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Out of Darkness

Page 6

by Billie Turner

  He backed away and proceeded to grab the essentials they’d need to leave town. Maybe she’d wake on her own while he was packing. When he was satisfied he’d done as good a job of packing as possible with what they had on hand, he checked on her again. Still sleeping. She’d be embarrassed that he’d found her naked. He had few other options; it was time to wake her. Besides, the water was getting colder with every passing second. He was really doing her a favor by waking her.

  “Emma,” he coaxed. “Em, you’ve gotta wake up.” He nudged her shoulder.

  Brilliant green eyes flashed open and stared straight into his. Emma jerked, her hand splashed to the tubs floor to catch herself from falling over. Water sloshed over the edge of the tub and swirled around her. It didn’t even take a second for her to remember she was naked. And less to realize he was looking. She covered herself with her hands.

  “Get out!”

  Kai didn’t hesitate. He retreated from the side of the tub. “I’m sorry,” he said, turning his back to her and belatedly averting his eyes. “You fell asleep in the bath.” What he really wanted to do was strip down and climb in, not apologize. “I came back and you weren’t in bed. I knocked. When you didn’t answer, I was worried, so I came in to check on you.”

  “You could have left when you saw I was in the tub! You didn’t have to stay in here to wake me.”

  “Actually I did.” Emma leveled a death glare at him. “You’re right, I should have left. I’m sorry. I just wasn’t thinking straight.”

  “And yet, you’re still here!” She glared again. “So please just get out!”

  “Yeah, okay.” He turned and exited the bathroom.

  Chapter 9

  Emma scrambled out of the tub, cheeks burning. She thrust her arms into a fluffy white guest robe and belted it tight at the waist. Wow! Damn he’s hot! She hadn’t expected that! Kai was even better looking than she’d imagined. Dark haired, blue eyed and hot! He was also enormous; he had to be about seven feet tall if he was an inch. No wonder he lifted her as if she weighed nothing. Thick muscles corded his arms and shoulders. His broad-shouldered build tapered to a narrower trunk and lean hips and soft, faded jeans showcased muscular thighs and legs. The overall package of the man was amazing—intimidating, exceptional and downright gorgeous. Her imagination hadn’t done him justice. He was beautiful. What was he talking about when he said he was old? He was anything but. At worst he might be in his late twenties or early thirties. Emma was almost twenty-two herself, so the age gap wasn’t as big as he seemed to think. Maybe ten years at most. No big deal.

  She opened the door into the bedroom to find Kai zipping a large black duffel bag. He glanced up when she entered the room and because he still believed she couldn’t see, he failed to mask the raw hunger right away. He caught himself and averted his gaze. The glance was so fleeting Emma wondered if she’d seen it at all.

  “Are you going somewhere?”

  “We’re going somewhere.”

  “We are? Why?” He opened drawers to check for missed items. “Do we have to leave right now?”

  “Yes, we do. I’ve already arranged for a rental car, it’ll be here in a few minutes. Let’s get your things from the bathroom.”

  “I can gather my stuff. And why are we leaving?”

  Kai kept walking to the bathroom. “Since you can’t see, it’s quicker and easier for me to pack. I’ve got everything else ready.” He moved the bags close to the door.

  “I can see,” she stopped him in his tracks. “Ever since I woke up.” Emma smiled, happy to finally share her good news with him.

  Kai’s head whipped around and he looked in her eyes. “That’s great!” His heart-stopping smile caused twin indentations to appear on either side of his mouth and her knees wobbled. He has a great smile. He should smile more often.

  “Everything is a little blurry, but I think that might have more to do with this pounding headache.”

  Kai took her hands in his. “I’m glad you have your sight back.” Even through the smile, Emma saw a shadow of concern. “Do you need something for the pain?”

  “Yes, some Tylenol if you have it. I looked for some earlier, but couldn’t find any.” Now that he was distracted, Emma thought she might get an answer. “Why do we have to leave right now?”

  “I bumped into someone I want to avoid right now. I’ll catch up with him later when I’m ready to see him.”

