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Sexy Girls

Page 23

by Gary S. Griffin

  “Right from the start, I wasn't getting answers that made sense. Finally, Jack called me at home one night in early March and told me about the blackmail and what he did. No, what he, Jill and Robert did to Andi and why they did it. I told him he was a jerk and would regret it some day. I also told him he broke several laws and could get in big trouble.

  “He just said, 'Red, you always worry. This is my chance to make it.'”

  “I replied, 'Yeah, this is your chance to make license plates while you're serving time.'”

  “Jack hung up on me and I was crushed.”

  Before I could speak, Red went right on, “Look, I should have done something earlier - I wimped out and ran away in mid-March. I guess I didn't want to get Jack in trouble. It's bothered me a ton ever since. I haven't slept right. I know I screwed up.”

  Red was very mad, but tears started in her eyes, and I didn't dare interrupt, “This is what I figured out later, after that night. Jill wanted money - her inheritance - to start her own business. For months, she was her normal royal pain-in-the-neck. I must have heard her whiney begging a hundred times and Robert always told her no. But, one day, Robert's nepotism bit him in the ass. Jill found out about Robert's new affair with Giselle and threatened to tell Andi.

  “Jill also knew about the prenup. If Andi learned about Giselle, she could divorce Robert and get her million and a half dollars. Jill also knew Andi was completely fed up with Robert. One day, I mentioned to Jill that Andi was about to file for divorce; that really pushed Jill to act.

  “Next, enter Jack. Jill met Jack at the agency, they began dating, and she fell in love with him. The turning point came when she guessed the truth about the Sexy Girls. That pissed Jill off and made her snap. Jill told Jack about the prenup and her plan to screw Andi and get the money she needed. That news got Jack to join in Jill's big plan.

  “Finally, Jill made a deal with her father. If she could entrap Andi, with proof of an affair, could she get a million dollars? That's how it all started. Jack and Jill would come out great, Daddy would save a half million dollars, and Andi would be screwed. Plus, Robert would be free to jump Giselle's skinny bones whenever he wanted. Robert agreed to go along with the plan.

  “However, this plan had a big problem. The original idea was for Jack to have sex with Andi. But, he struck out. Thank God. Andi wouldn't even talk to him. Andi didn't want to lose her big money payoff from Robert, she told Cyndie and me that all the time. Jill was frantic. She didn’t know what to do and Andi was about to file for divorce. So, she came up with Plan B.”

  I asked, “How did Jill do it?”

  “Do what?”

  “Red, how did Jill know about the Sexy Girls Night at the Kimmel Center?”

  “Stevie, this is hard for me to say.”

  “You know, don't you, Red?”


  “Red, who was it?

  Red whispered, “I told them.”


  “Yes, I became insanely jealous and super pissed off after Andi stole Cyndie from me.”

  Red continued, “Cyndie and Andi started their secret affair several weeks before that night. I found out and I hated it. The worst part was that Andi and Cyndie started acting out in public. I got so pissed off that I told Jill at work. But, Jill already knew, she saw them kissing too.

  “I schemed with Jill and we came up with Plan B. It definitely would get Andi's pretty little ass screwed by Robert. The Sexy Girls would go to the Kimmel Center and I would require Andi and Cyndie to have sex. I knew they were doing it all the time and it would be easy. Jill and I had it all planned. Jill would take the photos of us entering the Center and then walk in on the sex scene in the lounge. Andi wouldn't be able to explain that away. I was going to be the dominatrix and make Andi and Cyndie promise to do what I said.

  “However, at the last minute, I had to go out of town with Robert. Jill and I thought our plan was ruined, but we lucked out. I gave Cyn the dominatrix cat suit and had Andi swear she'd follow Cyndie's orders. I was being obsessive. Andi and Cyndie had sex in the lounge, and would have done it anyway, given the intensity of their affair.

  “It turned out to be a perfect way to trap Andi. Plus, Robert and I both had fool-proof alibis. I was very happy.”

