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Wereplanets Page 13

by Crystal Jordan

  She swam back toward him until she could lay a hand on each of his knees. His eyes heated to the color of molten gold, zooming in on her floating breasts.

  Her heart pounded until she could feel each thrumming beat throughout her body. “Aren’t you going to join me?”

  “I think I’ll enjoy the view for a while.” He leaned back on his hands, casual, cool, calm. But his body betrayed him. His cock curved in a hard upward arc, the veins coursing blue beneath the thin skin.

  She quirked a brow, grinning. “So long as you don’t mind me doing the same.”

  “It’s only polite.”

  “Mmm…polite. We should always be polite.” She licked her lips, staring at his long dick. He had the most beautiful cock she’d ever seen. She wanted it inside her. Her hands rubbed over his muscled thighs.

  “You wanted a bath.”

  “I am in the bath.” Each kick of her legs sent a stream of hot water to caress her already overheated pussy. If he didn’t get in here with her soon, she was going to scream.

  “So I see. Do you feel clean yet?”

  A slow, hot smile pulled at her lips. “I’m not certain. Perhaps you should come see if I missed any important areas.”

  “Like where, for instance?”

  “Well, my back.”

  “Your back?”

  She nodded and slid backward in the water, paddling her arms to stay afloat. He arched his hips and dipped into the pool after her. Thank the Gods.

  “I do think I see somewhere you missed.”

  “Do you?”

  He laid his arms along the edge of the tub, resting against the side. “Yes, come here so I can reach it.”

  Diving beneath the surface, she flitted over until she reached the side and exploded up to twine her arms around his neck. He laughed and pulled her in, his hands cupping her buttocks. Her breasts crushed to his chest. She closed her eyes for a moment, just to enjoy the feel of him.

  “I thought you were going to see if I missed something.”

  “Ah, yes. Duty calls.” Reaching back, he dipped his hand into a bag of cleansing sand. He offered her a handful and then took one for himself. He rubbed his thumb over his fingers to work up a lather. Then he stroked over the long strands of her hair, massaging her scalp. Gooseflesh shivered over her skin. She followed suit and buried her fingers in his striped hair. It felt like Aquatilian saltwater silk against her palms.

  His hands dropped to slip down her back, the sand a sweet roughness on her skin. Would he…? Yes. His fingers dipped between her ass cheeks to tease at her anus. She gasped, pushing back against him. She squirmed as the grainy sand pushed into her ass along with his finger. He stroked her until the sand dissolved into a slick lubricant. Closing her eyes, she moaned, pleasure lancing through her.

  “Very dirty.”

  “Please, Varad. I need…” Her head fell back on her neck as her hips worked against his fingers. A hot thrill made her pussy tighten, clenching on nothing. Tension spun through her, and she panted. Oh, Gods. Oh. Gods.

  “Yes? You need what?” He added a second finger, thrusting as deep as he could within her.

  She didn’t answer but buried her face in his neck. Her ass bucked backward. She was going to…going to… Her breath caught as orgasm slammed into her and her body arched while hot pleasure lashed at her. He drove his fingers in her, drawing the sensation out for her until she shuddered and moaned.

  He spun her in the water until she leaned back against the edge of the pool, his hands lifting to bracket her shoulders and grasp the ledge. His knee rose to nudge her legs apart. Moving forward, he stroked his cock over her pussy lips. She gasped, tilting her hips to open herself wider for him.

  “My turn.”

  She wrapped her legs tight around his lean hips, her heels pressed to the backs of his calves to pull him closer. He hissed, and she froze, heart pounding. “Did I hurt you? Your legs?”

  He shook his head and hitched her higher against the side of the pool, lifting her legs until her knees pressed to the small of his back. She pressed herself to him, the water sealing their bodies together. His cock probed at her swollen entrance, and her eyes slid closed, enjoying the feel of his skin on hers. He thrust into her, hard, fast, deep. She gasped. The angle was incredible. He moved, and the water lapped around her, feeling like a thousand fingers caressing her flesh.

