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-Blood-Flesh-and-Spirit Page 17

by Hyacinth-Scarlet

  Finally, when his own libido was starting to beg for mercy, he sucked in Eli’s shaft once more. This time, when he swallowed it down, he didn’t let go. Instead, he buried his fangs into the base of Eli’s dick, feeding from Eli like he’d wanted to for so long. Eli went rigid, the pleasure he experienced from the feeding obviously becoming too much for him to contain. Screaming, Eli exploded, his passion managing to circumvent Dante’s spell. It surprised Dante a little, but didn’t upset him since he’d intended to cancel the spell anyway.

  For a few seconds, he allowed himself the luxury of enjoying the taste of Eli’s seed. He pulled back at the last minute, and some of the spunk landed on his face and his chest. Dante gathered it on his fingers, and even as his mate continued to tremble through the afterglow of his orgasm, he thrust the slick digits inside Eli’s ass.

  Unlike before, they didn’t have the benefit of Eli’s body adapting to Dante’s girth whether they used lubricant or not. Therefore Dante had to take his time and prepare his lover. He finger-fucked Eli, scissoring his digits inside the elf to stretch his mate’s passage. He rubbed Eli’s prostate mercilessly, knowing how much Eli would enjoy it. And of course, he was right. His efforts didn’t go unnoticed, and Eli started to pant and moan again, his dick stiffening in response to Dante’s ministrations.

  He sounded breathless now, his voice ragged and hoarse as he cried out, “Dante…Oh, Master, please, take me!”

  Dante hummed thoughtfully as he pulled his fingers out from Eli’s ass. “Mmmm…No, I don’t think so. You were very disobedient. You need to be punished.”

  Eli’s eyes widened at that, but Dante didn’t give his mate time to even process what he’d said. He flipped Eli on all fours, tightening the invisible bindings around the elf’s wrists as he did so. “You came without being allowed to,” he whispered, working his digits into Eli’s anus once more. “You broke the spell I had on you. That’s an extremely serious crime.”

  With his free hand, he caressed the curve of Eli’s ass. “I should leave you as you are, but that would defeat the purpose of this lesson.” As he spoke, he added a third finger into Eli’s passage, moving them in and out of his mate’s body with relentless intensity. The first two digits had gone in with more ease, but now, Eli’s body protested a little. “Remember now, that it doesn’t matter what you want. You’re surrendering to my will, and you are mine.”

  “Yes, Master,” Eli replied. “Oh, sweet Mother Earth, yes.”

  A part of Dante wanted to stop this and just bury his dick inside Eli like they both clearly desired. But he didn’t. Instead, he slipped in a fourth finger. Eli gasped, having obviously not expected that. It was really a tight fit, and with the only lubricant being Eli’s own cum, likely quite difficult for the elf to take. But still, Dante didn’t stop. The rhythm of Eli’s heartbeat reached his ears so loudly. Eli’s words became incoherent mumbles, and yes, Mother Earth, yes, he was enjoying it so much that his pleasure burned over Dante’s skin.

  And then, Dante pushed his thumb in, as well, and slowly, ever so slowly, his entire fist. Watching Eli’s hole stretched around his hand was almost surreal, beautiful, kinky, arousing Dante’s every possessive instinct. This time, when he moved, he did so gently. He could have easily hurt Eli in this situation, especially if he summoned his claws, but Dante wouldn’t even dream of that. He was careful, exploiting all the potential of what he was doing, but still remaining mindful of Eli’s limits.

  Even if it must have been difficult for Eli, the elf didn’t complain. Dante decided a little reminder was in order, just in case. “Remember you can say your safe word at any time,” he said, gentling his voice. “You won’t disappoint me.”

  Eli didn’t immediately answer. Dante waited patiently, understanding Eli’s difficulties. Then, just as Dante thought Eli wouldn’t be able to reply, Eli said, “I remember. I’m just so…yours.”

  Each syllable was punctuated by a gasp, but Dante got the message. It came through loud and clear. Dante worked his hand in and out of Eli’s body a few more times, just as slowly, and then pulled out his fist.