  I was about to speak, when Red went on with her story, “But, I didn't know about the blackmail before that night. I swear! Jill tricked me! I thought I was helping Jill get Andi in trouble, only. At some point, behind my back, Jack and Jill decided to film the sex and blackmail Andi to get the million dollars. I didn't even know Jack was involved until I got back from Vegas with Robert.”

  That explained the blackmail, but I needed to know about Andi’s murder. I blurted out, “Tell me about Andi's visit to Florida.”

  She hesitated, “Oh… Andi really didn't know that much. At first, I denied knowing anything about the blackmail. But, as her visit continued, Andi worked her charm on me. As I said before, Andi broke my heart when she told me what happened to her after that night. I didn't realize how badly she got screwed by Robert. By that point I was so alienated and pissed at Robert and Jill and Jack I could barely think straight.

  “Finally, over dinner the last night, with three glasses of wine in me, I started talking and things clicked for Andi. She knew Jack; she met him a few times. Andi asked about Jack as she knew he had stopped working at the modeling agency. I first said he was back in Fort Collins. Then, I blurted out that Jack was dating Jill. That comment broke things open. Finally, I came clean. I told her that Jack and Jill were a couple and were behind the blackmail. I was really very sorry. Andi thanked me and promised to keep a secret everything I told her.”

  I said, “I think she did as even Cyndie didn't know anything you told Andi.”

  Red continued, “Anyway, the last thing Andi said, right before she left Lauderdale, was that she would follow up with Jack and Jill and Robert. I begged her not to. I was very worried as Jack and Jill scared me. Andi was driven and I couldn't change her mind.

  “That's when I called Jack. I was frantic. I wanted to give him a heads-up about Andi, but also I begged him to deny everything and treat Andi well. Jack went ballistic. He screamed at me and threatened me; I really think he snapped. I knew we were all in danger. I thought he would kill me. Instead, he killed Andi - following her all the way from Fort Collins back to Philadelphia. It totally freaked me out.”

  I just shook my head.

  Red went on. “I can't believe it. I was honestly trying to help. My stupidity caused a lot of this to happen, right from the start.”

  I couldn’t speak.

  Red paused, and then pleaded, “I’m sorry. That’s the total truth.”

  I didn’t know what to say. Her story sounded so true. It answered all my questions. I guess that made it the truth.

  I changed the subject, “Red, did you get some of the blackmail money?”

  “Yes, but not a lot, later, after Jack and Jill moved to Colorado, but only $25,000; enough to pay my moving expenses.”

  “How were you paid?”

  “By check, a check from Jill Grayson.”

  I nodded.

  “Oh, it's all screwed up. Now, I can't believe I did it. That bitch, Jill, and asshole Jack, worked me over when I was super jealous and mad. I was a big stupid jerk.”

  I said, “In some ways I wish I didn't find out the truth.”

  “Stevie, I wanted to tell you before. But, I didn’t want to go to prison. Now the story's been told. Please tell Cyndie that I'm sorry.”

  I could only shake my head.

  Red pleaded to me. “Okay, how can I help your plan?”

  “I’ll explain in a minute but I want to say that there’s no way we can make things right. Andi’s dead and we can’t bring her back. I'm trying to live with that. Jack’s dead and we can’t change what he did. You and the Grayson’s will need to live with that too. Your story answers my questions and confirms what I guessed. I’ve decided to let it all go,
all that is, except for one last thing.”

  “What’s that Stevie?”

  “I need you to agree to give a sworn statement about everything you just told me.”

  Red looked confused. “Okay, but you said you were letting it all go?”

  “I am. I don’t think you’ll actually need to give the statement or testify.”

  Red was still puzzled. “I don’t understand.”

  I made things clear. She loved the plan. It would be a way to help Cyndie and Edie.

  Five minutes later, Red walked off the beach to another hotel’s parking lot, got in her car and drove off. That's the last time I saw her.


