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-Blood-Flesh-and-Spirit Page 15

by Hyacinth-Scarlet

  “Oh, baby, you can’t possibly say that,” Dante whispered. “This is out of your hands. You know as well as I do how slim their chances are.”

  “We’ve been through more and come out victorious. Don’t lose hope.”

  Dante didn’t reply. Instead, he crushed his mouth to Eli’s in a kiss that tasted like need, fear, and desperation. And there was something else, an edge of guilt and happiness that Eli could distinguish. He wanted to push the pain aside and focus on the bliss of finally being together, but emotions didn’t work that way. He could only hope that his love would soothe some of Dante’s hurt.

  The sound of a cleared throat interrupted them. Eli reluctantly broke the kiss, at first thinking Kier was the one intervening. Sadly, he turned out to be mistaken. Eli froze as he found himself facing his father once again.

  All traces of the earlier kindness had completely disappeared. Eli took a deep breath, realizing that with everything that had happened, he hadn’t even managed to introduce Dante to Sorr. In spite of Sorr’s obvious disapproval, Eli refused to be ashamed.

  Straightening his back, Eli said, “Father, this is Prince Dante Bloodclaw, the Imperator’s youngest son. Dante, this is my father, Lord Sorr Starburst.” As the two men looked at each other, Eli added, “Dante is my mate.”

  “Your mate,” Sorr repeated. He looked from Eli to Dante, as if he couldn’t quite bring himself to believe what Eli was saying. “Are you serious?”

  “You know I am,” Eli replied without flinching. “Please, Father. Now is not the time for arguing.”

  “Indeed,” Dante said. “I am grateful to you for your assistance and am honored to be here, in your lovely home. However, I cannot accept you questioning the bond between Eli and me.”

  “You’ve got nerve, Prince Dante.” Sorr scowled at them. “I’ll definitely admit that I’m not happy about this. But Eli is right in that we have other priorities at the moment. For now, you’re both welcome in Hashiraden. I’ll arrange for you to stay in the Starburst family home.”

  Eli looked past his father and saw Kier waiting there, looking a little uncomfortable. “And what of Kier? He needs a place to stay, as well.”

  Sorr arched a brow. “Please, Eli, don’t insult me. I know that I banished Kier, but today, I received the Imperator and his children in Manturanael.”

  Again, he sounded a little thoughtful, although Eli couldn’t detect a real reason why this would be the case. “Thank you,” he said, making a mental note to ask about Sorr’s strange attitude later. Throwing a gaze toward the closed door, he decided to ask, “Do you think they have a chance?”

  “I wish I knew,” Sorr answered, more honestly that Eli had expected. “In truth, Blood Freedom is one of the biggest mistakes our people have ever made. No matter what our opinion on bloodkin is, that poison shouldn’t have been created. It is lethal, and from my point of view, evil. But if there’s anyone who can help the Imperator, it’s those men in there.”

  Eli leaned against his mate and nodded. From this point on, there was nothing they could do but wait. As silence fell over the temple, Eli sent a prayer to Mother Earth. She had somehow managed to convince Sorr to receive them. It seemed like one of the few explanations that made sense. Perhaps, if everything went well, She would listen to him and help Aran, too.

  * * * * Aran didn’t consider himself a weak man. He had his faults, of course, but who didn’t? His affection for his children remained a paradox for him, although Aran now realized it was a good thing.

  Perhaps because of that love, the first thought that passed through his mind as he opened his eyes was “my children.” In an instant, he remembered what had happened, Valerian’s treachery and then, Dante’s unexpected arrival. He couldn’t recall what had occurred after that, but those brief flashes were enough to unsettle him greatly.

  He tried to get up, but a strong hand pushed him down. “Stay calm. You’re still very weak.”

  Aran’s vision began to clear, and as he looked up, he saw a tall, blond elf looming above him. Adrenaline kicked in, the knowledge that he was in the presence of a foe casting away his dizziness. In one flash of motion, he pushed the elf’s hand away and leapt off the bed.

