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Breech's Fall

Page 11

by D. D. Galvani

  I ignored Lane, keeping my eyes moving, mapping out the grounds as we sped along on the way towards the main house. He parked outside the door where I had first seen him waiting for Breech and me as we drove up on the bike.

  Dragging me out of the cart, he pulled me up the steps, thrusting me through the doors into the great room. The woman who had brought me coffee appeared. “Maria, call the doctor and tell him Mr. Hensley has need of his services. I am going to put her in the guest room next to the playroom, and then I’ve got to finish up some things in my office. When the doctor gets here, come and find me; I will let him in.”

  Maria had been wringing her hands, but she turned to do his bidding as soon as he stopped speaking. She shot me a furtive look before leaving but didn’t try to communicate with me.

  Lane hustled me through the house, turning down hallways and going up staircases. He stopped in front of a door, pulling a ring of keys from his pocket. He unlocked the door and shoved me in. “There is no way out except through this door. Others have tried and none have succeeded. I suggest you make yourself comfortable ‘til the doctor gets here. There is a bathroom through the door on your left—you might want to clean yourself up.” With that, he left, slamming and locking the door behind him.

  I heard the keys jangle as he pocketed them, and his footsteps faded as he walked away. Knowing it was futile, I went to the door and tried the handle anyway. It was locked, of course, and I kicked out in frustration. Turning around, I surveyed the room—it had a queen size bed and a triple dresser with a large TV on top. A cheval mirror graced the corner, and a dressing table with a tufted chair filled the adjoining wall. Across from the bed was a filled bookcase with a lounge chair and floor lamp next to it. There was a door on the last wall, which Lane said led to the bathroom.

  Looking inside the bathroom, it had a huge walk-in shower, a large claw foot tub, toilet bowl and double vessel sinks. The window in the room must have been nailed shut, because as much as I pulled, it wouldn’t budge. There was an iron grille in front of the glass that should have been decorative, but I knew better. Even if I could break the glass, I couldn’t get through the grille.

  Slumping against the side of the tub, I thought about Breech. I knew he was probably dead, but I hoped that by some miracle, someone had come along to help him. I thought about Tish; I wished I could talk to her one more time, tell her how much I loved her, loved having a sister, loved how she loved my brother.

  I took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. My little pity party was over; I needed to keep my wits about me and figure out how to get away from these animals. Squaring my shoulders, I ran some water in the sink, splashing my face and wiping away some of the grime I’d accumulated from the accident and my flight across the farm. The side of my face was swollen, and it was two or three different colors, but aside from that I wasn’t hurt—thank God for small favors. Drying my face, I left the bathroom, heading back into the bedroom to prowl and see if I could find anything to use for a weapon or a way to escape.

  Next to the bed was a small refrigerator. I pulled a bottle of water out, uncapped it, and took a deep drink. It was cold and tasted wonderful. I wandered around the room. Stopping at the bookcase, I looked at the titles; the top shelf consisted of erotica geared towards BDSM. I snorted; figures.

  The books started to blur, and I blinked a few times, trying to clear my vision, but I could feel myself sinking. Raising a hand, I could see my fingers shaking. I sank down on the lounge chair, trying to stop myself from passing out. I grabbed the bottle of water and took another deep drink before putting the bottle against my forehead, hoping the cold would help clear my head. But that lethargic feeling got worse and I realized it had to be in the water. I tried to heave the bottle, but it actually just fell from my hand.

  Fuckin’ bastard drugged the water, was my last thought before everything went black.

  I woke up to a sharp slap across my ass. I tried to scream, but something was in my mouth, and I couldn’t move my hands or feet. I was naked and laying across some kind of bench on my stomach. There were handcuffs and some kind of rope keeping me in that position. I couldn’t see; I had something soft tied over my eyes. I felt movement near my head, and whatever was in my mouth was pulled away.

