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Infinity: Code of Law

Page 10

by S.A. Waters

  Dear Student,

  We are delighted to have you here at Oliver High School. On the next page you will find the rulebook and schedule. Please read it through carefully. School starts at precisely 8:30 every morning, tardies will result in detentions. Our teachers and staff here are very qualified and excel in their subject. You are free to consult with them for help in that subject if you appear to struggle. If you seem to want a schedule or locker change, please see the counseling office by Thursday, October 21. I am looking forward to meeting you and am confident you will be happy here at Oliver.

  Sincerely your principal,

  Dr. Steves

  Whatever. I turned the page and took a look at my schedule. I had locker 105, and a bunch of classes I didn't care about.

  Again, whatever. At around 8:10 am I got my breakfast at Angi’s. It was scrambled eggs today.

  At 8:20, I got to Oliver High School. How exciting. I checked out my locker, set my lock, and headed over to room 31. Homeroom.

  I took a seat towards the back of the room and looked around. There were some kids talking to each other in groups, and others in their seats. I then heard a sigh coming from next to me. I looked, and it was Kody.

  “Hey, man,” He said. “Carter right?”

  “Yeah,” I replied with a smile. “And you’re Kody?”

  “The one and only. That’s a cool bag.” He said, looking at the bag Dylan gave me.

  “Thanks. Are the others in this class too?”

  “I believe so. I know that James is. Looks like we’ll see about Dakota and Drew.”

  “I guess so.” As soon as I said that, the bell rang, startling a few of us. I then saw James in the front of the room, and Dakota next to him. Behind Kody and me, Drew was sitting. The Tommy kid who wanted to beat me up over the summer was there too. Nate was sitting next to him. And those were pretty much all the people I knew. The teacher then abruptly opened the door. Then she slammed it behind her.

  “Good morning class,” She spoke coldly. “My name is Mrs. Chuck. Welcome to homeroom. In this class I will be taking attendance, and you can quietly read, or do homework from another class. I have three textbooks of each course available to seniors, so it should supplement you. There will be no talking out of place, calling out, eating, drinking, or sleeping in this class. Understood? Good. Now, be quiet while I take attendance. Zoe Ackerman? Carter-Adrian Breese?”

  “Here,” I muttered. She scared me. Mrs. Chuck had black eyes and black, frizzy hair filled with grease. She had a pointy nose like a witch, and her voice was stern, and made you shiver. This was going to be a long year.


  “Any sign of the boy?” Alpha said, his voice deep and violent.

  “Sort of,” Austin replied. “We know that he is in Rockfrett, Colorado.”

  “With you? Does he know your location?”

  “He knows that we live in Rockfrett. I believe that is why he came there in the first place.”

  “Has he been touched?”

  “No. I think we would all know if he was.”

  “Oh, yes. How silly of me. Thank you, Austin. Please bring Timothy in.” Austin nodded and sighed as he was leaving the room. He was clear. Now it was Timothy’s turn.

  Timothy walked into the dark room and sat at the table across from Alpha Maximus.

  “The boy,” Alpha spoke, with the same dark tone he used with Austin.

  “Yes,” Timothy choked up. “What about him?”

  “Any idea of his whereabouts in Rockfrett?”

  “No, sir. However, we think that he might have some allies.”

  “Oh, really? What makes you say that?”

  “We have seen Mystians together around the town. They are alert, and we think that they are the same ones around the boy when we crashed the plane.”

  “I see. DELUCA!” Austin ran in through the door.

  “Yes sir?” He spoke. His voice was shaking as well as his body, and his heart was beating out of his chest. He was nervous about what lie ahead. “Is there a problem?”

  “No,” Alpha said. “Take a seat and relax. Stop shaking. There is no reason to be shaking, is there?” Austin shook his head and tried his best to control himself. He forgot Alpha had the power of the sense, and to detect others’ mood.

  “I thought so. Anyway, Timothy has just told me about possible suspects in alliance with the Light. Do you agree?”

  “Yes. I think we are close in finding the boy.”

