.

  Matching her roommate's gaze, Piper found a good position again and went to work with her fingers. Isabella moved with her, breathing hard as she began thrusting in increasing rhythm.

  Reading the situation, Piper slid a second finger in—and then a third. The two girls began a very different rhythm, and Piper found herself basically fucking her roommate with her hand, each thrust urging the blonde on to greater movement and louder moans.

  Isabella finally broke eye contact to arch up and strain her neck against visible pleasure. Panting, she looked down again after a moment—and then touched near her knee with a single finger.

  Both hands engaged in passionate rhythm, Piper followed her roommate's finger, confused. Thinking of the toes she'd sucked that morning, she used her only available tool by sucking gently on that soft skin as if trying to give a hickey.

  Chest heaving, Isabella watched her with that now-familiar unreadable expression even as she reached back to undo her bra. Throwing it on the floor, she let her gorgeous breasts hang free, immediately reaching up with her left hand to massage one.

  Staring at firm perfection, Piper increased her ministrations, putting her whole hand and forearm into matching Isabella's thrusts. Warm juices began flowing down her wrist, and that familiar sweet scent filled the air—something she realized she'd missed in the shower.

  Her own body surging with fire, Piper began tensing her thighs and tum
my the way she had that morning, hoping—yes! After a whole day of pent-up lust, the good little jolts were even easier to achieve. She let the stimulation of Isabella's gorgeous body, scent, and moans fill her mind, building the little jolts with each effort.

  Isabella's free hand returned to her thigh, touching a spot a few inches above the previous area. Her whole body engaged in pleasuring and managing pleasure, she didn't think twice, and immediately turned her head to suck gently on the soft skin mid-way up her roommate's thigh.

  Kneading her breast and thrusting, Isabella waited a few moments—and then touched a spot a little higher up.

  Piper hesitated, but she was too caught up to dwell on it. Her cheek brushing the hand that was keeping her roommate's sex spread, she pulled the soft skin of Isabella's inner thigh between her lips and sucked gently. The blonde responded with rolling hips, her face scrunching up as the pleasure reached an overwhelming strength.

  Sensing an approaching orgasm in her roommate, Piper focused all her efforts on keeping her hand thrusting and her thumb rubbing while her own insides proceeded on automatic instinct. Each sight and sound and scent seemed to directly stimulate her, pushing her body toward another one of those difficult, strange, sideways orgasms that felt different from anything she'd experienced before—but this one, after a whole day of building arousal, felt far stronger than the weak one that morning.

  Isabella's finger lifted slowly and approached a new spot at a calm pace, eventually coming to rest exactly where Piper had subconsciously expected it—right on the blonde's heated and puffy mound, inches from her face.

  She looked up in shock, meeting Isabella's unreadable gaze.

  There was no way! That was definitely crossing a line—

  She didn't have a chance to think further. Her inner spontaneous pleasure spiked in response to her confusion and embarrassment, and her body tensed with a tingly, difficult orgasm.

  Isabella's eyes widened, showing her first readable emotion.

  Piper curled against the pressure of her orgasm and the embarrassment of her roommate knowing she was getting off, but she kept her hand thrusting; she felt the blonde's slick walls tighten powerfully around her fingers.


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