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The True Beast (A Full Moon Mercy Novel) (shifter / MC romance)

Page 5

by Ana W. Fawkes

  But Ian wanted it.

  He came at Lucas, ready for a fight.

  Lucas stood on his back paws just as Ian did. Their large bodies collided together like thunder and they bit at each other, their growls overpowering any other sounds around them. Pain shot through Lucas’s face, but he stayed with Ian. He overpowered Ian and took him to the ground. As they fell, they both shifted back into human form. Lucas rolled off Ian and stood, cocking a fist back, ready for more. Ian jumped up and came at Lucas. When Lucas realized he was naked, he hurried and grabbed Ian by the arms and stopped the brawl.

  “Bro, we’re… we’re back,” Lucas said.

  Ian looked down at his naked body and then jumped back. “Get the hell away from me, bro.”

  Lucas began to laugh. Ian turned and hustled to his clothing. Before dressing, he took a cheap kick at Lucas’s clothing. Lucas stormed to his clothes, but not before Cooper had an arm out and stopped Lucas.

  “Whoa, calm it,” Cooper said. “What the fuck is going on between you two today?”

  “I don’t know,” Lucas said. “He’s pissed about something and I’m his target.”

  “I can fucking hear you,” Ian said. He dressed and looked over his shoulder. “You’re putting the entire club in danger with your little stripper.”

  “My little stripper,” Lucas said.

  “We have damage control,” Cooper said. “In case you two didn’t remember, there’s some bodies to clean up.”

  Lucas walked to his clothes and dressed himself. He stared at Ian and watched as Ian took a deep drag from a fresh smoke.

  “Got one for me?” Lucas asked.

  Ian pulled out a pack and Lucas took one. He lit it and stood shoulder to shoulder with Ian.

  “Cooper and I will take care of this,” Ian said. “You should get back. There’s plans to be made.”

  Lucas smoked and exhaled. “You know, I didn’t set out…”

  “I know, brother,” Ian said. “This, right in front of us, this is my own vengeance. Man beats girl and kid.”

  “I get it,” Lucas said. “I just wished we could have worked this a little better.”

  “Ran with the urge,” Ian said. He looked at Lucas. “You know that feeling, right?”

  “You’re a prick sometimes,” Lucas said.

  Ian offered his hand. Lucas took it. “Take care, Lucas. Make sure that woman is cared for. She’s human, bro. She doesn’t know what’s happening to her body… or her mind.”

  Her mind.

  Lucas nodded and thought about it again. Debbie’s constant changes and constant needs. She probably couldn’t keep up with them. And yet Lucas left Leah with Debbie.

  “Shit,” Lucas said. He started to hustle and pointed to Cooper. “Got this?”

  “Go,” Cooper said. “It’s all good here. Just a bunch of fucking bodies.”

  “Call Charlie,” Lucas called out. “He’ll come and you can work out a story. Make these assholes as if they never existed.”

  Lucas jumped on his bike and peeled around to go back down the alley. He had to get back to the club. In his mind, he hated to imagine what could be happening with Leah and Debbie. It wasn’t so much of them fighting, it was the urges Debbie felt and what they could do to a person who couldn’t control them.

  To Debbie, Leah maybe just wasn’t a bitch. Maybe she was a first meal.


  Leah kept her distance from Debbie with as much respect as she could show. The hunger in Debbie’s eyes became more and more clear and Leah wasn’t sure if Debbie was thinking it or if she was eyeing up Leah for an attack.

  As Debbie struggled to get off the couch, Leah approached with caution and offered a hand to help.

  “I’m not crippled,” Debbie said.

  “I never said you were,” Leah said. “I’m just trying to help a pregnant woman stand.”

  Debbie took Leah’s hand and Leah pulled. Debbie groaned and let out a painful cry as she stood. She put one hand to her stomach and the other hand to Leah’s shoulder. She let out another cry and looked up at Leah. Tears were in her eyes.

  “Are you okay?” Leah asked.

  “The pain,” Debbie whispered. “It comes and goes. When it comes… oh, it’s moving again.”

