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Steps to Submission Volume 1: Virgin Lesbian Erotic Romance (Steps to Submission Bundles)

Page 10

by Lexie X

  She bit her lip hard, closed her eyes for a long moment, and then focused on getting dressed.

  Isabella came over, still holding her bra in her hand. "What do you want to see?"

  Trying to listen to her roommate list names and times, Piper fought the rushing noise in her head and embarrassed heat in her ears. She knew that Isabella knew the effect she was having on her, and she also knew the blonde enjoyed it, and that she was definitely doing it on purpose.

  Inexplicably, that was always what made her tingle inside more than anything else—the fact that Isabella enjoyed inflicting such egotistical torture, and that she was so brazen about it. They both knew that they both knew. The blonde almost constantly dared her to defy her torture, but Piper found herself enjoying it more and more as the days passed and as Isabella grew more audacious. Somehow, despite all logic, the whole twisted thing seemed to be working for both of them, and that filled her with a warm excitement beyond simple lust that she couldn't quite pin down or describe.

  "Um, the last one," she managed to mutter, not sure which she'd movie she'd chosen.

  Isabella raised her eyebrows. "Interesting choice."

  Piper wanted to frown as she ordered two tickets at the machine out front. She'd accidentally chosen a brainless action movie. She hadn't had any particular movie in mind, but she'd definitely wanted something more—she snuck a glance at Isabella, who stood beside her texting—romantic?

  Heart pounding, she shook her head. Nope, this was just two roommates out for a movie on a Thursday night. That's all it could be. Anything else would be putting an actual form to her unshaped but significant feelings, and that form would make things all too real and all too scary.

  Walking up to the ticket guy, she watched as he tore both tickets while subtly checking out Isabella. He then looked back and forth between the two of them as he gave his spiel about which direction their numbered theater was in. She had the brief urge to give him a smug smile, as if to say, "Yeah, she's with me," but she kept her expression neutral instead—because she wasn't, not really. Still, it excited her to know that she regularly got to touch something that poor guy could only dream about.

  "Want anything?" she asked, heading for the concessions line.

  "Hmm," Isabella thought aloud, still texting. "Nope. I'm good."

  "You sure?"


  A few minutes later, Piper returned with a large soda in hand, warming up to the idea of a brainless action flick. Isabella even finally put away her phone and led the way into the half-full theater.

  "Up there?" Piper said, leading them both to the very back row. The only other denizens of the highest row were three older teenage boys in the extreme corner who were rowdily muttering and poking each other. A few glances came their way, but Piper sat down in the middle next to Isabella and ignored them.

  "You know, maybe this is a good choice after all," Isabella said. "I did kind of want to see this when I heard about it."

  "Should be fun," she agreed, pleasantly surprised.

  A minute or two later, the lights dimmed, the previews came on, and Piper found herself alone in the dark with her roommate. Her pulse was high, and she could practically feel electricity on the arm closest to Isabella. She considered the long struggle ahead against her own tension; she already badly wanted to take the blonde's hand, no matter how unlikely it was that her reaction would be favorable.

  Isabella turned her head. "I think I want some treats."

  Piper frowned, processing her meaning. "Oh. I was just… you said you didn't want any?"

  "I changed my mind."

  "Oh." Piper sat in place for a moment. "And you want me to go get them?"

  "Get me some candy," the blonde said, tilting her head. "Yeah, candy. Not chocolate. Candy."

  "Alright. Do you want anything else? A drink or anything?"

  "Nope, that's it."

  A little miffed, Piper got up, scooted down the aisle, and passed the whispering guys at the corner. One called something out, but she ignored him. Aware of all the previews she was missing, she anxiously waited in line, picked a good candy, and hurried back.

  Isabella sat sipping the soda Piper had bought for herself.

  "You said you didn't want a drink!" she protested as she flopped back down in her seat and handed over the candy.

  "It's fine, I'll just share yours. We're roomies, so it's cool, right?"

  Angry, a little humiliated, and strangely turned on, Piper tried not to squirm in her seat as the movie started. At the very least, she was happy she finally understood that Isabella's tormenting behavior aroused her, even if she couldn't understand why. The blonde's manner was perfect—did she know the effect she was having in this particular instance? She noticed Isabella give a surreptitious and calculating glance at the boys far over in the corner.

  So she did know!

  Squeezing her thighs around her own hand, Piper fought to keep a lid on her inner friskiness until the time was right.

  Isabella looked over about ten minutes in and rolled her eyes at the incredibly long time the movie was taking to get to the action—a thought which Piper mirrored with an excited smile.

  Finally, the movie picked up speed, and the audience seemed captivated.

  Isabella slowly lifted the armrest between them, her lips open slightly, her chest rising with faster breathing, and her eyes down on Piper's hand.

  Taking care not to be too eager or move too quickly and catch someone's attention, Piper slipped her hand under her roommate's skirt and up her smooth thigh.

  "Cold!" Isabella whispered, briefly sitting taller.

  Piper took her hand back and warmed it between her own thighs for a minute, very aware of Isabella's rapid breathing and anticipatory body language. As quick as she could, she returned her warmed hand to its task, keeping her face forward and the rest of her body in place to give the impression to any casual glances that she was still watching the movie.