  “I’m so sorry, my dear; I do not, as a rule, use gags. I prefer my subjects to be vocal. I will make sure you will not have one when brought to our room. I will also adjust your punishment for your disobedience, because you were struck by a subordinate. For that, I do apologize.” As he spoke, he moved away from my head before I could think of an answer, and then I felt another stinging slap across my left cheek.

  I squealed before I could stop it, and the next blow landed harder on my right side. I jerked, but didn’t scream; I wouldn’t give the prick the satisfaction. The leather made a whooshing sound in the air before landing on my flesh.

  “You may scream, my dear; I like the sound of your voice.” The leather landed again and again. I gritted my teeth, biting down on the inside of my cheek. “I don’t understand why you make it harder on yourself, but so be it. Today’s session is just an introduction. You will learn your place. Eventually you will beg, and I might be persuaded to be lenient. For now, you will remain as you are. I have some business to attend to, but when I return I will fit you with a butt plug, and start your anal training.” His hand cupped my ass, drifting between the cleft before retreating. “See you soon, my lovely.”

  I heard footsteps fading away, and then a door opening and closing. I heard a key in the lock, and then silence. Resting my head against the padded bench, I tried hard not to cry.

  Brom was crazy, but crazy smart. I knew he could force me to do the perverted things he had in store for me, and I could do nothing until I was in a position to defend myself. I wasn’t without some skills, thanks to Breech’s training, but I had to bide my time ‘til I could try and escape this madman.

  I tried to control my breathing like I’d been taught; I couldn’t give in to hysteria. When I was somewhat calm, I tried to come up with a plan. My butt burned from the spanking, but it could have been worse. I settled against the bench and let my mind drift. Some of the drug he had spiked the water with must have still been in my system, because I felt like I was in a fog. It drew me down towards the darkness, and I felt the tendrils pulling at my consciousness until the blackness around the edges enveloped me and took me under.


  The swaying of the plane as it dropped in altitude woke me from the light sleep I had fallen into. The IV tubing was missing from my arm and I felt invigorated. My side was sore but the pounding in my head had subsided. It didn’t matter. There wasn’t any way I wouldn’t be part of this operation. Jiji was my responsibility, and nothing and no one was going to stop me from bringing her home.

  Something about Brom had left a sour taste in my mouth from the moment I met him. Something was going down on that farm, and it had nothing to do with guns. I had a queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach that he dealt in something more sinister. My instincts were screaming at me that what we were going to find on that farm would make it difficult not to smash his face in.

  Dukes’s face appeared in front of me. “Spit it out, Breech. What’s fucking going on in that head of yours?”

  “I don’t know, Dukes—my gut is telling me this guy is getting his hands dirty with something other than guns. I think he’s using them as a cover for something else he’s running.”

  “Do you have any idea what that might be, Breech?”

  “I hope to hell not, because if it’s not guns, this guy is going down hard. The more I think about it, the more the setup at the farm looks like a pipeline. I don’t know what he’s moving through it, but I fucking know he’s moving something. It might be worthwhile to have some trucks standing by in case we need to move some merchandise. Jamie can run point from the hangar and get anyt
hing we send him loaded onto the transport.”

  Dukes was listening, shaking his head in agreement. “Sounds like a solid plan. Also have him have medical standing by in case Jiji needs anything or any of the guys get nicked up.”

  The plane had landed and was taxiing to a hangar. Once we stopped, I unhooked my seatbelt and made my way up front to the cockpit. “Jamie, Dukes and I would like you to coordinate some vehicles and a medic.”

  “I got you covered, Breech. There should be a van already here for transport and a couple SUVs for the men. I’ll get some backup, and I’ve got a friend I can call to come for medical assistance. Good luck, man, keep your head down.”

  “You too, Jamie, see you on the other side.” I saluted him and left the cockpit. The cargo hold was open and the guys had grabbed their gear and were loading up one of three black SUVs parked in the hangar. I added my bag to the pile in the back of the closest one. Danko was at the wheel of one and Sonny was driving the third.

