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Hot Decadent Rising (Breath of Darkness)

Page 9

by Candice Stauffer

  A thick black mist began to swirl around Demetri’s feet and very slowly moved up his entire body until it completely surrounded him. Within seconds, the mist started to dissipate just as slowly as it had formed. When it was gone, Demetri was also gone. He could easily understand why Mia and Joseph wouldn’t mention Kara to him, but Nikolas should’ve come to him. Then again, none of them knew he’d met her. He was tempted to forget about the compulsion that had led him there, but wanting to know the cause of it, he decided to stay for a while longer.

  He looked down at the foot bridge near the bottom of the falls. The compulsion was stronger than ever before. It was like a heartbeat growing stronger. Looking down at the scenery below, he recalled a moment from the past. As a youth he’d stood in that exact spot with his brothers many times laughing and daring each other to jump. He never did it. None of his brothers did it. Save for his father, no one had ever dared to take the plunge.

  It wasn’t a dare that had compelled his father to do it. His father had done it to save his mother when she’d been attacked by two defiled vampires on the footbridge. She had never been the type of a woman to be panic-stricken. She exchanged blow for blow to give his father enough time to get to her. Eventually, a major loss of blood weakened her to the point she struggled to remain on her feet.

  At that point, regardless of her courage, she didn’t stand a chance against the two powerful males. His father had just reached the top of the falls when she dropped to the ground unconscious. He didn’t hesitate. He didn’t think about the pain, the possible broken bones he’d suffer. His only thought was to get to her before it was too late.

  His father never bragged about it. He never talked about it at all. No one would’ve known about it had his mother not shared the story. She would have died, had his father not risked serious injury by jumping at that moment. He and his siblings would never been born.

  The day came when his father caught them teasing and taunting each other at the top of the falls. Of course they asked him to do it again. He was larger than life. He was their hero. They wanted to witness the fascinating tale of his bravery their mother had shared with them.

  His father laughed out loud. “There’s no chance in hell I’d ever choose to jump.”

  “You chose to do it to save mom,” Eli pointed out.

  “Are you crazy? Do you see how far it is? I never chose to do it just as you will never choose to do it.”

  “But you did it, right?” Eli asked.

  “Of course. I had no choice. Your mom was dying. The man in me could never survive a day without the woman in your mom.”

  Eli didn’t like the answer at all. It didn’t make sense. Of course his dad had a choice. He could’ve walked away. He could’ve allowed her die. “You never talk about it.”

  “The woman I love nearly being killed is not a memory I’m strong enough to relive.”

  “You’re the strongest of the pack. You’re the leader.”

  His father smiled at him. “I need your mom with me, by my side. I would be nothing without her. She is my strength.”

  “You would still be the leader without her. You would still be the strongest.”

  “You’re wrong. I can’t explain it to you. It’s something you’ll have to learn on your own. One day you will understand why I didn’t have a choice.”


  “When you’re holding a woman in your arms and you suddenly realize you couldn’t possibly live without her, because she holds your heart and soul in her hands.”

  Eli remembered walking away from his father feeling so confused. His father was the most powerful male in the area. He ruled the pack with an iron fist. He protected it with infinite valor. He even fought side by side with demons and pure blooded vampires to ensure the survival of the pack. He was a champion. He was a legend. He was always calm and in absolute control of every situation. He never ran from or to anyone. No one ever dared to challenge anything he said. His word was law.

  “I finally understand why jumping from here to save Mom wasn’t a choice made of courage.” Standing there now, the past was so clear in his mind he couldn’t help but laugh. “You ran to Mom whenever she called out to you. You even ran from her when she was mad, but never so fast she couldn’t catch you and beat the hell out of you. And, if she thought you were wrong, she had no fear of getting in your face and setting you straight.”

  “Who are you talking to?”

  He turned the moment he heard Maximus’ familiar voice. He hadn’t seen Max, the son of his father’s best friend, for nearly twenty years. He heard rumors he had died. “A ghost.”