  “I can assume so. You have ninety days to find him. Otherwise, well, just don’t fail. Keep close to that group of Mystians. Don’t be seen, but FIND HIM! Dismissed!” Austin and Timothy got up from their chairs and bowed, then walked out of the room, realizing how much work had to be done.


  School sucks. I have to go though: otherwise it could lead to suspicion. Some people in the town already think I’m crazy. I have three classes with Kody, five with Dakota, two with James, and just homeroom with Drew. We all hung out at lunch though. Just like old times. Dakota said how I reminded her of her ex boyfriend, Kyle. Strange.

  Chapter 14

  I had just finished my first week of school and I already have a bunch of homework to do. Nobody has given me any hassle, except for a few times Tommy kid “accidentally” bumped into me a few times. I don’t like that kid.

  Today is Saturday, and I went to work as agreed with Katy; who greeted me at the door.

  “Hey, Carter!” She said, seeming happier than usual.

  “Hey, Katy,” I replied, showing some of the concern in my voice. “You seem, happier.”

  “Thanks. I’m just excited to see how your first week of school went.”

  “It was stupid.”

  “Oh really? How so?”

  “Well, first off it’s not going to be great, because it’s school. Secondly, my homeroom teacher is scary. Like, she is a witch pretty much. She has a pointy nose and black hair.”

  “Mrs. Chuck?”

  “Yeah! I can’t believe she’s a ‘Mrs.’”

  “Nice,” Katy laughed and nodded her head in agreement. “I had her. She absolutely hated me!”

  “Really? Why?” I asked, grabbing a rag to wipe down the tables.

  “Because I was too sarcastic. I remember one time she said something like, ‘You are getting a really good education here at Oliver and should be grateful!’ and I said in reply, ‘Well it’s obviously not coming from you.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yep. Got a detention and a call to my parents.”

  “That must’ve taken major guts.”

  “It did. But I didn’t care. Have you made any friends?”

  “Yeah. Five actually. I don’t think you would know them. Do you know Nate Samson?”

  “Yes. I’m familiar with the Samson family. His dad has a stepson, Tommy I think.”

  “Yeah. He doesn’t like me.”

  “What? Why?”

  “I accidentally bumped into him about a month ago when I first came here. He tried to beat me up until Nate stopped him.”

  “That sucks. Tommy will sometimes come in here and wreck my stuff, and leave a huge mess for me to clean up. I don’t like him, and he’s a huge mama’s boy. Nate is really nice though. When Tommy will make a mess, sometimes Nate will help me clean up. Nate and his dad used to be my neighbors growing up.”

  “That’s pretty cool. He hasn’t come around all summer.”

  “I know. Have you made any other friends?”

  “Yeah. All in my grade. There’s Kodiak Ge, Drew Van Unen, James Schlepi, and Dakota Wilson.”

  “That’s great. I’m glad you’re doing okay.” Then we heard somebody come through the door. It was Drew believe it or not. He looked up at me, somewhat shocked.

  “Hey, Carter-Adrian Nicholas Breese.” He said.

  “Hello Drew Ethan Van Unen.” I replied, using the full name thing. He finds my name fascinating. I then turned to Katy.

  “This is Drew Van Unen, ironically.” I said with a smile. “Drew, this is Katy Sheppard.”

  “Hello Drew,” Katy acknowledged. Drew smiled and gave her a handshake.

  “Hi, Katy.” He said politely. He’s so proper, I swear.

  “So what are you doing here?” I asked, putting down my cleaning rag.

  “Homework,” He replied, sitting down at a table and taking out his laptop. “The sign outside says that there is free wifi here. And I remember telling me you work here. So, why not?”

  “Well, you made a very good choice on coming here today. It’s very quiet around here. Do you mind if I sit with you?”

  “Go ahead. If I’m not making direct eye-contact, you must excuse me. I have a paper due next Wednesday about the Federal System of government and have to focus on my screen. I’m here to work on it.”

  “It’s cool. So, Dakota said that I reminded her of her ex, Kyle. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” Drew stopped typing for a minute and sighed. Too soon?

  “It’s a great thing. You should be honored. Actually, you do remind me of Kyle. Except you guys look nothing alike. You do appear to have the same eyes as him though.”