  Leah looked down and slowly put her hand to Debbie’s to move it. She put her fingers around Debbie’s fingers and pulled them away. Debbie’s hand shook and she then gripped Leah’s hand and squeezed. Leah winced in pain but kept her focus on Debbie’s stomach. Within a few seconds Leah couldn’t believe her eyes. She saw something press against Debbie’s stomach, from the inside. Leah couldn’t make out what body part it was, but did that really matter? The movement continued and each time a figure pushed at the inside of Debbie’s stomach, she groaned in pain.

  “What can I do?” Leah asked.

  “Nothing,” Debbie said. “It just happens.”

  Leah then watched as what looked like a fist began to push. Debbie’s stomach stretched out and it bothered Leah to see. Debbie’s knees finally buckled and she fell to her knees before Leah, still holding her hand.

  Debbie looked at Leah and tears streamed down her cheeks. Leah truly had no idea what to do for Debbie. The feelings of jealousy and rage had faded away into sympathy. This woman was carrying life in her body, but it wasn’t human life. Thoughts flooded Leah’s mind and she felt like a bitch for thinking of herself, but she couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if the time came and she and Lucas wanted to be together and have a family. Could Leah’s body handle it? It scared her because Debbie had a thicker body than Leah. Debbie wasn’t large, but she was curvier. She had the demeanor and strength of a woman who could handle a lot in her life. But no human could possibly prepare for something like this.

  “Let me help you up and to the couch,” Leah said.

  “Okay,” Debbie whispered.

  Leah pulled and Debbie struggled. She made it to her feet and Leah stayed right with her, a hand on her lower back as she guided Debbie to the couch. Debbie sat, let go of Leah’s hand finally, and then wiped her face. Leah went to the kitchen and got a napkin for Debbie.

  “Here,” Leah said.

  “Thanks,” Debbie said. “Sorry for crying.”

  “I think you have every right to cry,” Leah said.

  “Just so you know, I don’t love him,” Debbie said. “I don’t even love myself, how could I love another person?”

  “You don’t have to do this for me,” Leah said. “I’m here to help you.”

  “Whatever. I don’t care what you want to know or not. I’m going to tell you what I know. And what I feel. Lucas was just a bad boy biker that I wanted in my pants.”

  “Looks you got that and more,” Leah said.

  “Very funny,” Debbie said. “I don’t love him at all, but there’s a connection. I feel it when I look at him. It’s not my heart and it’s not my mind. It’s…”

  Debbie rubbed her stomach.

  “What’s inside you,” Leah said.

  “Yes. I don’t understand what it means though. I feel it other times, too. But just so you know, I’m not in love with Lucas. I don’t give a shit about him. I never did.”

  “The club is going through a lot to help you though,” Leah said.

  “Yeah. They’re making sure I don’t end up in the news.” Debbie paused and then looked at Leah. “Nothing about this is human, is it? I mean, whatever is inside me. Whatever Lucas is. Those others guys…”

  “They look human to me,” Leah said.

  “You’re a lying bitch,” Debbie said. “You want to help me and you come here and lie to me?”

  “What are you trying to ask? Do you think Lucas isn’t human?”

  “That night, Leah,” Debbie said, “that wasn’t like anything I’d ever felt.”

  Now the jealousy returned to Leah. She maintained her best calm composure.

  “What happened?”

  “It was intense,” Debbie said. “Just so intense. The way he touched me.
The way he thrust at me. The noises he made. The look in his eyes. It left me feeling paralyzed in the best way possible. And when he finished, he was gone. He literally grabbed his clothes and just took off.”

  Leah swallowed and walked away. She went to the kitchen and got herself a glass of water. She had no idea her night was going to turn into this. First, enduring Lucas’s speech of caring for Debbie and now suffering through details of the night Lucas had sex with Debbie.

  “Look, I’m sorry if this bothers you,” Debbie said.

  “No you’re not,” Leah said. She drank the glass of water and returned to the living room. “It’s fine though.”

  “You’ve seen them upstairs,” Debbie said. “What are they? There’s something about it all. At first, they were just rough and tough bikers. But now it seems ever since I’ve gotten pregnant, my urges and senses… they’re growing as fast as my stomach. And my senses are telling me nothing around me is human. Except you, Leah.”