  I climbed into the passenger seat, accepting the com unit Dukes handed me. “The GPS said we have about an hour and a half ahead of us, guys. Once we get close, we will let Gia guide us to the target. Keep your head on a swivel and protect each other’s backs.”

  Dukes commented, “I wish you would have sat this one out, but I understand why you can’t. If it was Lani I wouldn’t be able to be sidelined either. Don’t be stupid and try to be a fucking hero, though.”

  “I hear you, Dukes; I wouldn’t put any of you in danger because I couldn’t hold up my end. The transfusion gave me a boost and I’m gonna ride it ‘til I can’t go anymore, and then I’ll head back to where the medic is.”

  The trucks rolled on through the night, and the mood in the cab was tense, but focused. A couple miles away from the farm, Sonny’s voice came over the com in my ear. “Gia says we need to turn onto the old logging road to come at the farm from the back. The turnoff is coming up on the left. We need to throw these beasts into 4-wheel mode.” The three SUVs bounced along the rutted road. In the darkness, there wasn’t much to see, but I trusted that Gia knew where we were and how to get to the farm. The truck in front of us slowed and turned off into a grove of trees. We pulled up next to them, everyone exiting and gathering behind the middle one.

  Gia spoke softly. “The main house is about a mile north of where we are. There are some outbuildings and then the barns. The foaling barn is for the pregnant mares, and the stallion barn is for the boys. Stay downwind if you can, keep your scent from getting to them. There is a cellar below the main house. It’s where they bring the vans with supplies, and the caterers can use it to get into the kitchens when he has dinners and parties. His wine deliveries are also taken there. That’s the way into the house. He never sets foot in that part of the house, leaving it all to Lane. Danko and Opry, I need you to split off and intercept Lane when he goes to Drake’s for the nightly report. Get his keys and meet us at the cellar entrance.”

  “Move out in pairs, keep communications to a minimum. If you run into unfriendlies, do what you can to keep casualties to a minimum, but as always, your safety comes first,” Dukes said.

  Everyone moved off towards the house. We came upon the barns just as Gia said. Danko and Opry faded into the darkness towards Drake’s house while the rest of us continued towards the big house. Keeping well away from the horses, we jogged quickly ‘til we could see the back of the house.

  Stopping in some trees, I scoped out the cellar. There were double doors that looked like they led down to the bowels of the structure. A light was lit over the doors and a keypad was located next to the handle. Keying my mic, I asked, “Gia, do you know the code for that door?”

  “It’s always the two-digit month and two-digit year. It makes it easy for all the sub-contractors to remember and they don’t have to bother Brom or Lane with trivialities,” Gia replied.

  “What about an alarm system, Gia?” I asked.

  “As far as I know there isn’t one ‘til you get to the kitchen door. Then it’s a keypad entry there too. I have no idea what the code is for that door or how to deactivate the alarm system.” Gia frowned. “I’m sorry, Breech, have I taken you on a wild goose chase?”

  Sonny spoke up, “I did some digging when I knew we were coming. I was able to get into Lane’s computer and hacked Brom’s bank records. He pays an alarm company named First Strike, and I got the software they use to keep the house secure. Once we get in, I’ll tap into the system and deactivate the locks and alarms. The only thing we won’t have entry into is the room that Gia says needs a physical key to get into.”

  “Sonny, you and Murph take point. Once we get in the cellar you do your thing and get us into the kitchen. Dukes, Gia, and I will come in when you give us the all-clear. We will split up from there and follow the map Gia gave us. Hopefully Danko and Opry will have Lane’s key. Dukes and I will go through the house and see if we can find Jiji.” I rapped out commands.

  Keeping to the shadows, we moved up to the back of the house. Sonny stepped up and put the code into the keypad. The door swung open. Bending low, Sonny and Murph went in. We waited, each second seeming like minutes. Sonny’s voice sounded in my ear. “We’re in, Breech. Come ahead.”

