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Shared Omega (Quarantine Omega Book 2)

Page 21

by Lizzy Bequin

  And last, to chain her body to the pack as a whole, she wears a piercing through the soft skin that hoods her luscious clit.

  Just thinking of that sends a surge of blood to my cock, swelling my member beneath my loincloth.

  I struggle to push those thoughts out of my mind.

  Right now, I need to focus on the mission at hand.

  After about thirty minutes of picking our way through the tunnels, the air starts to change. The stir of a light breeze brushes my skin.

  “Turn off the light,” I whisper to Sloane.

  She does so, and we are immediately drenched in blackness. But as our eyes begin to adjust, it becomes apparent that the blackness is not total. There is a cool, silvery light up ahead.

  We are near the exit.

  The mouth of the mine is almost impossible to see from the outside as it is well-hidden behind a tumble of large boulders and a few scrubby plants so that the opening appears to be little more than a shadow in the rocks.

  I poke my head out first, enjoying the breath of the wind in my hair after the close, stuffy air of the caves. Overhead, the night sky is splashed with the pale splendor of the Milky Way. The Quarantine Wall is an ominous shadow in the distance.

  We are out of the Zone.

  This is the farthest I’ve ever ventured. I’ve never gone beyond this point before, but soon we will be travelling much, much farther, all the way to the Outsiders’ city.

  Sloane pokes her head out as well, followed by Dog and then Kane.

  “Can they see us from the wall?” Sloane’s small voice whispers at my ear.

  Dog answers from the darkness.

  “They probably could if one of the snipers trained his scope in our direction. But they won’t do that. The guards always keep their attention focused inside the wall. They aren’t expecting any danger from outside the Zone.”

  Kane’s voice grumbles quietly behind us.

  “That’s all well and good, but how are we going to reach the Outsiders’ city? As I understand, it’s at least fifty miles or more. Surely we’re not going to travel all that way on foot out in the open?”

  All three of us Alphas turn toward Sloane.

  “Right,” she stammers nervously. “So…I hadn’t really planned that far ahead. We’ll have to kind of play it by ear.”

  We are quiet for a minute as we all think. It is Dog who breaks the silence.

  “There should be patrols running around the outside perimeter of the wall every hour or so to check. Perhaps we could hijack one of the patrol vehicles.

  Sloane thinks for a moment, then she nods in the moonlight.

  She stands up and starts stripping off her clothing, first pulling her white tank top over her head and tossing it aside before next peeling off her shorts and panties to reveal the sexy tuft of pubic fur. Her piercing catches the moonlight and glints.

  Once more, my cock pulses with desire, half lifting my loincloth. The sight of our omega’s naked flesh has a similar effect on Dog and Kane.

  “What are you doing?” I ask with surprise.

  As beautiful as the sensuous curves of her body look in the soft glow of the moon and stars, this is hardly an appropriate time for mating.

  “I have a plan,” Sloane whispers as she shucks off her boots and peels off her socks.

  “Care to share it with us?” Kane asks.

  Sloane is now completely nude. She is a silver goddess in the moonlight. I’m unable to keep my eyes from roving over her exquisite body—the sumptuous swell of her round breasts with their perpetually stiff, suckable peaks. The flare of her fertile hips below her small waist. And of course, her gorgeous cunt.

  She turns toward me, eyes gleaming.

  “Truk, your fangs are the sharpest. I need you to make me bleed.”


  The twin headlights pierce the night, growing larger and brighter as the transport vehicle approaches. Soon I can hear the rumble of the engine and then the crunch of the heavy tires rolling over the gravel and hard-packed earth.

  When it’s a few yards away, the vehicle skids to a stop, sending up a cloud of dust. The headlights are right in my face now, blinding me, and bathing my naked body in light.

  Warm trickles of blood run down my belly, thighs, and arms.

  There comes the ratcheting sound of the parking brake being set, and a moment later, the doors on both sides of the vehicle swing open. Two guards dressed in black combat gear hop out, their heavy boots crunching along the ground as they stride to the place where I’m sprawled out.

