
Home > Other > -Blood-Flesh-and-Spirit > Page 16
-Blood-Flesh-and-Spirit Page 16

by Hyacinth-Scarlet

  His instincts were running rampant now, and he bit down on Eli’s lower lip. It was his turn to groan as the flavor of Eli’s blood hit his taste buds. No matter how many times he fed from his mate, he simply couldn’t get enough of it.

  Tearing his mouth away from their kiss was likely one of the hardest things he’d ever done. But living as a bloodkin prince had taught him discipline, and he clung to his dutifully cultivated control. There was so much he wanted to do to his mate, too much to rush ahead like a rash neophyte.

  Grinning, Dante pulled away ever so slightly and took in the sight of his mate lying there, at his mercy. Eli had told him once that Manturanael was beautiful, but to Dante’s eyes, the loveliness of elven lands paled when compared to Eli’s almost surreal perfection.

  “Dante,” Eli whispered, “please, touch me.”

  Dante arched a brow. “You know it doesn’t work like that. It’s not my touch that you crave. It’s the pain I can give you.”

  Eli’s breath came in ragged pants now, his golden pupils dilated with desire. The elf couldn’t hide anything now, and in those beautiful eyes, Dante saw Eli’s every need. He could hear it, like a whisper at the back of his mind, as if Eli were talking to him out loud. Was this the bond that appeared between a bloodkin and a donor? If so, Dante could only imagine how much deeper the mate connection would be.

  Slowly, carefully, Dante began to remove Eli’s clothing. With Eli’s hands bound, it was a little awkward, so Dante decided not to bother to rescue Eli’s shirt. In one smooth motion, he ripped the frustrating material, revealing his mate’s chest. Eli’s nipples perked up, as if demanding Dante’s attention. Since he was in a generous mood, Dante complied. He passed a claw over the tender nubs, at first only teasing them, but then, pressing a little harder. Eli hissed as the sharp tip drew blood, but it was a sound Dante easily translated as one of pleasure.

  “I’m thinking that one day, we should get these pierced. They always react so beautifully. What do you think?”

  Eli’s only reply was a moan, which predictably went straight to Dante’s cock. He considered asking Eli to remain completely silent, but the noises Eli made were too sensual to be hidden or suppressed. Besides, Dante would never be so weak so as to refuse his mate something because of his own inability to keep himself in check.

  Instead, Dante allowed the sound to flow over him, accepting the way the nearly physical caress reached out to him. As torturous as it was, he decided he wanted to hear more. But first, he had to finish what he’d started. After all, there was a time and place for everything, and right now, the moment had come for all those clothes to be taken off Eli’s lovely body.

  Dante pulled off Eli’s boots and dumped them on the grass, next to the remnants of his mate’s shirt. He trailed his fingers over the arch of Eli’s foot, marveling at the delicate feel of the skin. Dante had never been particularly attracted to feet, but even Eli’s toes were beautiful. He found himself distracted by the softness of the sole, the clear surface of the toenails, and especially the way Eli twitched just so when Dante touched him there. It was captivating to discover new and exciting things about his lover’s body. Throughout the time they’d spent in Tachaka, their lovemaking had lacked a certain dimension of corporeality. Even if Dante had been more real and more solid around Eli, something had always been missing. But now, he had the freedom to explore in every way, to exert control over Eli’s body and guide Eli to peaks of pleasure the elf had never before reached. While Dante anticipated all of that, planning every step of his seduction, he was still in awe with the little things, the details that made Eli so very perfect.

  A part of him would have liked to rush things along, but this was their first time together in both flesh and spirit. As such, Dante decided he’d take the luxury of mapping every inch of Eli’s skin with his tongue, just like he’d always wanted. He lowered his mouth over Eli’s foot and slowly sucked on the toes, waiting for Eli’s reaction. It didn’t delay in coming, and Dante had to weave a spell of restraint around Eli, lest his mate kick him in the face.

  As Dante fellated one foot, then the other, Eli began to lose whatever composure he’d managed to preserve. It suited Dante just fine since this was what they both needed. Dante wanted to see Eli come undone under his touch, to watch him writhe in passion, to have the gold of Eli’s eyes melting in the fires of desire. Eli was well on his way there, and Dante had only just started.

