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by Marian Tee

“Do you really like him that much?” Andreus forced himself to ask.

  Her eyes widened. “No.” Oh God, the look on his face…he was breaking her heart again, but it was all for the right reasons now.

  “Don’t play games---”

  “I’m not.” She couldn’t stop her voice from shaking. “Sir…is Siri.” A teary laugh escaped her at Andreus’ stunned expression. “And in a w-way, you’re right. Siri was the reason I could survive those years without you. I’ve t-turned her into my therapist. She was the only one…” Tears clogged her throat, and even after swallowing several times, she could only manage to whisper.

  Siri was the one who wouldn’t judge me for still loving you.

  The words were barely audible, but they came to him loud and clear, so damn loud it could only be because his soul heard hers crying out for him. Her pain burned him alive, but it was her love that ripped him into pieces. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”

  The words were out before he could stop himself, and he could only curse himself when Hallie let out a strangled sob. How dare he? How dare he ask her that, knowing how much it would make her hope again? She had never been the one to push him away, and now he was making it seem like things had changed. He was making it seem like they had hope.

  And God, she was tired of hoping.

  “You promised,” she wept brokenly. “You promised, so why are you doing this?”

  “I’m sorry, baby doll.” And this time, he could no longer help himself, and he yanked her to him. Her pain had always been his pain, and her tears lacerated his soul as she sobbed against his chest. “I’m sorry for always hurting you, but this time…it’s different.”

  He cupped her face so she could see how he was laying everything on the line this time.

  “This time, I think we should give us a try---”

  “Andreus, please.” She could barely breathe, couldn’t even dare think of how much it would hurt if this turned out to be another lie. “Don’t j-joke about this---”

  “I’m not.”

  “Then w-what are you really saying?”

  “I’m saying stop.”

  “Stop what?”

  “I’m saying stop trying to fall out of love with me---” Andreus slowly bent his head. “Because it’s never going to happen.”

  Chapter Five

  Hallie’s hands curled over the muscular slope of Andreus’ shoulders as his lips claimed hers in a soft, sweet kiss that took her breath away. After all these years, she thought dazedly, it had finally happened. After dreaming of it for so long, Andreus was finally kissing her, and the beauty of it had tears running down her cheeks.

  His lips instantly moved at the first tremor of her body, and she gasped when he began licking her tears. “Don’t cry, baby doll.”

  But of course his words only made her cry harder.

  “This is only the beginning.”

  Andreus swept her up in his arms right after, and she could only cling to him, body shaking with all the feverish emotions running through her system. Fear, excitement, joy, wonder – and most of all, love. She had loved this man for so, so long, that even now, with her body cradled so protectively in his arms, a part of her still couldn’t believe this was really happening.

  He could feel the way sobs wrack her frail form, and his arms tightened around hers. “It’s real, Hallie.” His voice was hoarse, and he could only press his own shaking lips to the top of her head. I’m so damn sorry I had to hurt you all these years. His lips moved to her forehead. But I promise you – I will never hurt you again.

  Her arms wound tightly around his neck. Just like him, she hadn’t any words either. Just like him, she felt too much, and all she could do was press her lips to his throat. I believe you.

  Andreus’ own eyes started to sting. What did I ever do to deserve her? If he could ask God a single question, then that would be it – that would always be it. He wanted – needed – to know because if God were to give him another lifetime, that was the one thing he would beg the heavens never to take away from him.

  His chest felt about to burst, and the words he ached to say burned his throat.

  But it was just too soon.

  One step at a time, he reminded himself doggedly as he reached the southeast wing and climbed the stairs leading up to his bedroom. Even if everything in him clamored to chain her to an eternity, she was too precious for him to take advantage of her like that. He owed it to Hallie to give her every chance to leave him.

  Even if she didn’t want to admit it, they both knew that she could do so much better.

  Hallie closed her eyes as she listened to the pounding thud of Andreus’ heart against his chest. So many questions she should ask – What made you change your mind? What would happen to Monique? What would happen to us after?

  But when she remembered the way his lips touched her hair, she just knew that the answers to those questions would never matter. Whatever they were, it wouldn’t change what both of them had always known, even when no words had ever been spoken.

  Trust shone in her eyes when they made it to his bedroom and he gently lowered her to her feet.

  He started to speak, but Hallie wouldn’t let him, her dark head shaking, and the loveliest, softest smile painting her lips. “I’m going to ask it back.” Her voice was a loving whisper. “What you asked me earlier---” She gently placed her hand against his cheek. “Give us a try, Andreus.”


  “As the princess commands.” He meant the words to come out teasing, but the rough rasp of his voice betrayed the state of his emotions, and so did the way his fingers shook as he reached for her hand and brought it to his lips.

  His eyes captured hers. I’m yours if you’ll take me, Hallie.

  Her smile grew brighter, and this time it was the brightness that was just right, the kind that warmed his soul and gave his heart a home. You were never not mine.

  “I don’t deserve you, baby.”

