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After Sundown: Redemption

Page 26

by Eden Robins

  “Alyssa? What’s wrong?”

  “The pain. Again. Like before,” Alyssa gritted out between clenched teeth.

  But this wasn’t like before. It was worse this time. And now instead of Christian’s voice, she was seeing images. The two of them together, scenes from the first time they met. Their encounter at the Plaza Hotel. Making love at Christian’s home. It all flashed before her eyes like a movie. And with each image, her pain deepened.

  Suddenly Christian’s voice whispered through the corners of her mind. He sounded weak and in pain, yet his voice was comforting, like cool water on the burning ache in her body. He told her how much she meant to him. How much he loved her. And he told her to never forget that.

  I love you, Alyssa. I never thought I would be able to feel that for anyone ever again. But I do for you. No matter what, please never forget that. I—

  His voice got cut off. Something slammed into Alyssa’s face, hard. All the images in her mind instantly disappeared. Her head flew back against the seat from the impact. It felt like someone had just hit her.

  With a truck.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Alyssa? Can you hear me? Ms. Edwards? Wake up. You want to wake up. You want to see me. It’s time.”

  Vlad’s hypnotic voice broke through her dazed state.

  It sounded comforting. She was drawn to it, like a beacon in the mist. She moved towards it. Little by little, climbing out of the fog she had been in. Knowing she would feel better if she did. Knowing it would bring her peace.

  Alyssa’s eyes fluttered open to find Vlad leaning over her. She must have passed out. The pain she had felt had been worse than anything she had ever experienced in her whole life. And now she knew without a doubt, that Christian was the one actually living through that torture.


  She was responsible. Alyssa knew that with every fiber of her being. And powerful vampire or no, she was going to pay for hurting him.

  Alyssa sat up. Vlad moved back to his seat. She turned to him and met his gaze squarely.

  “We need to find Christian, now. He doesn’t have much time.”

  Vlad started the car.

  “I understand. And I know just who to ask.”

  Vlad took the 101 Highway West to Highway 51 South, while Alyssa called her publicist. She told him a family emergency had arisen and she wouldn’t be able to make the speech. He wasn’t happy about it, but agreed to let the function coordinators know and reschedule for another date.

  They were heading towards Central Phoenix.

  “Where are we going?”

  “There’s a club called Twice Charmed. It’s located around Twenty-Fourth Street and Van Buren. I know some of the people who frequent the establishment quite often. They may be able to tell us where Christian is.”

  Alyssa wondered just what kind of club it was. The area he spoke about was seedy, to say the least. It was known as the place to find prostitutes and strip joints. Was Twice Charmed a strip club? At this point she really didn’t care.

  They needed to find Christian and they needed to find him fast. She remembered the weakness in his voice. And that hard blow to her face that echoed Bazhena hitting him. For some reason he was trapped in Bazhena’s hold. And he couldn’t get away. No, it didn’t matter where they were going. If it meant saving Christian, she was ready to go to hell and back if necessary. She didn’t question her feelings now. They just were. She needed to accept them until there came a time when she could analyze them fully. Now was not that time.

  Vlad pulled into the parking lot of a large building. It looked like some sort of warehouse. As he parked the car and came around to her side to open the door for her, she hesitated. This didn’t feel good. There was something wrong about this place. Something that screamed for her to leave and go far, far away. To never return.

  She sat frozen in her seat. Vlad squatted down by the open door, so that he could look at her.

  “It’s okay, Alyssa. This place has a security spell on it.”

  Alyssa didn’t want to move, but Vlad had caught her interest. She forced herself to look at him. What was he talking about?

  “A security spell?”

  “Yes. Many preternatural creatures come here. It really is not a place for humans, unless they are under protection. The owners discourage humans from coming here by sending out a subconscious danger signal. Humans pick up that warning and avoid this club as much as possible. That’s what you’re feeling right now. But it is only an illusion. You will be safe with me. Now come, we don’t have much time. Christian needs us.”