  Since Eli’s cries were increasing to alarming extents, Dante released his mate’s foot and returned to his previous task. He pulled off Eli’s pants, drawing the elf’s underwear down with it. Eli released a high-pitched whine as Dante’s hand brushed over his prick. “More,” he begged. “Oh, sweet Mother Earth. More.”

  “I think not,” Dante replied. “It seems it’s time to teach you a little lesson.”

  As he dropped the pants with the rest of Eli’s garments, Dante swept an idle hand over Eli’s leg. “You see, my dear sweet elf, I’ve been gentle with you so far. Given my previous condition, I couldn’t show you what being with me truly meant. But I will show you today.”

  Back in Tachaka, Dante had owned a great deal of toys, shackles, and other such items. He’d refrained from using them with Eli for obvious reasons, and here he had none of them. However, his whole body was a weapon, one he could use at will, and in this case to inflict a lot of pleasure on Eli. Yes, it would be painful pleasure, but Dante could already tell that his mate would very much enjoy it.

  Even so, for the purpose of safety and because he remained very protective of his mate, Dante said, “First of all, pick a word, something that wouldn’t come up in normal conversation.”

  Eli blinked, as if trying to steady himself or clear his mind. “Now? You want me…you want me to think of something like that now?”

  “It would be preferable, yes,” Dante replied. “Take your time. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Just because he wanted to tease Eli, he removed his hand and sat back, practically losing all contact with his mate in the process. Eli’s eyes widened, and he tried to free himself, but the bindings wouldn’t let him. Technically speaking, Dante hadn’t anchored the magical shackles from a physical item, but they immobilized Eli regardless, because he wanted them to.

  “Well?” he asked with a smirk, rubbing his engorged dick through his pants. “Come up with anything yet?”

  Eli’s gaze instantly went to Dante’s prick, which had actually been his intention in the first place. “Inn,” the elf said. “I pick inn.”

  Inn. The place where they had first met, and where Dante had nearly forced Eli into a blow job. Dante remembered it well now, remembered the strange anger he’d experienced at the thought of the beautiful, odd elf sacrificing himself for another man, one who already had a different love. It seemed like so long ago now. How had he ever considered Kier a threat? Kier couldn’t give Eli what he needed. Dante was the only one who truly knew and appreciated Eli in every way.

  Satisfied with the choice, Dante got up. Eli’s face took a panicked, almost haunted expression. He likely thought Dante would just leave him like that, bound and tortured by the unsatisfied want. That strategy was always quite appealing for Dante, because when he returned to Eli’s side, the elf always became so much more desperate and passionate, to a maddening extent. But Dante didn’t have such plans today. Instead, he started to take his own garments off.

  Before, when they made love, Dante had been able to will himself undressed. It was, apparently, a side effect of being a spirit, rather than a living person. He no longer had that ability, but while he missed the simple expediency, there was something to be said about the more time-consuming method. He could have, of course, been almost as efficient, either with the use of his magic or just by simply tearing the material off. However, he wanted to give his beautiful mate a show. As such, he stripped at an excruciatingly slow pace, all the while holding Eli’s gaze. “It’s a good choice,” he said, keeping his voice steady even as he removed his shi
rt. “Remember that word and say it if I ever do something you don’t like.”

  Eli took in his every motion with greedy, lustful eyes. “I think that’s likely an impossible endeavor.”

  “Just keep it in mind,” Dante told his mate a little more sternly. “You’re not used to some of the things I do. If it ever gets too much, I want you to speak to me. Don’t be afraid or ashamed. Do you understand, Eli?”

  Dante’s tone instantly tamed whatever protest Eli might have tried to make. “Yes, Dante,” he replied automatically. “I understand.”

  “Yes, Master,” Dante corrected. This time, for the purpose of the more intense game, he wanted to get Eli in the perfect mindset, to make Eli fully understand what his own desires meant. “Say it. I want to hear it.”

  “Yes, Master,” Eli parroted. “Yes, Master.”

  He repeated the words a few more times, as if he liked the sound of them. His voice died, though, when Dante discarded his own boots and finally reached his pants. For a few seconds, Eli actually seemed to stop breathing, staring transfixed at Dante’s groin. Maintaining the same pace, Dante undid his laces and slowly pushed his breeches off. Eli made a sound like a dying bird when, at last, Dante freed his cock from its confines.