  Each stroke hit her in just the right spot. Her nails dug into his shoulders as she held on tight. Her hips arched to meet his, to bring him deeper.

  “Oh, Gods.”

  “Not a god, just a king.” His low chuckle rumbled from his throat and sounded through the wide room.

  Her head bowed back on her neck, and her pussy contracted around his cock with each thrust. “Don’t stop. Please. Don’t…stop.”

  He groaned, and his arms corded as his fingers tightened on the ledge. “I couldn’t.”

  Twisting her hips, she felt her orgasm gather. Sweat and steam dampened her skin, and droplets slid down her body. The added sensation increased her pleasure, driving her on. Her claws extended to score his shoulders. She was so close.

  Her pussy clenched tighter and tighter, and every thrust of his cock made it better for her. And then the sensation broke. She sobbed as light exploded behind her lids. Her pussy flexed over and over around his dick. He tensed, going rigid against her. His hips slammed forward in a last jolting push before he groaned and shuddered.

  She pulled him nearer as he dropped his head to rest in the crook of her neck. Both of them were gasping for breath. Every ounce of tension leeched from her muscles, and she purred as he kissed her throat softly.

  “We should get out.” His voice hummed against her skin.

  “I’m comfortable here.”

  He chuckled and pulled away. In one graceful move, he rose from the tub. Bending, he lifted her from the water, cradling her limp form against his chest. She sighed. Feline lassitude pulled at her, and she sank into a dreamy state of consciousness. He deposited her on her soft, wide bed and crawled in with her. It felt unusual to have anyone in bed with her. She’d almost forgotten what it was like to share her private space.

  Varad lay between her legs, his chin resting against her belly. Desire for him filled her. Warm fingers stroked over her body. His hair tickled her thighs. He dipped to kiss the swell of her stomach. Fine, saltwater silk sheets caressed her back, and she stretched her arms over her head.

  “We need to talk about Jeevan, Mahlia.”

  His words sent an arrow of pain straight to her heart. “Why? It won’t help anything. He’s dead, Varad. My son is dead.” Her voice faded to an agonized whisper as she spoke. Her body tensed as the pleasured fog cleared from her mind.

  “Our son.”

  She hissed at him, anger flashing hot through her. Why could he not let this rest? They had achieved some semblance of peace, and he kept pressing on a sore spot. “Fine. We should move on and just…heal.”

  “Have you?” The gold of his eyes expanded to the very corners. His fangs slipped past his lips.

  “What?” Her voice was defensive, rude. And she didn’t care. She jerked up and back, pressing herself against the headboard.

  He sat up. “Moved on? Healed? Have you managed to do so? Because I cannot see the evidence of it.”

  Acceptance. She breathed deep. She had to accept. Wasn’t that what she had decided? And he was determined to ruin it for her. To force her to talk about… No. “Get out.”

  “Excuse me?” His brow lifted, incredulity flashing across his face.

  “This is my chamber, and I wish to rest. You’ve gotten what you wanted. I’m pregnant. So…leave. It’s what you do best.” Her face flushed, and her voice shook. Her hands clenched and unclenched. Gods, she was so close to breaking. How did he do this to her? Only he could. She loved it. She hated it.

  He stared at her for a moment, assessing. Anger flashed in his eyes, but he mastered it. His pupils contracted into thin lines, irises solidifying to round h
uman orbs, the tiger within him firmly leashed. He blinked, and she couldn’t read anything on his face. His usually smooth movements were jerky as he stood and walked toward the door. Before he walked out, he turned to her once more, his body rigid. His long fingers clamped so tightly on the door handle she heard the metal squeak.

  “This isn’t finished, Mahlia…but I have time, don’t I?” Dark promise laced his low tone.

  Gods help her. She curled onto her side, tucking her knees under her chin. Wrapping her arms around her legs, she closed her eyes and forced herself to think of nothing. To remember nothing. To let the exhaustion of this endless night take over. Pulling in a slow, shaky breath, she let herself fall into a deep, dreamless sleep.