  “Kyle seems like a good guy, and Dakota seems to love him. Why did they break up?”

  “They didn’t. Kyle died in a fire in June. He was a really good friend of mine. It was hard on all of us. Kody, James, and me. However it really struck Dakota. She loved him more than anything. She still has nightmares about it, in fact. It scares us.”

  “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to-” Of course I knew this information, but just to hear it from somebody else’s perspective.

  “It’s fine, dude. Just don’t bring it up around Dakota.”

  “Got it. What was he like?”

  “Well, he was sarcastic. He was also a nervous wreck when it came to certain things. It was quite funny. Kyle was outgoing and always stuck by his guns. No matter what. He didn’t follow the crowd, and stood up for people, which would sometimes get him into trouble. He was kind and understanding. A great friend. Kyle was a leader. He had just turned sixteen when he died. You want a picture?”

  “Sure.” I can’t believe what was happening. My old friend talking about me so positively. I could feel my eyes start to water a little bit. No. He was talking about Kyle. I am not Kyle, I am Carter-Adrian.

  “Here he is. This is Kyle Eilam Walton.” He turned his laptop around so I could see. It was the same picture I had back in my room in Mystic. The picture with all of us at James’s birthday party. I smiled.

  “That’s a great picture. Again, I’m really sorry.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “Sorry to distract you from your work too. But where are Kody and them?”

  “Don’t know. Probably at their houses.”

  “I see. Tell them they should come here sometime.”

  “I will.”


  “DARIUS!” Alpha called. Darius slowly walked in, shutting the palace doors. He was one of Alpha’s guardians on a desk. “Where is he?” He asked the guardian.

  “Come with me,” She replied hastily. She escorted him upstairs and opened a large, black door. When he entered, the doors were immediately slammed shut.

  “Master?” He asked, his voice cracking in the pitch black room.

  “Darius,” Alpha replied, his voice echoing. However he was no where in sight. “Do you know how much I would like to murder you right now?”

  “No, sir.”

  “Well, it is a lot. Do you know why?”

  “No, sir.” Darius repeated. He could feel and hear Alpha’s voice become closer to him.

  “Of course not. How much work have you done in finding the boy?”

  “I thought he was dead, sir.”

  “Exactly. I put you and your family in Rockfrett to FIND him! He is not found! Do you think that your life would be a lot different if he was DEAD! Do you know Austin DeLuca and Timothy Swanson?”

  “Yes sir, they are your second in command.”

  “Very good, Darius. Now, I want you to find them and join them on the search for the boy. You have ninety days, same as they do. Three months, Darius; or you and your family will suffer severe consequences. Understood?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. This is a chance to redeem yourself after what happened. I hope you still have your skills. You should be thrilled, I wouldn’t put just anybody on a task such as this. Consider yourself lucky.”

  “Yes, sir. Of course, sir.”

  “Oh, and Darius?”

  “Yes, sir?”

  “Don’t you ever come here empty handed again. Okay? I gave you this assignment when Austin and Timothy crashed that plane! No results! Not one! Now get out of my sight!” Darius felt a strike on his cheek, which was so powerful it sent him out the door and down the staircase. He didn’t see Alpha Maximus once during that meeting.


  It was Monday again. September 17. The weather became a little colder, but it was still the same routine as every day.

  During third period English, the principal made an announcement over the PA system.

  “Rebekah Ramer, please come to the counseling center. Rebekah Ramer.” Ramer. That name sounded awfully familiar. Wasn’t it that guy who helped arrest me when I was in the FBI holding station? Ramer. I doubted it, but maybe they had something in common. Cousins maybe? I asked to be excused to the bathroom, and I took a detour to the counseling center. I saw a girl walking there as well. That must be Rebekah. Oh yeah, I had met her before when I first got here. I wonder if she remembered me.

  “Rebekah!” I called. She turned around.

  “Hi,” She said, slightly startled. “You look familiar. Didn’t I talk to you at the school registration over the summer?”

  “Yeah, it’s me Carter.”

  “I don’t mean to be rude, but what do you want?”

