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Alpha's Mate: A Steamy PNR Shifter & Fantasy Romance Collection (Hot Shifters Book 3)

Page 44

by Casey Morgan

  “It can be.”

  I’m not really sure what the other members of our church are like in their homes. If they’re all like my parents, that would be horrendous, but it’s possible that there are sane people going there. My parents shelter me entirely. They barely trust anyone to be around me, who isn’t them.

  I don’t always like what the preacher says, he has a lot of paranoia-based sermons, but it is kind of like an extended family. During church is one of the few times my parents do something without me. A limited freedom, but it’s there.

  “Yeah, I never went to church. My… it’s just something that never happened.”

  “Maybe we don’t mention that the first time we meet my parents.”

  They are going to hate someone with no religion. It’s enough that he’s not a member of our church, but the fact that he hasn’t ever been. That might just be too much for them to handle. I’m sure they are going to automatically think he’s a “sinner.” I’m just hoping they don’t yell it in his face.

  “Are they not going to like me?”

  “I don’t know, to be honest. They can be a little judgmental. Especially when it comes to people outside of the church.”

  “Okay, I’ll keep it to myself, for now.”

  I smile because it sounds like we might be planning on seeing one another again. That has to mean that he likes me. You don’t keep seeing people you don’t like, not if you can help it.

  Chapter Seven


  We’re getting closer to the church. I didn’t get as far away as I thought I did. I must have been going around in circles without even realizing it. It kind of sucks that I did such a bad job with running away. I really thought I had done a slightly better job. But there is a bright side of all this is that I got to meet Raul.

  “Am I going the right way?” he asks.

  I realize that there are a few churches in the area, but Raul is actually going the right way. Maybe he recognized the conservative clothes I have on.

  I still don’t know much of anything about him, like if he’s from this town or not. If he is, it makes sense that he knows about my church’s dress code. We’re the only one with one in the area.

  “Yeah, we’re actually almost there. It should only be a few more minutes.”

  I know what part of the church my parents will be in. All of those details were confirmed weeks ago, and they’d been literally and figuratively beating the information into me.

  We get there, and everything is being set up. Actually, it looks like they are almost done. So many of our members are out and about, getting ready for tonight.

  “Huh, I thought my parents would be out here.”

  I twist my mouth up, thinking, and looking around. They are supposed to be in charge of the outdoor setup, which means overseeing everyone out on the front lawn. Maybe they got switched to working indoors since I wasn't here.

  “Are you sure they're here?”

  “Yeah, they wouldn't miss the harvest party for anything.” Even if I turned up missing. I'm sure if they found me dead in my bed, they would still make sure to show up to church on time. “They might be inside,”

  I motion for Raul to follow me, and we go around. The double doors are wide open, and I can see my parents standing right there.

  “They're right there,” I sigh. It's a relief that I can go through my original plan to confront them in public. I feel a lot better and safer doing it here.

  I look back at my parents and notice that they are talking to some guy I don't recognize. I know we get new recruits every now and then, but they usually don't join the day of the harvest festival. Plus, he isn't wearing anything remotely close to our religious clothing.

  “Hmm, I don't recognize that guy,” I cover my concern to Raul. I'm probably just being overdramatic.

  “Are you sure that you don't recognize him?”

  “Yeah,” I shake my head. I don't know why he's acting so weird about this. “I've never seen that guy before, but I'm sure it's not a big deal. He's probably just thinking about joining the church or something. My parents help with recruitment sometimes.”

  Raul starts shaking his head. He seems nervous, but I can't understand why.

  “What is it? Why are you so worried? It’s really okay.”

  “We can't go further. It's dangerous.”

  I furrow my brow because I have no idea what's going on. What is he talking about? I can't go to my parents because it's dangerous?

  “I'm sorry, I don't understand.”

  “I can't explain it now. I promise it'll all become clear, but you have to come with me.”

  “Raul, I don't know why you're being this way. I'm tired, I'm hungry, and I need to go say sorry to my parents. Hopefully, we can talk later, okay? I promise you that I’ll be fine.”

  “Anya, please, you can't go over there. I'm telling you it's not safe.”


  I'm starting to get a little heated. I like this guy, but I did just meet him. I don't understand why he's being so weird. We don't know each other well enough for me to just walk away with him like that. Why isn’t he listening to what I am saying to him?

  “Come on, let's go.” Raul takes my hand, trying to pull me away.

  I don't want to leave, and I have made that abundantly clear. I'm not going to let him strong-arm me like this. It's what my parents have been doing my entire life, and I told myself if I was going to come back to hate, I wouldn't be pushed around anymore.

  “No!” I yell. “Let me go!”

  I'm yelling at this point, not caring if I'm making a scene. I'm done with others dictating my life.

  As I'm trying to pull myself away, wolves start to swarm around the building. I start freaking out because, “Oh my God! What are they doing here?”

  I've never seen them this close to the town. The wolves have always stayed in the woods and never really bothered anyone in the town. It's this because of what happened earlier? Are they tracking us or something?

