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Hot Decadent Rising (Breath of Darkness)

Page 7

by Candice Stauffer

  Tom nodded. “I did.”

  “And you disposed of the gun?” Leland asked.

  “Of course,” Tom answered a little too quickly, his voice cracking. “That’s what you wanted me to do. That’s what I did.”

  “Are you lying to me?”

  Tom shook his head. “No, sir. I swear. I followed every one of your instructions, right down to the gun I was to use. I dumped them in the old mine shaft on the map you gave me.”

  “It’s good to know it’s done and over with.” When Kara threatened to go to the authorities, Leland knew she would do it. She knew too much. She would betray him as quickly as her dirty whore of a mother had betrayed him. “It’s a good day for you. I had my doubts. I wasn’t sure you had it in you. Now that I know you’re depth of loyalty to me. I’m certain I will allow you to engage in many more business endeavors with me in the future. If you continue to prove your faithfulness, you will enjoy the life of a very rich man.”

  “It’s an honor to work with you.”

  “Not with me. For me.”

  “Of course.”

  I never give second chances. Cross me once and I will have you killed.” He lifted a duffel bag containing the half a million dollars he’d offered to pay Tom for killing Kara and her unborn bastard.

  “I fully understand.” Tom reached to take the bag.

  Leland kept a hold of the bag to prevent him from taking it. “Do you still plan to buy the bar on the waterfront?” He wanted…no, he needed him to buy it so he could gain access to the old tunnels beneath Portland for storing drugs, weapons and occasionally people. He also needed Tom to buy the bar for laundering money.

  “I’ve an appointment with a real-estate agent first thing in the morning.”

  “I’ll be sending a few of my guys to help you out with establishing a security team.” Meaning he was sending his men to act as his eyes, ears, hands and feet.

  “No. Don’t bother. It isn’t necessary. It’s fully staffed. I’ve already signed an agreement to keep all of the employees already working there from the previous owner.”

  “I wasn’t asking. I was telling. I don’t care who you employ to run the bar. My men are there checking the place out right now. They won’t be bothered by you.”

  Tom nodded. “I understand.”

  “I employ them. They report and answer to me.”

  Beads of sweat began to form on Tom’s forehead as his neck and cheeks reddened. “Of course.”

  Leland frowned at him. “Perhaps I’ve made a mistake.”

  “With what?”

  “You’re reaction to my generosity is quite upsetting, but not as much as the fact that you’re willing to lie to me.”

  His hand visibly trembling, Tom pulled a hanky from his pocket and wiped the moisture from his brow. “What do you mean?”

  “A few hours ago I got a call from the hospital because my daughter was admitted a few weeks ago after she’d been shot in the head and thrown from a car.”

  “I can explain.”

  Leland yanked the bag away from Tom. “I don’t want to hear excuses. We’re going to the hospital now. You’re going to keep her nurses busy while I take care of her.”

  “I won’t do it. It would make me a suspect.”

  “You’re going. We’re headed there right now.” He’d never liked Tom. Since it was a public place with several surveillance cameras, he planned to make sure the idiot was recognized in case the authorities found Kara’s body before Mary’s vampires disposed of it.

  Tom looked even more nervous when the driver pulled into the hospital parking garage. “What’s the plan?”

  “A woman is guarding her. All you need to do is cause a distraction. Make sure the woman sees you and knows that you are there for Kara.”

  “What woman?” Tom asked.

  “My informant says her name is Mia Harte.”

  “I don’t know her.”

  “It doesn’t matter. Kara is on the fifth floor. Tell them you are her husband and would like to see her.”

  “No way.”

  Leland took his gun out and pointed it at Tom’s head. “Then you die right now.”

  “Fine, I’ll go, I’ll do it.” Tom left the car and headed towards the elevators.

  “I’ll follow Tom up. As soon as he’s been noticed I’ll have the cameras turned off. I’ll call you when everything is ready. Wear the scrubs. Make sure you stick to the route I gave you earlier to avoid being seen or captured on video,” the nurse said.