  By now, Eli seemed practically mad with lust. Dante couldn’t deny either of them any longer. Positioning his cock at Eli’s opening, he slowly pushed inside. He kept the same slow rhythm, knowing that Eli was likely feeling the strain from the fisting. But he needn’t have worried, because Eli’s body swallowed him right up almost greedily. The elf released a small sob, and in it, Dante heard ecstasy, pleasure, and relief.

  As he bottomed out inside Eli, Dante couldn’t help but crave to see Eli’s golden’s eyes. It was those lovely orbs he had fallen in love with first, when he’d seen them so full of determination and desire. Needing to reacquaint himself with their beauty, Dante maneuvered Eli onto his back, somehow managing to do so without even dislodging his dick from his lover’s body.

  When he faced Eli, he was left dumbstruck by the sheer bliss on Eli’s face. If he’d had any doubts that Eli truly enjoyed every second of what they’d been doing, just that look would have definitely settled it. Dante became the slave of the love and the pleasure in Eli’s golden gaze. He couldn’t have stopped himself to save his life.

  Never once looking away from Eli’s face, Dante pulled out, then thrust back in. He already knew Eli’s body as well as he did his own, so he angled his dick just right, hitting Eli’s prostate as he moved.

  At first, he kept a gentler rhythm, but gradually, he intensified the pace. There was no more teasing now, just pure rapture, the ecstasy of finally being on with his mate. At first, Eli met his every motion, but as Dante sped up, he fell into the naturally submissive head space that seemed to come so easily for him. Each of Dante’s punishing strokes drew small cries from the elf, and every time he heard those beautiful sounds, Dante’s passion soared higher and higher. It was a vicious circle, urging him onward, deeper, demanding that he take more of Eli, always more. He was greedy for Eli, unable to get enough.

  They both became receptacles of the flame of desire building between them, threatening to consume them. Dante’s fangs dropped as his need for his mate started to win the battle against his control. Fortunately, this time around, he didn’t have to be strong. He could lose himself in Eli, just like Eli could lose himself in Dante.

  And then, Eli exposed his throat, his surrender a sweet aphrodisiac that made Dante’s head spin. Without further hesitation, Dante struck, burying his fangs in Eli’s flesh.

  He had fed from Eli before, but never quite like this. As sweet blood flooded his mouth, Dante felt a bond click into place, like a string tying him and Eli together. To a certain extent, it had already existed, but now, it became so powerful that Dante could feel it physically. For a few beautiful moments, he saw every thought in Eli’s mind, felt the full expanse of Eli’s pleasure.

  It was too much. Thrusting one more time inside his mate, Dante came. As he filled his mate with his seed, a new wave of pleasure flowed over him as Eli found his peak as well. Wet heat splashed against Dante’s stomach, and Dante groaned as Eli’s climax prolonged his own.

  It went on and on, with Dante and Eli united in the deepest way two people could possibly be. At last, mindful of Eli’s well-being, Dante released his mate’s neck and licked the wound to prevent excessive blood loss. He slipped out of Eli’s body and released the bindings holding Eli captive.

  Instantly, Eli’s arms went around him and pulled him in for a kiss. Dante went with it, happy to comply. As their mouths met, Dante whispered in Eli’s mind, “I love you, baby. I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too,” Eli replied. “Thank you for everything you’ve given me.”

  Dante smiled to himself. Eli might be grateful to him, but Dante knew the truth. He was the lucky one, and the one who’d been granted impossibly beautiful gifts. Eli’s trust had provided him with a second chance, with forgiveness, love, and life. Dante planned to spend his entire life showing Eli just how much he appreciated that.


A few weeks later The Tachakan throne room was filled to the brim with various nobles, Kin Lords, and clerics. From the throne, Aran scanned all of their faces, distantly wondering how they would react to the decision he planned to announce. Not that he particularly cared about what protests they might put up. Of course some of them would complain. But this was too important for Aran to let anyone stand in his way.

  To his right, Gideon, Dante, and Eli stood together, their expressions completely impassive. Aran was pleased to see Dante and Eli holding hands, in spite of the public nature of the event. If anyone was uncomfortable with Dante’s relationship with the elf, they knew better than to show it.