  Wait…bed? Where in the world was he? He didn’t recognize this room, and he definitely didn’t recognize this man. Frustratingly enough, his body decided this was a good time to prove the stranger right, and his knees buckled, proving that no, willpower wasn’t always enough to keep him on his feet.

  He’d have undoubtedly fallen if the elf hadn’t caught him. Aran glared, and would have tried to free himself from the man’s grip. However, it seemed quite obvious that if he tried that, he’d do a less than graceful face plant, which in the end, would only humiliate him.

  Fortunately, the stranger didn’t make any derogatory comment. Instead, he led Aran back to the bed. As Aran sat down, he took a deep breath and decided to vocalize his numerous questions. “What happened? Who are you, and where am I?”

  “My name is Sorr Starburst. You were poisoned with Blood Freedom and dying because of it. My son, Eli, came up with the idea to bring you here, to Manturanael.”

  Aran couldn’t believe his ears. “I’m in the elven lands? That can’t possibly be right.”

  “Well, terribly sorry to disappoint you, but it’s true,” Sorr replied.

  “Sorr Starburst,” Aran repeated the name to himself. “The light elf leader.” As he scanned his supposed host from head to toe, he couldn’t help but think that the ruler he’d long considered one of his most dire enemies might just be the most attractive man in the world. “I admit you’re not what I expected at all.”

  “I understand exactly what you mean,” Sorr said, meeting Aran’s gaze. “I didn’t think the Imperator would be so…young.”

  Young? Aran narrowed his eyes at Sorr. Of course he had a youthful appearance, but so did most bloodkin and elves. “Should I take offense at that?”

  Sorr opened his mouth to answer, but Aran waved whatever reply the man intended to give. “Never mind. I don’t care about your opinion of me. How’s Valerian? Is Dante all right?”

  “Prince Dante is unharmed,” Sorr replied, seemingly not bothered in the slightest by Aran’s comment. “He accompanied Eli here. I had the most difficult time in getting him to leave your side.”

  A flash of relief swept through Aran before he realized Sorr had not addressed the first question. “What about Valerian?”

  “I’m afraid that by the time Prince Dante brought him here, his condition had already worsened. He has not recovered yet. We do not know yet if he will ever awaken.”

  Aran inhaled deeply, accepting the pain and the guilt that came with that announcement. This was all his fault. If he’d been a better father, a better example for his sons, this never would have happened.

  He didn’t realize how much his emotions showed until Sorr’s strong palm squeezed his shoulder. Aran was immediately horrified since no matter how much he needed the comfort, he couldn’t allow it from the elf leader. Besides, his body once more disobeyed him and was having a very unfortunate reaction to Sorr’s proximity.

  Sorr would have undoubtedly realized his situation had a soft knock not sounded at the door. Aran looked up, and his senses cleared as he identified the familiar presences. Obviously noticing Aran’s eagerness and anxiety, the elf headed toward the door. A few moments later, Eli and Dante stepped into the room.

  Instantly, Dante’s gaze zeroed on the bed. “Father,” he breathed out. “You’re awake.”

  Aran’s smile was only half-forced as he watched his son rush to his side. “Thanks to the attentive ministrations of our honored host,” he said.

  “Yes, well, you are family,” Eli piped up.

  Awkward silence fell over the room. It hadn’t occurred to Aran until now, but yes, given that Eli and Dante were mates, the Bloodclaw and Starburst clans were now inexorably related. He didn’t really know what to say to that, but it was nevertheless quite amusing to see Sorr
twitch at Eli’s words.

  The strange quiet was broken by Dante. He sat on the edge of the bed and took Aran’s hand. “We’ve just come from seeing Valerian. I don’t know how much Lord Sorr told you, but he was pretty sick, more so than you even. It seems that your age and abilities gave you some protection against the poison, but Valerian didn’t have that. In any case, he looks much better. I’ve spoken with the high priest, and he says he’s optimistic with regard to Valerian’s recovery.”

  Aran eagerly scanned Dante’s face, seeking any sign of deception. He saw none. It had to be true then. There were real chances that Valerian would recover. A weight lifted off Aran’s heart, and he allowed himself to plop back on the bed.

  “Perhaps we should give the Imperator time to rest,” Sorr suggested. “Everything else can wait until he’s completely recovered.”

