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A Rancher's Christmas (Saddlers Prairie)

Page 19

by Roth, Ann

  Gina pulled her hand from his, cupped his face and turned his head toward her. “Sam Swain’s death wasn’t your fault, Zach.”

  They were the same words his family had repeated countless times, only hers held no scorn. In Gina’s eyes he saw only love.

  “You’re a good man, Zach Horton. That’s why I fell in love with you.” She smiled. “Even though I fought it tooth and nail.”

  Zach’s heart swelled in his chest. “That’s one battle I’m glad you lost.”

  He kissed her without holding anything back. A long time later, he reluctantly broke away. “I should go.” He took her hand and pulled her to her feet.

  She loved him, but he wasn’t sure love was enough. If she accepted him as he was, he would give her a Christmas gift she would never forget. If not... Well, that just might kill him.

  At the back door, he turned to her. “We have...” So much was riding on her and what she wanted, and his voice shook. Zach stopped and cleared his throat. “We have a lot to talk about. I know you want a high-flying corporate executive, but I can’t be that man ever again. If you want a future with me, you have to be okay with that.”

  He left her standing in the door.

  * * *

  THERE WAS SO much to think about, and Gina couldn’t sleep. Zach loved her and she loved him.

  But was love enough?

  She no longer had a big salary to keep her afloat, and neither did he. She didn’t want to make the same mistakes her parents had made—she didn’t want a marriage plagued with money worries.

  Zach had suffered dearly for Sam Swain’s death, which hadn’t been his fault. His guilt over that made Gina love him all the more. Everything made sense now. His comments about the rat race and his seeming disinterest in the corporate world.

  Living a hectic, competitive life hadn’t made him happy. It didn’t make her happy, either. Nor had her big salary, expensive clothes and nice condo.

  If she set aside her money problems, she wouldn’t miss her job at all.

  That was such a revelation that Gina could no longer lie in bed. She rose and slipped on her robe. Uncle Lucky had taught Zach to find joy in the little things. Why couldn’t she do the same? Peering out the window, into the darkness, she noted how the snow caught the moonlight, making the moon twice as bright. The fields sparkled with light.

  Such a beautiful ranch and a perfect Christmas Eve night. She could almost imagine Santa and his sleigh flying through the sky.

  She smiled with joy. So this was what finding pleasure in little things felt like.

  Still grinning, she crept back downstairs. The fire was low but she heard the sizzle of the dying embers. The sound delighted her, and plugging in the Christmas-tree lights only increased her happiness.

  She plunked down onto the sofa and, for a while, she simply enjoyed the sights and sounds. Then she thought about other things that made her happy. Not what, who.


  He’d made her laugh countless times and always brightened her day—even when she was mad at him.

  Regardless of what he did for a living, life with him would always be blessed with love and joy.

  And just like that, Gina let go of her need to be with a man driven to succeed. She let go of her own need to climb the corporate ladder.

  It was an odd feeling, trusting that she was good enough to have love and friendship no matter what she did for a living. She would need time to get used to that.

  Her debt was an awful burden, and the thought of declaring bankruptcy made her sick to her stomach. She didn’t want to do that and needed a new job—soon.

  Sometime before dawn, she stumbled upon the solution to her problems. She could hardly wait to share it with Zach and her family.

  She tiptoed into the office, wrote a note and wrapped it in Christmas paper. After adding a ribbon and printing Zach’s name on the gift card, she slipped it under the tree beneath the other presents.

  Humming and feeling strangely energized, she danced up the stairs to shower and dress. Downstairs again, she made the coffee and started the Christmas breakfast casserole.

  It was baking in the oven when her family entered the kitchen. Minutes later, Zach showed up.

  “Merry Christmas, Zach. I thought about what you said last night, and I’m fine with you—just as you are.”

  Zach’s eyes looked suspiciously bright. Gina’s eyes filled, too. Without the least bit of embarrassment or nervousness, she pulled him down for a kiss.

  When they broke apart, the expressions on her family’s faces were priceless.

  After breakfast, Uncle Redd pushed his chair back. “Let’s take our coffee into the living room and open our presents.”

  It was time to tell her family the truth.

  “If you’d all wait a minute.” Gina stood and gestured for her family to remain at the table. “There’s something I need to tell you.”

  Wanting Zach’s support, she glanced at him. Without hesitation he joined her, grabbing hold of her hand.

  Gloria and Sophie gave her knowing looks, and Uncle Redd beamed. They obviously thought that this was a romantic announcement of some kind. They were in for a disappointment.

  “This isn’t easy for me to say,” she said, “and my timing sucks.”

  They looked concerned now. Zach gave her hand an encouraging squeeze and her story spilled out.

  “You don’t know this, but a couple of weeks ago my boss fired me,” she said, strangely eager to get the words out. “But that’s not all. I’m in debt and teetering on bankruptcy. I know how embarrassing that is for you. I’m so ashamed and so sorry to ruin your Christmas this way.”

  For once, Gloria was speechless.