  Friday morning, June 18, I took a taxi to the airport. A great weight lifted from my shoulders with each step I took down the wing to the plane that took me on to Philadelphia. My second Colorado and Florida adventures had changed my life.

  the waiting game

  Had I travelled less than five days? It seemed much longer. The world changed for me while I was away and it would change even more in the coming months. I arrived in Philadelphia before noon, drove my Miata directly to downtown Wilmington and spent the afternoon with my attorney. When Walter Hines smiled and nodded I knew he supported my plan.

  Hines surprised me. With his grey hair, large old-fashioned styled glasses and slightly worn suits, I underestimated him. He was sharp and handled Eve with straight-forward, unwavering strength.

  Walter contacted Eve and reviewed what we knew and what we believed. He informed Eve that Cyndie Myst and Edie McCall were about to file a civil suit against Robert and his daughter, Jill, for malice, oppression, willful and wrongful death, wrongful termination and several other charges as we had proof of their liability and criminal behavior.

  Alternatively, Hines offered to stop any further action if Grayson paid Cyndie and Edie a million dollars each in an out-of-court settlement. Plus, we wanted Grayson to accept the terms of Andi's will.

  Eve said to Walter, “You're crazy Hines. I know Stevie Garrett has come up with this bizarre theory and somehow convinced you that this is true. It isn't and I can't believe I'm listening to this.”

  Hines calmly replied, “Eve, you must not know what happened in Colorado the last few days. It concerns Jill. It also involves Robert. Tell him we will have a sworn statement from Red Sable, Jill’s co-conspirator. Please pass the full contents of my message to Grayson. Let Grayson explain reality to you. He has one week to decide or we'll countersue citing his marital misconduct and illegal activities.”

  We knew that Walter's polite reply unnerved Eve. Still, she said they would need two weeks to consider as Grayson was in Acapulco on a photo shoot for the next ten days. Eve promised Walter Hines that she would make this her top priority when he returned.

  Walter replied to Eve, “You'll want Robert back in the United States much sooner than that once you hear the news.”


  I walked into my home shortly before dinner and found my best friend waiting for me. My God, Cyn looked good! She wore black leggings and a mock-turtleneck shirt. Her lovely black hair trailed down her back and she wore ankle-high boots.

  For the longest time we didn't talk but just kept holding each other. I was home.


  After dinner, we called Edie in California. I put her on my speaker phone so I could explain Red's story to both women at the same time.

  Edie knew instantly it was true because it explained everything.

  Cyndie found Red's version of the truth hard to believe and had to repeat back to me the highlights to make sure she understood, “According to Red, she started it all because she was super mad at Andi. Red told Jill about my affair with Andi. That's when Jill saw her opportunity. First, Jill threatened to tell Andi about Robert's affair with Giselle. Then, Robert agreed to pay Jill a million if she could prove Andi was having an affair with me. Robert was both a victim and a criminal. Do I have it right?”

  “Yes, you do, Cyn, except, as you told me, Jill already knew about your affair as she saw you and Andi together. Red's key contribution was that she planned the Sexy Girls night at the Kimmel Center. Jill took the plan to the next level with Jack's help. Jack did the filming and they both blackmailed Robert and Andi. I could see that Red felt terrible. But, she'll have to live with that.”


  My future began the next morning. My best friend moved back to her apartment in Philadelphia. At the same time, my lover caught the first non-stop morning flight from Los Angeles. I picked her up at the airport at 5 p.m.

  Running to me through the security gates, she said, “Oh, Stevie, you’re here.”

  “Yes, of course I am.”

  That's when we shared our first kiss. Then, she leaned back so she could look me in the eyes. “God, I love being held by you!”

  “I love holding you, too.”

  “I want you so much. Oh, I'm sorry, Stevie. I'm being my bold self.”

  “Don't stop.”

  She winked at me. “Are you sure?”


  She asked, “Are you really free?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  I smiled.

  She smiled back and said, “Oh, God, this is great. Do I finally have Stevie Garrett all for myself?”

  I answered with a question, “Do you want me after all these years?”

