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A Rancher's Christmas (Saddlers Prairie)

Page 16

by Roth, Ann

  “You said the same thing when you were stuck in the blizzard. That was bad enough, but there was nothing you could do about it and I understood. But this... I don’t understand. If it was something life threatening, sure, but it’s a broken ankle.” Kevin made a disapproving sound.

  Gina wasn’t about to explain that she felt guilty for neglecting her relatives. “She’s family, Kevin, and she’s old. She needs me.”

  “Your clients need you, too. Maybe you’ve forgotten them.”

  “I’ve worked for you for nearly seven years. You know I’m not like that. I’ll call them in the morning and explain, and I’ll be back as soon as I possibly can. It won’t be long, I promise.”

  “This elderly relative of yours isn’t going to heal quickly. You could be gone weeks.”

  Gina hoped not, but unfortunately, Kevin was likely right.

  She was silent a moment too long. He harrumphed. “You need to get your priorities straight.”

  “Work is my priority, just as it always has been.”

  “I’m beginning to doubt that. Christmas is only two and a half weeks away. You stay in Montana and use the time to think about what you really want.”


  “I’ve always liked you, Gina, but I don’t think you fit at Andersen, Coats and Mueller anymore.”

  “You’re firing me?” Her heart nearly stopped. “But I’m on track to be your next vice president.”

  “Things change. Lise has been handling Grant Industries quite well, and Evelyn requested that she take over the account. I was going to talk to you about that tomorrow, but you’re not coming in. I’ll parcel out the rest of your accounts to our other associates.”

  Gina swallowed around her suddenly dry throat. “But I’m sure that if I talk to Carrie, she’ll—”

  “We both know that Carrie isn’t working out. Since you won’t be here to fire her, I will.”

  “I understand.” She bit her lip. “What about my year-end bonus?”

  She needed that money to pay her current bills.

  “You’ll get your salary through the end of the year, and you can cash out any vacation time you haven’t taken. I don’t think you’ve earned your bonus.”

  She couldn’t bear to think of what would happen without it. Creditors would hound her to death. She might even go bankrupt. Humiliation for what could be made her feel sick. She refused to be like her parents.

  “I’m not just talking about Grant Industries,” she argued, emboldened out of desperation. “I brought in several new clients this year and earned quite a bit of money for the company. I deserve to be compensated.”

  “You almost cost me the Grant account. No bonus, Gina, but if you want to come back, you can take Carrie’s job.” Kevin disconnected.

  In shock, she gaped at the phone. Kevin had never been the most compassionate man. His main interest had always been the bottom line. How many employees had come and gone because they fell short of his expectations? Gina had always produced. She’d prided herself on earning his trust and had never imagined she would one day join their ranks.

  After putting in all those years of hard work and loyalty, it hurt. Now what was she supposed to do, and what would she tell her family and friends here in Saddlers Prairie? They all thought she was a rich and successful marketing professional, and she couldn’t bear to lose their respect.

  What to do, what to do? Her mind working furiously, she prowled around the kitchen. Finally she came up with something. She would explain that she’d decided to stay through December so that she could take care of Gloria and spend Christmas with her family.

  Footsteps thudded across the back stoop, and she barely had a moment to compose herself. Sophie, Uncle Redd and the two dogs crowded through the door.

  And, oh, dear God, Zach. Why did he have to be here now, when Kevin’s words had barely sunk in? More than anyone else, Gina couldn’t bear for him to know the truth. She wasn’t sure why she needed him to believe she was successful, but she did.

  Forcing a cheerful expression, she held a finger to her lips and kept her voice low. “Gloria’s asleep in the living room.”

  Avoiding Zach’s gaze, she bent to pet the dogs as they licked her face.

  “Gina?” Zach said.

  He sounded concerned. Realizing she was frowning, she quickly smoothed her expression. “Yes?”

  “Where do you want me to put these suitcases?”

  “Just leave them in here. When Gloria wakes up, I’ll move them.”

  “One of those is mine,” Sophie said. “I don’t like staying alone in that house.”

  With Sophie here, too, Gina would have to pretend she was happy all the time. Wonderful. “That’s fine,” she said brightly. “There’s certainly room for you. What about you, Uncle Redd?”

  Her uncle shook his head. “I’d rather sleep in my own bed. But the dogs and I will stay for dinner tonight.”

  “Will you join us, Zach?” Sophie asked.

  “Sorry, I can’t.”

  That was a relief—she wouldn’t have to pretend quite so hard at dinner. “Now that you’re here to keep an eye on Gloria, I’m going to drive to Spenser’s and pick up some groceries,” she said.

  “I’ll follow you out.” Zach shot her a questioning look and reached for the doorknob.

  He was going to ask her what was wrong. Great, just great. Gina shrugged into her coat and grabbed her purse. In an effort to forestall any questions, she turned toward her cousin and uncle. “You should all know that while you were gone, I talked with my boss. I’ve decided to stay here through the holidays.”

  Redd grinned, and Sugar and Bit wagged their tails and yipped with excitement.