  “You’re sure you can disable all the cameras on the route?”

  “I’m positive.”


  “She won’t recover. There’s enough heroin in this syringe to kill an elephant.” Hearing her father’s voice while feeling a needle pierce her arm, Kara came aware suddenly. She opened her eyes.

  “She’s awake.”

  Recognizing her nurse’s voice, Kara turned her head to look at the woman.

  “Not for long.” Her father gripped her face and tilted her head back to force her to look into his eyes. “She won’t give you any problems.” He released her face and lifted her from the bed and then plopped her into a wheelchair. “Stick to the plan. Get her to the basement. My men will take care of her from there.”

  Kara’s most pressing thought was to get up out of the wheelchair and run, to get away, but she couldn’t force her body to function. She was in and out of consciousness as the nurse pushed her into an elevator and down one dark corridor after another. Once they stopped, the nurse pulled her out of the wheelchair and then dragged her toward a wooden chair.

  “Why are you doing this to me?” Kara asked.

  “Money.” She didn’t offer any further explanation. She didn’t need to. Money was a great way to motivate people to do all sorts of evil acts. She tied Kara’s wrists behind her back and her ankles to the chair legs and then, without saying another word, left her alone.

  Kara squinted up at a bright light directly over her head. She remembered seeing Tom at the gas station. She remembered leaving with him to avoid anyone else getting hurt. Not just anyone, Eli. Her eyes were heavy. She struggled to remain alert. She felt lightheaded and nauseous. Wait. She’d been shot in the head. She’d jumped from the car Tom was driving. After a few minutes she realized she needed to stop trying to figure it out. It didn’t matter. She had to find a way to get away before it was too late.

  She tried to move her hands, but the restraints were tight and coarse enough to tear her skin. The only thing she managed was to wiggle her fingers. Attempting to glance over her shoulder at her hands made her feel woozier than before. Bile rising in her throat, she gagged. That’s when she realized it was too late. Her baby had died the night she’d been shot. She didn’t know how much time had passed since then.

  She felt it now. Her heart began to slow down. Each pound seemed painfully exaggerated with every breath she took. She was dying. Of course her dad would know what drug to give her to do the most damage.

  Eyes growing heavier, she experienced the sensation of drifting away from her body as if being split in two halves. That’s when she gained a clear understanding or rather a knowing of life after death. What was once only a question or myth had become her reality. Fear had no place in the moment. Eager to keep moving further into her new existence, she felt revitalized. Her father wouldn’t get the last word. She’d come back, without the limitations of her flesh, and she would haunt the shit out of him. Eyes closing, head tipping to the side, she laughed at the thought.

  “I’ve always said it, and once again I find myself stumbling across another woman proving it to be true.” The man’s deep voice was such a soft whisper she wasn’t sure it was real or her imagination.


  “Women are curious creatures.”

  “What are you talking about?” she asked.

  “I fail to understand the humor in your situation.”

  “You heard my thoughts?”

  “I guess you ca
ught me so there’s no use in denying it. I truly hope you will forgive me for invading your private thoughts,” the man said.

  “You’re admitting it?”

  “Of course. How else could I find myself puzzled over the fact you’re actually happy to die because it will give you a chance to get revenge against your daddy?”

  She struggled to lift her head and turn toward his voice. The man was standing behind the light. It was too dark to see him and she couldn’t hear any movement, but she sensed his presence draw nearer. “Who are you?”

  “Does it matter?” he asked.

  Obviously, he worked for her father. He fit the profile. He was a depraved jerk happily getting off on taunting her. Desperation to get away, to survive, slammed into her hard and fast. Her heart rate accelerated. It hurt like hell. She half expected it to explode right out of her chest. Her anxiety quickly developing in full blown panic, she began to gasp for more air. She couldn’t die. Struggling to break free from the rope securing her arms and legs she nearly tipped the wooden chair over onto its side. She didn’t want to die. Screw the haunting. She didn’t want to just give up. Not yet.