  “That doesn’t seem like a good enough reason to rush out in the middle of the night.”

  “It’s not the middle of the night. Will you please trust me? Okay?”

  “I am trusting you. It just seems odd.”

  “If you knew him you wouldn’t think so.” Bitterness edged his words. “Look, I don’t want a run in with him while you’re with me and still recovering. Okay?”

  “Oh.” She knew it and he finally admitted she’d been a burden to him. “Well, why didn’t you say so? You can take me home and I won’t be a problem anymore. I feel better now and I can see again. There’s no longer a reason for you to feel responsible for me.”

  “That’s not what I meant at all. I’m afraid it’s more complicated than that.”

  “No, it’s not,” she said matter-of-factly. “You drop me off. You leave and go about your business. Look, I appreciate all you’ve done for me, but it’s time I take care of myself again. I’ve been doing it for a long time.”

  “I’m sure you have. I know you’re tougher than you look, but I’m not leaving you unprotected right now.”

  “You got rid of those guys, right? They’re no longer a problem. So there’s no need for you to baby me.”

  “Maybe, maybe not,” he hedged. “I know I’ll feel better if you stay with me a while longer. Just to make sure. Then my conscience will be clear”

  “It isn’t necessary. I have to say no. I’m fine now.”

  “I think it is necessary.” Kai wasn’t gonna budge. Instead he changed the subject, “Do you still want me to find something for your pain?” She knew what he was doing but her head really hurt. At her nod, he grabbed a bottle from a worn brown leather satchel and dropped a couple of white tablets into his hand. He filled a glass with water and handed both to Emma. “Here, these will help.”

  “Thank you.” She flashed a grateful smile and reached out to take the medication. A drop of water spilled onto her chin. She caught it and wiped it away. “I’m done being an imposition to you. You’ve done more than most people would and I couldn’t be more grateful. But it’s time for me to go home and get back to the real world. I have school and a job, or at least I hope I still have one. They’ll understand once I explain. Right? Anyway, I don’t want to monopolize any more of your time.”

  “Let me worry about me and my time, okay? Why don’t you get your stuff and we’ll discuss this in the car. Deal?”

  “Okay, but my mind is made up. I’m ready to go home, and if you won’t take me there, I’ll go by myself.”

  Emma grabbed her only pair of clean underwear from the bag, as well as a bra, a light pink t-shirt and a pair of faded jeans before heading to the bathroom to change. When she came out, Kai stood by the door handing an attendant some bills. The bellboy took their bags to the lobby.

  “All set?” Kai asked.

  “Yeah, I think so. Take me home so I can go to sleep again. I’m starting to fade fast.”

  “Let’s go.”

  * * *

  Within minutes of leaving the suite, Kai helped a sleepy Emma into his rental car. Her eyes fluttered closed as soon as her head came in contact with the headrest. He leaned over her to buckle her in. Kai brushed a soft kiss on her forehead and whispered, “Please forgive me.” Emma’s breathing already settled in the steady rhythm of sleep. Her eyelids didn’t as much as flicker, nor did she hear the whispered plea.

  Guilt niggled Kai’s conscience as he came around the hood of the rented black sedan. He ducked his head and lowered himself into the car, sinking into the low-slung leather seat. A quick s
houlder check showed no oncoming traffic. He threw the car into gear and pulled away from the curb. Several minutes later he was speeding past the city limits toward the mountains and his own personal refuge.

  Emma had every right to be furious when she woke up. He hadn’t lied about the pills. They’d definitely help with her headache. He just hadn’t told her they’d also knock her out for a few hours. But she could rage at him later, after he’d gotten her out of the city and as far away from Garrick as possible.

  Shit! She’s gonna be pissed. And I’ve sunk to a new low. He’d just kidnapped her. For a good reason, of course, but somehow he doubted she’d see it that way. Nothing less than the full truth would convince Emma of that, and even if he told her the whole truth, she might not believe him.

