Heirs of Avalon

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Heirs of Avalon Page 26

by Alica Mckenna Johnson

  He flashed his evil grin.

  “Happy birthday.” And kissed my cheek.

  “Cake?” Kayin held out a plate.

  “Cheers. Looks like a smashing party,” Ramsey said. “Great cake.”

  “It’s wonderful. Everyone seems to be having a great time,” I said taking a small bite of the icing. It was creamy, rich, and sweet but not teeth-achingly sweet. Best cake ever.

  “You look so sexy by the way,” Ramsey said. “I know I saw you in this dress before, but my memory must be faulty because you look even better than I remembered.”

  “She does look great,” Shin said, his arm touching Kayin’s as he ate his cake.

  I blushed again.

  “You sounded wonderful tonight, and seem to have drawn quite the group of fangirls.”

  Ramsey chuckled.

  “Since I’m the most handsome man in the group, the others were happy to see me go so they could have all the female attention. But I also noticed a lot of the women looking up here, not that I blame them.” Ramsey looked at Shin arms.

  Shin grinned and shifted the muscles moving under his amber colored skin. “Poor ladies, and guys. I guess we are irresistible.”

  I rolled my eyes, but couldn’t disagree.

  I put the last bit of cake in my mouth, savoring the flavor and sad that it was all gone at the same time.

  “Are you done?” Miu asked. “Let’s open presents.”

  “I thought there weren’t supposed to be presents,” I said, again, as my plate was taken away and I was led to a table.

  Miu sniffed. “I can’t control people.”

  There were only a few packages and the rest were cards. That was okay. We celebrated everyone’s birthday in the troupe, but never with parties this big. I felt bad being treated differently from everyone else. I opened the cards reading the birthday wishes. A few people included gift cards, and more told me to expect an email from Amazon. Because we traveled so much the majority of gifts we gave each other went right into our computers, tablets, MP3 players, and cell phones. I liked gift cards, but getting a specific book, movie, or CD was a little more personal. I thanked each person, or group, and most wandered off to get more food or go back to dancing.

  Miu pushed the packages at me. “I can’t wait to see what is in them.”

  The first was from Michael and Nyota. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Dad, got the yarn, and I crocheted it,” she said.

  Bright red yarn, almost the same shade as my nail polish, had been crocheted into a lacy sweater. “I love the collar and hem, they remind me of poinsettias.”

  Nyota smiled. “I thought so too. Dad thought they looked like pinwheels.”

  I laughed. “I can see that.”

  Two other packages looked soft and squishy. Many of the performers did some kind of handcraft, partly because they're simply creative people and partly because they’re ADD and need something to do all the time. I got a pair of knitted fingerless gloves in multiple shades of blue from some of the acrobats. Now I could stay warm but still work touch screens. There was a knitted cowl in a pale gray that was big enough to wrap around my neck three times. The yarn was so soft I wanted to bury my face in it like one would with a kitten.

  Kayin set a coin on the table in front of me.

  “Thank you.” Um, what?

  Kayin smiled. “Give it to Shin after you get your gift.”

  Shin held out a package wrapped in black rice paper flecked with rainbow-colored pieces of paper. Under the paper was a polished wooden box. “Oh, shiny.” A knife, the silver blade recently oiled, and the dark wooden handle with the silhouette of a tiger carved into it, lay in the box. “You’re going to teach me how to use this right?”

  “Yes, there is a rubber practice knife in the box too. We’ll start with that,” Shin said. “Now give me some money.”

  “Why the money?” I asked, handing him the coin and putting the knife away.

  “You can’t give a knife as a gift, it could cut your friendship, so you always give a coin in exchange to pay for it.”

  Ramsey laughed. “We have the same tradition.”

  “Da, in Russia too,” said Sasha. “Here, mine is the last gift.”

  I peeled back the metallic blue paper. “Oh they’re … magical.” I wrinkled my nose at my very poor save in front of Shin and the others. A pair of earrings with Akashic energy lay on a square of white cotton. Each earring had seven silver spiderweb thin chains of graduating lengths. At the end of each chain hung a teardrop shaped stone, one for each color of the rainbow. I took out my simple gold hoops and put these in. “Where did you find them?”

