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Hot Decadent Rising (Breath of Darkness)

Page 5

by Candice Stauffer

  “You’re such an idiot, Tom! He doesn’t love you. He doesn’t love anyone other than himself. He had my mom killed. She was his wife! The only woman he ever vowed to love and cherish.”

  “He loved her. He gave her everything her heart ever desired. And how did she repay him? She stabbed him in the back. She tried to leave him and take everything, including you, from him. She purposely set out to humiliate him in front of his business associates. She was screwing one of them.”

  “You know that’s a lie. She was terrified of him. She ran with the clothes on her back. She left to save my life, to save hers. He killed her because after she left him she dared to fall in love with another man.”

  “And it was the wrong man, wasn’t it?” he asked.

  “What do you mean?” She had always known the truth, but she never realized he’d learned about it. Max had taken off with her mother’s body and disappeared. She never saw him again. Playing the role of the victim, her father convinced the authorities that she’d simply run off to have an affair with Max. They never bothered to investigate it.

  “Your father told me all about Max. It didn’t take much to convince him to kill her because she was a worthless whore.”

  “Her only mistake was falling in love with the wrong man.” She knew something about Max that got her placed into a psychiatric hospital after she’d told a teacher about it. He wasn’t human. The memory of the last time she saw her mother would forever haunt her. Max hadn’t just killed her mother. He’d ripped her body to shreds. It was the most terrifying, horrific sight imaginable. She’d heard her mother’s scream. By the time she’d found her it was too late. No one could’ve saved her. Max was a werewolf. She’d seen him turn from wolf to man and then lift her mother’s body up into his arms.

  For a few minutes Kara thought Max would also kill her. He looked right at her. He stared at her. He looked so mad. So evil. His eyes were shining. They were a peculiar yellowish green color. Her mother’s blood was smeared all over his body. Kara was too afraid to scream. She opened her mouth but she couldn’t so much as take a breath.

  Shh. Don’t be afraid, Kara. I’m your friend, remember? Come here. She heard his voice in her mind, and she was so confused by it. No one except for her mother had ever used the secret method of communicating with her. Her mother had told her to never tell anyone about it.

  When she didn’t move he took a step in her direction. Come to me, Kara. Come closer to me. She felt something funny in her head. Like she was dizzy. She heard a strange buzzing. Against her will, she started to move toward him. She didn’t have any control over body. It was like everything was moving in slow motion. She knew he was going to kill her. She tried to stop, but she couldn’t.

  Just then one of her father’s guards grabbed her from behind. Even then, at the age of six, she understood that her father was a bad man. She was as afraid of his men as she was the man who’d killed her mother. She knew her father didn’t love her. After that night he told her that he cursed the day she was born.

  She knew her father had something to do with Max killing her mother. She’d always wondered why he hadn’t allowed Max to kill her that night. She wondered if he was the one waiting to kill her in the forest. At that moment she realized Max and Eli had the same strange mental patterns. Eli was a werewolf. It was a set up all along. He’d kept her there to give Tom a chance to snatch her. Maybe he was the one waiting to kill her.

  “I don’t believe you can do it. Who gets to kill me?”

  Tom stared at her in the rearview mirror just long enough to make her hope he’d changed his mind. “It’s not going to work this time so don’t look at me like that. This isn’t my fault. You did this to yourself and to your baby. Just like you acted the fool and opened your mouth and got yourself locked up for so many years in that mental hospital.”

  “Our baby.”

  “You tried to trap me. I never wanted the damned thing.” He glanced over his shoulder. “Now I get the privilege of putting a bullet in your head.”

  She was going to die. Her child was going to die. Tilting her head back on the seat she closed her eyes tight to stop the tears from spilling over. She wouldn’t give him the pleasure of seeing her cry. “I won’t let my father get away with killing my baby. I won’t let you get away with it!” And she meant it. One way or another, dead or alive, she would come after him.

  “What?” he asked.

  “You heard me.”

