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Out of Darkness

Page 11

by Billie Turner

  “So were you cursed by a witch or wizard or something?”

  “Yes, I was cursed, but it wasn’t like that. Let me start from the beginning. It might help everything make sense.”

  “Okay…” She moved to the chair and sat. She looked up at him expectantly. “Continue.”

  “It was a really long time ago…


  “I don’t know what I said to convince her. For some reason, she believed me. Having watched as I desperately plunged in the pool and after hearing my story, she believed that I was telling the truth. So that’s how I became immortal.”

  “Wow, I don’t know what to say. You didn’t know any better and all that happened to you for something as simple as stealing a drink of water. ”

  “I was such an arrogant fool back then. It was all my fault. If I’d never left the hunting party I could have lived and died with my people.” He shook his head. Painful regret flashed in his eyes and he turned his head away.

  “I’d hardly call you a fool. You’re the most capable man I’ve ever met.”

  “I appreciate your vote of confidence, but I was foolish. It was my job as a hunter to provide for the clan. It wasn’t about glory; it was about survival. It was my arrogance and stupidity that changed everything. It’s one of my biggest regrets and a source of shame. My people depended on me and I let them all down.” Kai balled his hands into fists.

  “Clan? Just when was this?”

  “A long time ago.”

  Kai paced to the fireplace looking unseeing into the flames as he remembered his family. Times were brutal then. You had to be strong to survive or have a healthy male to provide safety and food. For females and children, a reliable provider was essential. He was the only male in his family. His father was gone. When he didn’t return there’d been no one to protect his sisters or mother.

  “I know you carried the guilt but it’s long past time to forgive yourself. You were young and made mistakes. Everyone does. Do you think you are above making mistakes? I can tell you you’ve made more than one with me.”

  “I know.” That put him in his place. “Trust me, despite what you might think, in a lot of ways I’m much more humble now.” Kai grinned. Emma snorted. “It’s true. Trust me on this one.”

  “If that’s true then I’m glad I met you after your reform. You probably would have terrorized me with your arrogance and bossiness.” She teased him. There were very few people who had the guts to mock him. He liked that about her too.

  “If you were alive back then, I would have claimed you from the start and bargained with your father for you whether you agreed or not.”


  “Nope. Neanderthals were shorter and hairier with broad bone structures and prominent foreheads,” he said all serious.

  Emma’s jaw dropped, her eyes widened. “Whoa… you’re kidding, right? You weren’t really around with the Neanderthals?”

  The expression furrowing her brow as she did the math was comical. Kai chuckled. “Yes, I’m kidding. Neanderthals were extinct long before I was born.” She relaxed.

  “Very funny.”

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t resist.” Kai could see she was dying to ask him more.

  “So you found the fountain of youth? It exists?”

  “Yes. Essentially that’s what it is. The guardian didn’t call it that though and it doesn’t work like people think. There’s more to it.”

  “When I asked you to tell me, this wasn’t what I expected. There were all kinds of explanations running through my head but not this.”

  “What did you expect?” He was curious to know. What imaginative explanations had she worked up in that brain of hers?

  Emma blushed. “After seeing that thing, and the way you two fought…Vampire sprang to mind. Then you said you weren’t and I thought maybe an alien or werewolf or something.”

  “Vampires can’t be in the sun and werewolves don’t live forever.

  “I know. I thought maybe they had some way to get around that like in the TV shows and the new age vampire movies.”

  “Those are just shows. I assure you; vampires don’t have skin that sparkles in the sunlight or magic rings that allow them to walk among us in daylight. And trust me, that’s a good thing. It’s bad enough they walk among us at night.”

  “You mean they’re real? Even werewolves?” Emma gulped. Her face lost all color and she looked as if she might be sick.

  “Yes they’re both real. I’m not one, but they do exist.” Kai didn’t coddle her, he’d told her the truth. He wanted to promise he’d rid the world of all dark creatures but he knew it was an impossible promise to keep.

