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The Undocumented Mark Steyn

Page 41

by Mark Steyn

New Hampshire, xi–xii, xvi, 24, 69–70, 79, 86–87, 94, 100, 117, 166, 182, 186, 240, 243, 292, 354, 396, 410

  New Labour Party, 308

  Newsday, 181

  New York, xvii, 2, 26, 46, 56, 73–75, 86, 116, 128–29, 134, 161, 171, 182, 235, 237–38, 242, 249–50, 255, 270–71, 343, 356, 400

  New York City, NY, 2, 86, 161

  New Yorker, The, 195, 255, 400

  New York Post, The, 171

  New York Sun, The, xvii, 263

  New York Times, The, xvii, 29, 31, 42, 62, 73, 129, 201, 203, 232, 250, 296, 349, 378

  Nichols, Mike, 336, 341

  Nigeria, 46, 217, 232, 295

  Nightline, 181

  Nineties, the, x, 97, 109, 131, 318, 326, 329, 334, 337, 400

  niqabs, 377

  Nkomo, Joshua, 294

  non-governmental organizations (NGOs), 36, 280

  NORAD, 110

  Norquist, Grover, 294, 296

  North Korea, 109, 112, 151, 382

  Nujoma, Sam, 157


  Obama Administration, 143, 297

  Obama, Barack, xi, xiv, 8, 26–27, 30, 45–6, 81, 89, 100, 141, 143–44, 152–54, 160, 170–73, 194–95, 203, 208, 211–13, 225, 263, 290, 293, 297, 304, 314, 351, 362–64, 366–67, 404

  Obamacare, 100, 143, 171, 290–91, 293, 304

  Obama, Michelle, 154, 203

  Obamaphones, 293

  Objective: Burma, 11

  Oborne, Peter, 415

  O’Brien, Soledad, 141

  Observer, The, 360, 382

  Occupy Wall Street, 263

  Ockrent, Mike, 128–33

  O’Halloran, Anthony, 412

  “Oh! Susanna,” 235–37, 334

  Oklahoma, 28, 31, 63, 179

  Oklahoma City bombing, 179

  “Old Black Joe,” 237

  Old Faithful, 88

  “Old Folks at Home (Swanee River), The,” 235

  Old Labour, 115, 128

  Oliver!, 55

  “Ol’ Man River,” 235

  Olson, Ted, 302–3

  Omari Abdul Aziz al-, 108

  Omar, Mullah, 183, 191–92, 197

  “On the Atchison, Topeka and the Santa Fe,” 271

  Ontario Human Rights Commission, 229, 352, 355

  Opcare, 358, 360

  Oregonian, The, 181

  Orwell, George, 113–14, 116, 360

  Osgoode, William, 399

  “Our Day Will Come,” 239

  out-of-wedlock births, xiii, 302, 304, 312, 313


  Pakistan, 138, 181, 184, 208, 226, 232, 254–56

  Palmer, Alasdair, 187

  paramilitarization of the bureaucracy 91, 117–19

  Parker, Sarah Jessica, 172

  Parliament (Britain), 102, 199, 397

  Parliament (Canada), 102

  Parris, Matthew, 187, 189–90, 360

  Passion Play, 130

  Paul, Rand, 202

  PBS, 188

  Pearl Harbor, 10, 180, 246

  Pelosi, Nancy, 89, 91

  Pembroke Academy, 354–55

  Peter, Paul, and Mary, 263, 266

  Petraeus, David, 198–99, 362, 366

  Pet Sounds, 251

  Pfizer, 1

  Philips, Bilal, 230, 232

  Pillow Talk, 336

  Pink Shirt Day, 353, 356

  Pinter, Harold, 135–36

  Pisgah Inn, 87

  Podhoretz, John, 193

  Poitier, Sidney, 163–64

  Poland, Polish, 212, 270, 389

  political correctness, 199–201, 358

  “Pomp and Circumstance,” 23

  “Pooyum Nadakkuthu Pinchum Nadakkuthu,” 254, 256

  Porter, Cole, 31, 270, 273, 275, 323–24

  potpourri, xvi, 1, 51–54

  Powell, Alma, 161

  Powell, Charles, 162

  Powell, Colin, 158, 160–65, 247

  Powers, Austin, 7, 59, 63, 316

  Powers, Kirsten, 294

  Pow Wow Chow, 28, 30, 31

  Prague, 361

  Previn, André, 334

  Producers, The, 128

  progressives, 26, 226, 316, 364

  Proust, Marcel, 340

  “PS I Love You,” 274


  Qaddafi, Muammar, 195

  Qatada, Abu, 284

  “Quantum of Solace” (Fleming), 124

  Quayle, Dan, 314

  Quebec, 7, 100, 109, 111, 117–18, 124, 182, 191, 202, 287–88, 292, 373

  Queen, the, 31, 96, 101, 140, 153–54, 156, 158, 161, 165–70, 173, 176, 239, 246, 279, 324, 328, 352, 372, 381