  “Oh, right. Your last name is Ramer?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Are you related to anyone who works in the FBI?”

  “Yes, but he quit in mid July. Again, why?”

  “Did he work in the Kyle Walton terrorist case?”

  “Yes. He brought the Walton boy into the holding cell and drove the car. He’s my dad. My dad said when Walton committed suicide he quit and moved out here to live with my mom and me. Why do you need to know this?”

  “I was just curious.”

  “So you ditched class to come ask me that question?”


  “Anymore questions you would like to know?”

  “Not at the moment.”

  “Okay. Well bye, Carter.”

  “Thanks Rebekah.” As I walked back to class, I put some pieces together. Why would someone quit right after working with someone and just happen to show up in the same town he was in? I smell a rat, and it stinks. I have a feeling there are more people after me than I had realized.

  Chapter 15

  That day I decided to follow Rebekah home. She walked, which helped. I kept a good distance. Oh! How the power of invisibility would’ve helped right now! She lived in a nice, two story house. I pulled out a pen and ripped a piece of paper from my mailbag. I wrote down the address: 2321 Sea Winter Street, Rockfrett, CO. Alright, now the fun begins.


  “Eli!” Jasper the ocelot banged on the door. “Star! Dylan! Please open up! I have some important news!” Star opened the door and ushered her in. Eli and Dylan sat on the couch in the living room, concerned about the fuss Jasper was making.

  “Did Drew touch him?” Star asked.

  “No. We would’ve known if he had.”

  “Then what is this fuss about?” Eli demanded.

  “Rumor has it that Alpha Maximus is putting Darius Ramer on the job!”

  “Darius! I thought he retired from spy work after he almost blew up Pact.”

  “Me too! Eli, you
know what this means for you. The boy is pretty well hid. If Alpha can’t find answers from him, then he is coming after you. With all his army. Darius is his last hope. With Darius hunting him down, along with the other two Pacts, you know what this could mean.”

  “We must take further precautions. Isolation. We can find Alpha ourselves.”

  “ELI!” Dylan interjected. “You know why we can’t do that!”

  “Shut up, Dylan!” Eli shot back.

  “Eli,” Jasper said. “He is right. The boy must remain on Earth. There is no possible way we are able to find Alpha on Earth.”

  “Do you have any suggestions?” Star asked.

  “No,” Jasper replied.

  “We are calling an emergency Code of Law meeting here. Tonight.”


  Thursday, September 27. Kody was sick; Drew and James were out of town; so it was just Dakota and me. We sat down in the same spot at lunch, the bench nearest to the huge oak tree. She was more beautiful than I had remembered. Her hair was longer, and it had turned a lighter brown because of the sun. I wanted to kiss her so badly, and tell her that I am Kyle. But I can’t. As the saying goes, so close yet so far away.

  “Did we have French homework last night?” I asked her, trying to make conversation.

  “Yep. Page 73, exercises one through three. You didn’t do it, did you?” She questioned and chuckled a bit.

  “Since when do I actually do French homework the night before? I’ll just do it in class before she checks it.” We both laughed. We had a routine, usually. If I didn’t do my homework, she lets me copy hers. However, I can only copy hers once a week. The rest I’m on my own. I think it’s a very good plan. “Hey, Breese!” I heard someone say to me; and they didn’t sound happy to see me either. I turned around. It was that bully, Tommy. Now what?

  “Look at me!” He ordered. “Go get my basketball!” His basketball was literally five feet away from him. He only wanted me to go get it for power. I’m not playing this game.

  “Get it yourself and get lost!” I shouted back.

  “You know what, Breese? You’re absolutely right. How silly of me to think that someone else should get me my own basketball.” I nodded and gave him a dirty look, but couldn’t tell if he was being sarcastic or not. I turned back to Dakota, when Tommy’s basketball hit Dakota’s tray of food, spilling it all over her. “Sorry!” He shouted, and then turned back laughing to his friends. Dakota looked absolutely disgusted, but didn’t do anything. I was going to though. Tommy can do whatever he wants to me, but he leaves Dakota out of this. I stood up and walked furiously towards Tommy.


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