  “You’re father?”

  Eli nodded. “Where have you been all this time? Some thought you were dead? Was it you? Did you bring me here?”

  “It wasn’t me, but I’m glad you’re here. I need to show you something. Come with me.”

  Eli followed Max to his lair, deep inside a cave, about a mile west of the falls. He wished he hadn’t. Some things were better off never having been seen. He stared in disbelief at Grace, the woman Max claimed to be his mate.

  She was staring at him, growling as she paced back and forth on the other side the iron bars imprisoning her. “She’s too far gone, Max. The corrupted vampire blood is strong in her. It’s too strong. She’s no longer your mate. Clearly, you can see that she has no recognition of you.”

  “She’s pissed.”

  “Pissed? She’s insane,” Eli stated. “And so are you, if you think there’s anything you can do to make her well again. You know there’s no cure once a human has fallen victim to the blood. All that you can do is put her out of her misery.”

  “There’s another option,” Max explained. “I have to find the vampire responsible for infecting her. If I destroy him she will be free of his influence. She will have a chance.”

  “That’s a myth.” Eli shook his head. Though he’d had the encounter with Nikolas and Zack, he was shocked. What was wrong with everyone? Tainted vampire blood was lethal. It created death and destruction. It wasn’t curable. Sure, he didn’t doubt that Zack could momentarily control the evil in it, but at any time the influence of it could triumph over the good in him. It was like playing a game of Russian Roulette. It made more sense to destroy the one infected. It was kinder to all. “It has never been proven. And you would have to replace her blood with yours. How the hell do you plan to get your blood into her system and live through it?”

  “I have to try. And who else do you think feeds her? For nearly twenty years I’ve allowed her to take blood from me regularly.”

  “Are you serious? You actually get in there with her?”

  “Every day.” Max stared at Grace. “She’s usually calmer. A few months ago her daughter, Kara, hiked to the top of Multnomah Falls. Grace sensed her nearness. She’s convinced Kara is in danger.”

  “Kara?” Eli asked.

  Grace reached out to him and opened her mouth as if to say something. All that came out was strangled sounding growl.

  “It’s okay. We will protect her.” Max moved closer to her. He reached through the bars and took her hand and brought it to his face. “I can’t let you out of here.” Making a horrible wailing sound she slashed Max’s face with her nails.

  “Holy fuck! She just tried to rip your head off! There’s no way in hell you get in there with her. It’s too dangerous. You can’t keep her like this. What if she gets free?”

  “I do.” Max turned to face Eli. “And she won’t get away.”

  “You can’t be sure of it.”

  “I am.”

  “You need to accept reality. She can’t even communicate with you. She’s too far gone.”

  “Why? Just because she lashed out at me? She’s mad. She’s frustrated. She wants me to let her out so she can go to her daughter. You’re right. She can’t talk. I don’t understand why. But my face is proof that she has no problem letting me know what she’s thinking. She has moments of lucidity. Her emotions have remained wit
h her. From love to hatred, sadness to happiness, and every emotion in between. She loves her daughter as much as she hates me for keeping her prisoner, when every motherly instinct is screaming at her to protect her daughter.”

  Eli considered Max’s words, as he watched Grace move into a corner and sit down with her knees drawn up to her chest. She was rocking back and forth as if trying to soothe herself. He’d known from the time he was a child that the bonds between mates were exceptionally strong, but he’d never really thought about what it meant. “No one else know she’s here, right?”

  “That’s right.”

  “What if something happens to you while you’re out hunting for food or for the vampire? She wouldn’t have any hope of surviving. She would starve to death.”

  “I am well aware of the risks I take every time I leave, but I will fight until my last breath to save her from this curse. She will know I never gave up. She will take her last breath knowing that I loved her with all that I am.”