  “Want you? I don't stop thinking of you.”

  I said, “We've waited so long.”

  “We sure have. OK, total confession; I dream about you, Stevie.”

  “Do you?”

  “Yes, I hope you understand.”

  I said, “I do. Believe me. I've dreamed of you a lot, ever since we saved Andi.”

  “Really? God, that's so long ago.”

  “Yes, it's always the same dream. But, it was never the right time, you know?”

  She said, “It's the right time now.”

  That's when I kissed her again and whispered in her left ear, “Yes, it is our time.”

  Edie McCall said, “I'm desperate for you.”


  We’re in my bed. I'm looking at the ceiling and thinking of this little beauty asleep on my chest. She is so light. She is a woman child with boundless energy. Her petite body is so lithe, so athletic, and so different from the others. Yet, so incredible! And, we fit so well together. We're not like most human couples. Not like the previous women in my life. No, Andi and Cyndie were such Amazon-like women, with their long legs, and arms and bodies. Eve and Dee Dee were smaller women, but Edie is smaller still. We're like some animal species where the male is much larger than the female. Because of this, I feel very protective toward her; I know life is so precious and fleeting.

  Wow! It was like a dream come true for her. God, it had been a long time coming! I am blessed.

  A little later, she wakes. I felt this need to get everything out immediately as I wanted no secrets or surprises.

  In a too-serious tone, I said, “So, how are things with you?”

  She laughed. “I'm fine, and, you?

  “Oh, Edie, I mean, this is real, right?”

  “Very real, Stevie.”

  “Do you feel like I do?”

  “I feel great.”

  “Do you think we could make a bi-coastal marriage work?”

  Edie smiled. “Do you know what you just said?”

  “Yes, can this work?”

  “No, not that. Are you really asking me to marry you?”

  I paused, nodded, and said, “Yes, I guess I am.”

  “Then, say it?”

  “I will, I want to, but my mind is racing. I admit I am in love with you Edie. But, what I mean is, I want this, but you're an actress, living in LA and Tucson. I'm an investigator living in Delaware and working in Philly. How do we make this...”

  Edie put her finger to her mouth and whispered, “Shhh…just ask me and we'll figure it out.”

  I stopped talking. Smiled again and said, “Edie McCall, will you ma
rry me?”



  “Yes, Stevie, I want you. I love you. I've loved you for years. I will go where you are. All the rest doesn't matter. I want life with you.”

  I said, “Thank you. I love you, Edie. But, are you sure?”

  “Yes. Believe me.”

  “OK, wow! What about your career?”

  “I'll do the movie and then, we’ll see after that. But, like I said a week ago, that doesn't matter. You come first. I want to be with you for the rest of my life, wherever you are. I've got lots of money in the bank and you're pretty well off, too. Plus, it looks like we’re about to get more. We'll keep my mountain cabin for vacations when my dad’s not using it. And, we have the beach house. But, Stevie, that doesn't matter. We'll go where we want. If money gets tight, we could sell both of those and I'd be happy living in your Wilmington home. But, I don't think we'll need to.”

  “OK, but when can we get married? You're about to film the movie?”

  Edie laughed, “Boy, this is some day to remember. First, we make love like two animals in heat. Then, you want to know how we'll make a marriage work on two coasts, before you even ask me to marry you. And, now, you want to know; when's our wedding day? You don't fool around, Mr. Garrett!”

  “I guess I don't, do I?”

  “No, you don't. But, you've made my dream come true. It's everything I wanted. It's all I thought about since you called me yesterday. I just didn't think it would happen on this trip, let alone in the first four hours after I arrived.”

  “I'm sorry.”

  “Don't be, unless it's not what you want?”

  “No, it is. I've had this recurring dream of you and me, off and on, for a long time. And, now, over the last few months, I'm having it almost every night.”

  “Really, tell me about it, Stevie.”

  I did. Edie listened intently. When I finished, Edie said, “That's so amazing. I dream and think about that time and you, too, a lot.”


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