  “That’s wonderful, cookie.” Sophie laid her palm over her heart. “I know your uncle Lucky is smiling down at you. He’ll be downright euphoric when you put up the Christmas lights and a tree.”

  * * *

  SOMETHING WAS WRONG. Zach couldn’t put his finger on exactly what, but Gina looked shell-shocked.

  “Are you sure you want to be here for three more weeks?” he asked as he shut the back door behind them.

  “This way, I’ll be able to spend Christmas with the family and do a few more things at the house before the Realtor lists the property.”

  “Your boss is okay with that?”

  Instead of meeting his gaze, she pulled the key to Lucky’s truck from her purse. “I decided to use up some of my vacation time.”

  “But this won’t really be a vacation. You’ll still be working with your clients.”

  She seemed to find the keys fascinating. “I’m going to let people at the office handle my clients.”

  She was a workaholic, she wouldn’t meet his gaze and nothing she said made sense. Zach gave her a sideways look. “Tell me you’re not doing this out of guilt.”

  “Partly. Look, I don’t want to be away from Gloria for long—I better get going.”

  She left him scratching his head, wondering what was really going on.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Zach was heading out to pick up a few things Curly needed to repair the tractor motor when he spotted Gina—climbing a ladder. For the past few days he’d mostly avoided her, only stopping by the house to briefly visit with Gloria and Sophia. Knowing she was within easy reach and would be for the next few weeks was killing him. Just as it had before.

  He couldn’t avoid her now. Wearing the same navy cap he’d loaned her weeks ago and her burgundy jacket, she was making her way up with strands of Christmas lights looped over one shoulder. Was she nuts?

  He braked to a stop, strode straight to the ladder and gripped the base.

  “Do you know how dangerous this is?” he said. “The ground is icy. The ladder legs could slip and you could fall.”

  “I’m being very careful,” she replied. “I made sure to pack the snow around the—”

  The lights fell from her shoulder and sailed down, barely missing his head, and the ladder jerked to the side. If he hadn’t been here to grab on to it, Gina would’ve tumbled twenty feet down.

  He shuddered to think of that.

  “You climb down now,” he ordered, the close call making him sound brusque.

  The second her feet touched the ground, Zach pulled her around and gripped her shoulders. His hands shook a little. “Don’t you ever do anything that crazy again!”

  In the weak winter sun, her widened eyes looked especially green and reflected his own fear. She swallowed. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what got into me. Trying to do everything myself, I guess.”

  “You and your aunt Gloria,” he muttered. “Next time, ask for help.”

  He wanted to both shake her and kiss her until they forgot her near accident. But that would be as reckless as her solo climb up the ladder. Besides, her nosy cousins were peering out the kitchen window.

  He let her go and then scooped the lights from the snowy ground. “I’ll put these up. You hold the ladder.”

  Gina didn’t argue.

  By the time he finished he was calm again. “Let’s see if they work. Go ahead and turn them on.”

  Moments later, twinkling lights outlined the roof of the house.

  “They look so pretty,” Gina said. “And to think that I only decided to put them up to get out of the house for a while.”

  “Let me take a wild guess—your cousins are getting on your nerves.”

  “Ya think? They went at each other nonstop while I put up the tree this morning and I really needed a break. I’ve run out of errands that will get me out of here, and I’ve visited my friends so often that their kids are beginning to think I’m family.”

  “Is Gloria feeling any better today?”

  “A little. She’s determined to use the crutches despite her sore hand. She’s anxious to go back to her own house, but I can’t see her getting up and down the stairs for a while yet. It sure would be nice to have the house to myself. Between Gloria’s demands and complaints, Sophie’s nonstop chatter and their constant bickering, I’m about to lose my mind.”

  Zach could just imagine. He glanced at them through the window, and they smiled and waved.

  Gina followed his gaze and frowned. “Did you see that? Gloria just threw us a thumbs-up. I think she’s pleased to see us talking. The way she, Sophie and Uncle Redd keep singing your praises, it’s obvious what they want. Oh, brother.”

  “They never have been subtle.”

  Even though her cousins were out of hearing range, Gina lowered her voice. “If you can think of anything else to get me out of the house, let me know.”

  Zach had some interesting ideas, but what he wanted was off-limits. “Maybe you should talk to your boss about working from here after all, and save your vacation days for something fun.”

  She all but recoiled. “I don’t think I’ll do that.”

  She didn’t offer an explanation and Zach wasn’t about to press her for one. As curious as he was, how she spent her time here was none of his business.

  He shrugged. “If you want, you can give me a hand with some of the chores.” Not that he needed help this time of year.

  “Sure. What do you have in mind?”

  “Bert just let the horses out to pasture. Their stalls need mucking out, and someone needs to bring them in again and brush and feed them.”

  Cleaning stalls was no fun, and he expected her to turn down the offer. Instead she jumped on it. “I used to muck out the stalls for Uncle Lucky. I’ll do it right now.”

  “Seriously? You must be desperate.”

  She shot a quick look at the kitchen window and winced. “More than you’d ever guess.”