  Suddenly, the thought of ever having rejected the notion of Kara being his mate for the simple fact of her being human made Eli feel like shallow idiot. “Kara is my mate. The compulsion that led me to this area was Grace trying to lead Kara here.”

  “Why isn’t she with you?” Max asked.

  “She doesn’t know it yet. I’ve just begun to actually come to terms with it. Do you know the name of the vampire that infected Grace?”

  “Jeremy Lang.”

  “I know him. He is working with a woman who has targeted Kara. Once she is safe I will lead my pack to destroy him.” Eli turned to look at Grace. “You will see Kara again soon.”

  Grace stood up. He expected her to be pleased, but she went into a fit of rage.

  “Go now. I need to calm her down.”


  Max breathed a sigh of relief when Grace finally settled down. Cradling her head in his lap and smoothing her long soft blond hair with his palm, he sat with his back against the cold smooth stone wall of the cave. He’d been so afraid she would hurt herself after Eli left that he locked himself in the cave with her. He hated to physically restrain her, but he didn’t have a choice. She’d had many fits of rage over the years, but nothing quite as severe or as uncontrollable as this last one. And none at all that were so violent and long lasting.

  He’d lost track of the time, but he figured it had been well over fifteen years since he’d brought her there to hide her from the vampire. He couldn’t leave her for more than an hour or so and he couldn’t go further than a half a mile from her or she would panic. All he could do was keep her alive and hope for help to happen along. He couldn’t go to just anyone for help. Most of his kind would attempt to destroy her, for being infected by tainted blood from the undead. He’d come so close to giving up, to killing her, to killing himself, when he realized that Eli had returned to area to take his mate.

  He tried to use a compulsion to lead Eli to him. It didn’t work. After a while, he figured Eli had found his mate and left with her, but then he learned that Eli had lost his mate to demon. It meant that whoever he believed to be his mate wasn’t. Several months passed by.

  Grace stirred. He was never sure what would set her off. She had the physical strength of a vampire. He was the only one to take care of her. He had to be careful to avoid serious injury from her, but he knew she wasn’t a threat tonight. She was exhausted. She was at peace for the first time in months; she knew her daughter was safe. “That’s right. Your little girl is out of harm's way now. She’s with her mate. He will love and cherish her with every breath he takes. He will protect her with his life.”

  Moving at a speed that startled him she sat up. With tears welling up in her eyes, she stared him. Since the day she’d been turned, he’d never seen her shed a single tear. She seemed to have only one emotion. Rage. “What is it? Are you in pain?”

  Frowning, she shook her head and mouthed the word “no”.

  He would never forget what happened next. He held his breath as she reached out and gently touched the gouges she’d put in his face when Eli was there. He couldn’t look away. If he could he wouldn’t want to. Normally her face was an emotionless mask. In all the times she’d hurt him or flat out kicked his ass she’d never even attempted to apologize. He never expected an apology. It was never her fault. The vampire blood in her system was tainted. She was insane.

  “It’s okay.” He put his hand over her hand. “I know you didn’t mean to hurt me.” She smiled at him. It shocked him. He’d dreamed of seeing her smile so many times he’d long ago lost count. He swore his heart stopped beating at the sight of her upturned lips though it was a mischievous smile. “Fine. Maybe you meant it at the time, but now you’re a tiny bit sorry.”

  She nodded and took his arm and wrapped it around her as she cuddled up to him. She was always so cold. Even if she could talk she would never admit to it, but he knew she craved the natural warmth of his body as much as she craved his blood.

  As if she’d heard his thoughts and intended to prove him wrong, she stood up and held her hand and out to him. Taking it, he stood up. She wrapped her arms around his neck. He expected her to bite him, to take his blood, but she didn’t. Instead, she began to dance slowly. He froze. He was stunned. The last moment they shared before she’d had her throat slit and her system poisoned by vampire blood, they danced. She’d always loved to dance with him. He’d loved it just as much. She was showing him that she remembered their past. He’d never known she could remember. She was showing that she still loved him, even though she was consumed by bouts of madness.