  I look around for my parents. I hope that they are okay. I can't see them anywhere, though, because it's just wolves. They're fighting each other, but I can't see anyone getting suck in the fray. Watching all this fighting, I can feel myself getting energized. Something is drawing me into the fight, like I'm supposed to be a part of it in some way.

  It's then that I realize that Raul has disappeared. I don't see him anywhere. It's like the last time, but, this time, he vanished into thin air instead of coming from it.

  I'm trying to calm myself down, but I can't. Adrenaline and aggression are running through my body. I'm not used to this feeling. My parents raised me to be weak and submissive. I've never really stood up for myself. My brain is on fire.

  “Anya!” I turn around, snarling at whoever is calling me. The sound coming out of me is animalistic. I see my parents and rain in my breathing, getting all of this energy under control, or at least trying to.

  “Mom! Dad!”

  They don't seem super angry. Maybe it's because of the dangerous situation we're in, but maybe they are happy to see me.

  “We need to get out of here.” My mom motions for me to come towards them.

  I nod because that makes sense. They want to get me away from all these wolves. They want to keep me safe.

  “Okay. I'm coming.”

  Chapter Eight


  The fucking Shadewoods decided to attack in the town. It's a bold, drastic move, but I'm not surprised that they've taken it. I now know why they are doing this now. Like my pack, they have their own secrets to protect, and it looks like they are willing to risk a whole lot.

  But I need to focus on saving Anya for the second time. My pack and I can figure out next moves at a later date, if they are necessary.

  And thank goodness for my pack. They got here just in time, and we're all doing our best to keep this pack from destroying everything. As I fight off the Shadewoods, I can't help but think about Anya. I'm doing this for her,
and I hope she understands. I know I was being a little aggressive earlier, but I was trying to avoid this exact situation. I knew the second Anya mentioned that unknown guy, that all this shit was about to hit the fan.

  I feel like I did back in that clearing. Everything is coming with such ease; I know I'm not about to fail. I don't have the option to fail because that means Anya won't be safe.

  I chase these guys off, making sure that every last one of them is gone. I don't think this is the last time that the Shadewoods are going to attack, but they are definitely done for now.

  My pack scatters once the Shadewoods are defeated. Being so visible isn't good for us. Operating in the shadows is a lot better for our breed. Humans don't like things different than them. I learned that lesson a long time ago.

  I get to a secluded spot and shift back to my human form. Once again, I don't really have any scars or wounds leftover.

  “Crazy,” I whisper to myself.

  Everything keeps backing up my original thought about Anya. This morning, it felt like a pipe dream, but, now, it's all getting really, really real.

  I come out from my hiding spot to find Anya. I hope that she's still here. She waited for me last time. Hopefully, she did again.

  I go back to the lawn where I saw Anya last. I see her, but she's being led away by her parents. Her mother has a tight grip on her wrist, pulling her with them. I don't like the way they're handling her, but I'm not going to lose my shit. That won't get me what I want or need because she can't go with them. Just because I was able to get rid of the Shadewoods for a second time doesn't mean she's safe. There's still so much she doesn't know.

  “Anya!” I yell her name as loud as I can to get her attention. My heart is pounding with anticipation.

  She turns around and smiles when she sees me. “Raul!” I can hear relief in her voice.

  I was worried that I might have pushed too hard and driven her away, but she still seems happy to see me.

  I rush over to her and see the intense displeasure on her parents’ faces. I can see they already don't like me. I know they know the truth, but I can also see the fear in their faces. If Anya knew what she really is, then they couldn't hurt her anymore.

  “I thought maybe you got hurt or something,” she sounds a little out of breath, but it looks like she got away from all of that mess unharmed.

  “I'm fine. I was worried about you. They didn't get to you, right?”

  “I'm okay, I'm okay. My parents pulled me away from everything. I'm fine,” she smiles. She hasn't stopped smiling. It's like every passing minute she gets more and more beautiful.

  I look over at her parents, happy that they protected her, but not a fan of their motives. The distrust I feel from them is instant, and it's mutual. I'm sure they're a part of this whole thing.

  “Anya, I really think you should come with me. I promise you'll be safe. I know that it's been a crazy few hours, but I won't let anything happen to you.” I'm looking directly into her eyes, getting lost in her depth.

  “Raul, I already told you. I can't.”

  I know this is going to be an uphill battle, but I'm willing to walk up that mountain for her.

  “Anya, we need to go. Leave this filthy man.”

  I ignore whoever said that because my only focus is Anya.

  “You saw what happened. It's not safe here. I know this all doesn't make a lot of sense, but I'll explain it all once we're away from here. I just want to make sure you'll be safe.”

  I’m hoping and praying that my words will mean something to her, but I know Anya’s loyalty to her parents will win out. Really, she must already know being with them is the worst idea. I suspect she wasn’t just on a stroll this morning but trying to get away. Why else would she feel the need to make amends?