  Since he preferred not to prolong an uncomfortable situation for longer than strictly necessary, Aran finally spoke out. “Welcome. I’m extremely pleased to have you all in my home once more. I will keep this announcement brief, as all of you undoubtedly will have many things to handle on your respective domains.” He paused for effect, pointing out that yes, what he planned to say would make their jobs a little harder. “As you undoubtedly know, I was recently the recipient of an unfortunate attack. The guilty parties have been arrested and will be subjected to trial. However, while recovering from my injuries, I was fortunate enough to meet with Lord Sorr Starburst, leader of the Manturanael light elves.”

  Several of the Kin Lords began to fidget restlessly. Of course they must have known about Aran’s stay in the elven lands, but hearing it from their Imperator’s mouth was a different thing altogether.

  “Lord Starburst and I have agreed on a truce between our two nations,” Aran continued. “We will in fact cooperate to enhance elven understanding of the bloodkin lifestyle and to help bloodkin advance beyond their current limitations.”

  He stopped speaking, knowing that his people would undoubtedly have a lot of questions. Predictably, one of the elder Kin Lords took the offered chance and asked, “If I may, Your Majesty, what exactly will this cooperation entail?”

  “As you well know, with our ever-increasing population, the problem of resource management has appeared,” Aran explained. “Our people are growing restless because, as things stand, the supply of blood is quickly dwindling, and the Covenant prevents them from taking it from where it is easily accessible. Since we’ve long established that the humans shouldn’t have to suffer because of bloodkin ways, we are coming up with alternative solutions to the situation. At this time, nothing is certain, but you will be notified once revisions to current policies are made.”

  He didn’t say that he already had a pretty good idea of what the new policies would be. Its unfortunate causes aside, his visit to Manturanael had proven to be very informative. Once he’d gotten through to Sorr, the elf had also become very cooperative, obviously realizing that everyone would benefit from peace. Of course, Aran had been quite convincing in a more…private way, but that wasn’t something the Kin Lords needed to know about.

  His vague reply must have clearly pointed out that he would accept no protest on this. As he swept his gaze over the crowd, he met each gaze and pinned them with his stare. He’d survived one assassination attempt, and was stronger than ever now. If anyone dared to question him, they’d be sorry.

  “Now, for any other inquiries in this regard, you can consult my youngest son and his mate. They will act as liaisons between our two peoples.”

  Several Kin Lords glanced at Dante and Eli, but the two showed no reaction to Aran’s words. Aran had, of course, informed them in advance of his decision, and both young men had been thrilled to participate in this project that might very well change the world as they knew it.

  “For domestic matters, speak with Prince Gideon,” Aran added. “Should you have pressing concerns, he will arrange for a private meeting with me. You are all dismissed.”

  One by one, the bloodkin nobles left the throne room, until only Gideon, Dante, and Eli remained. Aran sighed heavily. This had honestly been very easy compared to what he was about to do.

  “Gideon, bring them in,” he ordered his oldest son.

  “Yes, Father,” Gideon replied. “At once.”

  As it turned out, Gideon had proven to be invaluable in Dante and

  Aran’s absence. With Vane and Cole’s assistance, he had controlled the Kin Lords and quieted the rumors before they reached the population and caused instability. Since returning from Manturanael, Aran made it his business to include Gideon more in every decision. He knew that his older son didn’t fully understand his current mindset, but he could be taught.

  Gideon left the throne room through a side door and returned shortly after with Valerian and Antemia in tow. Vane and Cole accompanied them, as well as a good number of guards.

  Valerian was very pale, and likely, it was only in part due to his previous condition. In the end, with a lot of effort from the elves, he had recovered as well, although not as quickly as Aran. Now that he was better, though, Aran had to face a decision he truly hated taking.

  “You committed treason,” he began without preamble. “The penalty for it is death. Tell me one reason why I should spare you. Each of you have one minute.”

  “I don’t think you should spare me,” Valerian said, straightening his back. “I don’t want to die, but it is our way and I understand the consequences of my actions. At the time, I thought I was doing the right thing. If I’d live through it again, I’d probably make similar choices.”

  “You don’t trust me as Imperator,” Aran said. “Well, at the very least you’re honest. Antemia?”

