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Naked Hustle

Page 22

by Trey Parker

  “You sure? I’m scared Taq. What if there isn’t a bail?”

  “Don’t be afraid. Worry is a waste of imagination. I’m going to beat this case. I’m determined. As long as I have you on my side, I’ll be fine.” Taq shifted himself on the couch and turned to make sure that they saw eye to eye. He continued. “I do ask one thing from you. Poison turned his back on me, Pat’s dead. It’s just me and you left. We all we got. Just me and you. I need you to hold me down. It’s going to get rough, but that’s why I need you more than ever. You are my rock, I can’t do this without you. Can you promise me that you’ll have my back?”

  “Baby, I’ll do anything for you. You saved my life. I got your back. Because I know you got mine.”

  “You promise?” he asked.

  “I promise.”

  They locked hands. He kissed her on the forehead. Then he got up and limped away into his room. Five minutes later he limped back with a duffle bag and dropped it on the floor in front of the couch.

  “In this bag, there’s 2.5 million dollars. I need you to hold this for me, some of it will be to bond me out. The rest of it, well, I know you’re not dumb enough to spend it. Use your own judgement. You’re a hustler like me so, do what you have to do. Flip it. I trust your judgement. I trust you with my life.”

  Latoya looked at the bag with big eyes. “Ok. I got you baby. You can count on me. When will you turn yourself in?” she asked.

  “Tomorrow morning. That will give me enough time to get my affairs in order.”

  “You don’t think that they’re not going to come looking for you before then?”

  “Of course, they will. But trust me, they won’t be able to find me. I’m the best at hide and seek,” said Taq.





  42. Fed Up

  That day, with a sense of urgency, Taq and Latoya thoroughly cleansed the house of any evidence. Even though, Taq was meticulous enough not to have anything there in the first place to get him indicted. That same day, Taq met with his lawyer, his accountant, and his banker to put the money in Latoya’s name. He also met with some unnamed powerful individuals that he wouldn’t even tell Latoya about.

  The next morning, Taq had turned himself in at 8:06 a.m. The news ate it up. His face was everywhere. CNN, local news, Good Morning America, you name it, his face was featured. Taq was officially a national sensation. Not only because he was labeled as a drug kingpin that had assassinated another drug kingpin. But because to the women, he was labeled as a fine-ass drug kingpin. His mugshots were going viral on social media. Although social media loved him, the judicial system didn’t. Taq was being held with no bail. She had to wait on his directions.

  Latoya was lounging on the couch watching the news when she heard the doorbell ring. She was perplexed because she wasn’t expecting anyone. She got up and looked in the peephole and saw two white males with briefcases standing patiently.

  “Can I help you gentleman?”

  “Yes. We’re with the Fulton County Police Department. We’re just here to speak with Latoya Robertson.”

  Latoya’s heart dropped. She was clueless on what to do or say. Not wanting to appear suspicious, she calmly opened the door.

  “Hi Latoya. I’m detective Rupert Stinson and this is my colleague, Lewis Foster. We’re here just to ask you a couple of questions. Do you mind if we come in?”

  “Ummm. Yea sure. Why not. Come in.” She let them in.

  Detective Stinson looked in awe. “This is quite a nice dwelling you have here Latoya. Business must be booming for you and Taq.”

  “What are the questions that you have for me?”

  “Well. You know why we’re here. The night of Musa, Farren, Teddy, and Poison’s death, where exactly were you?”

  “Minding my own business, like I always do,” answered Latoya.

  “Ok. Let’s start over. Let’s cut to the chase. Latoya you and your drug dealing boyfriend Taq are looking at life in prison. We know where you were that night. We know everything about you. We know that Taq killed Musa. They were rival gangs. It was only a matter of time before one of them would kill the other. You’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. You’re in too deep. Do me a favor, don’t try to protect Taq. It’s over for him. He’s not getting out ever again. But you on the other hand, you have a chance to keep your freedom. If you just tell the truth. The absolute worst thing you can do is lie to us. That would dig you an even deeper hole. We are really here to help you get out of this mess. But you have to work with us. With that being said, I’ll ask you again. Where were you on that night?”