  Emma’s eyes widened like saucers. “Great I’ll add those to my growing list of nightmares.”

  “You wanted to know. There’s some truth to most folklore. Vampires, witches, shape shifters. They all exist, and there are more than just those. There are creatures out there you don't want to imagine let alone see. ”

  “It’s okay.” Emma interrupted him before he could list more. “You’re right, I did ask, and now I know. All the scariest stories and nightmares from my childhood are true,” she said. “Yay.” Sarcasm dripped from the last.

  Kai watched as his revelations shattered all illusions about the world she lived in. There was still so much more to tell. “For a while I wasn’t sure I believed any of it. To be honest, I wondered if I’d been hallucinating or if I’d dreamed it all. I’d been without food and water for days.”

  “What convinced you?”

  “The first time I died.”

  “You died? I thought you couldn’t die. How did it happen? Is that okay to ask?”

  “It’s ok. You can ask me anything. After I left the spring, I tried to go home. On the journey I noticed I had newfound abilities. I was faster, stronger and the things I could do...well let’s just say I did some pretty stupid things while testing my limits. The gifts don't come from the fountain, just youth and immortality. The guardian must have cast a protective spell or something to help in my immortal life. It took time to find my way home. I’d gone farther than I’d realized. When I arrived, my village had been burned to the ground along with everyone in it.”

  “No,” Emma whispered through her fingers. Her eyes were wide with tears hovering in the corners.

  “I was devastated and wanted retribution. I hunted down the enemy clan and destroyed them. During the battle I took an arrow in the heart. I woke the next day in a pool of my own blood and I knew I’d died.”

  “How does it work?”

  “I don’t know how to describe it. I lose blood just like a mortal. You saw how fast I heal. I think my system reproduces blood cells as fast as I lose them and repairs tissues just as fast. I’m not sure if I die and come back to life or if I’m in some kind of coma or suspended animation while my body repairs itself. I’m inclined to think it’s the latter.”

  “So that’s it? You can’t die?”

  “No, I told you, I was granted other abilities to help me with the monumental task I was given. Everything about me is finely tuned. Feelings, sensations and not just the good ones. I feel it all.”

  “That doesn’t explain why a wild cat attacked you then turned into a man.”

  “He was a shape shifter. Some of the myths and legends you've heard are true.”

  “But why did he attack you?”

  “When you live as long as I have, you make enemies.”

  “Are there others like you?”

  “As far as I know there are no other immortals like me.”


  “I’ve never met one. The guardian was very clear. One must prove worthy. I never passed a challenge. Considering my sentence has continued for millennia, I can’t imagine what challenge would prove worthiness to her satisfaction.”

  “Did you just say millennia?”


  Emma blanched, “As in thousands?”

  “Yes. I don’t know exactly h
ow long it’s been but probably around seven or so. I'm not sure. Back then there was no structured education, at least not like we know it now. You passed knowledge down through your family. Children learned what they needed to know to survive or for their station in life. There were no formal systems of education. Those came later. You learned from your family. I’ve no idea how much time passed before I learned to count or read. For me, there was no point in tracking time. I've just existed. There was no end.”

  “But seven thousand? That was like at the end of the Stone Age. Are you telling me that you’re thousands of years old?” Her jaw dropped open.

  “Give or take.”

  “Holy cow! I wasn’t far off when I called you a Neanderthal.” A snort of laughter burst from her. Embarrassed, Emma covered her mouth.

  “Cro-Magnon at best, but aren’t we all a bit?” Kai laughed as her eyes widened again. Any more of his teasing and they might pop out of her skull. “I’m kidding. Neanderthals were extinct about thirty thousand years ago, and Cro-Magnon man probably evolved into today’s modern man. In a physical sense, my people were as modern of humans as you are. Some of the people we co-existed with were primitive. Their behavior, not their appearance.”