  Chapter 3

  Varad’s bare feet slapped an angry rhythm against the cold marble floor. His fists bunched at his sides. Woe to anyone who tried to speak to him just then. He slammed into his chamber. The wooden door shuddered in its frame as it crashed closed.

  He paced across the wide room, frustration making it impossible to relax. Damn her. Damn her. Was this how she wanted their life to be? Never working to overcome problems? Temper boiled in his veins. And damn her for making him lose control this way. He made logical decisions in his personal and public life, ruled an entire planet with a fair, even hand. Then he encountered her and went insane.

  He snarled just thinking about it. Pain that was ignored festered, never healed. Who but he would understand her loss? Who but he would want her no matter what? Who but he would crave her for all the days of his life? He thrust a hand through his hair, gripping the still damp strands. He could smell her sweet scent on his skin.

  A knock sounded on his door, and he hissed. Who was disturbing him in the middle of the day? Did no one tell them that cats were nocturnal? They should be abed. Like his mate was. Without him. He sucked his teeth in disgust, not at all surprised to find his fangs fully extended. His nostrils flared, catching the scent of his unwelcome guest.


  Care for a walk, brother? I can feel your rage through the door.

  Why are you even awake?

  It’s a sad day when you even need to ask. Amused satisfaction filled his brother’s telepathic voice.

  Varad’s lip curled. He did not want company—he wanted to stew in his own discontent. His breath huffed out. Insane and foolish. He could lay both at Mahlia’s feet today.

  His brother’s voice turned cajoling. Come along. We have seen none of each other since your return. A walk will clear your head.

  He jerked a saltwater silk robe from his bureau, tightening the belt as he wrenched open the door. Pulling back when he came face-to-fist with Taymullah’s upraised hand, he swatted at his brother’s arm. “Fine. I will come.”

  Taymullah grinned. “I’m so very glad of your sweet-tempered company.”

  Varad growled and said nothing as he stalked past. Taymullah clasped his hands behind his back, matching his older brother’s stride. Varad could smell the sex on him. Three tigresses? He rolled his eyes.

  “Where shall we go? The nude gardens?”

  And recall the feel of the first time he’d slid hard and fast within Mahlia, her moans kissing his ear, her nails clawing his back as she screamed his name and came apart in his arms? He thought not. “The market will be fine.”

  “As you wish.”

  They walked in silence. The wide stairs of the main doors led to a sloping path down to the market. The underground walkways kept out the sun, even at midday, but the heat enveloped them, and they were sweating within a few moments. A few industrious merchants were setting up for the first moonrise market. Colorful carpets littered the paths. Baubles from Vesperi and their trade worlds mingled on sale carts. The smell of the Dead Sea and sand dunes wafted on the hot desert breeze, along with cooking meats.

  Taymullah cleared his throat, glancing at his brother several times. “Nice day.”

  Varad snorted, in no mood for idle chatter. “You have a purpose for this walk, brother. Speak your mind and be done with it.”

  The younger man sighed. “I adore your mate.”

  Snarling, Varad whipped around to slam Taymullah against a wall, bits of stone raining down on them. His fingers fisted in his brother’s shirt. “Careful, Taymullah.”

  “As a sister. I must say she does not look as happy as she should to see her mate.”

  Varad hissed, angered even further that anyone could see things were not right between them. What could he say? Nothing. That he couldn’t fix the problem, couldn’t find a way around or over it without some cooperation from Mahlia, made frustration tear at him with a tiger’s claws.

  “She has never dealt with Jeevan’s death. This Turn was rough for her.”

  A bitter laugh threatened to choke Varad. “I know it. She refuses to speak of it.”

  “You haven’t dealt with it either, brother.”

  His shoulders went rigid, his fingers tightening on his brother’s clothing. “I am trying.”

  “Try harder.” Taymullah shook off the harsh grip, straightening from the wall.

  Varad rubbed at the back of his neck, attempting to ease the tension. Looking for a neutral topic, he thought of the upcoming evening and the work that awaited him. “I need to speak to the werebear ambassador about—”

  “Done.” His brother flicked negligent fingers through the air.