  Quigley, Bernie, 409–10

  Qutb, Sayyid, xviii


  Radiohead, 279

  Radosh, Ron, 263–65

  “Rakkamma Kaiya Thattu,” 254

  Ramadi, 209–12, 246

  Rather, Dan, 42–43

  Ravin, Yakob, 392

  Reagan, Ronald, 5, 294–95, 389–92

  “Reetu Haruma Timi,” 254

  Reno, Janet, 96

  Renton, Alex, 184

  Republican Brain, The, 30

  Republican Party, the, xiii, 46, 295, 371. See also GOP, the

  republicans, xv, 1, 44, 153–54, 168–70, 294–97, 389

  “Return to Me,” 251

  “Return of Patriarchy, The,” 316

  right, right-wing, xiv, xvi, 2, 30, 81, 141, 146, 296, 304, 412–13

  “right to choose, the,” 65, 311, 314–16

  Rise of the Planet Apes, 318

  Rodham, J. K. (satirical name of invented author), 145–47

  Rome, 34, 119, 397

  Romney, Mitt, xiii, 207, 294

  Ronell, Ann, 235

  Rowling, J. K., 145

  Royal Family, the, 152, 154, 167, 169

  Ruby Ridge, 92, 94

  Rumsfeld, Don, 189, 247

  Running Down Broadway (Ockrent), 129

  Rushdie, Salman, 134–40, 366–67

  Rush Limbaugh Show, The, 15, 410

  Rutba, 200, 209–12

  Rutkowski, Alan, 411

  Ryan, Paul, 44, 47

  Ryan’s Daughter, 32


  Saher, Kazem al-, 254–55

  Salem witch trials, 190

  same-sex marriage. See gay marriage

  Sandwich, England, 1

  San Francisco, 179–80, 199

  Sarkozy, Nicolas, 318

  Satanic Verses, The (Rushdie), 135, 138, 367

  Saudi Arabia, 107, 109, 230, 363, 398, 405, 408

  Savannah, GA, 270, 272

  Saving Private Ryan, 11, 246

  Sawyer, Diane, 41, 241

  Scandinavians, 302

  Schmidt, Helmut, 190, 289

  Scott, Ridley, 67, 72

  Second Amendment, the, 82

  Secret Service, 101–2

  Seeger, Pete, 263–66

  September 11, 2001, attacks, 105–8, 192–93, 195, 197, 203, 224

  Sergeant Pepper, 251

  Seventies, the, 32, 55–57, 60, 89, 92, 188–89, 226, 272, 295, 301, 335, 391, 394, 396

  Seven Year Itch, The, 343

  sexual harassment, 62–64, 66, 227, 342

  sexuality, xv, 55–57, 301–4, 310, 381–83

  Shaidle, Kathy, 228, 409

  Shakespeare, William, 64–65, 287, 396

  Sharia law, 134, 217–21, 379

  Sharpton, Al, 101, 162

  Shelton, Robert, 250

  Shepard, Matthew, 225

  Sherborne, 279

  Shop-A-Sponger Hotline, 282, 284

  Siamese twins, 323–27

  Sierra Leone, 34

  Silva, Daniel, 112, 114, 115

  Simmonds, Rita, 68

  Sinatra, Frank, 58–59, 170, 209, 249, 253, 274, 334, 336

  Singapore, 158

  Sixties, the, 12, 40, 55, 58, 60, 97, 163, 189, 219, 226, 249–50, 253, 256, 302, 398, 404