  His voice was broken and humbled – it was Andreus as she had never heard him before, and she couldn’t help crying again.

  “There’s n-no such thing as one person deserving another, darling. I c-can’t even imagine what you had gone through t-to make you think you won’t deserve me, but please…” She choked back a sob. “Please, please, if you could just remember one thing, it’s that I have always l---”

  His mouth crushed hers in a kiss that forbade her to say anything else. His arms wound about her, pulling her closer, closer and closer until she had no choice but to feel the terrified thud of his heart.

  Don’t say the words just yet, Hallie.

  It would hurt too much if you end up taking them back.

  Tears rushed down her cheeks even as she rose to her toes to kiss him back with all the love that was making her heart ache so painfully for him.

  Take your time, darling.

  I’ll wait for as long as you need me to.

  A powerful shudder rocked his large body. “Hallie.” Her name came out a low, raw rasp against his lips. “God, Hallie.”

  His plea was etched in her name, and she heeded it by pressing her body to his.

  Take me, Andreus.

  A choked sound escaped Andreus, and then suddenly his hands were moving in an almost violent rush over hers. He nearly ripped her swimsuit away from her body, and he was just as brutally hasty in divesting himself of his own clothes. It should scare her, but it didn’t at all. Innocent she might be, but she had hungered for his touch just as long as he had hungered for hers, and her cry mingled with his hiss of pleasure when he pulled her back and they were finally naked against each other.

  Hallie couldn’t even remember how they got to his bed – all she knew was that she was suddenly on top of it, and Andreus was moving to position his large, hard body between her parted legs. His mouth ravaged her lips for the longest time, his tongue tangling with hers while his big hands moved down to familiarize themselves with the delectable curves of her breasts. She cried out against h
is lips as he began to knead her breasts, and she couldn’t help sucking on his tongue and digging her nails into his back when he began to tweak her nipples.

  She sobbed in protest when his mouth left hers, but she was soon crying out again when his lips found their way down to her breasts and closed over one pink tight bud. He started to suck, and her body arched up at the intense pleasure that shot through her body.

  Her head began to toss helplessly against the pillows and her nails raked his back.

  So, so good.

  It was so, so good.

  Hallie’s whimpered praises and breathy moans nearly made Andreus lose his mind, and his hands shook with even greater force as he held her hips while his mouth explored further down her body. The sight of her glistening, quivering pussy was nearly too much as well.

  All these fucking years of dreaming about owning Hallie’s pussy, and finally he had it right in front of him –

  Andreus wanted to do a thousand things to it all at once. Lick it until she came, fuck her with his fingers, with his tongue, fist her until she was a sobbing mess, and more than anything else, he wanted to drive his cock over and over until his flesh could imprint on the sensitive walls of her pussy.


  She would’ve leapt out of the bed if not for his hands pinning her hips down. Feeling the stroke of his tongue against her swollen, throbbing folds was a complete shock, and the sanity-ripping pleasure that went with it even more so.

  The long, slow strokes of his tongue left her mindless and writhing helplessly, and she lost all power of speech. All she could do was gasp, moan, and whimper.

  It was just too good. Oh God. It was too good. How could it be so, so good?

  And then she felt it, his tongue actually pushing inside of her –


  She screamed the word out loud, and she struggled instinctively in protest. She knew it was normal, but a part of her couldn’t get over how embarrassingly intimate it was, to have him actually eat her pussy –

  “Andreus, stop!”

  She even tried kicking him, but this only made him thrust his tongue deeper into her pussy.


  The will to fight left her in an instant, the deep, forceful thrust of his tongue causing Hallie to fall back against the bed. He was sucking her now, thrusting his tongue faster and harder, and all she could do was shudder under his mouth.

  So, so, so good.

  Her fingers moved on its own volition, reaching down to clutch his head –

  And then she was actually lifting her hips up to meet the thrusts of his tongue.

  It was so terribly wanton, but she couldn’t help it.

  She just wanted more and more and more and more –

  With the quivering of her flesh intensifying under his mouth and her folds growing slicker, Andreus knew it was only a matter of time before she was to reach her orgasm. With his mouth firmly planted on her pussy and his tongue steadily stabbing in and out of it, he made sure to reach for her clit and began pinching it.

  Seconds only expired before he heard her moan his name.

  And then she was cumming.

  Hallie found herself rendered absolutely powerless by her orgasm. Her body could only shudder as a seemingly endless stream of cum pulsated out of her, and just when she had started to breathe a little normally again, it was when she felt Andreus push himself up to loom over her.

  Her gaze automatically flew downwards, and she gulped hard at her first good look at his erection. It was exactly what all those girls had said: long, thick, and big like they wanted. It was…perfectly…monstrous.

  She heard Andreus choke, and she looked up at him in horror. “Did I…”

  “You did.”

  Oh my God, how could she have accidentally called his cock mons –

  Taking advantage of her distraction, Andreus sheathed himself inside of her and took Hallie’s virginity with one smooth, hard thrust.


  In a blink of an eye, her virginity was gone, and she absolutely had no idea what to think.