  With nothing but time to think as he drove, Kai’s thoughts wavered between his longstanding feud and his newfound fascination with a beautiful, spunky waif. Garrick had plucked saurians and other shifters from across the veil to do his dirty work. Not the brightest creatures, they were easily controlled and they were exceptionally dangerous. That was a big problem. And Emma, somehow she’d found herself mixed up in a war between two worlds. Don’t think about it. It’s too late now. Kai's hands tightened on the steering wheel.

  After speeding down the highway for a couple hours, Kai slowed the car to a crawl, knowing he was close to a hidden turn off in the mountains. He checked all directions and made sure nobody followed them before he eased the car through the sharp corner and down the winding gravel road. Kai wasn’t paranoid. He just wasn’t a fool. Through a break in the tree-line he saw the small rustic A-frame cabin. Kai parked in front of the cabin and turned in his seat to watch Emma sleep. Her chest still rose in a gentle rhythmic motion. He hated to disturb her, she looked so peaceful. Besides, he wasn’t looking forward to the explosive conversation he knew they’d be having when she woke up.

  Somehow over the past few hours, he’d convinced himself that after this was all over and her safety was secured, he wanted to keep Emma with him as long as she’d let hm. And there was no question, no matter what; he’d do whatever necessary to protect her.

  Kai slid from behind the wheel and inhaled the fresh scent of the mountains. There was nothing like the crisp, clean smell of cedar and pine. It felt good to be back. It had been far too long. He opened Emma’s door. Careful not to wake her, he removed her seatbelt, slipped his arms beneath her and lifted her from the car. Her head lolled against his chest in an increasingly familiar way. He shifted her up in his arms and tucked her head under his chin to a more comfortable position. If she slept another few hours, he’d have time to set up the cabin’s security and find some supplies.

  Kai walked inside the cabin and looked around. Nothing appeared out of place. The only thing changed since his last visit was an undisturbed layer of dust that had settled over the open room during his absence, which was reassuring. It had been ages since he’d last used the cabin. He strode to the narrow steps that led to the loft.

  The stairs weren’t much more than a glorified ladder. It was difficult to maneuver with any sort of grace with the sleeping girl in his arms as he made his way up, but he managed. He eased down on his knees to place her on the soft mattress lying on the floor. The bed lay lengthwise across the triangle of the darkened upper level. A curtained window provided some light in the loft as did the light filtering up from the windows on the ground floor. He picked up the multicolored afghan draped across the foot of the simple bed, leaned over her, brushed her forehead with a kiss and pulled the cover over her.

  Kai looked around the simple cabin and hoped Emma didn’t mind roughing it a bit. He’d never brought anyone else here. The cabin was rustic. At first glance, it looked as though there were no conveniences at all. There were no light fixtures or lamps. The cabin didn’t have electricity or a furnace, but it did have running water, courtesy of a primitive pump handle system. At least he didn’t have to carry water from the stream and there was a bathroom instead of an outhouse. He’d never thought much about it. Modern conveniences had never mattered much to him. He liked them, they beat the hell out of his more primitive start in life but his cabin served a different purpose. It was a refuge of sorts. An escape. Emma might have a different opinion. He left Emma in the loft and returned to the car for their belongings. After that, he’d build a fire.

  Chapter 10

  Emma woke to the echoing ring of steel against wood and the unmistakable smell of pine. Where am I? And what’s with the hangover? She struggled to sit up and get her bearings. Tylenol had never made her groggy before.

  Emma sat up, then flopped back down as a spiral of dizziness overcame her. Too fast. Take it slower this time. She tried again with better results and studied her new surroundings. Damn it! This was getting old fast. Where the hell was she now? The last thing she remembered was Kai helping her into the car to take her home. They’d been in his hotel suite. Kai had given her something for her pounding headache, and then they’d left. What the hell had he given her? She was damn sure it wasn’t Tylenol.

  He drugged me?!? He asked me to trust him! And now he’s frickin’ kidnapped me?! What an idiot I am! She wasn’t frightened. She’d spent enough time with Kai to know he wasn’t going to hurt her. On the contrary, he had some sort of white knight complex going on, he was determined to protect her. He’d insisted he wasn’t leaving her on her own and obviously, he’d gotten tired of arguing with her about it.