  Slate, 180

  slavery, 156, 163, 316, 397–400

  Slovak National Pa
rty, 258–59

  Slovenia, 80, 389

  Smith, Andreas Whittam, 140

  Smith, Ben, 142

  social liberalism, 304

  social mobility, 281, 303

  Social Security, 26, 293

  Society of St. James, 358

  sodomy, xiii, 156

  Somalia, 195, 369, 371

  Sopranos, The, 251

  South Bank Show, The, 136

  South Park, 329, 364

  Soviet national anthems, xvi, 267–69

  Soviet Union, the, 10, 43, 93, 124, 197, 261, 267, 293, 357, 389, 393, 395

  Spain, 118, 176, 261, 374

  Speaking Truth to Power, 64

  Spectator, The, 58, 62, 91, 160, 186, 190, 369, 405, 407, 414, 417–18

  “Spring, Spring, Spring,” 272–73

  Springsteen, Bruce, 251, 263

  Spy Who Loved Me, The, 124

  Starbucks, 2, 6, 8

  Stark (old POW camp), 186

  Starobin, Paul, 410

  Steinem, Gloria, 12, 62–66

  Stevens, Chris, 207–8

  Stevens, Scott, 91–92, 96–97

  Stewart, Dave, 251

  Stewart, Martha, 52

  Stewart, Rod, 192, 250

  St. Louis Post-Dispatch, The, 315

  Stone, Oliver, 245

  Stott, Codie, 359

  Streisand, Barbra, 132, 171, 307, 312

  Stroman, Susan, 128

  Studio 54, 55–56

  Styne, Jule, 391

  “Summer Wind,” 273

  Summit of the Americas, 191, 193

  Sun, The, 282

  Sunday Telegraph, The, 40, 92, 182, 309, 417

  Sunnis, 209–13

  Sunni Triangle, the, 209, 211

  Supreme Court, the, xiii, 100, 144, 202, 302–3, 363, 412

  Surgery News, 348–49

  Swarthmore College, 9, 370, 374

  SWAT, 102, 119

  Sydney Conservatorium of Music, 11

  Syria, 151, 173, 210–12


  Taliban, the, xviii, 180, 184, 189, 191–92, 224, 226, 283–4

  Talk Show with Clive James, The, 136

  Tancredo, Tom, xiii

  tax rates, 394

  Taylor, Alastair, 282

  Tebbit, Norman, 135, 137–39

  Telegraph Group, the, 407

  Telemundo, 208

  Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 258

  Te’o, Manti, 44

  terror, terrorism, 106–8, 189, 203, 203–4, 223, 283–84, 301, 314, 405–6

  Terry (son of Doris Day), 336–37

  Thapa, Arun, 254

  Thatcher, Margaret, 132, 134–38, 162, 393–96, 414

  Thatcher, Mark, 414

  Third Reich, 30, 118, 139

  third sector, the, 280

  Third Way, the, 285

  Third World, the, 190, 197

  Thirumalai Chandran, 254

  This Day, 217

  Thompson, Fred, 9–11

  Thompson, Tommy, xiii

  Thomson, Alice, 187–88

  Three Cups of Tea, 142, 198–99

  “Times They Are A-Changin’, The,” 251

  Tobaccoville, NC, 410

  Toledo Blade, The, 392

  Tom Brown’s Schooldays, 351

  Tora Bora, 192

  Toronto Star, The, 228, 286

  torture, 126, 141, 189, 199

  totalitarian, totalitarianism, 140, 180, 261, 264, 347, 355, 357

  traditional marriage, 301–3

  traffic signs, 79–83

  Trebil border, 209, 211

  Trenton, Ontario, 152

  trillion-dollar coin, the, 44–46

  Trippin’, 33

  Trudeau, Pierre, 190, 289

  True Finns party, 258

  Truman, Harry S., 170, 173, 265

  TSA, the, 79, 119

  Turner, Anthea, 67


  U2, 251

  U-571, 11

  Ukraine, Ukrainian, 91, 385, 392

  UN 2002 Arab Development Report, 226

  Unicef, 181

  Union Jack, the, 10

  Union of Patriotic Forces, 259

  United Kingdom, the, 67, 71, 112–13, 151, 165, 260, 262, 358, 295, 417

  United Kingdom Independent Party (UKIP), 262

  United Nations (UN), 37, 183–84, 192, 19, 198, 219, 226, 259, 374

  United States, U.S., 4, 23, 34, 20, 109, 198, 207–8, 281, 295, 303, 312, 332, 398, 406, 409