  “What in the fuck is this?” the driver hisses.

  “Shit, I don’t know, but it looks like she took a beating.”

  “Yeah but how the hell did she even wind up out here?”

  I lift my arm weakly toward them and groan, pretending to be in great pain.

  The truth of the matter is that my wounds are only superficial. Truk was reluctant to harm me at first, but after I explained my plan, he finally gave in, using his sharp fangs to nick my flesh, opening a dozen tiny cuts. The blood looks a lot worse than it really is.

  I figured if a helpless, naked woman is a good distraction, then a helpless, naked, bleeding woman is even better.

  So far, the plan seems to be working.

  “Please,” I groan weakly. “Help me…”

  The two marines drop into a crouch on either side of me.

  “Damn, she’s beautiful,” one of them gasps.

  His companion, the driver, backhands his arm in annoyance.

  “Stow it, you idiot. Can’t you see she’s badly hurt.” Turning toward me, he adds. “Don’t worry, Miss. You’re safe now.”

  “Hey,” the other one says, “Those piercings. Is she a—“

  Before he has a chance to finish his thought, a dark form emerges from the shadows, and a muscled arm slips expertly around his neck, cutting off his air and bloodflow. It’s Dog, using that sleeper hold that he employed so expertly on me once before.

  The driver’s eyes go wide with shock, and his hand reaches for the pistol strapped to his thigh, but before he has a chance to draw, another even bigger shadow descends upon him.

  He is not as lucky as his companion.

  Kane’s hands clutch the driver’s head. His oversized fingers almost completely enveloping the man’s skull. The soldier opens his mouth to scream, but before any sound can emerge, Kane gives his head a violent twist.

  The only sound is the dull crack of his spine breaking. His muscles tense briefly as if experiencing an electric shock, then his body goes limp.

  My stomach turns.

  I speak in a whisper, keeping my voice low to avoid alerting the guards on the wall above.

  “Kane, I thought we agreed, no killing unless absolutely necessary.”

  “As far as I’m concerned,” he growls. “It is absolutely necessary to kill all Outsiders.”

  The other marine slumps in Dog’s grip as the effects of the choke hold send him into unconsciousness. Behind him, Truk appears from the shadows to join us.

  “Kane,” I whisper again, more insistently this time. “Please…”

  He nods toward the dead body at his feet.

  “It was necessary. He was reaching for his gun.”

  But I know damn well that’s not the reason he snapped the marine’s neck. As far as Kane is concerned, the only good Outsider is a dead one. However, we don’t need his vengeful bloodlust getting in the way of the mission. And more than that, some of the marines we encounter might be people I know.

  My beef is with the people in charge of SynerGen, not the grunts on the ground doing their dirty work.

  “Can we discuss this once we’re on the road?” Dog hisses. “We need to move before we get spotted.”

  He’s right. We need to get out of here.

  Dog has lifted the unconscious soldier, and Truk takes the man’s legs, and they are carrying him toward the back of the idling vehicle. I move to help Kane lift the dead man, but he denies my
assistance and flings the lifeless body over his shoulder like it was a sack of laundry before marching off toward the rear of the vehicle as well.

  I follow.

  The interior of the transport carrier is lined with two benches along both walls. There is a cargo trunk against the back of the driver’s cabin, along with a weapons rack stacked with heavy rifles, ammunition magazines, and grenades.

  The Alphas toss the two marines into the rear bed of the transport.

  “All right,” Dog says in a hushed voice. “Kane and Truk, you get in the back. Restrain the live one and hide the bodies in that trunk if there’s room. Sloane, you’ll ride up front with me. You can put these on once we’re on the road.”

  He hands me my clothes and boots.

  Kane growls low.

  “Who put you in charge, Dog?”

  Again, he pronounces Dog’s name with an obvious note of disdain. If it gets under Dog’s skin, however, he doesn’t show it.

  “I’m assuming that you don’t know how to drive, Kane.”