  Sliding her fingers down warm smooth tummy and beneath light fabric, Piper cupped the bare heated curve she'd come to practically worship. Isabella was already humid, clearly turned on by the public nature of what they were doing—they hadn't done anything outside the privacy of their own room since the library two weeks before, but it was obvious that Isabella liked the excitement.

  Happy that her angle hid her arm from the boys down the row, she split her fingers and gently rubbed up and down soft slightly slick lips the way she knew Isabella liked. The blonde gave a restrained shudder and gripped her wrist reflexively, urging her on.

  Pushing the panties down a bit to free up more space for her hand, Piper expertly worked soft flesh with her fingers, putting pressure in the right places and curling a finger into slick folds the way she'd learned would best set off her roommate.

  Already stimulated by their public danger, Isabella squeezed her thighs to keep from visibly squirming. Strained, she tilted her head closer, her breath warm and her presence close. "You're so fucking good at that…"

  Piper smiled in response to that whispered praise, her eyes fixated on Isabella's upturned lips; full, open, and so inviting—

  "I need your mouth," the blonde whispered.

  Instinctively, Piper started forward a half-inch, and then froze, painful electricity running through her every extremity. She'd thought one thing—but realized a little too slowly that the blonde had meant the other thing, the one they did all the time, the thing that was somehow far less intimate than a kiss.

  She hoped Isabella hadn't noticed her mistake and intention, but, of course, the girl never missed a single thing. There was no choice but to quickly move on.

  "I don't think it's a good idea," Piper whispered, massaging her roommate's mound, still moving her finger in that specific pattern inside slick heat. "Too many people. Those guys will see."

  "Let them," Isabella whispered, moving her face even closer to capitalize on the particular weakness she'd detected.

  The blonde's lips practicall
y touching her upper neck and lower ear with each word, Piper felt her body constrict with tension, a struggle she already knew she was going to lose. She was going to do what Isabella wanted, and she was going to love it—and they both knew it.

  There was only the matter of pulling it off as best she could.

  Still absently rubbing her roommate's intimate curve for comfort, she studied their surroundings. The movie was a rather dark one, leaving impenetrable shadows low behind the seats. A middle-aged couple sat directly ahead in the row before them, but she wasn't worried about them turning all the way around without a good reason.

  Glancing to her side, she watched the three guys. They seemed fixated on the movie; there were no glances in the two or three minutes she studied them.

  Isabella seemed to think she was hesitating. "Come on," she whispered, moving ever closer. Almost impromptu, she gave the lightest of little bites against her neck, the first contact of its kind between them. Already painfully turned on, Piper jumped at a spark in her body and between her legs. The small wave of pleasure caught her off guard—an almost-orgasm of an overstimulated and surprising sort.

  "Give me your jacket," she said, breathing hard.

  Isabella reached over and grabbed it.

  Piling up their two jackets between them and the guys in the far corner, she formed the barest of protection. Anyone giving a casual glance would know that she was gone, but they wouldn't immediately guess she was in the darkness on the floor—not with the area around Isabella's legs obscured.

  Quickly, Piper slid down into the darkness, too overcome by lust to care what hidden horrors the chilly concrete floor might hold from past moviegoers. Slipping her hands along smooth skin, she parted Isabella's thighs. This was one of her favorite parts of the act, that first opening and access, almost like the beginning of a ritual at a shrine; by now, the blonde knew how much she loved it all. There was no hiding it and no pretense.

  There was also no way to get her panties off without attracting attention. Going for the good old tuck-to-the-side, Piper used her nose, chin, and a well-placed grip with her teeth to pull the fabric to the side, trying not to disturb the skirt over her head too much.

  For the next part in their little ritual, she breathed deep, relishing the intimate, sweet, and utterly sexual scent of arousal this close. She still couldn't believe how fucking good Isabella smelled, or how it turned her on more and more each time. The more familiar she got with her roommate's sex and the more she licked and sucked and got lost in the sensations, the more her mind seemed to expect it and crave it—and her body absolutely shared the same cravings.

  The scent and intimate heat sent little sparks of pleasure through her, and she knew, without a doubt and with no small excitement, that tonight was going to be one of the nights she could get off from sheer enjoyment of the act alone. Isabella, too, seemed to sense it from her body language, giving her unspoken encouragement with an excited tensing of her legs.

  Those spontaneous orgasms always seemed to surprise Isabella as if it was the ultimate compliment, and it always felt like a little victory for both of them. Piper squeezed her roommate's outer thighs with her hands, eager to please.

  And, then, she was home again, her tongue finding refuge between slick ever-so-sweet lips. All she could think about the first few moments each time they did this was that she simply couldn't understand how the gorgeous blonde tasted so incredible. The sweet flavor was intense, captivating, taboo, and intensely right somehow. Eagerly penetrating deep, she curled the tip of her outthrust tongue and pulled it along upper slick walls, trying to reach that special spot. She'd never managed it yet, but the attempts still made Isabella squirm and her inner walls clench, ever encouraging her.