  At Christian’s name being mentioned, Alyssa broke out of her frozen stupor. Shaking her head, she got out of the car. It’s only an illusion. It’s only an illusion. It’s only an illusion. She kept the chant up as they walked towards the entrance of the club, but her dread continued to build. As they approached the man standing by the door, Vlad took her hand.

  “I must pretend you are with me, or they will not allow you in. Please play along,” he whispered, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze.

  Even if she hadn’t felt this uncomfortable feeling before, the sight of the large, formidable looking bouncer would have done it for her. He gave Vlad a cursory glance then settled his stern gaze on her.

  “What does she want?” he asked. Though he was addressing Vlad, his eyes never left Alyssa’s.

  “She’s with me,” was all Vlad said, but it seemed to satisfy the man. He gave her a quick once over then nodded his head.

  “You two can go in, Vlad.”

  “Thanks, Dominic.”

  Alyssa felt the bouncer’s gaze follow her as they walked into the club. Yet her attention was soon diverted by who she saw. Or rather what.

  The outside of the club looked like an old, rundown warehouse. The inside was opulent. That was the only word for it. Despite the dim lighting, she noticed almost all the fine details. High domed ceilings with art relief carved into it. There were bar stools and high tables, but there were also leather couches and beautifully scrolled wood tables. The floors looked like marble. And there was one large bar spanning the entire wall of one side of the club. Behind the bar there were what she assumed were espresso and cappuccino machines. They looked shiny and clean, reflecting the dim lights on their smooth surfaces. There were other machines she didn’t recognize and bottles of liquids she couldn’t begin to name.

  Then there were the customers. Everyone looked human, yet she could sense they weren’t. The air practically hummed with magic. There was a lot of it here. Surprisingly though, she picked up on mostly happy feelings. The people here, on the whole, seemed to be having a good time.

  Vlad silently led her across the room. She could feel eyes following her. And she sensed some interested curiosity on the part of those who looked at her. Many of them must be able to tell that she was a mortal human, just as she sensed that they were not.

  Vlad stopped abruptly in front of a woman wearing a form fitting black dress. The spaghetti straps that held it up were slipping down her shoulders, as the woman huddled over the drink in front of her, but she didn’t seem to notice. Vlad reached up and touched her shoulder. The woman stiffened immediately, then slowly turned to face them.

  Alyssa couldn’t stop herself from gasping. The woman was absolutely gorgeous, but that wasn’t what surprised her. It was the large bite mark on the woman’s neck. It looked like someone had tried to take a healthy chunk out of her skin. Although it appeared to be healing, Alyssa could still see blood glistening on the puncture wounds. And she had a bruised cheek that was so swollen; her eye on that side was forced partially shut.

  The woman didn’t seem to notice her. Instead her eyes fixed on Vlad and widened with fear. She made as if to move away, but Vlad’s other hand snaked out and grabbed her upper arm before she could go anywhere. She tried to break away, but soon realized she wasn’t going anywhere until Vlad let her.

  “Amy. What a pleasure to see you again.” Vlad said the wor
ds pleasantly as he led the woman to a secluded table in the corner. But as Alyssa followed close behind, she knew Vlad was feeling far from pleasant. He was furious.

  “L-leave me alone.” Amy’s voice quivered with fear. She tried to move away again, but Vlad forced her to sit down by his voice alone.

  “You will sit, Amy. Now.”

  His voice brooked no argument.

  Vlad sat her down beside him and Alyssa joined them on the opposite side of the small table. What had happened to this woman? What did Vlad want from her? She didn’t like to see the woman frightened. But did she know something about Christian?

  “I don’t want to talk to you,” Amy said.

  “Why not? Just last night you wanted to do more than talk. Why the change of heart?”

  The woman licked her lips nervously. Her gaze darted to Alyssa then back to Vlad. Then back to her. Her eyes turned pleading.

  “Please don’t let him hurt me. I didn’t mean any harm. I just wanted to become immortal. They told me they would do that if I helped them get Christian.”

  Alyssa’s eyes widened in shock.