  Kane’s face pinches with annoyance again.

  “Besides,” Dog goes on. “If we have to stop and debate every step of the way, this mission isn’t going to come off well.”

  “Fine,” Kane grumbles.

  He and Truk hop into the back of the vehicle, and we shut the hatch behind them, taking care to be as quiet as possible. Then we head to the cab and hop in, me in the passenger seat and Dog behind the wheel.

  He puts the vehicle in gear and we rumble off into the night, leaving the Quarantine Wall and the Zone far behind.


  We’re making good time.

  Right about now, those two marines in the lockbox in the back are missing their patrol check-in. Pretty soon, that whole sector of the Quarantine Wall will be on high alert.

  But we’re already long gone.

  Just a few more minutes, and we’ll be inside the city.

  The colossal tiered structure of the hive looms in front of us. It is like a giant, industrial termite mound rising into the night. Level upon level of grimy spires and belching smoke stacks all connected with a network of roadways and train rails. Massive searchlights sweep through the sky above, illuminating the miasma of smog that hangs over the city like an evil spirit.

  A few minutes more, and we’re inside the perimeter, following the winding, twisting overpasses that slither through the polluted heart of the city, lit by the nauseating orange fluorescence of chemical glow-globes.

  There’s nothing I hate more than returning to the city hive after a long excursion into the Zone.

  Luckily, this will be the last time.

  Whether we succeed or fail, after tonight, I’ll never have to see this godforsaken shithole again.

  Kane’s voice growls through the grate that connects the cab of the transport to the hold in the rear.

  “How much longer?”

  “We’re almost there,” Sloane answers.

  She’s right. The claustrophobic stacks of towers and tightly packed habitation units seem to be pulling back, and ahead, through the haze of smog, the twin snakes of the SynerGen logo appear, glowing with a coldly sinister blue light.

  This is it.

  SynerGen headquarters.

  This is where everything began, and this is where it’s going to end, for better or for worse.

  “How are we going to get inside?” Sloane asks from the passenger seat.

  I glance over at her.

  Her beauty never ceases to amaze me. Even now, in her grimy tank top and tattered shorts, her skin smudged with dirt and flecks of dried blood, she is breathtakingly gorgeous. Hot desire surges through me as I gaze into those perfect, pale blue eyes.

  “I have a plan,” I answer. Then I call to Kane and Truk in the back, “Here’s how we’re going to do this. You two Alphas are our prisoners. Just keep quiet back there and let me do the talking. But when I open the rear hatch, be ready.”

  I drive the vehicle around to the rear of the facility and pull into the utility garage in the back like I own the place. It is spacious and brightly lit, with some random pyramids of metal crates stacked by the walls. A pair of security officers are on duty, relaxing by the door and smoking cigarettes. When they see us arrive, they look a little surprised.

  When they see me step out, however, their surprise turns to outright shock.

  Almost in perfect unison, they drop their cigarette butts, and their hands dip to the guns at their hips.

  “Easy guys,” I say nonchalantly, raising my hands palms out. “Me and the lady are with SynerGen’s private corps.”

  Sloane has slipped out of the passenger seat. The security officer’s eyes turn toward my mate, and I struggle to suppress the surge of violent jealousy at the way their eyes bug out. In my mind’s eye, I briefly fantasize about gouging those eyeballs out with my thumbs.

  But I maintain a cool exterior. I pluck the dog tags hanging around my neck and give them a friendly jangle.

  “See. We’re marines.”

  The nearest guard squints at my tags, then raises his eyes and squints at my face. He and his buddy exchange a perplexed glance.

  “We’ll need to perform a retinal scan for ID.”

  “Of course.”

  As the guards retrieve the scanner, I cut my eyes toward Sloane and we pass an almost psychic understanding of what comes next. We need to be ready to act at a moment’s notice if shit goes sideways.

  While one of the guards waits in the background, palm still resting on the handle of his gun and eyes still resting on Sloane’s chest, the other one steps forward with the scanner—a handheld device not much bigger than a phone.