  “Sorry guys. I’m not saying anything without speaking with my lawyer first. You all can leave now.”

  “Ok. If you want to make this difficult, then so be it. Just remember that I tried to help you. Can’t you see, all of this is over. This huge house, your fancy cars, your fancy lifestyle it’s all over. The game is over. Taq can’t protect you. You are on your own now. You better protect yourself. Goodbye Latoya,” said Detective Stinson as he and his colleague walked towards the door.

  Latoya immediately called the number that Taq told her to call whenever she needed to get in contact with him. Somehow he had a personal phone while locked up.

  “Hey, baby. The police just left the house!”

  “Yea I knew they would eventually come. You didn’t tell them anything did you? My lawyer should be calling you soon.” said Taq.

  “No, I didn’t say anything. But now I’m nervous. What am I supposed to do? Just sit here and wait for you to get released?”

  “Just be patient, baby. I’m probably going to have to take this thing to trial.”

  “Trial?! Taq they say you’re looking at life in prison or maybe even the death penalty. They also said that there’s a zero percent chance that you will beat this.”

  “Fuck what they say. I know what’s possible. Stop listening to the news. Stop listening to the naysayers. I know I can beat this thing. Just have faith. You have to believe with me. Stay strong with me.”

  “I will try.”

  “Try?! Don’t try. Do it. BWS for life, baby. Remember. You made a promise. My first court date is on January 27th at 2:00 p.m. I need you there front and center. I need you Latoya.”

  “Ok. Just let me know when. I’ll be there.”

  After her conversation with Taq, Latoya called Wanda.

  “Girrrlll! I’m seeing your boo’s name all over the news for this mass murder,” said Wanda.

  “I know, Wanda. I’m tired. I don’t know if I can do this anymore. I’m fed up. I can’t hold him down anymore.”

  “Finally, you come to your senses. Get out of there now. He’s a murderer,” said Wanda.

  “He’s not a murderer. He’s misunderstood. But it doesn’t even matter. This is it for him. I feel it. But he doesn’t know it. He’s going to prison. And this time, he’s not getting out. And I feel trapped.”

  “Nothing is holding you back from getting as far away from him as possible. I’m so confused. Why are you still with him anyway? You control your destiny.”

  “It’s not that simple. There is something holding me back. Plus, I have his mone… I mean I have his trust. He’s depending on me for everything now. It’s complicated, I can’t just up and leave him.”

  “It’s very simple. Just leave. How can it be simpler?”

  “I’m in love with Taq. Still. And I don’t want to leave him hanging. He’s counting on me. He has no one else. And plus, what if he tries to hurt me. He has the influence even while he’s in prison.”

  “Well you have to. If you are serious about leaving this lifestyle, you have to cut all ties from the streets, including Taq.”

  “But, I made a promise that I wouldn’t turn my back on him. I promised him that I would be there for his court date on Thursday.”

  “Court date?! You want to be seen supporting a murderer? Promises are meant to be broken. I wouldn’t touc
h foot near that courtroom to support him. What if they try to attach your name to those murders? Then what?”

  “You’re right. I won’t go.”

  “It’s time to move on, Latoya. What you need is another man to take your attention away from Taq. Like Samuel. What happened with him? He would be the perfect replacement to distract you and to get you away from this nonsense.”

  “Samuel is a great guy. I really like him. But I’m still in love with Taq.”

  “Toya, whether you like it or not. Samuel is your way out. He’s an attorney. He’s good looking, he has a future, he makes good money. You need a good wholesome guy that is going to take care of you. And that has no ties to the streets.”

  “So that’s what you think? I should just cut Taq completely off?” asked Latoya.

  “Yes! Duh! He’ll get the picture just like any other guy. Life is all about growth and change. So what if he’s salty? He’s going to prison for life anyway. It seems like it’s dangerous with him or without him. But at least you’ll have your peace of mind.”