  “You know Christian?”

  Amy nodded.

  “We met last night. I made sure I caught his interest, like my boyfriend wanted me to. He said, if I helped distract Christian and got him alone in the parking lot, they would finally turn me,” she explained fearfully.

  “What happened? Where is Christian now?”

  Alyssa noted the hypnotic sound of Vlad’s voice. It was compelling, pulling at a person to answer whatever he wanted. Amy wasn’t immune to this. She started talking immediately.

  “My jerk boyfriend didn’t turn me. He, his friends and I brought Christian to Bazhena’s place. Then he gave me up to that bitch vampire. She practically tore my throat out feeding on me.” Amy reached up and fingered the spot on her neck where the deep puncture wounds were still visible.

  “When she was done, I asked her if she would turn me. She slapped me across the face and knocked me down. She and my boyfriend laughed in my face. Then she said she never turned women. It wasn’t good for business, she said. She told me to leave. She said to never come back or I was dead. Really dead.”

  Alyssa was shocked. Vlad didn’t hesitate.

  “You will take us to where Bazhena is.”

  Amy started to protest.

  “But, I can’t. She’ll kill m—”

  “You want to take us, Amy. You need to lead us there. Your body aches to be with your boyfriend again. You know he’s with Bazhena. If you don’t see him soon, you’ll go crazy. You must take us there.”

  Vlad’s hypnotic voice went on and on, lulling Amy into acquiescence. She shook her head adamantly at first, but soon that changed. Soon she was looking at Vlad with eagerness and anticipation.

  “Yes, I must take you there. I must see him. I can’t live without him.”

  “Let’s go, now.” Vlad stood up and Amy immediately complied.

  Alyssa started to follow close behind as Vlad led Amy towards the exit.

  She didn’t notice the large man approach her, until he silently took her arm and started to lead her away. She tried to twist out of his grasp, but his hold only tightened. He wasn’t hurting her, but he wasn’t letting her go either. She dug her heels firmly in the floor and resisted the man’s pull until he finally stopped and turned towards her. Alyssa gasped at how handsome he was. His face would turn heads in a crowd. The only thing interrupting his good looks was a wicked-looking scar that ran down one side of his face. It started at the corner of one eye and ended at his jaw line. Yet somehow it only added to his wicked attractiveness, giving him a dangerous edge.

  He was not only a tall man, he had a warrior’s build. That was the only way she could describe it. His tight-fitting T-shirt and jeans revealed an extremely muscular body. This guy worked out, a lot.

  Alyssa did one of the few useful things her father had taught her. She brought her knee up and hit the guy between his legs.

  The man winced and bent slightly forward, resting his free hand on his thigh. But he didn’t release her. She twisted around, hoping to loosen his grasp, but he held on tightly. She struggled until he stood up straight again and stared down at her. His eyes had a dangerous glint they hadn’t before. He held her stare a moment. Just long enough to let her know who was in charge. Alyssa lifted her chin defiantly and met his gaze.

  Something close to admiration flashed in the man’s eyes for a minute. Then he slowly ran his gaze down her body. By the time his eyes came back to her face, she felt like he had completely undressed her with his eyes. The look he gave her was so hot it felt like she was going to burn up. In response, she put her free hand on her hip and gave him her best scolding look. A wide grin spread across the man’s mouth. Amusement lit his emerald green eyes.

  “Christian mentioned you were feisty.”

  Then his gaze moved past her in question.


  Alyssa turned around. Vlad was standing right behind them holding Amy by his side.

  “Alyssa, this is Eric, uh, Dragonslayer. He works for me. You must go with him now. We don’t have much time. Bazhena wants you dead. It wouldn’t be safe for you to go to her lair.”

  Alyssa yanked her arm away from Eric. Surprisingly he let her go with a knowing chuckle. She gave him one last glare before turning back to Vlad.

  “Sheesh! Are all the guys working for you good-looking? Is that a prerequisite or something?” Alyssa asked in a huff.

  Vlad just lifted one eyebrow and stared silently at her.