  “Yes, of course,” Dante quickly replied. As he got up from the bed, he offered Aran a small smile. “Welcome back. You’ve been missed.”

  Aran grinned at his son. “It’s nice to be back. Go on. Run along and enjoy your mate. I’ll be just fine.”

  Knowing Dante, Aran guessed the younger bloodkin would have held back and not claimed his mate because of Aran’s condition. Well, Aran would not stand for it. He wanted Dante to be happy. And if the concept of Eli bonding to Dante once more made Sorr twitch, well, that was another plus.

  As thankful as he felt for the assistance Sorr had granted them, it seemed obvious that the light elf wasn’t exactly thrilled to have Dante as a son-in-law. Even sick and recovering from Blood Freedom poisoning, Aran wouldn’t allow any slight to his son.

  Eli and Dante shared a look, and the younger light elf blushed a little, confirming Aran’s guess. Dante took his mate’s hand and nodded at Aran. “Thank you, Father. We’ll be back soon.”

  “May Mother Earth ensure you a speedy recovery,” Eli added.

  As the young couple retreated, Aran was left alone with Sorr Starburst once again. In his mind, Aran revised a couple of his plans to adapt to the situation and turned toward his host. “I believe you and I need to talk, Lord Starburst.”

  He had not expected this to happen, but he would be damned if he’d let the occasion go to waste. There was too much they stood to lose and to gain. As an Imperator and as a father, Aran would do his utmost to reach out to the man in front of him, no matter how hard it would be.

  * * * * Dante almost couldn’t believe it. His father had awoken. His brother was on the mend. It simply seemed too good to be true. And yet, it was undeniable, and the elves had made it all possible.

  Chuckling slightly, Eli held onto his hand and said, “Come on. Let’s go. I want to show you something.”

  Dante followed after his mate, for the first time in many days allowing himself to experience the full joy of being with his mate. Since coming to Hashiraden, they had barely even touched, respecting the seriousness of Aran’s condition. More than once, Dante had been tempted to forget his fears in the sweet bliss of Eli’s embrace, but they’d always stopped before going too far.

  Now, Dante greatly anticipated finally bonding with Eli. However, he realized in shock that Eli wasn’t headed toward the room they shared, but rather toward the exit of the Starburst home.

  “Baby, there’s only one thing I’m interested in seeing, and it isn’t outside,” he said flirtatiously.

  Eli threw a grin over his shoulder. “Oh, I’m well aware of that. And I promise you’ll get everything you want.”

  Any resistance Dante might have tried to put up melted at Eli’s expression. His dick went rock hard, pure lust burning through his veins. He squeezed Eli’s hand harder, trying to convey his urgency. It must have worked because Eli began to move even faster, speeding past the occasional elf walking through the corridors.

  In a way, it was unsurprising that Eli wanted to leave this place. The day of their arrival, they’d been given accommodation here, in Eli’s former home. In spite of the obvious apprehension of the Hashiraden elves, Sorr had proven to be quite a welcoming host. He still seemed displeased at Dante’s relationship with Eli, but he didn’t show it quite so openly. More importantly, he didn’t allow it to intervene with the assistance he provided to Aran and Valerian. As he recovered, Aran had been transferred here, too, while Valerian remained in the temple of Mother Earth.

  But in spite of Sorr’s general solicitude, both Dante and Eli needed a break from this place, preferably somewhere as secluded and private as possible. Eli seemed to think the same, as the moment they left the large mansion, he started to lead Dante toward the outskirts of Hashiraden.

  They passed the temple in their walk, and Dante spared a thought for his ailing brother. He was glad Valerian had survived. No matter what their differences might have been, Valerian remained his brother. Still, Dante wondered what his father would do once he returned to the throne.

  Pushing away that unpleasant thought, Dante devoted his full attention to his mate. Even so, Eli noticed his distraction and slowed down. “Everything all right?” he asked.

  Dante wrapped an arm around Eli’s waist and kissed his temple. “You know me so well. I was just thinking about what would happen to Valerian.”

  Eli released a put out sigh. “And here I thought I had at least a little success in distracting you.”