  Sophie clutched her chest. “Oh, cookie, that’s terrible.”

  “We’ll be all right, honey,” Uncle Redd said. “But what will you do?”

  “I’ll answer your questions after we open our gifts.”

  “Now?” Gloria frowned. “This is serious. Don’t you want to talk about it?”

  Sophie glared at her. “She just said she will later. It’s Christmas, and she doesn’t want to think about her problems right now.”

  “Well, I do.”

  The sisters glared at each other.

  “Girls, please.” Uncle Redd shook his head. “Like Sophie says, it’s Christmas. Can’t you knock it off for a while? If Gina wants to open presents now, so do I.”

  Her family all looked fondly at her.

  Nothing had changed. They felt for her, but they still loved her, just as Zach had said.

  She could hardly wait for them to open their gifts.

  They headed into the living room, Zach holding her hand until she pushed him into a chair and handed out the presents.

  Her family loved the things she’d picked up at the mall. Sophie loved her new earrings and Gloria wrapped herself in her new sweater. Uncle Redd was pleased with his kidskin gloves and Sugar and Bit seemed delighted with their new chew toys.

  Gina opened the gift they’d all chipped in to buy her. “Red cowboy boots. I love them! Thank you all.”

  They gave Zach a display case for his watch.

  “What a lovely Christmas,” Sophie said.

  “Wait—there’s something else under the tree.” Gloria pointed to the last gift. “It’s a skinny little thing. What is it?”

  “That’s for you, Zach—from me.” Gina retrieved the gift from under the tree and handed it to him.

  He unwrapped the paper and read the note she’d written. He looked incredulous. “You’re not selling the ranch.”

  “That’s right.” She smiled. “That’s my real present to you all. I’m not sure yet how I’ll keep it going, but, Zach, I hope you’ll stay and help me. As soon as I get back to Chicago, I’m going to
cut up my credit cards and trade in my Lexus for a practical car I can afford. I’m going to sell my condo, too. I’ll use some of the proceeds to pay down my bills and the rest to pay your salary. Will you stay?”

  “Where will you be?” he asked.

  “I’m going to drive right back here and move into this house. I’ve decided to start my own marketing/PR business. I’m good at what I do, and I know I can make it work.”

  Gloria wiped away a tear, Redd cleared his throat and Sophie bawled like a baby.

  “I think they like the idea,” Zach said. “I sure do.”

  “So you’ll stay on?” Gina asked.

  “That depends on what you think of my Christmas gift to you.” He pulled an envelope from his pocket and handed it to her.

  * * *

  AS GINA READ Zach’s card, her jaw dropped, just as he’d imagined it would. He grinned.

  “Do you mind if I share this with my family?” she asked. He shook his head. “Zach has offered to buy half the ranch so that we’re equal partners.” A puzzled frown filled her face. “How can you afford that?”

  “I have some money in the bank, money I haven’t touched in a long time.” He hadn’t known what to do with the proceeds from the sale of his company. Now he did. “I figure that with your marketing smarts and my business know-how, we’ll get the dude ranch up and running in no time.” He grasped hold of Gina’s hands. “If things work out the way I hope, we’ll be much more than business partners.”

  He wanted to go on, but emotion clogged his throat. He had to swallow and clear it several times. “What do you say?”

  Gina’s eyes filled with warmth and love. “I feel like I’m in a fairy tale. Yes, Zach, I’ll be your partner in every way. Merry Christmas, everyone.”

  * * * * *

  Keep reading for an excerpt from TWINS UNDER THE CHRISTMAS TREE by Marin Thomas.

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  Chapter One

  Conway Twitty Cash had only one rule when it came to women—never date one with kids. Period. No exceptions. Not even if the woman sent text photos of her hooters.

  Friday afternoon at the Midway Arizona Cowboy Rodeo Days, Conway had been the recipient of a sexy text from a buckle bunny he’d met earlier in the day. Once his eyes had quit bugging out at Bridget’s voluptuous tatas, he’d noticed a child’s Batman cape draped over a chair in the background of the photo. Alarmed, he’d asked his rodeo competitors about Bridget and had learned she was a single mom. When they’d first met, he’d asked if she’d had kids, and she’d said no.

  Too upset to focus on his ride, the bronc had tossed him on his head as soon as he cleared the chute. Afterward, Conway had made a beeline for the parking lot—he hadn’t been about to wait for Bridget to catch up.

  Miffed, ticked off and a whole lotta mad, he pulled into the Border Town Bar & Grill in Yuma—the employer of his good friend and pseudo-therapist Isadora Lopez. Two years ago when he’d first met Isi, he’d been drawn to her dark brown eyes and girl-next-door prettiness. He’d turned on the charm and she’d rewarded his flirting with fleeting touches, accidental bumps and sultry looks. Then he’d asked her to dance during her break and when their bodies had come in contact, a zap of electricity had shot through him. He’d been sure the night would end in Isi’s bed, until she’d mentioned that she was a single mother of twin boys.