  “You won’t be able to do a damn thing to me or anyone else. You’ll be dead. Just like your double crossing slut of a mother.”

  She opened her eyes and met his gaze in the rearview mirror. “Nothing will stop me from coming after you.”

  Laughing at her, he stopped the car. She recognized the alley right away. Tom had been in negotiations to buy the bar across the street. Without saying a word he got out and slammed the door. He walked a few feet away and pulled his cell phone out of his jacket and made a call. She couldn’t hear the conversation, but she knew he was informing her father that he had her. After a few seconds, he put the phone away and walked back over to the car, followed by three other men who seemed to just step out of the shadows.

  Tom opened her car door. “There’s been a change of plans. You won’t be able to enjoy the ride. You’ll already be dead when we head up toward the falls.”

  Obviously not moving fast enough for their liking, two of the three men who’d showed up grabbed her arms and yanked her out of the car. She was going to die. Worse yet, her baby was going die. She fought to get away, but she was out numbered. Though her hands were cuffed behind her back and her pregnant belly made getting around in the best of situations difficult, she didn’t give up. She continued to struggle to get away.

  Tom slapped her across the face. She tried to stand up, but he threw her down onto her belly and kicked her ribs several times. It happen so fast she didn’t have time to get off her belly. She heard a loud explosion and felt the sharp pain of a bullet ripping through her skull. She rolled over onto her side and, closing her eyes, she waited for death to take her.

  She’d expected it to come within seconds. It didn’t. She felt hands gripping her. She knew she was being lifted though she could open her eyes. Tossed onto the back seat of a car she remained absolutely still as the handcuffs were being removed. Several minutes went by before she heard the front door open and then close. After forcing her eyes to open, she struggled to lift her head but everything started to spin. She felt the car moving. Her only thought was that she had to get out of the car to get help for her baby. She opened the door and threw herself out. She hit the pavement hard. Tires squealed. She heard a woman scream for help.

  Trying to push aside the agonizing throbbing in her head, but it was no use. She’d been shot in the head. That meant sudden death, right? How was she still alive? She had to die. Praying it would come quickly rather than drag out, she closed her eyes. Believing her prayer had been answered, she started to drift off to sleep.


  Mia saw a woman tumbling out of the back of a moving car headed toward her. She instantly merged her mind with Joseph to allow him to see what was happening. As expected his full attention turned to her. He didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to. She felt him. Forced to stop suddenly to avoid running the woman over, Mia’s Ducati slipped out from beneath her. She rolled on pavement a few times. He was miles away but his arms, his body sheltered her from any injury. She was on her feet fast enough to see her ride smashed beneath a semi-truck. The truck was stopping, but not fast enough. Before the woman could be the truck’s next victim, Mia took her helmet off and, using supernatural speed, sprinted towards her.

  As she knelt to pick the woman up she heard the most horrible screeching sound of tires locking up. She didn’t have time look. She lifted the woman and carried her to the side of the road. Lowering her onto the grass, she noticed a terrible wound to her head. She’d been shot.

  The woman grabbed her belly. “It’s t
oo soon.” Pushing Mia away from her she got up on her knees and tried to stand up, but was obviously too weak to remain on her feet.

  “Don’t try to get up. Stay still. You’re injured.” Taking her arms Mia knelt down beside her and slowing eased her onto her back. Placing her hand on her head, she reached deep within herself to pour healing power into her body. It wasn’t enough. She needed Joseph’s help.

  I am with you always. It’s enough.

  “My baby. Please, help my baby.” She looked up at Mia, her eyes opened wide with fear and desperation, pleading with her to do something to save her baby. “No!” Clutching her belly, she continued to stare up at Mia. “Oh no! Oh God! Not now!”

  “Is she alright?” A man asked.

  She looked up at him. “Who are you?”

  “I was driving the semi. I tried to radio for help but something is wrong with the mic on the damn thing. It hasn’t worked for the past few days.”

  Get rid of him. A vampire is near.

  Getting into his mind and taking control of it, Mia said. “All is fine here. I have her. I will take care of her. Get in your truck and drive away.”