  “In a dream.”

  “Someone called their store, In a Dream?” Shin asked.

  Sasha nodded. “Yes, I thought it was silly, but these were in the window.”

  “Well I love them, thank you.”

  Sasha bowed his head.

  “Don’t forget we’re going out on Wednesday,” Kayin said.

  I stood up and hugged him. “Big Brother, how could I forget that?” He’d planned something super-secret, like Miu had. I doubt we’d get our nails done, however.

  “So,” said Ramsey. “Do I get to dance with you now?”

  “Of course.” The club DJ was playing standard thumping dance music. “Unfortunately, the music isn’t as good now.”

  Ramsey smiled and wrapped an arm around my waist. “Oh, you know how to warm a man’s heart.”

  I slid my arms around his shoulders as our bodies began to move to the music. All night I had danced with people, but this was different. There was an intensity that made me blush. His desire and happiness wrapped around my own. My head swam with emotion.

  Ramsey found a way to pull me closer as a slow song came on. His nose tickled my ear as he kissed my neck. “You smell like jasmine.”

  “Hmmm, oh yes. Miu took me to LUSH, and I bought a Godiva shampoo bar,” I said.

  Ramsey kissed my neck again “Whatever it is, it’s a very enticing scent on you.”

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  I squeaked.

  “Sorry,” said Kayin. “Didn’t mean to bump into you.”

  Shin rolled his eyes, as Kayin moved to face us and started dancing.

  Ramsey smiled, winked at me and backed up so we could all dance together.

  The joy of Big Brothers.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “Happy sixteenth birthday,” Ramsey said and bent down to kiss me.

  Do I even need to say that I blushed, just assume if Ramsey is kissing me, then my cheeks are bright red.

  “Thank you.”

  He shifted his yoga bag before taking my hand. His other held a large red gift bag with tissue paper sticking out the top. What had he gotten me? I wanted to grab it but resisted. “Have you eaten yet?”

  “No, I haven’t been awake that long.” Truthfully, I only got out of bed because Ramsey texted me to let me know he was awake. I had an hour to get ready and meet him at the cafe. Looking like you didn’t put any effort into looking good takes more time than one would imagine.

  “So tell me all about your birthday fun,” Ramsey said after we ordered and had a cups of hot tea in front of us.

  “Well, yesterday I went out with Miu.” I began adding milk and sugar to my tea. “She took me out for Japanese noodles and dumplings. Then we went shopping. According to Miu a woman should use quality beauty products, so she took me to LUSH, Ulta, and Sephora.”

  “That sounds like fun,” Ramsey said. “Did you get a lot?”

  “Well, I got a ton of LUSH, different soaps, shampoo bars, bath bombs, and other essentials.”

  “Bath bombs are essential?”

  I chose to ignore him. “I got some makeup and nail polish at the other stores, and you were at the party.”

  Ramsey smiled. “Sounds like a fun day.”

  “It was.” I ran a hand through my hair. It was still a little damp from my shower. “Of course, I’m sure today will be
pretty great too.”

  “I hope so. I brought you something.” He handed me the bag.

  “You didn’t have too,” I said, while removing the tissue paper. “Oh, Ramsey, it’s beautiful. Did your brother make it?” I ran a finger along the edge of the drum. Green and blue knotwork decorated the edge. In the center, a knot-work unicorn and phoenix were entwined.

  “Yeah, I told him how much you liked the other one. He woke up the next day and started painting this one.”

  I looked in the bag and smiled, pulling out two CDs from Ramsey’s band and a stuffed seal. “It’s so cute.”

  “I know you’re kind of old for a plushie, but I wanted you to have something to remember me by,” Ramsey said with a grin.

  “I love it,” I said, giving the toy a squeeze.

  We stopped talking while the waitress set down our plates. Ramsey sprinkled salt and pepper on his scrambled eggs and salmon. I poured maple syrup over my French toast and scrambled eggs.

  “That is gross,” Ramsey said staring at my syrup covered eggs.

  I laughed. “It grosses Taliesin out too. So what do you have planned for today?”