  “I’m going with you, Vlad. I will not stay behind knowing Christian is in such a state of pain. You may need me. I’m in touch with his feelings in a way you’re not. I may be able to help you because of that.”

  Alyssa knew she was grasping at straws, but she couldn’t sit back while someone else rescued Christian. She had to know she had done everything she could to help him. She could do no less.

  “No, Alyssa. You’re The Light that Bazhena wants. She would do anything to get a hold of you. That’s probably why she’s torturing Christian right now. She’s trying to lure us to her, so she can get to you. It’s a trap. You are the key to her power. If you’re anywhere in her proximity she would become even more dangerous, because she wants you at all costs.”

  “You’re wrong.” Amy said the words so quietly. They almost didn’t hear her.

  “What did you say?” Vlad asked as he leaned closer to her. Eric and Alyssa followed suit, forming a tight circle around Amy.

  “I said you’re wrong.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean that this woman is not the key or The Light Bazhena seeks,” Amy said, looking at Alyssa.

  Vlad’s eyes narrowed suspiciously.

  “If she isn’t, then who is?”

  “Christian. He is the one. He is the key to the legend.”

  Vlad’s eyes widened in shock.

  “How do you know that?” Alyssa asked as her mouth fell open in disbelief.

  “When we brought Christian to her, she and my boyfriend spoke quietly to each other. They thought I had lost consciousness after Bazhena fed off of me, but I hadn’t. I heard their whole conversation,” Amy explained with a shrug.

  “Bazhena said how happy she was to have the key, but how sad it would be that Christian would have to die because of it. She told my boyfriend how she wished she could keep Christian as her pet, as she had before, but how it would be impossible if she were to attain full power. She said that the only way she could attain full power was through his death.”

  They all stood in stunned silence for a minute. Alyssa was the first to move into action. She grabbed Amy’s arm and started pulling her towards the club’s exit.

  “You are taking us to Bazhena, now. Let’s go.”

  “But I don’t want t—”

  Alyssa stopped short, swung around and stuck her face as close to Amy’s as possible.

  “Tough. You either take us ther
e now, or I kill you myself. Got it?”

  The deadly calm in her voice brooked nor argument.

  Amy just silently nodded her head in agreement and let Alyssa lead her outside.

  Alyssa missed the look of male amusement that passed between Vlad and Eric as they followed close behind and got into Vlad’s car.

  Amy gave directions to Vlad as they drove. She was the only one who spoke. Eric was looking blankly out the window and Vlad was closely following Amy’s direction. Alyssa was too lost in her own thoughts about their new discovery. Christian was The Light? That meant that Bazhena could have killed him already. That thought scared her and left a void in her that she didn’t even want to consider. But wouldn’t she have felt something? She and Christian were connected. They had a bond like she had never experienced before. Why hadn’t he reached out to her again?

  Maybe it was time for her to reach out to him. Closing her eyes, she brought the image of his handsome face to mind.

  * * * * *

  Christian woke up. He felt much better. The gut-wrenching pain inside him had all but disappeared. He lifted himself up, so that he stood straight once more. The bonds burned his skin slightly, but that was minor.

  “Feeling better, my pet?” Bazhena’s mocking voice filled the room.

  Using the powers of their kind, she moved close to him so quickly it was little more than a blur. She was close enough for him to see the desire flaring bright in her eyes, but not near enough to touch.

  Christian strained against the chains, but it was no use. Though the pain was gone, his body was still too weak to break his bonds. He needed to recuperate. He needed blood. The hunger was beating at him now. It was time to feed.

  As if reading his thoughts, a slow smile curved the corners of Bazhena’s lips up.

  “Hungry, Cristobal? Let’s take care of that immediately.”

  She clapped her hands. The vamps he had seen back at Twice Charmed came into the room. They were dressed in some sort of hooded ceremonial robes. Christian watched them warily as they each took a position around him. He felt his fangs elongate as anger filled him. He snarled at the men around him, but they ignored him. They only had eyes for Bazhena.


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