  “Oh, baby. You distract me more than you can possibly imagine. In fact, if we get to whatever you want to show me, I’ll distract you right back.”

  They continued teasing each other, snickering and stealing sweet and teasing caresses. At one point, it became a game to see who could arouse the other more. They deliberately walked slower, prolonging the wait that had already taken far too long. The sexual tension that had been building between them for days started to pile up more and more. By the time they at last exited the city, Dante’s skin itched with desire. He tasted blood in his mouth, his own blood, since he seemed to have no control over his fangs. It was a little frightening, really, given that Dante’s thirst should have abated by now. He’d been feeding regularly from his mate, although he’d tried not to overdo it. Truth be told, Dante was now surprised at how he’d even manage to control his libido while drinking Eli’s blood. It seemed unfathomable now.

  As they left the city, Dante allowed himself to indulge in more daring caresses. He lowered his hand over his mate’s back and down to Eli’s buttocks. “How much further?” he asked as he rubbed his fingers across Eli’s crease.

  “It’s…It’s close,” Eli stammered.

  So was Dante, close to losing what little control he had left. Fortunately, Eli’s words turned out to be truthful, and soon, they veered off the main path into a more hidden one. From this point on, the vegetation became denser, almost wild. The trees allowed them to pass, though, almost as if Eli had some conscious control over the environment. Dante knew that his mate didn’t have such abilities. It was just that Manturanael as a whole welcomed elves in a way that went beyond Dante’s power of comprehension.

  At last, Eli stopped in a grove that was a lot like the one with the portal. “This used to be the place where I went to be alone and think. After I met Kier, I didn’t come here all that much anymore. To tell you the truth, I don’t really know why. I shared everything with him, except this.”

  As he spoke, Eli sat down in the shade of a nearby tree. Dante plopped down next to him, his mind whirling as he took in Eli’s words. “Why are you telling me this?”

  “Because I want you to understand how much you mean to me,” Eli replied. “I know it’s been hard for you, to be here, to accept my friendship with Kier.” The elf suddenly straddled Dante, effectively pinning him against the tree. “I never thought I’d love again when I lost Kier. I didn’t realize that I hadn’t actually found my true love yet.”

  There was so much Dante wanted to say, so many things he’d have liked to reveal, express, and shout to the world. Of course Eli understood everything Dante had been going through. He might have acknowledged the fact that Kier and
Eli had long ago stopped being an item, but the green-eyed monster still reared its ugly head from time to time. What with his father sick, he’d been even more on the edge. But he’d held his tongue and kept his temper in check, both around Kier and around Sorr.

  He decided that he could never come up with something to eloquently suggest his feelings. Eli was definitely better at this than him. But Dante had other ways to convey his need and love for his mate. Without hesitating one single second, he pushed Eli off his lap and pinned the elf to the ground, holding him there with his own body.

  Eli’s beautiful lips beckoned him closer, drawing him like a moth to the flame. Desperately craving Eli’s taste, Dante pressed their mouths together. With a gasp, Dante parted his lips for him, granting Dante entrance. Dante didn’t delay in taking advantage of his lover’s submission. He thrust his tongue into Eli’s wet cavern, delving deep, taking no prisoners. Eli wrapped his arms around Dante’s neck, rubbing against him, obviously seeking more.

  Dante might have been the one to take command in the bedroom, but he was also completely at his lover’s beck and call. Today was no different, and Dante’s urgency sky-rocketed, so much so that his power surged through him, scathing, ruthless, and intense. With a thought, he bound Eli’s hands over his head. He took great pleasure in smothering Eli’s groan of protest and pleasure with his kiss. He felt the loss of Eli’s touch acutely, but he knew his lover needed to lose himself and grant Dante control over their shared passion.

  Here, with Mother Earth as their only witness, nothing but that allconsuming desire mattered. And oh, did Dante desire his mate. He needed to claim Eli more than anything he remembered craving before. They’d been waiting for so long, too long, separated by factors that shouldn’t have had any effect on their love in the first place. But now, it was all over, and Dante could at last grant himself, and Eli, their prize.


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