  Varad blinked. “And the weredragon ambassador—”

  “I’m speaking to him at second moonrise.”

  “And how will you deal with him?” His brows rose. When had Taymullah learned to negotiate with dragons?

  “With a firm hand and a great helping of patience for a people whose behavior makes little sense and who don’t care to explain.” Meeting his brother’s eyes, Taymullah shrugged. “I may have assisted your mate this past Turn. As I thought you would have wanted.”

  “Trying to take my kingdom, brother?” He was only half joking. It had happened before, and Varad knew that his absence would make it an easy thing. His heart contracted at what that might mean for Mahlia and their child. He hated to ask his brother, even in jest, but he had to know.

  The shorter man stopped dead, turning to face him, a more serious expression on his face than Varad had ever seen. His brother dropped to his knee before Varad, a hand placed over his heart. “Never. I wish you, your mate, and any kits you may sire a long, healthy life and prosperous reign.”

  Varad swallowed, shamed for what he had accused his brother of. But he would do whatever it took to protect his mate. “I see.”

  “There are two people on this planet you can trust without question, brother. I am one of them. Your mate is the other, though she may not know it.” His brother smoothly regained his feet and turned to continue their walk.

  Varad cleared his tight throat. “Thank you.”

  His brother glanced back when Varad did not immediately follow. An easy grin split the younger man’s features, made his amber eyes dance. “I have no desire to be an Amir, but I will do what I must in your stead to ensure you have a throne to return to.”

  “Taymullah the Wise.” He chuckled, falling into step beside his brother.

  “That would be a statue for a different garden, I think. Though, if my likeness is to populate the planet, I would prefer it to be in the form of wee kits to frolic at my feet.”

  “Is there a mate you have in mind to bear these children for you?” Mahlia would love to meet the woman who claimed a permanent place in his mischievous brother’s affections.

  “Mmm…no. But I will keep testing them until I find just the right one. Don’t worry, brother. I take my duties seriously.”

  Varad laughed, clapping Taymullah on the shoulder.

  There was a purple dragon wrapped around one of the pillars that supported the silken canopy over Mahlia’s bed. Its great black eyes stared into Mahlia’s when she awoke. She sucked in a shocked breath as she bolted upright, her heart racing.

  “Gods, Katryn! Are you
trying to kill me?” Her hand pressed to her chest.

  No, but since you don’t have your mate in here with you, I thought you could use some company. She unwound her long body from the bedpost and slid with reptilian grace to the floor.

  “You’re supposed to ask permission before entering.”

  The dragon snorted, stretching onto the windowsill. The shutters were wide open to let in the moonlight. The second moon already hung heavy on the horizon. The dragon twisted, popping and reforming into Katryn’s human form. Her smooth cinnamon skin contrasted with her ebony hair. The purple scaling on her arms and thighs glinted in the mellow lighting.

  “I did ask, Amira, but you were not coherent enough to answer.”

  “How did you know Varad wasn’t here?”

  “I saw him leaving the palace with Prince Taymullah near first moonrise.”


  “Yes, oh.” She lifted her delicate nose to sniff the air. “He was here but not in your bed. Tsk, tsk. Waste of a perfectly good bed, in my humble opinion.”

  “Humble, ha.” Mahlia hugged her knees to her chest, propping her chin on the bony plateau.

  Katryn’s long hair shifted to pool in her lap as she looked out the window. Her voice was deliberately casual. “You always supported his decision to trade with all the colonized planets.”

  “That was before—”

  Katryn’s dark eyes flashed as she turned back to face her. “Before you had to take some part in what that meant for your planet?”

  “So it’s my fault?” Mahlia’s shoulders tensed, waiting for her friend’s response.

  Katryn huffed an impatient breath. “Why are you so eager to blame anyone?”

  “Can we talk about something else?” Desperation sounded in Mahlia’s voice, and she didn’t care. She couldn’t do this now. Or ever. It was enough that she was dealing with her current pregnancy.

  “As you wish, Amira. But if you’ll take a small piece of advice from someone who loves you and wants what’s best for you: talk to Varad. He needs you as much as you need him.”


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