  I mean, she doesn't owe her parents a damn thing. They've hidden her away her entire life and done their best to suppress her true nature. The only way I've seen humans attempt this is through violence, and I'm sure her parents aren't any different.

  I wish I could convince her to run away again but with me this time. The problem is, I’m just some random man she met this morning. Why should she risk it all just to be with me? What are those perfect words that will change her mind?

  “I –” Anya starts, but her dad places a firm hand on her shoulder. Her entire body tenses up.

  “Anya. If you don’t come with us right now, we’ll disown you. You won’t ever be allowed to set foot in our house again. You will no longer be our child.” He sounds completely and totally serious.

  I can't understand why the two of them would take in Anya if they had no intention of treating her with kindness. Having these two as parents must be absolute torture.

  “Anya,” I plead with her one last time.

  Her eyes are wide like she wants to come with me. I know she likes me.

  “I'm sorry, Raul. I can't not listen to my parents. I have to go with them. You understand that, right?”

  I sigh because I knew this was the choice she was going to make. It doesn't make it hurt any less, but I get it, I guess.

  “Okay, I understand.”

  I take her hands and envelop them in mine. I can feel the heat between us and know that what's between us is meant to be.

  “If you ever want to learn the truth about who you are and be with your one true love, you can find me in the place where I saved you the first time.”

  I bring her hands to my lips and softly kiss them before letting her go and walking away. I can't linger, or else I'm going to make a scene.

  This is a worse feeling than thinking I just never had a mate. To know Anya is so close, but we can't be together, hurts my heart. But I don't want to make things worse for her. Even if it means my life is going to remain in shambles.

  Feelings of dejection take over my brain. The depression I've dealt with my entire life clouds my mind. Anya was a small reprieve for a couple of hours, and what a great couple of hours it was. I was so close, and I still can't be with my mate. Maybe I am just destined to be alone forever. I know if I tell her why her parents keep her isolated, it would break her. If she wants the truth, then she has to be all in, willing to leave behind the life she has now.

  It's a decision only she can make. The life I lead is not an easy one. Living under the radar is what keeps me alive. The first time anything has popped up, the Shadewoods attacked. I know this would probably be a large adjustment for Anya, but if we're meant to be, then I'm sure the two of us could easily adjust to whatever life together. And, it might sound weird since I've only known Anya for such a short amount of time, but I'm sure she's the one for me. I can't see anyone making me feel this way.

  But it looks like she doesn't want to be with me. Not enough to leave her parents anyway. I'm just going to resign myself to this life of solitude. I gave Anya the chance to change her mind and come to me, but I feel there is only the slightest of chances that she'll actually show up. I have to keep my expectations low. And, because they are low, I'm sure my one true mate has slipped through my fingers.

  I've walked to the town's edge, far away enough from prying eyes that I can shift without being seen. I take on my wolf form and start to run into the forest. I'm going to wait in that clearing and get lost in the solitude that I've come to know so well.

  Chapter Nine


  Raul walked away, seemingly out of my life forever. He said I could meet him in the clearing, but there's no way I can just leave my parents. I already tried that and failed. Plus, they are probably going to be watching me like a hawk from now on.

  He did say all these weird things about knowing about who I really am and my one true love. What did he mean by that? It was so vague, and I wanted to know more, but I didn't want to get into it in front of my parents. They very clearly do not like him, but it's because they don't know him. I know if they took the time to talk to him, they might even let me see him again, and I can ask about all those strange things he told me before wal
king away.

  We're all walking back home, and my parents are being really weird. They aren't saying anything me, going all quiet. Maybe they are mad at me. I did run away from home and took some of their money. Thankfully, I spent none of it, so that should be easy to return, but it doesn't negate the fact that I had that lapse in judgment.

  They probably were just scared earlier, and that's why they didn't seem upset with me. All the fear of dealing with the wolves must have triggered a need to protect me, but now that we're safe, they can stew in a haze of their anger.

  “Un,” I start. I want to apologize and see if that helps the situation at all, but my dad holds up his hand.

  “We'll talk when we get home. Just keep walking quietly, okay.”

  I nod because I know what that means. It's what he's said to me every time I've tried to have a real conversation whenever we are out and about.

  I shouldn't be surprised at all. Why did I think my parents would change? They've always been preoccupied with their public image. We always play the perfect family whenever we are in front of the church people or really anyone. But, once we are home, he becomes a totally different person. He becomes the man who beats me with a belt at the behest of my mother.

  Maybe I'm overreacting. If we do have this talk, things could change. But I can't fight off this knot in my stomach because I'm so used to the usual.

  There's also a chance nothing changed. I can't help but think about Raul's offer to run away with him. Honestly, I'd rather be with him right now. Even though I've only known him for a few hours, I know exactly how I feel about him. Something about Raul makes me feel safe.

  If I wasn't so incompetent, I'd have gone wherever he planned to go. But I don't know how to take care of myself like that. He'd quickly learn that I'm an idiot who doesn't know how to live in the slightest. I’m sure Raul doesn’t want some dumb baby hanging on to him like I’d have to if we did end up running off with one another.


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