  “How do you know that?” Leah asked. “How do you know that I’m the only human.”

  Debbie looked at her with big eyes. “Because I can smell it.”

  “You can smell it?”

  “And it’s really hard right now not to attack you,” Debbie said.

  “Attack me? For what? Because of Lucas?”

  “No, not because of Lucas. Because I’m hungry.”

  “I’ll go get…”

  “I told you what I want,” Debbie shouted. “Fuck. I know what I want.”

  Debbie’s breathing started to get shaky. Her eyes were wide, focused on Leah. She pushed from the couch and stood with ease on her own. Leah took a step back.

  “Debbie, sit back down,” Leah said.

  “I can’t,” Debbie said. “I can’t resist anymore.”

  “Yes you can,” Leah said. “Let’s keep talking. I’m going to help you, Debbie. We’re going to get you to that doctor.”

  Leah kept stepping back until she was in the kitchen. The move seemed dumb because Leah had now cornered herself. But going to the door would have been a terrible move. If Debbie escaped the hidden apartment, all hell could possibly break loose.

  “What are you feeling right now?” Leah asked.

  “The movement makes me hungry,” Debbie said. “You smell so human, Leah. So good. I wonder if Lucas feels this way around you.”

  Leah didn’t want to think about it at that moment, but she did. Did Lucas have these kinds of feelings? Debbie looked haggard and desperate and she wasn’t even a shifter.

  Slowly, Leah reached behind herself and opened a drawer.

  “I didn’t ask for this to happen to me,” Debbie said. “I like sex. That’s all. It’s just sex. And I’m on the pill. I shouldn’t get pregnant, Leah. I slept with two other guys the same night I was with Lucas. It’s what I do. I love it. But now all my feelings are being taken away. One by one. Replaced by others.”

  “I’m so sorry,” Leah said.

  Leah touched the inside of the drawer. Debbie took two more steps and Leah had to defend herself. She pulled out the first utensil she could find.

  It was a fork.

  Leah pointed the fork at Debbie. “Stop moving.”

  “I can’t.”

  Debbie took another step. Leah turned, taking a massive risk, but she had to find a knife. She grabbed two steak knives and turned to find Debbie just a foot away, if not less. Debbie’s mouth was open, her breathing very heavy.

  “You won’t hurt me,” Debbie said. “You wouldn’t do that to Lucas.”

  “He’d be most upset if I was dead,” Leah said.

  “Let’s find out.”

  Leah lifted the knives to Debbie’s chest, but it didn’t seem to bother Debbie at all. That’s when the real terror began to settle in for Leah. She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t hurt Debbie. Not with the life inside Debbie’s stomach.

  “Fuck,” Leah whispered.

  “Fuck,” Debbie said.

  Leah opened her hands and the knives fell.

  The door to the secret apartment then opened and Leah cried out Lucas’s name.

  Debbie had her hands on Leah’s waist and was inches from her face.

  “Debbie!” Lucas cried out.

  Leah watched Debbie’s nose move as she sniffed the air again. Before Leah could offer one last plea, Debbie turned her head. Leah did the same and when she saw the blood on Lucas’s face, neck, and shirt, her mouth fell open. It took her a second to remember that there was a great chance the blood wasn’t Lucas’s. But that meant Lucas had gone out and killed someone. Or something.

  “What the fuck is going on here?” Lucas asked.

  There was no response, only action.

  Debbie rushed from the kitchen and moved at Lucas with speed. Leah was still shaking from almost being attacked by Debbie. She watched as Debbie grabbed Lucas by his leather and pulled at him.

  “Debbie, what’s wrong…”

  Debbie put her nose to Lucas’s neck and inhaled. She then flicked her tongue at his neck. This snapped Leah out of her frozen state. She couldn’t do this. She couldn’t watch Debbie kiss Lucas.

  Debbie’s tongue moved fast, licking at Lucas’s neck, groaning as she did so. When Leah started to move, Lucas put his hand out.

  “Don’t,” he warned Leah.

  It drove Leah mad to have to stand there, but she couldn’t take her eyes off the scene.

  Debbie licked up to Lucas’s chin and finally to his lips. She then stared at Lucas.