  The more she thought about it, the angrier she got. What was he thinking? He’d roofied her and whisked her away without her permission? Furious, Emma rolled out of the low lying bed onto on all fours. She stopped, her head hung motionless. Once the light-headedness and nausea passed, she went down the narrow stairs to find the cabin empty. Resentment flared. What the hell? He’d dumped her off who knows where and then just left her? Like hell he did! She stalked to the front door and threw it open. He’d better have a damn good explanation!

  * * *

  She followed the rhythmic chopping sound around the corner of the cabin and stopped in her tracks. Sweat glistened on his bare muscular back. The drops trickled down the curve of his spine, absorbing into the waistband of his jeans. Muscles rippled and bulged as Kai raised the axe high and arched it downward. The blow sliced through the upright log in front of him, splitting it in two.

  Emma stared for a moment, entranced by the sheer beauty and perfection of his masculine form. A fluttering struck the pit of her belly. She’d never thought about it before but watching Kai raise the axe and strike the wood made her realize there was something very primal and sexy about a man chopping wood. The shirt off was icing on the cake.

  Emma was almost sorry to put an end to the spectacular show. Almost. Snap out of it! She was furious with him and she was going to demand an explanation. Just as soon as she wiped the drool from her mouth. Okay, now. “Hey!” Kai’s head snapped up when he heard her shout and he stopped mid swing. “What the hell is your problem?” She never gave him a chance to answer. “Are you gonna answer me? We need to have a talk.”

  “Yeah, I guess we do.” Kai lowered the axe and braced himself for the confrontation.

  “Who the hell do you think you are? You highhanded jerk. You drugged me and kidnapped me!” It wasn’t the smartest thing to do, confronting someone with an axe in his hand. But she was ready to have it out with him. “What the hell did you give me?”

  “A harmless natural remedy. I knew it would help your head and let you get some rest.” He didn’t even try to pretend ignorance.

  “It knocked me out! And you knew it would! How do you figure that’s harmless? You took advantage of my trust! I told you I wanted to go home.”

  “I know what you told me but like I kept telling you, it’s not safe! I wasn’t gonna just drop you off at home and leave you. And you were being incredibly stubborn and unreasonable about it.”

  “What gives you the right to make decisions for me?! I make my own decisions!”

  “Not anymore, you don’t. At least not right now, not in this situation. When it comes to your safety, I’m not willing to chance it.”

  “You’re not willing? Who the hell do you think you are?”

  “I’m the guy who saved your life, among other things. You know, in some cultures they believe that if someone saves your life, you owe them a life debt. Until you repay the debt and save their life in return, your life belongs to them.” All of which was absolutely true, but judging from the fire blasting him from her eyes, it might not have been the wisest thing to say. He had a real knack for throwing fuel on her fire.

  “Are you saying you think you own me now?”

  “No! Not at all! That's not what I meant! It came out all wrong.” He pushed his hands through his hair. “I only meant I want to be responsible for you. I want to keep you safe.”

  Even through her rage, Emma realized he justified his actions because he was taking care of her. What a bunch of old-fashioned, malarkey! “Safe from what? What were you thinking? Everyone knows it’s not acceptable to knock someone out and carry them off like some Neanderthal! You can’t just drug me to make me go where I don’t want to go. That’s crazy and controlling and frankly pretty damn creepy! You had no right!”

  His face tightened. “Maybe not, but it’s done. I can't change it now. And I’m not letting you go back until I’m sure it’s safe. End of Discussion.” He crossed his arms over his chest.

  “End of discussion!? Oh, I don’t think so!” Damn, she was angry, which wasn’t getting her anywhere. She wanted to kick him she was so mad. Somewhere in that dense, medieval skull he had a brain that would respond to logic. Right? “You took care of those guys. Right? I’m sure they know you meant business and they’ll leave me alone now. Don’t you think you’re acting a little extreme here with this whole protection gig?”


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