  “I'm sorry. My head is spinning. At least now I understand the too old for me comment.” Her laugh was shaky. She leaned forward with her legs apart and braced her arms on her legs. On the verge of hyperventilation she slurped air between her lips and put her head between her knees. Kai watched and waited while she brought her breathing back to normal.

  “I know I’ve shocked you. It is a lot to take in. Do you want some water or something?” All Emma could do was nod. Kai left her sitting while he pumped water into a glass.

  Emma took the glass from Kai with shaking hands. “Your speech is so informal for someone who’s been around that long. You sound very modern. I just thought an immortal would speak formally.”

  “Some do but I’m modern in most ways. It makes more sense to blend in and I’ve evolved along with everything else. Even though I try to keep to myself, I mingle when necessary. I can’t avoid the world all of the time and still do my job. Usually the immortals I come across are the bloodthirsty kind, and I don’t just mean vampires. Let’s just say I've made many enemies.”


  “Because I've been around forever. I’ve also spent my entire existence protecting humanity from the underworld. ‘Cause if I’m stuck walking the earth forever, I’d rather keep it clean.

  “So you’re an assassin?”

  “No. Not exactly. If they’re harming humankind, I find them and kill them. There’s no prison sentence for offenders of this kind, no parole. There are exceptions in the underworld community but in my experience most immortals succumb to the complete lack of consequences and allow the power to corrupt them. They don’t fear death and begin to feel invincible. When the rules no longer apply it turns into something ugly.”

  “Do you feel that way?”

  “I’d be lying if I said I’ve never thought about saying ‘screw it all’ and do whatever I please. But, the bottom line is that’s not who I am. I may be a good fighter and hunter, but deep down, I’d rather live my life in peace.”

  “How lonely you must have been.”

  “I didn’t have much choice. I have enemies that will use someone they think I care about against me. It's not fair to put that on someone else. I know the risks and they’re risks I’m not willing to take.”

  “Oh.” A light dawned in Emma’s eyes. She must’ve realized by being with him she had an invisible target on her back. Ever brave, Emma took Kai’s hand in hers. “From what you’ve said, you’ve given your life for the last thousands of years, don’t you think it’s time you had a life of your own, that you've repaid your debt?”

  “I’ve had a life. Solitary is still a life. Until recently.” Kai knelt by Emma and took both her hands in his. “When I look at you I forget it all. It seems like another life.” Kai held her gaze with the power of his own. “I've never felt like this before. I felt it from the start and that has to mean something. The more time we spend together the more I feel. It scares the hell out of me. But I’ve never wanted anything more. Not even that blasted drink of water that got me here in the first place!” Emma just stared, speechless.

  “There is nothing but you and me. I’m done with immortality and duty. I want a normal mortal life. I want you.

  Chapter 17

  Emma swallowed the lump in her throat. A powerful, gorgeous, immortal just knelt at her feet and told her there was nothing he wanted more than her, including eternity! Tears pricked her eyes, her lips quivered with suppressed emotion. What could she possibly say to such beautiful terrifying words? They were still getting to know each other. What happens when he realizes I’m not enough for him? An internal battle raged inside her between her budding feelings and the doubts and fears she’d learned from a life without love .

  Kai was irresistible. She tugged her hands from his to cradle his face. Her kiss was gentle and soft. She hadn’t processed or sorted through all his revelations. It was all so much to take in at once. Her emotions were a jumble of confusion. Only one thing was clear. How could she not want this man?

  He rose to his knees, hauled her into his arms and buried his face in her neck. He gently kissed the notch of her collarbone and breathed in her scent. Emma felt the rough stubble of his whiskers tickling her skin.

  “I know I’ve bombarded you with a lot of information. You've handled everything better than I could’ve imagined.” He caressed the backs of her hands with his thumb. “Whether dumb luck or fate, I’m grateful to whatever powers may be that I found you. If not for that night in the parking garage, I would’ve never known it was possible for someone like me to have something like this,” he waved his hand between them. “I would’ve never known you.”