  Wanda convinced Latoya to leave Taq. She decided not to answer his calls anymore. Latoya hopped in her car and started driving. When she pulled away from the property, she saw at least 15 police cars pass her while she headed the opposite way. She looked at the passenger seat and thankfully she had the duffle bag that Taq had left her. Looking at the mansion in her rearview. She held her head up and sped off.

  At first, she thought to go to Wanda’s house. But she wanted to make a pit stop.

  Ding-dong. She rang the doorbell.

  Samuel answers the door. With a robe on.

  “Wow. I can’t believe this. I guess God does answer prayers huh,” said Samuel. “Because the woman that I had been praying about just shows up on my doorstep. What a coincidence.”

  “Oh, stop it!”

  “I’m serious! What brought you here? You could’ve called you know.”

  “Yes, but sometimes, I like to arrive unannounced to see if I’m always welcomed.”

  “Well, you’re always welcomed here! Come in,” said Samuel motioning her in.

  She came in and took a seat on his couch.

  “Do you need some water or anything? Some tea?”

  “No, I’m fine.”

  “So, tell me. What’s going on? You just went ghost on me. Was it something I said or did? Did you end up back with your ex?”

  “No Samuel. It has nothing to do with you. You’re a great man. I’ve just been going through a lot.”

  “Well you know you can talk to me about anything. We’re friends first, remember?”

  “Yea. I remember. I just want to come clean about something. I’m not the person that I’ve been saying I was.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’m not really in real estate. I was a dancer. An exotic dancer.”

  “Wait. What?! You have to be kidding me!”

  “I’m not. I was just so ashamed to tell you who I really am. Life is too short to be hiding the truth.”

  Samuel shook his head. “Well. At least you came out and told the truth. Even though I already knew the truth.”

  “Oh no! How did you know!?”

  “I mean. You would never tell me where you worked. That was the biggest red flag. I assumed that you had a profession that you weren’t proud of.”

  “Why did you pursue me if you knew that I was a stripper?”

  “Why wouldn’t I? You’re one of the best people that I’ve ever met. You’re cool, you’re gorgeous, you’re smart, you’re down to earth, you’re an entrepreneur, you’re ambitious. Who wouldn’t want that in a woman?”

  “You’re joking, right? You’re a lawyer and you wouldn’t be ashamed of me? Do you really feel that way about me, or are you just trying to butter me up?”

  “I’m serious. Your past wouldn’t stop me from wanting to be with you. As long as you’re not trying to continue being a dancer. Are you?”

  “Of course not.”

  Samuel replied. “Exactly, I can help you find more work that will fit your skills. That’s what relationships are about. Accepting someone for who they are, flaws and all. Loving them unconditionally, and just trying to bring the best out of them.”

  “So, what about your family? How will they react when they find out that I was a stripper?”

  Honestly, they may be taken aback by it. But at the end of the day, it’s really none of their business. it’s what matters to me, not them. And I think you’re fabulous,” said Samuel.

  He knew the right things to say. She got emotional and gave him a hug. She held him tight. He leaned down and gave her a kiss on the forehead. She looked up into his eyes, then he kissed her. He kissed her neck and then they started undressing each other until they were fully naked. He picked her up and carried her into his room. Upstairs.

  He took everything slow. The foreplay didn’t exist, and she didn’t care. She needed to be sexed passionately, immediately. And he did just that. While they kissed on the bed his dick eased inside of her. It was shockingly big. It felt right. She didn’t feel guilty. It felt like innocence. He stroked inside her, slowly but surely. After 25 minutes they both had an orgasm. They got up, took a shower together then cuddled up and fell asleep.

  7:00 a.m. Samuel’s House

  “Good morning, baby girl,” said Samuel standing bedside with a robe on and holding a cup of coffee.

  Latoya, still sleepy, responded, “Good morning.”

  “So. What do you have planned today?” Asked Samuel looking at his watch.

  “You’re trying to kick me out?” Latoya rolled over and looked at him.

  “No. Just asking. You can stay here if you want. Or you can come to work with me.”