  He’d told Isi that he had nothing against kids, but had no intention of ever being a father. From that day on, they’d settled into a comfortable friendship where Isi listened to his dating adventures and offered advice about how to find the perfect woman—one who didn’t want children.

  The bar was packed on this late-September afternoon. The crowd sitting in front of the big-screen TV watched a college football game between state rivals the University of Arizona and Arizona State University. Conway slid onto a stool and waved to the barkeep. Red was a mountain of a man—six feet seven inches—and bald with a crimson beard that ended in the middle of his chest.

  After handing a pitcher of margaritas to a waitress named Sasha, Red brought Conway a bottle of his favorite beer. “You rodeo today?”

  “Got bucked off.”

  “Too bad.”

  “Where’s Isi?” Conway asked.

  “In class.” Red checked his watch. “She should be here any minute.” Isi was working toward a two-year business degree from the local community college.

  Red went to fill a drink order, and Conway picked at the paper label on his beer bottle and silently cursed Bridget. Why was it so difficult to find a woman who didn’t want children? After he’d discovered he came from a long line of deadbeat dads, he’d decided he didn’t want to follow in their footsteps, but unlike his father, grandfather and great-grandfather Conway wasn’t opposed to marriage. He really did want a committed relationship.

  He wasn’t a braggart, but the face he saw in the mirror each morning had garnered his fair share of female attention. At twenty-eight he’d thought for sure he’d have found “the one” by now, but every time he began thinking happy ever after, “the one” decided she’d like to have children after all.

  Maybe he should take a break from his search. He’d been handed the responsibility of managing the family pecan farm, so he had plenty of work to keep his mind off his miserable love life. He lifted the beer bottle to his mouth and knocked his front tooth against the rim when a hand slapped his back. Startled, he spun and came face-to-face with Bridget’s tatas.

  How the hell had she known where to find him?

  She planted her fists on her hips and glared. “Why’d you leave the rodeo after your ride? I thought we were going out on a date.”

  A date? He’d ended their conversation with “goodbye,” not “see you later.”

  “Howdy, Conway.” Sasha winked as she passed him with an empty drink tray.

  “Is she special to you?” Bridget dipped her head toward Sasha.


  “Hey, Conway.” Isi strolled into the bar, backpack slung over her shoulder.

  “What about her?” Bridget asked.

  Isi stopped next to the bar and glanced between Conway and Bridget. “What about me what?”

  Bridget glared. “Are you and Conway dating?”

  “Heck, no.”

  Conway wasn’t sure if he was offended or amused by Isi’s fervent denial. It was true they were just friends, but she didn’t have to act as if he was the last man on earth she’d consider going out with.

  “You’re not his type.” Bridget gave Isi the once-over.

  “Don’t insult her,” Conway said. Isi might not have been blessed with Bridget’s bust size, but her long silky hair and exotic eyes were sexy as heck.

  Squinting, Bridget asked, “Are you sure there’s nothing going on between you two?”

  “Positive.” Isi and Conway spoke simultaneously.

  “And Conway isn’t dating Sasha, because Sasha’s a lesbian.” Isi’s eyes sparkled with mischief.

  “Then why’d you stand me up at the rodeo?” Bridget asked.

nbsp; “I didn’t stand you up,” Conway said.

  Bridget planted her hands on her hips. “You gave me your phone number.”

  “He gives all the ladies his number,” Isi said.

  Conway sent his “friend” an I-don’t-need-your-help glare.

  “You acted like you wanted to see me again.” Bridget stuck out her lower lip in a pout.

  “I don’t date women with children,” he said. “Never. Ever. No exceptions.”

  “Who told you I had a kid?”

  “I saw the Batman costume in the picture you texted me.”

  “That belongs to my nephew.”

  Isi snickered.

  “Get lost,” Bridget said.

  Isi inched behind Conway. He didn’t blame her for being cautious. Bridget was getting really worked up. “I asked a couple of cowboys about you and they said you had a son.”

  “I swear he won’t get in our way,” Bridget said. “I’ll make sure he’s not there when you visit.”

  “Sorry, I don’t date women with children or women who want children.”

  “Then why did you lead me on?”

  “Hey, I never asked you out on a date. I never promised to call you and I never—”

  Bridget cocked her arm and swung. Having grown up defending his name from bullies, Conway’s reflexes were sharp. He ducked in the nick of time and Bridget’s fist connected with Isi’s nose. The blow sent her reeling. Conway dove off the stool and caught her before she crumpled to the floor.

  “What the hell is going on!” Red’s booming voice bellowed across the bar.

  Bridget took one look at the giant man and sprinted for the door.

  “I need a towel and ice,” Conway said.

  “Here.” Sasha shoved paper napkins into his hand and he pressed them against Isi’s bleeding nose then led her to a chair. “God, Isi, I’m sorry.” He swallowed a curse as the skin beneath both her eyes began to bruise.

  Red offered a towel packed with ice, and Conway placed it against her nose.


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