  “Shh.” A large hand gripped her chin and slowly lifted her face. “Getting worked up won’t help you. I’m going to remove the drugs from your system so you’re able to help yourself. The process will go easier for you and less messy for me if you remain calm. The truth is I’ve a strong dislike of anything messy. Plus, if we are interrupted I will be forced to cover my tracks. I’m not in the mood to kill anyone at the moment as it would eventually lead back to me being here. I would appreciate it if you refrain from doing anything to attract unnecessary attention.” The man’s voice carried power. She was exhausted. Her eyes were heavy. Her head fell to the side as she closed her eyes.

  “No. Look at me.” It was command she couldn’t defy, though it was so dark she had no hope of seeing him. “You’re drowsy because you’ve been drugged.”

  “Oh, crap.” The man kneeling before her on his knees was surrounded by blurry golden flames. She blinked to correct her vision. The brightness surrounding him slowly dimmed into an iridescent golden mist. His eyes were dark brown, perhaps even black, but they glowed. They were hypnotic. Soothing. Magical. Powerful. He was…oh, cool. He was an angel. She was already dead.

  His lip slowly lifted into a smile that was way too wicked to belong to an angel, or any other form of a holy being.

  “That’s right. You won’t be finding a halo hovering over my head.” He released her chin. Her head fell to the side, but her eyes remained locked onto his gaze.

  “What are you?”

  “I am a demon.” He stood up. She tipped her head back to look up at him. “You may call me Demetri.”

  She had never even considered the thought of him working for her father. “My father sent you?”

  He shook his head. “I’ve never been one to enjoy being bombarded with questions, but I’m feeling strangely pleasant today, so I’ll play along. I do as I wish for no other reason that it’s my desire to do it. No one sends me.”

  “Can you untie me? I need to get out of here.”

  “No. It would make your escape possible.”

  “Huh?” He was kidding. He had to be joking.

  “Just by being here I have already saved you from a certain long and torturous death. I do not wish to further risk ruining my stellar reputation as being a mysteriously wicked demon.”

  “You’re serious?”

  “I am.”

  “You have to help me. I’m in danger.”


  “Why are you here?”

  “Entertainment. I’m using you to ruffle some feathers. And there’s no need to be so dramatic. As long I’m here no one can harm you. Plus, I’m not dragging you out into the middle of the forest where a big bad wolf could cross your path and gobble you up.”

  “Get away from her, Demetri.”

  “What took you so long, Mia?” Demetri turned away from her to face Mia. “I won’t lie. I’m quite disappointed. When Joseph ordered you to stay put and wait for him, I expected instant rebellion. I certainly didn’t expect you to so readily obey.”

  “I told you to get away from her.”

  “For the past three weeks you’ve stood guard over her while she was in a coma. What happened today? How did they manage to get past you to drug her and drag her into the basement?”

  Though Mia appeared completely confident when she made the demand, she didn’t look big enough to take a man Demetri’s size on. Knowing he was far more than a run of the mill man, Kara was terrified for the woman.


  “What I find absolutely amusing is that I’m almost convinced you expect me to listen and obey.” Demetri stared at her for what seemed like an eternity.

  Standing face to face with Demetri had a way of making a woman feel inferior, but Mia wouldn’t let the bastard see it. She wouldn’t back down. She couldn’t. Her Lycan nature compelled her to stand her ground, to fight when others would flee. She didn’t have a chance of defeating him in hand to hand combat, but she could slow him down to buy Joseph some time to reach them.

  That’s a terrible idea, Mia. Get your pretty little ass out of there. Let me deal with him.

  I’m not leaving her alone with him. And shut up, Joseph. You’re distracting me.

  Leave the room. Wait for me. His tone was calm and even. It sounded as if he at least half expected her to leave. She almost laughed when she got the impression of him crossing his fingers.

  You know I can’t. He’ll take her.

  Just leave. I will find her. His voice sounded deeper, lower, more of a guttural growl. She could actually feel the ache in his jaw from clenching his teeth together too tightly.