  Dukes and I went through the door then down a steep set of steps. “At the bottom of the steps turn left,” Sonny said in my ear. We moved swiftly along the corridor ‘til we came to another set of steps. We passed a bunch of closed doors and a glass door that looked like the wine cellar. Going up the steps quickly, we came to another door, where Murph was waiting to let us in. “According to Gia’s map, the living quarters are on the second floor, and the staff on the third floor. Dukes and I will head to the second floor, while you guys scout the first floor.”

  While we were talking, the swinging door to the dining room opened, and a woman walked in. Before she could call out, Sonny wrapped his arms around her, covering her mouth. He whispered in her ear, “We don’t want to hurt you, so do not scream. Shake your head if you understand.” She shook her head up and down. Sonny released her mouth.

  “Are you here for the woman?” she asked. “You were here with her before,” she said, pointing at me, “and you worked in the barn with Mr. Drake,” she said, pointing at Gia.

  “Yes, I am, ma’am, and yes, Gia worked here. Do you know where he’s holding her?” Sonny released her and she moved further into the kitchen.

  “She’s in a locked room on the second floor. No one has the key but Mr. Hensley. The door is umm… I don’t know the word, but you cannot get in without the key.”

  “We have a plan—we will get in. Will you be okay down here by yourself?”

  She looked shocked that someone would be asking about her welfare. “Thank you, but I’ll be fine. You go get that young lady away from Mr. Hensley. If you go out the butler’s pantry, there on the left, go down that hallway, there is a back staircase that will take you to the upper floors. Once you get there, the room is at the end of the hall.”

  We moved off in the direction she indicated, with Gia in the center. She turned back, whispering, “Thank you, Maria. You’ve been a big help, be safe.”

  “Miss Gia, before you leave this place, make the men take the time to check beyond the wine cellar. They need to see what’s there.” She turned away and went to the sink, effectively dismissing us.

  We left her behind and went to find Jiji.


  I jerked away, but realized I hadn’t dreamed being tied up and spanked by that lunatic. With my eyes covered, I was still disoriented, but at least I didn’t feel fuzzy anymore. I pulled at the restraints, but they didn’t give at all. There wasn’t any way I was getting loose unless someone let me go.

  When I heard the key in the lock, my body tensed. I needed to stay strong, but I was scared. Not being able to see, I had to rely on my other senses. The door opened slowly and I coul
d hear feet moving. There was more than one person coming in.

  “Jiji, baby, I’m here.” I felt cloth thrown over my back, covering me from the neck down.

  “Breech? Am I dreaming, am I dead? You can’t be here, they shot you, I saw them shoot you.” I was crying. What a cruel joke; they must have slipped me more drugs, and I was still unconscious.

  I felt hands on my ankles, cutting through the bindings. The blindfold was taken off, and I looked up into Breech’s face. “Jiji, you’re not dreaming and you’re not dead—it’s me.” My hands were released, and Breech gently sat me up. I felt a blanket slip around my shoulders, but my focus was all on the man kneeling in front of me. I reached up and cupped his face. “How?”

  Leaning in, he kissed me. I wound my arms around his neck, kissing him back, running my hands over his neck and chest. I couldn’t stop touching him, proving to myself that he was alive, standing in front of me. I put my hand over his heart, feeling its steady beat. I had no idea I was crying until I felt his hands wiping the moisture away from my cheeks. Cupping my face in his big hands, he pushed my hair behind my ears, tracing the contours of my face with his thumb. “It’s okay, babe. We’re both alive and together. I love you, and I’m sorry I let you down, and that they took you from me.”

  “Breech, you didn’t let me down. There was nothing you could have done. You tried to protect me, and they shot you like the cowards they are. I thought you died! How can you have survived and be standing here like nothing happened?”

  Dukes spoke up from behind him, “He’s too ornery to kill. It would take a lot more than a couple slugs to take this guy down, Jiji.”

  Leaving Breech, I went to Dukes, hugging him hard. “Thank you for coming to my rescue, again.”


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