  “Do you feel better now?” Lucas asked.

  Debbie released her grip on Lucas’s leather and took a step back. The silence in the secret apartment was intense. Debbie touched Lucas’s shirt. She then turned her hand and stared at the blood on her fingertips. She brought her fingertips to her mouth and sucked on them for a second before finally letting out a cry.

  “What’s wrong with me?”

  Lucas touched Debbie at her shoulders and began to slowly walk her backwards to the couch.

  “Debbie, listen to me,” Lucas said. “This is why we have to move you. There’s a doctor that can help you with all this. Your feelings. Your urges.”

  “I wanted to kill her,” Debbie said. “I wanted to kill Leah.”

  “Okay,” Lucas said. “You two have to find a way…”

  “No,” Debbie shouted. “You don’t get it. I didn’t want to kill her because she’s a bitch. I wanted to kill her because I’m hungry. I wanted to… tear her apart.”

  The words made Leah shiver. She looked at the knives on the floor and picked them up and put them away. Debbie was then seated on the couch. She stared ahead, her hands shaking.

  “What’s wrong with me, Lucas?” she asked.

  Lucas took his leather jacket off and tossed it behind him on a chair. He grabbed the bottom of his shirt and took it off. Leah watched the rippling muscles of Lucas’s back and let out a sigh. He was so sexy.

  When Lucas turned, he looked concerned.

  “Lucas,” Leah whispered.

  “No,” Lucas said. “Take my shirt and get it just a little wet.”


  “Just do it.”

  Leah turned and did as told. She rinsed Lucas’s t-shirt under water for a few seconds. She handed it back to Lucas and he dropped it to the table in front of Leah.

  “Keep this,” Lucas said to Debbie.

  Debbie reached for the shirt and opened it until she found a bloody spot. She then put the shirt to her face and smelled it.

  “It’s good,” Debbie whispered.

  “I know it is,” Lucas said.

  He moved a piece of hair out of Debbie’s face.

  Lucas turned and grabbed his leather. He put it back on and then offered his hand to Leah. She took it and he pulled her close. His strong arms felt good.

  “We have to leave right now,” Lucas said. “Did she hurt you?”

  “I’m okay,” Leah said.

  Lucas kept an arm around Leah and guided her from the secret apartment
. The door clicked shut and Lucas checked to make sure it was locked. He let out a sigh and walked to the closest wall and punched it. Again. And again. And again.

  “Lucas, stop,” Leah said.

  Lucas turned and his eyes glowed yellow for a second. The beast within maybe wanted to come out again.

  “What a fucking night,” Lucas said.

  “Can you tell me about it?” Leah asked.

  “You saw me,” Lucas said. “I had to rush here because I knew it was going to happen. I should have known better, Leah. I put you right in the line of fire there.”

  “It’s okay,” Leah said. “Nothing happened.”

  “It’s not okay,” Lucas shouted. “I put you in a room alone with someone who has no idea what they’re feeling or how to control it. Of course I fucked up. Again.”

  “Lucas, I handled myself,” Leah said. “I talked to her. I listened. It was just at the last minute she started to do that. Right after I saw her stomach move.”

  “You saw it?”

  “I did.”

  “Leah, this… this isn’t fair to you,” Lucas said. “But I can’t get away from you.”

  Leah put her hands to Lucas’s bare body under his leather. Her fingertips moved along the strong muscle, memorizing it.

  “Then don’t go,” Leah said. “Unless I come with you.”

  “I’ll take you home,” Lucas said. “I have to figure this mess out.”

  “Will you…” Leah felt her lip quivering. She was afraid to tell Lucas of her feelings from earlier that night. Or being watched.

  “Will I what?” Lucas asked.

  “Take me home and come inside?” Leah asked. “I need you tonight.”

  Lucas smiled. “About the same as I need you, Leah.”

  Leah kissed Lucas, but the kiss didn’t last long. They were in a hurry to get to Leah’s apartment.


  Lucas rode behind Leah. He took her to get her car and promised to follow her home. He could never turn down the opportunity to share a bed with Leah, even if her eyes weren’t giving away the entire story. Anger and pain flowed through his body as he saw the figure of Leah’s through the back window of her car.


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