  “No. I have somewhere else to be today. I promised someone that I would be there for them.”

  “Ok. Just checking.”

  Latoya got up, got dressed and left Samuel’s house.

  After much thought and consideration, despite Wanda’s advice, Latoya decided to show up for Taq’s court date. She made her way to the courthouse. She got there a little early so she was there patiently waiting. She was in the front row. Taq entered. He saw her immediately. He smiled and waved. He held his head up high. She smiled. Then waived back.

  Then Latoya felt someone grab her waist from behind. She swung around as a reflex, ready to knock someone’s teeth out. Her eyes were as wide as Texas when she saw who it was. It was Samuel.

  “What are you doing here?! I guess you wanted to surprise me at work!” said Samuel with a big smile.

  “Uhhhh yea I did,” Latoya said petrified.

  Taq watched closely, trying to make sense of what he was seeing.

  “Come over here and sit with my mom. You’re sitting over there on the defendant’s side. You don’t want to sit over there. You don’t want to be associated with a murderer, do you?”

  “Ummm. I think I should just… go,” said Latoya looking towards the exit.

  “Go?! It hadn’t even started yet. Why leave?”

  Samuel’s mother stands up and starts waving her arms, “Come sit with me.”

  Not knowing what to do, Latoya listened and took a seat right next to Samuel’s mother and right behind Samuel. She avoided looking in Taq’s direction. She was terrified to look him in his eyes.

  Once the trial session began. The judge gave Taq the opportunity to speak.

  Taq stood up.

  “You know it’s funny. I had never been in love before. Never in my entire life. My heart didn’t have a place for love since my parents’ death. I had hidden myself from love because the one time I decided to love someone, they were taken away from me forever. But there was this one time, I decided to love again. I took a chance and I decided to love someone again. This woman that I took a chance with... I loved her because she was like a reflection of myself. For some reason it felt like she was an extension of me. And I trusted her. I trusted her with the only love that I had left within my heart. And I would d
o anything to protect her, because I didn’t want that love to leave me like the one time it did when I was a child. Because that pain was unbearable, excruciating pain that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. Unfortunately, today, my biggest nightmare has become a reality. And the love of my life, is now dead to me. And that’s all I have to say.” Taq took a seat.

  Latoya hopped up out of her seat and started walking towards the back door.

  “Latoya!” Samuel yelled as he followed her out.

  “Where are you going?! Come back! Order in the court!” yelled the Judge.

  “One second your honor!” Samuel continued to follow Latoya.

  He caught up with her outside the courtroom. “What’s going on here?!”

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were a prosecutor?!” asked Latoya.

  “Why, is that a problem? I told you I was a lawyer. You never asked me what type. Just like you didn’t tell me you were a stripper. Remember?”

  “Well. I’ve never told you who my fiancé was either.”

  “Who?” asked Samuel.

  Latoya shook her head and paced back and forth. “This is bad. This is soo bad.”

  Samuel looked worried. He pointed towards the courtroom. “Wait. Please don’t tell me your fiancé was that man right there? Taharq Taylor?! Taq!? The leader of the Black Wall Street Mafia?!”

  Latoya nodded in agreement.

  Samuel threw his hands in the air. “Oh, that’s the deal-breaker for me. I can’t believe this shit. So that explains everything! If the media knew I had relations with you, my whole career would be ruined!”

  “I don’t care about your career! This is my life! Taq trusted me. He trusted me with his whole life. I made a promise to him that I would never turn my back on him. And now he just saw me sitting with the person that is trying to put him in jail for the rest of his life. Now, I don’t know what to do.”

  “I know exactly what you should do. You better get as far away from town as possible because if Taq thinks that you snitched on him then there is no doubt about it, he will kill you. He has the power to kill you even if he’s locked up. Hell, he might even think about killing me at this point. I strongly suggest you leave town. Like, immediately. But hey, I have to go back in to do my job so I’m saying goodbye. I’m sorry that us two couldn’t make things work between us. But, I wish you the best. Good luck.” Samuel gave her a kiss on the forehead and went back into the courtroom.


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