  Taking his ball cap off the man scratched his head. “You’ve got this. I’ve a deadline.” He turned and walked away.

  Mia saw absolute terror in her eyes as she realized she was losing her baby.

  “It’s too early!” Mia felt the pain of her world being ripped away from her. She felt it in her own heart. She shouldn’t have felt her own heart breaking over her, over the baby’s tragic end but she did.

  Once the contraction was over, Mia allowed herself to breathe. “Listen to me. I’m not going to leave you. Help is coming. I’m going to stay right here with you until it arrives. What’s your name?”


  “I’m Mia.

  I know you’re in pain. I know you’re hurting, but you need to keep as still as possible until help arrives.”

  “It’s too late. You need to leave. There’re more. They will kill you.”

  “Don’t worry. No one is going to hurt anyone.”

  Kara closed her eyes.

  Mia panicked. “Don’t give up.” Joseph, I need you! She’s dying.

  I’m with you. Always the perfect calm in the center of every storm, Joseph wasn’t physically with her yet, but she felt him kneeling down next to her.

  Can you help her, Joseph?

  I’m close. Place your palms on her belly, angel. Mia did as he instructed. Using my power to heal someone is the same as using my power to kick ass in a fight. All that I have, all that I am belongs to you. Take it. Use it.

  She has been shot in the head.

  I know. We need to focus on the baby first. Mia felt Joseph’s power fill her. She felt it exit through her hands and enter Kara’s body.

  Kara’s eyes flew open. Crying out, she was nearly thrown up off the ground when her next contraction escalated. Once it eased up she began to weep. The sound of devastation in it would forever haunt Mia.

  I can’t do this.

  Her labor is progressing far too quickly. The baby has already died. His spirit is moving further and further away with each passing second. Her spirit will follow if we allow her life to slip away. We should let her go. It would be kinder than to force her to survive the loss of her child.

  Let her die? Mia asked.

  We can heal her.

  What are you saying?

  We can save her, but the baby is gone. Eli explained.

  Can you bring the baby back?

  He’s too far gone. I can’t reach his spirit.

  Allowing her to die would be more merciful than causing her to survive, but something tells me that her survival is imperative. It’s Eli. I think…his scent is…she was with him today. I don’t know how I know it, but I just know she’s his mate.

  She will live. His response was instant. He didn’t pause to think about what she was saying. Though he had every reason to hate Eli he didn’t use it for an excuse to tell her she was wrong. He didn’t doubt her instincts even though she did. She wouldn’t expect anything less from Joseph. He believed in her. He always had her back. No matter the situation. Right or wrong he was always ready to fight for her.

  You have company. Joseph stated.

  I know.

  I’ll be coming up from behind you.

  “Get away from her.”

  Drawing on Joseph’s power, Mia placed a hedge of protection around Kara. She didn’t rush. She waited until she was certain no further harm could come to Kara before she stood up and turned around. “Oh my! I’m such a lucky girl. Two not so attractive men and a nasty ass vampire all dressed up in expensive suits.”

  “Leave now or you’re going to end up like her.”

  “You shot her?”

  One man smacked the back of the other man’s head. “Kill her. She’s a witness.”

  The other man lifted his gun and fired several shots, but the bullets were deflected by a barrier of protection.

  The vampire stepped back. “I knew she looked familiar. You won’t be able to kill her. She isn’t human.”

  “She’s a vampire?”

  “No. You’d best leave her alone. She belongs to a demon.”

  “I don’t care if the bitch is possessed by Satan! Kill her!”

  “I’ve a better idea. How about you all turn your asses around and leave right now? If you do there’s a tiny possibility you might live to regret pointing your little pistols at me for a little longer.” She shrugged. “Do what you want. It doesn’t really matter. Regardless of what you do I’m quite convinced you’re all going to die tonight.”

  “Kara is dead. It’s done. Let’s get out of here before her mate shows up.”

  “I doubt you’ve much time to get away. He’s pretty close now,” Mia explained.