  He scans me first and then inspects the results.

  “Dog?” He mutters. “That’s seriously your name?”

  “Codename,” I reply, trying my best to hide my annoyance. “You gonna check the lady?”


  He steps over toward Sloane and licks his lips as he looks her up and down. She wiped away most of the dried blood, but some of the red nicks and scratches are still showing.

  “Y-you okay, Miss?” he stutters. “Looks like it’s been a rough night, huh?”

  He gives Sloane his best smile. She just rubs her nose with her knuckle, a tough gesture reminiscent of a prize fighter.

  “I’ll live.”

  The guard nods and raises the scanner to check Sloane’s lovely blue eyes. He checks the readout. When it takes longer than expected, my muscles begin to tense in preparation.

  “Shit,” the guard half whispers. “Lance Corporal Sloane? It lists your status as M.I.A. in the Quarantine Zone.”

  “That obviously needs to be updated, doesn’t it?” Sloane says coolly.

  Even though he’s a good foot taller than her, the security guard damn near withers underneath Sloane’s tough, blue gaze.

  “Yeah, I suppose so.” He glances back toward his companion, who shrugs, then turns toward me again. “Look, I’m sorry but you need special clearance to get in this way. I’d better call up the colonel and let him know you’re here.”

  His hand goes for the comm device on his belt.

  “Hang on,” I say, keeping my voice level. “We’ve brought some sensitive cargo back with us, soldier. You’d better have a look so you can let the colonel know about that too. You know, so you don’t have to annoy him with an extra message.”

  Beads of sweat have popped out along the guard’s upper lip. He’s nervous as hell. I give him a friendly smile.

  “Y-yeah, right,” he chokes out. “Good idea. Let’s have a look.”

  He nods toward his companion, who jogs over to join us.

  I lead them around to the rear of the truck.

  “Just wait til you see this.”

  As soon as I swing the hatch open, two pairs of arms dart out and seize the petrified guards, dragging them into the back of the vehicle before the men have a chance to react—before they even have a chance to make so much as a pe

  Truk gives his guard a swift right cross that drops the man to the floor of the vehicle. The guard is knocked out instantly. He doesn’t even feel a thing.

  Kane’s quarry, on the other hand, doesn’t have it quite so easy.

  The bearded Alpha has the security officer pinned against the interior wall of the transport, both fists clasped tightly around the man’s throat. As I watch, the man’s face goes through a rapid succession of colors, from red, to plum purple, to a shocking shade of blue. His eyes are shot with veins and seem to be on the verge of popping out of their sockets. Wet sounds are burbling past his swollen tongue.

  “Kane,” Sloane hisses. “You don’t have to kill him.”

  The Alpha ignores her. The muscles of his forearms ripple as he squeezes his victim’s throat. The man’s boots scrabble frantically at the floor of the vehicle.

  “He’s a human being,” Sloane persists. “He could have a wife and kids.” When that doesn’t work, she adds. “He could have a sister.”

  Something softens briefly in Kane’s face, then it hardens again. He snarls angrily, loosens his grip, and strikes the guard across the chin, knocking him out but not killing him.

  “Happy?” he rasps at Sloane.

  Sloane doesn’t answer, but I see her shoulders sag as she exhales a sigh of relief.

  “Come on,” I say as I hop into the back of the vehicle. “Let’s get these guys restrained. Their access cards will get us inside the building.”


  I peer around the corner of the alcove, watching the backs of the squad of patrolling guards as they make their way down the sterile, brightly lit corridor and finally disappear around a corner. The sound of their boots ringing on the linoleum floor gradually fades away into the distance.

  The only other noises are the fluorescent buzzing of the panels overhead flooding the hallway with light and the soft sound of the three enormous Alphas breathing behind me.

  “OK, coast is clear.”

  I motion my mates forward and we stride down the corridor in the direction of the central communication hub where we will transmit Lily’s message out to the rest of the city hive.


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