  “Well, I was planning on taking you shopping for makeup, but since Miu beat me to it, I’ll have to think of something else,” Ramsey said a small version of his evil/fun grin.

  I shook my head. “You are trouble.”

  Ramsey’s response was a full evil/fun grin.

  “Thank you for breakfast,” I said swirling the last piece of French toast in the syrup.

  “You’re welcome. Are you ready to have fun?” Ramsey jumped. “Hold on.”

  I finished my tea while he read over an apparently long text.

  “I’m sorry, it’s my friend Mindy. She’s freaking out. I mean she does this every few months, but this time is kind of weird.” Ramsey slipped his yoga bag over his chest.

  I smiled trying to hide my disappointment and picked up my gifts. “I understand.”

  “Can we meet up later?” he asked as we walked into the damp cold morning.

  “Maybe. I have plans with my aunt and uncle at five. Of course, if Anali is sick that might fall through.”

  “I’m sorry, Sapphire,” he said, his hand cupping the back of my head and his forehead pressed to mine.

  I placed my hands on his chest, gathered my courage and kissed him, sucking on his lower lip gently.

  Ramsey groaned and wrapped his other arm around my waist, pulling me close.

  Yay, I must have done it right! I wrapped my arms around him as he kissed me back.

  “You know . . .” His breath was warm against my lips. “She gets like this all the time. I can check on her later. I bet one of her other friends is already over there anyway.”

  “Are you sure?”

  I took his kiss as a yes.

  * * *

  “A carnival?” I asked, looking at the booths, rides, and attraction decked out in holiday decorations.

  “Yes, Hyde Park looks even better at night with all the lights turned on, but I figured this would still be a fun way to spend the day,” Ramsey said.

  “I think it looks wonderful. What should we do first?”

  “Well, they have rides, a market, an ice kingdom, and ice skating.” Ramsey pointed at the wooden map where each activity was marked.

  I didn’t know how to ice skate, so we would be avoiding that, hopefully without having to admit that I’d only done it once and ended up with a broken wrist. “What’s the ice kingdom?”

  Ramsey held out his hand. “Let’s go find out.”

  I slid my hand into his.

  “Wow, this is all ice?” I looked up at a castle with turrets and a drawbridge large enough to walk through.

  “Yes, I guess they truck in huge ice blocks and snow,” Ramsey said.

  “It reminds me of the Snow Queen fairy tale.” I said, as we walked around and through the ice sculptures.

  “I think,” said Ramsey, “she’s right over there.”

  “Oh,” I gasped. Sitting on an ornate throne was a queen made of ice. She stared down at her court. The lords and ladies were dancing. “It’s beautiful. Thank you for bringing me here, I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  Ramsey smiled, his black eyes shining. “You’re welcome.”

  He moved closer. I started to close my eyes. A group of laughing children ran by.

  “Come on,” he said. “We have more to see.”

  My butt was freezing, but I sat in the carriage carved from ice long enough to get a picture with Ramsey and a quick, well maybe not quick, but very nice kiss.

  A carved bear stood at the exit holding out a paw as if waving goodbye.

  “Do you want to do some rides?” Ramsey asked.

  “Yes. I think the last time I went to a carnival I was too short to go on any of the big rides,” I said, adjusting my cowl.

  “That long ago?” Ramsey asked. “Do they not have fun fairs where you grew up?”

  I laughed. “No they had them, but well, they can be expensive to take a bunch of kids to. And sometimes there would be kids in the house who weren’t safe to take. I was too short until I turned thirteen, and then I caught up with the other girls. I probably wouldn’t have been able to go on a lot of the rides anyway.”

  “Well, then, scary rides it is, but you’ll have to hold my hand.” Ramsey winked at me.

  A little while later, I held my breath as the roller coaster climbed to the top. What in the hell was I thinking—this was bad, so bad. And Ramsey, who obviously wanted me to die a painful death, had insisted we go in the very front car. I was pressed against the seat with my hands gripping the so-called safety bar close to me. In front of me nothing but sky. I closed my eyes and tried to figure out which god or goddess to pray to.