  Eli’s response to Dante’s nudity was perhaps one of the most potent aphrodisiacs in existence. It took everything in Dante’s power not to pounce on Eli and simply thrust his throbbing prick in the tight welcoming heat of Eli’s body. In hindsight, he’d have probably been better off staying clothed, but he disliked the idea of keeping his garments as some sort of armor to protect him from Eli’s effect on him. Their passion was a normal, natural, and perfect thing. Dante could tame it and use it, not hide it or push it back. He wanted Eli to see how much he was wanted. They weren’t only two men meeting for a fun romp in the privacy of the forest, but mates and longtime lovers who were finally finding what they’d sought for so long.

  Dante knelt next to his mate, and allowed his bloodkin nature to emerge completely. Eli’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed. Dante might have mistaken that reaction for fear, if Eli’s dick hadn’t twitched, already leaking copious amounts of pre-cum on Eli’s belly. Nevertheless, Dante asked, “Are you afraid of me?”

  “No, Master,” Eli answered. It was a simple, three-syllable response, but it aroused Dante beyond belief, just because he could see how openly and naturally Eli submitted to him.

  He ached to show Eli that he’d made the right choice, but he needed to take it slow, both for the purpose of his seduction plan, and for Eli’s enjoyment and safety. “Are you afraid of this?” he inquired.

  “Maybe,” the elf said this time. “I’m not sure how I feel, Master. I just don’t want to disappoint you.”

  “You will stop thinking such nonsense right now,” Dante ordered. “You could never disappoint me. Now close your eyes and relax. Listen only to me. Your thoughts, your will don’t matter. Nothing matters, except what I say.”

  As he spoke, Dante threw aside every possible doubt, trusting himself and his instinct. He watched Eli’s face carefully, monitoring every reaction, seeking signs that Eli might not be ready for this. He needn’t have worried. Slowly, as if hypnotized, Eli obeyed him, the tension leaving his body. He closed his eyes, and while Dante missed looking at those golden orbs, he was pleased with Eli’s compliance.

  Dante kept talking because Eli enjoyed it, but also because he himself liked telling his mate everything he was going to do. But words were no longer enough, and Dante began to show Eli exactly what it meant to be a bloodkin’s mate. He raked his claws over Eli’s chest, this time applying just enough pressure to draw blood. A few superficial scratches appeared on his mate’s skin as a result, but Eli didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he arched his back, wordlessly demanding more. Dante gave in, and in one particular spot, just above Eli’s heard, he allowed one of his claws to pierce the flesh a little deeper.

  Eli said one single word, “Master,” and Dante knew there was no going back. Lowering his body over Eli’s, he licked the thin trail of blood now flowing down Eli’s chest. It was in no way a real wound as Dante would never actually hurt his mate. He would have rather cut his own hand off before allowing that to happen. The pain he provided was for the enjoyment of both of them, and as they danced the thin line between agony and ecstasy, Dante listened to the sweet sound of Eli’s cries and took them as his guide.

  Dante sealed the tiny wound with his tongue, then progressed lower down Eli’s body. He loved the perfect expanse of his mate’s skin, but he liked it even more when it was covered by love bites from him.

  As he mapped the entirety of his mate’s athletic form with his tongue, he applied the occasional nip of fang. Sometimes, he bit down, although never quite hard enough to draw blood. Other times, he sucked on a particular spot until a bruise formed on Eli’s pale skin. But he never lingered too much in one area, not wanting to push Eli too hard. Instead, he gradually increased the intensity of what he was doing, building up to a more challenging experience.

  His mate had dissolved into all-out incoherence by now. He’d clamped his eyes shut, just like Dante had told him, but his original relaxation had melted into renewed sensual desire. The elf’s cock bobbed between their bodies, and judging by its angry, purplish color, Dante would have bet money his lover was very close to coming.

  That wouldn’t do. That wouldn’t do at all. He enjoyed making Eli come, but the progress toward climax could be just as rewarding. With a thought, Dante created a cock ring around the base of his mate’s dick, effectively staving any potential climax.