  * * *

  GINA’S IDENTITY HAD been tied up in her job for so long. Without clients and projects to fill the days, she felt purposeless and restless, like a ship adrift at sea. She was also worried sick about her finances.

  Caring for the horses was a godsend. The gentle animals didn’t judge her, and their blatant bids for attention made her laugh and took her out of herself. She’d convinced Zach and the other ranch hands to let her take care of them every day.

  Often someone else was in the barn, mending harnesses, oiling saddles or loading the flatbed with hay for the cattle. Zach was always with one or more of his men, and she never saw him alone.

  He was friendly but distant, which was safer for Gina. It was better that way. But she missed his warmth and their conversations.

  Nine days after Gloria’s accident, on a cold, clear afternoon, Gina was standing on a rung of the wood corral fence, fretting about money and watching the horses frisk about, when Zach joined her.

  “Need help bringing in the horses?” he asked, stepping up next to her.

  She shook her head. “They’re having such a good time that I decided to leave them out a while longer. They’re fun to watch.”

  A few of the animals nickered and started toward Zach. He grinned. “They can be real hams.”

  Gina nodded at Lightning. “Do you think he misses Uncle Lucky?”

  “Sure he does, but he seems to like you.”

  “He likes you more.” The horse all but ignored her in favor of Zach. “They all do.”

  “They know I have treats.” He pulled a baggie of sliced apples from his pocket. “Take some.”

  Gina placed an apple slice in her palm, held out her arm and clicked her tongue. “Come here, Lightning.” The horse gently took the apple from her and chuffed his thanks.

  “Do that every day, and he’ll love you forever,” Zach said.

  She didn’t remind him that she wasn’t going to be here forever.

  When the apples were gone, he stepped down, his boots crunching on the hard snow. “Let’s bring them in now.”

  Gina opened the gate and the horses trotted toward the barn.

  Compared to the frigid air outside, the barn felt warm. The smells of hay, horses and leather reminded her of her childhood and filled her with nostalgia for those days. Days she’d gladly left behind years ago—or so she’d thought. Now she actually enjoyed being here.

  When had that happened?

  Zach helped her brush the horses. While they worked, he seemed at ease, and they talked as they had before the tension between them had become like a wall.

  “I need your help,” she said as they hung up the brushes.

  “Don’t tell me—you want to string lights around the barn roof.” Zach’s lips twitched, and for the first time in days, she laughed.

  “No, but this is about Christmas. There are only nine shopping days left, and I don’t have any idea what to get Redd, Gloria or Sophie.”

  “Being here is enough.”

  “Besides that. I’d like to give them each something they really want.” Nothing too pricey. Gina really had to watch her spending now. “I’m planning to drive to Elk Ridge tomorrow to go shopping, and I’m open to ideas.” The town had a mall with several decent stores.

  Zach didn’t even hesitate. “I know something that doesn’t require driving or shopping. Keep the Lucky A.”

  The longer Gina was here, the less she wanted to sell. But with her money troubles, she couldn’t even entertain the thought of holding on to the ranch. She needed the proceeds to pay down her debt. “I’m putting it on the market in January—you know that.”

  “Then Elk Ridge, it is. I happen to be heading there in the morning to pick up a part for the tractor. Let’s carpool.”

  She could easily take Uncle Lucky’s truck, but the way it guzzled gas... “Okay, but I have no idea what I’m shopping for, and I could be a while.”r />
  “No problem—I need to pick up gifts for my family, too. We’ll leave right after the morning chores and get an early start.”

  At the door of the barn, Zach plucked something from the hat he now considered hers. “Straw.”

  “Why does that not surprise me? I probably stink like the stalls.”

  He leaned in and sniffed. “I smell horse and hay but mostly flowers. I like that perfume.”

  “It’s very high-end stuff called eau de shampoo.”

  They both smiled. He glanced at her mouth and sobered. Gina recognized that intense look. He was going to kiss her.

  Although her mind warned her that that was dangerous, every cell in her body strained toward him.

  Zach cupped her face between his roughened hands and kissed her, and she felt as if she’d finally come home. Grasping his shoulders, she leaned into his solid body.

  One kiss wasn’t enough and neither of them pulled away. All the passion and feeling Gina had stuffed down deep inside bubbled up.

  Sometime later, breathing hard, Zach rested his forehead against hers. “You don’t taste like horses, either.”

  “That’s a relief.”

  His silvery eyes shone with feeling. A warm glow started in her heart and spread through her. She wanted Zach, but what she felt was so much more than desire.

  She was falling in love with him.

  That scared her. She knew what she wanted—a meaningful career, a life free of financial struggle and a man who was as driven to succeed as she was. Zach wasn’t that man.

  There was only one solution—to fall out of love with him.

  Oh, that wouldn’t be easy. Impossible, as long as she was there and seeing him all the time. She may as well enjoy what time she had left with him. When she got back to Chicago, she’d lick her wounds, find a new job and move on.

  She made a show of glancing at her watch. “I better go inside and make sure Gloria and Sophie haven’t murdered each other.”

  Zach opened the barn door and gestured her out. “I’ll see you in the morning.”


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