  Like you and your buddies have found Zack. It was a low blow, but she saw no reason to sugarcoat the truth though she felt a little guilty for saying it.

  You don’t want to defy me this time.

  I’m not leaving her alone with him. So get over it. Cowering in the shelter of your shadow isn’t the way I intend to live my life. And you know better than to expect it.

  Joseph’s anger and rage caused the foundation of the hospital to shake. It was brief but violent. Mia actually stumbled and had to reach for the wall to regain her balance. He was mad as hell at her. Let him be mad. She was just as mad at him. He knew her. He should trust her.

  Demetri laughed out loud. “Poor Joseph is quite upset with you for trying to bite off more than you can chew. I don’t blame him. Not really. To be entirely forthright, I think he’s stupid for allowing you to fight alongside him. That being said, I must also admit that I admire his ability to put up with your reckless disregard for your life while keeping you alive for so long.”

  “Is it as reckless as your disregard for your life?” she asked.

  “Because I’ve challenged your almighty will by staying here? Do you intend to kill me, Mia?” he asked as he took a step toward her. “You’re such a funny little girl. Look at you. You’re nothing. You’re not even half my size. You’re mini. Mini Mia. I like it much better than the name Joseph gave you. Honestly, you don’t behave like a sweet angel at all. Not even a little.”

  Though she knew it was a taunt to get her to attack, she might’ve done just that if Joseph hadn’t burst through the door. He shoved Demetri back and took his place in front of her and slightly to the left.

  “It’s strange you would just show up. Your little attack dog and I were just talking about you. All good of course. Isn’t that right, Mini Mia?”

  Obviously having a tough time holding back a smile, she saw the corner of Joseph’s mouth twitch. He recovered quickly and nodded at Kara. “What do want with the woman?”

  Demetri shrugged. “Nothing.”

  “Why are you here?” Joseph asked.

  “I was performing a test. You failed. If you’re unable to convince your mate to obey and stay home like a good girl, you shouldn’t allow her to wander out of your sight
during a battle.”

  “I can take care of myself.” Mia blurted. She immediately regretted even opening her mouth. It sounded as stupid as it was. If push came to shove, she wouldn’t have a chance against a demon as old and as powerful as Demetri.

  “And yet you’ve foolishly behaved like a child and forced him to blindly rush into what could’ve been a deadly trap. What if I’d set this meeting up to kill him? Perhaps you should consider using your brain before you act in the future. Don’t shortchange Joseph. If it weren’t for him, you would have been dead a long while ago.”

  Joseph placed his hand on Mia’s shoulder to prevent her from responding. Don’t let him get to you. Arguing with him is a waste of time we don’t have. Take Kara to Nikolas’ property. He’s waiting for you.

  Dread clenching her heart, she looked up at him. He planned to detain Demetri, to fight him. It was her fault. She’d forced him into the situation because he loved her. You come with me.

  “She has no common sense and an appalling lack of respect. Both could get her killed. Yet you do nothing to correct her. If your little mini pup belonged to me, I would have put her over my knee a long time ago.”

  It isn’t your fault. Take her.

  Mia didn’t expect Joseph to respond to Demetri’s criticism. Joseph wasn’t easily provoked into showing his true emotion. His strength of mind and total control made him more powerful and dangerous than most of his kind understood. Most believed he was indifferent or clueless. The truth was the calmer and more inwardly centered he appeared to be, the more violent the storm of his emotions.


  I’ll be fine.

  I’m afraid. Making the statement made her feel silly, but she knew if he believed it he would go with her.

  Looking frustrated, he frowned as he stared into her eyes. Once he found the truth, his lips parted into a broad smile that melted her heart. I thought we agreed to keep manipulation tactics in bedroom activities.

  When is the last time we made it to the…

  Cutting her off, Joseph shoved her to the side as Demetri hurled a fiery ball of energy at them. It slammed into Joseph’s chest and hurled him into wall across the room. The impact made a horrible crushing sound. Mia’s first instinct was to defend Joseph and attack Demetri. Before she could move, Joseph had recovered and lunged for Demetri.


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