  “Don’t close your eyes, it’ll make it worse.” Ramsey said. “Are you going to be okay?”

  I opened my eyes and nodded. The car stopped. I gasped. Ramsey put an arm around my shoulders. How long were these sadists going to make us stay up here? The wheels squealed as it began to move forward and we went down, straight down.

  I screamed and clung to Ramsey.

  “That was so fun!” I said, holding onto Ramsey’s arm. The adrenalin made my knees weak. “Can we go again?”

  Ramsey chuckled and kissed my cheek. “As many times as you want.”

  * * *

  “Okay we have to stop, no more rides,” Ramsey said, looking at me. A breeze picked up and blew curls across his face. Reaching up, he tucked the dark brown strands behind his ear.

  I took a deep breath to try and keep my teeth from chattering. “I’m fine.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Your lips are blue.” Wrapping an arm around my waist he guided me towards the tents. “Come on, let’s get you warmed up. We still have two hours before I have to have you back at the hotel. We can go on more rides later.”

  I snuggled into him, maybe I was a little cold. “I like the rides.”

  “You are a closet adrenalin junkie,” Ramsey said with a chuckle. “And since we’ve gone on almost every ride three times, I kind of reckon you enjoyed them.”

  Ramsey wove through the tables. “Here, this spot is close to a heater. You sit here, and I’ll bring you something hot.”

  I sighed as heat enveloped me. I wasn’t going anywhere. I held my hands out towards the glowing red coils. Heat is good.

  “Here we go.” Ramsey set down a tray. “Feeling better?”

  “Yes, much. Thank you.” I took the cup of hot cider. Yum.

  “So I have two bread bowls: one cream of broccoli and the other potato, leek, and Stilton cheese. They were the only two vegetarian options.”

  How sweet. “Thank you. They both look great. I don’t know which one to choose.”

  Ramsey relaxed and sat back in his chair. “Well, I don’t mind sharing if you don’t.”

  “Sounds perfect,” I said, accepting a spoon and napkin.

  “I also have a selection of Christmas biscuits and min
ced pies,” Ramsey said setting a pink cardboard box on the table.

  “Bread bowls are very popular in San Francisco,” I said taking a bite of soup. Oh, Stilton is like blue cheese, the tangy flavor perfect with the potatoes and leeks.

  “You grew up there, right?”

  I nodded. “Yes, they put clam chowder in them, plus other soups and salads.”

  “I like the bread once the soup is gone,” Ramsey said.

  My stomach rumbled. “I guess I’m hungrier than I thought.”

  Ramsey grinned. “It’s one of the things I like about you.”

  I frowned at him, my mouth full of soup.

  “That you actually eat. I’ve dated girls who always seem to be on diet, or don’t eat in front of guys.”

  “Oh, well. Anali, Gavin, and Michael would freak if I were dieting. They watch all the performers carefully and notice any changes in what we eat. We had a girl pass out a few months ago, turned out she had an eating disorder. She was sent home to get help.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “She’s doing well, she’s in treatment and getting better. Anyway, as for not doing something in front of a guy, I never understood it. No guy is worth my pretending to be something other than what I am. And why would I want to date a guy who wanted me to be stupider, or eat less, or not be good at something to make him feel better about himself?”

  “It’s very true. Only a weak man would want the woman he’s with to be less than she is. I’m comfortable with the fact that you’re stronger than I am.”

  I raised an eyebrow.

  “And,” Ramsey added his eyes sparkling. “That you can eat as much as I can.”

  “You’re a brat,” I said pointing my spoon at him. “I can eat as much as you, and I suppose that depends on how you define strength. I have no idea if I could beat you arm wrestling, but I can do handstand push-ups.”

  “I would pay to see you do those,” he said. “And I’m not going to risk my manly dignity by challenging you to an arm wrestling contest.”

  I laughed and tore off a piece of the bread bowl. The soup was almost all gone, so it was fair game. “Oh, hey, do you have any special powers or gifts, as a selkie?” I probably should have read up on them in Philip’s book on magical creatures but I’ve been busy and distracted, and honestly, it seemed a bit rude.


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