  “Let’s not play this game, Aran,” she said. “We both know that, while you might be considering sparing your son, I’m already dead. I gambled and I lost. I was a fool to trust a child. I realize that now.”

  Valerian threw her an ugly look but didn’t say anything. However, much to Aran’s surprise, Gideon intervened. “Could I have one moment of your time, Majesty?”

  “Speak, Gideon,” Aran said. “What’s on your mind?”

  Gideon took a deep breath, as if bracing himself for something. “Valerian is right in that it has always been our way for treason to be punished with death. But we are changing those ways. We’ve reached out to the elves. Why not change this as well?”

  Aran was pleasantly surprised by Gideon’s comment. “Valerian and Antemia would argue that it would be weak of me,” he answered.

  “Weakness is relative,” Gideon shot back. “I’ve been…I’ve spent a lot of time with several of Your Majesty’s new allies, and I’m beginning to understand things are not always as I thought they were.”

  “Indeed. Power is an abstract concept that can have many meanings.” Aran smiled at his first born. “Very good, Gideon. I will grant your request. Your mother and your brother shall live.”

  Aran turned toward Valerian, pinning him with his gaze. “Do not think I have forgotten what you’ve done. I have forgiven Dante for a similar deed, but his actions were born out of desperation. At this point, you still genuinely believe that you’d be a better Imperator than me. As such, you are a danger for me and Tachaka’s stability.” He got up from the throne and came to stand in front of Valerian. “My decision is made. Both you and Antemia will be imprisoned, indefinitely.”

  Valerian clenched his fists, obviously not happy about his sentence. Perhaps it would have been easier for him to accept death, rather than this absolute deprivation of freedom. But this was Aran’s choice, not Valerian’s, and his son had to obey.

  Still, because he loved his son and hated having to do this, Aran hugged Valerian and kissed his forehead. “Perhaps one day, you will understand why I am doing this,” he whispered. “And when that day comes, both of us will be free.”

  Saying more would give Valerian power over him, so he released the younger bloodkin from his embrace and turned toward the guards. “Take them away to the tower. I want them placed under permanent, heavy guard.”

  “Yes, Majesty,” one of the soldiers replied. “At once.”

  As Valerian and Antemia were le
d out, Aran was left in the company of his other two sons, the Bloodmoor brothers, and Eli. “Well, at least we have that out of the way,” he told them idly.

  “Indeed,” Eli replied. “Can I ask you a question, Your Majesty?”

  “Of course, Eli,” Aran replied. Eli’s cautious tone made him quite curious.

  Much to his surprise, Eli pulled him aside, looking a little apprehensive at the presence of Gideon and the Bloodmoors. Aran made an impatient gesture. “Don’t worry about it. Just tell me. I trust the people here.”

  “All right.” Eli bit his lip, then blurted out, “What is it with you and my father?”

  Aran couldn’t help it. He burst into laughter. “That, my dear Eli, is knowledge for another day. For the moment, just be sure that the two of us cooperate very well.”

  Eli looked like he wanted to ask something else, but Dante intervened, pulling him in for a kiss. And as the elf melted in Dante’s embrace, Aran knew without a doubt that his plan would work. Dante and Eli were the best example that elves didn’t have to be at odds with bloodkin. Whether the happy couple knew it or not, they had paved the way for a better, brighter future for them all.




  A native Romanian, Scarlet was born in 1986 and grew up an avid fan of Karl May and Jules Verne, reading fantasy stories and adventure. Later, when she was out of fantasy stories to read, she delved into her mother’s collection of books and, of course, stumbled onto romance.

  As a writer though, Scarlet Hyacinth was born one sunny summer day, when a dear friend of hers—the same friend who introduced her to GLBT fiction—proposed they start writing a story of their own. As it turns out, the two friends never did finish that particular story, but Scarlet discovered she had a knack for writing and ended up starting to write individually. And so, between working on her dissertation, studying for exams, and reading yaoi manga, she started writing the Kaldor Saga. Along the way, Scarlet met a lot of wonderful people who supported her, and in the end, she found her story a home and, in the process, fulfilled a beautiful dream.


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