  Their shared energy was strong, the mood was right, and the situation was way too public for her comfort; in other words, everything was perfect. Tensing her thighs, she felt that spontaneous pleasure begin building, her body well on its way to a powerful association between pleasuring Isabella and orgasm. That thought, in itself, only heightened her pleasure. She could feel herself cementing her own cravings and lack of control every time she submitted. She wondered if there would be a point of no return, and if Isabella knew what was happening and was training her for exactly that. That idea sent a wave of heat through her body, filling her head with white-hot bliss.

  Feeling herself tilt much closer to orgasm than she'd expected, she moved up a little to suck on Isabella's hood and flick her clit with her tongue. The blonde's hand moved to grip her hair tightly, signaling that she was on board with getting off quickly.

  Intensifying her flicking tongue and steeling her whole body to hover on the brink of spontaneous orgasm, Piper worked them both right to the edge. Feeling Isabella tense in that special way, she brought them both over.

  Her every muscle trembling as her most intense unstimulated orgasm yet burned through her body, she focused on the surge of juices pouring against her mouth, lapping every drop up to keep them from staining Isabella's panties or skirt for the walk out of the theater—and because every helpful lick and suck spiked her own pleasure; her orgasmic haze deepening the more servile she felt.

  Isabella's thighs clamped around her head, and they both shuddered quietly together for a moment.

  Piper gently ran her tongue up and down soaked lips, cleaning the last of the seeping juices. A very satisfied hand rested lazily on her head, letting her have time to finish her task.

  Finally, she pulled away and climbed back up into her seat, her own underwear a mess of heat and wetness. Touching her shorts carefully, she checked for external wet spots, but found none.

  Beside her, Isabella had her head back, her chest rising and falling deeply as she enjoyed her post-orgasmic high.

  Glancing over, Piper noticed the three guys staring back at her with dumbfounded expressions. "Um, we better go…"

  Isabella sighed with satisfaction and nodded.

  They grabbed their stuff, dashed the other way along the row, and headed out of the theater as quickly as possible, both stifling bursts of laughter the entire way.


  Chapter 11

  On the walk home, still laughing about their misadventure, Piper felt sublimely warm and happy. Consequently, she was in a good enough mood to actually consider Isabella's insane surprise suggestion.

  "There's a… certain kind of shop I've heard rumors about," the blonde said suddenly, her tone dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. For a rare moment, she actually seemed nervous. "It's a couple blocks back, on the edge of campus."

  Piper stopped in place, her heart pounding. There was only one kind of shop her roommate could be referring to, but the intent behind her suggestion could be almost anything. "What do you want to go there for…?"

  Her blonde locks bouncing with the motion, Isabella looked around the empty sidewalk, peering past orange streetlamp light to make sure nobody was nearby. "I was thinking… I've never had a, you know…"

  "Are you embarrassed?" Piper asked, delighted.

  "No!" the blonde responded, donning her best angry expression. "I just—my house had no privacy, and it was bullshit."

  For once, Piper felt like she was on top. "So you've never had a toy?" She couldn't help but laugh as she saw her roommate flinch at the word 'toy.'

  Isabella crossed her arms and glared away. "I was thinking we… that you, could get something, to… you know… use on me."

  Her laughter immediately faded as she processed the possibly heavy suggestion. What exactly was Isabella thinking? Was this rare moment of vulnerability just another manipulation? She was so good, sometimes it was impossible to tell—but there was another, more tantalizing possible implication. Piper wavered in place, fighting an overpowering urge to blurt out a very taboo question.

  She was dying to ask, even though she knew the conversation would probably not go the way she hoped. This new proposed step—surely it meant more was going on between them?

  Isabella looked
back at her, immediately reading her internal struggle. "Look, it's just a suggestion. I don't want you to get the wrong idea. We don't have to do it if it's crossing a line for you."

  "No, no, it's fine," Piper forced herself to say, her head feeling very fuzzy. "I think it would be fun."

  Isabella's lip curled up slightly with relief. "Yeah?"

  "Yeah, let's do it."

  They found the secluded little shop with only a few minutes of aimless searching in the general area of rumor. Surprisingly, it looked rather nice, almost coming off as a mainstream tattoo parlor.

  One step inside cleared up that illusion. Piper forced herself to follow her roommate as they stepped into a brightly lit world of brazen sexuality. The walls were literally covered in all manner of movies, objects of obvious intent and startling size, and even some books.

  If Isabella was truly out of her element, she refused to let it show. She confidently strode through the store, heading for a corner that seemed lined with vibrators of all shapes, sizes, and colors.

  "This is pretty intense," Piper muttered, hanging close.

  "It's just a store," Isabella countered, her tone calm and collected as if she was merely picking vegetables at a grocery store. "Which one jumps out at you?"

  Imagining the indicated objects jumping out at her, Piper covered her mouth to stifle a laugh.

  Isabella pushed her lightly. "Seriously."

  "Well you're the one that's going to use it…"

  The blonde shook her head. "Actually, you are. On me. Can you imagine using that giant green monster one?"

  Piper looked over at the mentioned vibrator. "Wow, who the hell actually uses these things?"


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