  Slowly and gently, he pulled her closer into the shelter of his arms. She allowed him to hold her, to feel her body against his. She rested her head against his chest, over his heart. He knew the peace between them wouldn’t last. Until the vampire that had given his blood to her was dead she wouldn’t be right. Soon. He thought to himself as he moved his body with hers. With the help of Eli and the pack, the love of his life would soon be well again.


  INTENDING TO KEEP his conversation with Mary Tate private, Leland Terrick leaned across the table. “She’s gone. You sent two vampires to retrieve her from the hospital, and both have been destroyed.”

  “It happens. Vampires aren’t always the smartest creatures,” Mary said. “In truth, if she survived, aren’t you the one who failed? Didn’t you give her a lethal dose of heroin? Nevermind. It doesn’t matter. I’ll send more vampires to deal with her once and for all.”

  “Convince me. Tell me why you are so certain that the next vampires you send will be able to find Kara and that bastard and kill them. My men told me that after I left a woman killed one of the vampires. Not only killed…the damn thing got down on his hands and knees and begged for mercy. The woman forced them to give me up. She threatened to find me, to kill me.”

  “The baby is dead.” Mary handed him a file folder. “And if you’re referring to Mia Harte, I can assure you that it was a trick or an illusion of some sort. Her demon killed the vampire. Not her.”

  He opened the folder. It contained a medical report for Kara the night she’d been taken to the hospital. He wasn’t a doctor, but it appeared Mary was telling the truth. The baby hadn’t survived. For a moment, he wondered if allowing Kara to live, knowing she’d failed to protect her baby would be a better, a crueler punishment. But it wasn’t an option. Kara knew too much. She had to die.

  He looked up at Mary. “This is good news, but it isn’t good enough. Kara has to die. And I have serious doubts about your ability to get it done. A woman killed one of the vampires. My men do not lie to me, and they sure as hell aren’t easily deceived by illusions. They’re highly skilled at their work. They’re the best of the best. They don’t make mistakes.”

  “If that were true, she would’ve been dead long before you asked for my help.” Mary smiled. “Don’t worry about Mia. She won’t be an issue for much longer. She has a special talent for walking blindly into traps. I’ve almost kill
ed her several times. I’ve made arrangements for her. Soon, she will die.”

  “When it comes to killing, almost doesn’t count.” Leland was having serious regrets about getting Mary involved. If her vampires managed to kill Kara after he’d failed, he would be even more indebted to her. The last thing Leland wanted was to owe anything to a woman crazy enough to believe she had any control over vampires.

  “What makes you think the vampires will do as you command and not turn on you?”

  “That’s simple,” Mary said. “If they fail to find and kill her, I will be unhappy. They don’t want to do anything to disrupt my happiness.”

  Leland lit a cigarette and leaned back in his chair. “You’ve completely lost your fucking mind if you think vampires care about your happiness. They’re bloodthirsty killers with no moral code. What makes you think they won’t turn on you at some point? They feed on human blood, which makes you a food source.” He laughed aloud. “You are one seriously fucked-up bitch. I can’t believe I actually thought I could trust you to move drugs without sampling.”

  “Look around you. There’re twenty vampires in here at this very moment. They wouldn’t do anything to upset me. This includes touching one of my girls without my consent, for doing anything to make me unhappy is their greatest fear.”

  “You think they fear the thought of you having a bad day?”

  “If I’m not perfectly happy, Demetri Demidov is not happy. No one, including you, wants to be around when Demetri is unhappy.”

  Leland turned his head toward Demetri, who was sitting at a table across the room. He didn’t know much about Demetri. He’d had his people check him out, but they weren’t able to come up with any reason for him to be in a personal or business relationship with a woman like Mary. “I have to tell you that in all the times I come here, I’ve never seen Demetri appear to be even slightly happy. He looks as if he’s ready to kill someone at any moment.”


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