  She was no longer a virgin.

  She was…his.

  And with that last thought, her momentary confusion faded, and everything fell into place.

  She slowly looked up, and her toes curled at the look of tender possessiveness on Andreus’ gorgeous face.


  Oh dear Lord, Andreus really had the sexiest voice in the world.

  “You’re finally mine.” The most beautiful grin formed on his lips, and she could have wept at the sight of it. She had never seen him so…happy.

  “I’d give up everything,” she said tremulously, “if I could always see you like this.”

  The look in her eyes told him that she meant every word, and with a groan, Andreus bent down hard to take her mouth just as he started to move, pulling his cock out before driving it back hard into the moist cave of her pussy.

  She buckled against him with a cry, and as his pace grew steadily faster and his thrusts went deeper and harder, she could only close her eyes, clinging to him as she let the magic happen. Sanity once again broke under the weight of her pleasure, and she sobbed uncontrollably as the needs of her flesh completely took over. She found herself grinding her body against his and rocking her hips up and down to meet his every thrust. She rubbed her breasts against his chest and was rewarded by his groan. She instinctively contracted her muscles to tighten its hold of his cock, and Andreus let out a growl that had her growing even wetter.

  Even as the relentless pounding of his cock threatened to rip her apart, she could only cry out for more. She didn’t want it to end, wished it never had to, and she sobbed his name over and over, pleading for him to not stop driving inside of her.

  And her beautiful beloved Andreus did exactly as she asked, plunging into her relentlessly even as she reached the pinnacle of her pleasure. His hips didn’t stop moving, his cock hammering nonstop into her even as she was forced to beg him to stop. And when he finally threw his head back as he reached his own climax, she felt herself losing consciousness. The powerful, hot, sticky burst of his cum filled her pussy, and her mind started to fade into oblivion.

  Her last thought was of him.

  She thought she had seen him looking down at her.

  She thought she had heard him say…I wish I could give you the words.

  Her eyelids swept close.

  Andreus, you idiot.

  You don’t have to say the words.

  I can hear them just fine.

  Chapter Six

  The pale colors of dawn eventually retreated from the radiant glow of sunlight, and its rays eventually found its way to streak into the silent vastness of Claymore Plantation. Its gentle heat teased Hallie to consciousness, but she instinctively kept her eyes shut. Waking from a dream was one of the few things she absolutely hated in her life because it would mean all the good things would cease to exist.

  And last night’s dream certainly had some of the best things she could ever wish for.

  In her dream, Andreus had made love to her all night long. After taking her virginity on his bed, he had prepared a bath for her and afterwards made love to her under the shower. She had initially thought that would be the end of it, but no, Andreus had told her no way could two orgasms slake years’ worth of sexual starvation.

  He had fucked her with Hallie’s back against the wall. He had fucked her while they both faced the mirror, and a blushing Hallie was bouncing on his cock. After that, he had her bent over the vanity and then he had fucked her again from behind. They had gone through so many positions that by the second night, she had literally tried crawling away to escape him, begging Andreus for respite.

  But the beautiful sadist had only hauled her back, purring, “Don’t you think this is a good position to try, baby doll?”

  And so he had started fucking her while she was on all fours on the floor, and after just a few strokes, she had ended up
losing her mind once more. As his cock emptied its cum into her pussy, all she had been able to think of was, Yes. Andreus was right. It had been a good position to try, and in all honesty, she wanted to try it again…

  Which is why we’re not going to wake from this dream, Hallie thought stubbornly.

  She was going to keep her eyes closed and will herself back to sleep so that her mind could pick up where it left off –

  “I know you’re awake, baby doll.”

  That voice…

  She knew that voice.

  And it was…real?

  Her eyes flew open, and she let out a gasp when she realized that it was truly Andreus lying on his side, facing her.

  And he was naked.

  She gasped again.

  Memories came flooding back, and Hallie gasped for the third time.

  “Don’t tell me.” His sexy chuckle had her cheeks blooming with color, but the rough, velvety burr of his bedroom voice had her breasts swelling painfully under the sheets. “You thought this was a dream again?”

  She gave him a tiny nod, and his eyes gleamed with amusement even as he let out a soft, mocking sigh. “What am I going to do with you, baby doll?”

  He rolled her under him before she could answer, and in a blink of an eye, the sheets were wrenched out of her way, and their naked bodies were once again rubbing against each other in the most delicious way.

  She felt his cock twitch powerfully against her already wet folds, and her throat became dry.

  Oh dear God.

  She reached up to trace his lips, and she was torn between laughing and crying at the feel of it.

  Soft and firm at the same time, and most importantly, oh so real.

  But even so doubt still persisted like an insidious curse that refused to let go of her soul.

  “Tell me I’m not dreaming any of this?”

  The catch in her voice made Andreus’ throat tighten. “You’re not dreaming this.”

  Tears misted her eyes. They both knew what it was that she had really asked – and what his answer was.

  You love me, right?

  I do.

  She closed her eyes.


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