  “Kill the bitch. Wait!” One of the men pointed up into the sky behind her. “Look. What the fuck is that?”

  “I’m just guessing, but does it happen to resemble a very big dragon?” Mia asked.

  The vampire turned to run but in his dragon form Joseph was much faster. He got in front of the vampire and shifted into his human form. The vampire ran straight into him. It wasn’t much of a fight. She’d seen Joseph do it many times, but she was always in awe of his power. He ripped the creature’s head off and was moving toward them before she had a chance to blink.

  Trusting Joseph to deal with the two men, Mia knelt down to check on Kara. Obviously hoping to use her as a shield to get away from Joseph one of the men pressed his gun against the top of her head. “Get up. You’re coming with me.”

  Mia lifted her head to look up at him. “You’re an idiot. And you’re going to die for it.” Her movement a blur, she ripped the gun out of his hand and shot him in the face. Before he hit the ground the other man, gun drawn, came at her. She shot him dead too.

  “You didn’t see me coming up from behind him, right?” Joseph asked as he approached.

  “Of course I saw you.”

  “Really? Before or after he fell and you fired again?”

  “I was being extra careful when I aimed.”

  “You weren’t aiming. You were shooting.” Grinning, he took her hand and placed a bullet in it. His behavior was playful. Considering all that was going on his actions would naturally seem odd, but she knew he was using it as an excuse to make physical contact with her to make sure she wasn’t injured. “Unless of course you’re still holding a grudge against me for not telling you that Caleb took Julie out for dinner last night.”

  “I guess we will never know.” Caleb Stone was a vampire. He was supposedly a good vampire. An ancient pure blooded vampire. Joseph liked him. Mia didn’t like him at all. He’d never given her a reason to dislike him, but it didn’t matter. It was what it was. She had taken it upon herself to watch over and protect Julie for the past few years. She wasn’t about to allow a vampire to take advantage of her.

  Joseph knelt down next to Kara. “We need to wake her up the
baby is coming fast.”

  “Since the baby is…Joseph, can’t we just keep her unconscious through it?” Mia asked.

  “No.” Mia watched as he placed his hand on Kara’s head. “Talk to her while I wake her.”

  “Kara, can you hear me?”

  Kara’s eyes fluttered a few times before focusing on Mia. “You need to leave. He’ll send men. They’ll kill you.”

  Mia took Kara’s hand. “You’re safe now. Don’t worry about anything. Do you remember that I told you help was coming? Joseph is here now. We can trust him to take care of us. No one will be able to harm us when he’s here.”

  “You don’t understand. He’ll kill you for helping me.” Arching her body, she cried out in pain.

  “We aren’t leaving you. You’re safe now, Kara.” Mia poured her own sense of peace into Kara to soothe and calm her until the contraction subsided.


  Joseph was proud of Mia’s inner strength and kindness. He was humbled by her unshakable belief in his ability to protect them. I am holding the pain of her head wound, but I can’t shield her from the pain of giving birth.

  Mia touched his arm and smiled at him. I know you are doing all that you can to help her.

  We need to move her. We’ll take her to the hospital once we’ve made sure she’ll survive. He carefully scooped Kara up in his arms. Mia’s nearness was filling her with a peace he couldn’t offer her. He was careful to make sure Mia stayed in Kara’s line of sight as he shifted them home and lowered her onto the bed.

  We can’t take her to the hospital. Her father will send more men. Mia said.

  She wasn’t just the victim of a professional hit. A vampire was involved. We need to make sure no threat exists once she is well enough to continue with her life. We’re taking her to the hospital. We will be waiting for anyone who shows up to harm her.

  With a wave of his hand he removed Kara’s dress and covered her body with a sheet to examine her. “Can you get behind her and hold her up? She needs to start pushing with the next contraction.”

  Mia nodded. She moved slowly and lifted Kara gently to get behind her. “Your baby is coming now.” She held Kara in a half sitting position. “You need to push with the next contraction.”


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