  Emma’s her heart thudded. It was good she was sitting because her weak knees would be incapable of supporting her. Kai had just flipped her world upside down on every level.

  “Kai, I don't know what to say.”

  “You don't have to say anything. I want you to think about it. Consider what I’m asking of you if you give what’s between us a chance.”

  “What you said was so beautiful. It took my breath away,” Emma paused, “I haven’t processed everything that's happened, all I’ve seen. I want to but I don’t know if I’m ready to accept all this.” Emma waved her hands. “What you've told me is incredible. I believe you. I do. Everything’s been so intense since the moment we met.” Emma dropped her head in her hands. “What if everything I’m feeling is an extension of the circumstance. I can’t tell what's real anymore. I know I want you. And it scares me too. You aren’t the only one who’s been alone. Everything about you is a lot to take in. You’re terrifying and wonderful all at once. And your life and duty, I’m overwhelmed by it all. I’m confused and I need time.” Panic choked her. She shook her head skittering away from him as she spoke, “This is too much! I need to get out of here for a while.”

  “Don't shut me out,” Kai caught Emma's hand and held her preventing her from bolting. “I know it’s a lot. But you need to stay here. It’s not safe out there. It’s dangerous for you to take off on your own from here especially now.”

  “I can’t stay here.” Panicking she tugged her hand away from him. “I have to get some air and some space. You’re too big and solid and in my face. I need breathing room.”

  “I understand. Take all the breathing room you need.” She looked surprised. “As long as it’s in the cabin.”

  “That isn’t helping you know!” Emma snapped. “I tell you I need space and you tell me too bad.”

  “I'm sorry. It’s for your own good. Believe me, if I thought it was safe, I’d give you anything you asked. The shifter that attacked me may not be the only thing out there. I won’t risk your safety.”

  Emma was livid. “You don’t get to tell me what’s for my own good! I decide! I've been
taking care of myself for a long time! And I haven't done such a bad job so far!"

  “Really? Because when I met you, you were under attack by a gang of thugs and you were knocked unconscious.”

  “That's a low blow and completely unfair, that could happen to anyone in the city.”

  “But it didn't. It happened to you. You’re too beautiful, too tiny and too vulnerable to be out there on your own.”

  “Of all the sexist things I've ever heard, that's got to be the worst.”Anger was an emotion she could handle. He made her crazy. How did he go from the most wonderful speech ever to implacable jerk. She’d shifted through so many emotions she was on the verge of a meltdown. No wonder she couldn’t cope. He bombarded her with conflicting messages. She couldn’t sort them fast enough. “I can't help the way I look or how small I am any more than you can change how big and scary you are. It's not fair!”

  “Who cares about fair? I want you safe. We don't know what's out there. There could be twenty more creatures like him out there or worse.” Kai paced in front of her, ruffling his hands through his hair. “I care about you and none of this has been easy for me either. I’m not used to feeling at all and if you think I’m going overboard. Tough. I don't want anything to happen to you.”

  “I appreciate that you care and want me safe, but you can't lock me away. I won't let you. I need time to think. I feel like I stepped into the twilight zone and I need space,” Her voice rose with each syllable. She spun around and stalked to the door. “And the space I need is from you!”

  Kai raced Emma to the door. He slammed a hand against the wood and held the door closed. His other hand over hers stopped her from turning the handle. I'm sorry, Emma. I’m not letting you go.”

  Emma shoved at his immovable form. “Let. Me. Go.” Emma alternated between tugging and pushing against him between each word. A lone tear rolled down her cheek.

  “I can’t.” Kai wedged himself between Emma and the door. His back pressed against the solid surface. He crossed his arms over his chest and braced his feet apart. The stance was becoming all too familiar to her, “I won't let you go off on your own. My enemies know you’re with me and that puts you in danger. They’d use you to get to me. You have no idea what horrible things they could do. I can't let you go.” His voice softened. “Give me a few days to figure out where to go from here. Can you do that?”


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