  At that, Eli’s eyes snapped open. Dante looked up into those golden depths that simply melted his heart. As he massaged Eli’s dick, rubbing his thumb over the leaking tip, he asked, “Anything you’d like to say, Eli?”

  For a few seconds, Eli seemed to want to argue, but then, he changed his mind. “Just that I want you, Master,” he replied honestly.

  Dante’s dick throbbed painfully at those simple, yet so special words. Even so, he held onto his carefully cultivated control and grinned at his mate. “Exactly what is it that you wish from me?”

  Eli released a small whimper, wriggling around under Dante. It seemed like Dante’s question had a physical effect on the elf, which was actually very pleasing. “Fuck me,” Eli whispered. “I need you to fuck me.”

  Dante chuckled. “Is that right? Well, if you want my cock in your ass so badly, you’re going to have to earn it.”

  Releasing his hold on Eli’s dick, Dante straddled his mate. He climbed over Eli’s chest, bringing his cock close to his mate’s mouth. Eli’s gaze focused on Dante’s member and he licked his lips, straining against the bindings he couldn’t break. Slowly, Dante brushed the tip of his dick over Eli’s lips, drawing a moan out of the elf. Taking advantage of the provided opportunity, Dante pushed his shaft deep inside Eli’s wet cavern.

  The heat that engulfed him temporarily threatened to make him come. Dante gritted his teeth, stubbornly reeling in his orgasm. But Eli was so beautifully submissive, so eager to accept everything they did together that Dante’s mind almost became overwhelmed. He allowed the full extent of his passion to burst free and thrust his dick all the way into Eli’s throat. For a few seconds, he held still, knowing that he was cutting out Eli’s air supply, but understanding the limits of what they could do together without any real danger. Even if Eli couldn’t say his safe word around a mouthful of cock, their bond, halfway complete as it might be, provided Dante with insight on Eli’s every emotion.

  Eli didn’t protest this time either. The trust he showed toward Dante was almost humbling, but then, Eli had given Dante access to his soul and body in even deeper ways. This was only a physical, carnal manifestation of the way they fit together just perfectly.

  With a groan, Dante pulled his dick out of Eli’s mouth and thrust back in. Over and over, he fucked Eli’s mouth, both seeking his climax and avoiding it. Looking down, he could see the perfect sight of his m
ate’s lips wrapped around his dick. It was the image of sin, and yet the bliss on Eli’s face held a sense of purity that, under normal circumstances, Dante would have never expected from a man giving a blow job.

  In spite of the intensity of the pleasure that Dante found in Eli’s skilled mouth, it was Eli’s happiness that finally triggered Dante’s orgasm. He could resist raw physical ecstasy, but he had no barriers against Eli’s openness and love. Growling, Dante buried his dick one last time in Eli’s throat and came. As his cock pulsed and filled Eli’s mouth with streams of spunk, the elf greedily drank it all down, at the same time shivering and moaning, almost sounding like he’d come as well.

  This was not the case, of course, due to the cock ring Dante had placed on him. However, as he freed his dick from Eli’s mouth, Dante glanced at Eli’s dick, and its engorged state clearly illustrated that only that enchantment kept Eli’s orgasm in check.

  Pleased, Dante decided it was time to give Eli his reward. But first, he pressed his mouth to Eli’s, sampling the flavor of his own spent pleasure, combined with Eli’s specific taste. When he pulled away, he started to pepper Eli’s chest with kisses and bites, advancing toward Eli’s abs as he did so. He didn’t take as much time as he did before, instead going straight for the prize.

  Without giving his mate a single warning, Dante took Eli’s dick in his mouth. Oh, how he’d desired this, to feel the weight of Eli’s dick on his tongue, to truly experience his mate’s flavor without the veil of his previous ghostly state. It was glorious, just like he’d thought it would be. Dante’s cock, which had never fully gone limp, became rock hard once again. He bobbed his head up and down Eli’s shaft, taking the swollen member all the way into his throat and swallowing around the head. As Eli’s cries grew in volume, Dante slowed down, choosing to swirl his tongue around the head of his mate’s dick instead or lazily licking the side of the delicious prick. He directed his attention to Eli’s balls, teasing the delicate spheres and exploring the wrinkled sac.


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