  crime rates in the, 69–70, 80–81

  culture of the, 2–3, 81, 246, 284

  economy of the, 44–47, 118–19

  government of the, 90–91, 95, 101, 105–6, 111, 117–19, 167, 169, 225, 363

  hegemony of the, 196

  immigration in the, 105–7, 202, 297

  media in the, xi, 40, 42, 44, 194, 411–13

  military engagements of the, 62, 181, 184–85, 188–95, 197, 209, 244–45, 247, 362, 395

  politicians of the, xii–xiv, 44, 101, 141–43, 152, 160, 172, 174, 225, 342, 362

  relationships with other nations, 44, 200, 212, 412, 415

  taxes in the, 199

  in World War II, 10

  University of Minnesota, 250

  U.S. border, 7, 100, 108–11, 117, 143, 202, 232, 348

  U.S. Congress, 1, 3, 27, 44, 59, 65, 70, 89, 96, 101–2, 203, 393, 409

  U.S. Customs and Border Protection, 109

  U.S. Department of Homeland Security, 105, 109, 111

  U.S. Immigration office, 297

  U.S. News & World Report, 15

  USSR, 112, 264

  U.S. State Department, 46, 107, 191, 206

  Uzbekistan, 184, 255


  Vaidyanathan, R., xvi

  Valley Park Middle School, 228, 231–32, 354

  “Vande Mataram,” 254, 256

  Vardy, Fiona, 358

  Vargas, Elizabeth, 41

  Variety, 244

  Vermont, xi, 3, 7, 24–25, 81–82, 92–98, 109, 111, 117, 155, 202, 255, 258, 292

  Viagra, xvi, 1–5

  Vidal, Gore, 309

  Vietnam War, 195, 246, 391, 395, 413

  Visa Express, 107

  Vital Signs, 254


  Waco, 92, 94, 96–97

  Wall Street Journal, The, 1, 55, 366, 417–18

  Warren, Elizabeth, 27–31

  Washington, DC, 10, 40, 42, 264, 314, 373

  Washington Post, The, 10, 40–42, 264, 314, 373

  Watergate, 391

  “Way You Look Tonight, The,” 235

  Weekly Standard, The, 292

  Weiner, Anthony, 154, 383

  Weisenthal, Joe, 44, 46

  Welby, Justin, 301

  Weldon, Fay, 135–36

  Wendy’s, xii

  west, the, xvi, 38, 143, 318, 349, 395, 405

  Cold War and, 190

  decline of, xvi, 13, 35, 143, 158, 283, 383

  Muslims and, 192, 203, 225

  western civilization, xviii, 11, 35, 366

  Western Standard, The, 285–86, 417–18

  West Indies, the, 156, 203, 398

  What Wild Ecstasy: The Rise and Fall of the Sexual Revolution, 55

  What Women Want, 58, 60

  “When the World Was Young,” 273

  “Where Have All the Flowers Gone?,” 263, 266

  White Christmas, 245

  White Mountain Militia, the, 91–92

  “white vote,” 294

  Whiting, Margaret, 335

  Wilberforce, William, 397–400

  Wilders, Geert, 261

  Wilkomirski, Binjamin, 142, 144

  William III (king). See William and Mary

  William and Mary, 399

  William, Prince, 152, 170, 229, 354

  Williams, Zoe, 280

  Wilson, Pete, xiii

  Wilson, Woodrow, 296

  “Wimoweh (The Lion Sleeps Tonight),” 263

  Windsor, Elizabeth, 42, 167. See also Queen, the

  Wintour, Anna,

  Withington Community Hospital, 358

  Wodehouse, P. G., 353

  Wolfe Tones, The, 254, 257

  Woodsville, NH, 24, 410

  Working Woman, 64

  World Is Not Enough, The, 398

  World Summit, 36

  World Trade Center, 105, 108, 179–80

  World Trade Center, 245–46

  World War II, 196, 201

  Worstall, Tim, 280

  Worsthorne, Peregrine, 92–93


  Yank, The Army Weekly, 245

  Yawaru tribe, the, 9, 12

  Yemen, 202–3, 206, 231, 290, 352

  Yes, (Saudi) Minister! (Algosaibi), 408

  Young at Heart, 336

  Young, Michael, 154


  ZANU-PF, 294

  ZAPU-PF, 294

  Zimbabwe, 46, 157, 94

  Zimmerman, George, 29–30

  “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah,” 272




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