Monroe, Marla - Escape to the Border Lands [Men of the Border Lands 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Marla - Escape to the Border Lands [Men of the Border Lands 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 3

by Marla Monroe

  He thought of all of this while he was busy eradicating the garden of grass and weeds. When he looked back, he realized he’d done some major work. It looked almost as if they’d run the tractor back over it.

  He finished his area and found Jeremy carting the pulled grass over to the compost pile they had started. It was closed in on three sides, and most everything nonanimal went out to it. He would need to talk to Rachael about what could go in it and what couldn’t. He had no idea what sort of background she had with gardening and such. He didn’t even know where she was originally from.

  Well, it was really none of his business. All he needed to do was watch over her and keep her safe. Jeremy could handle everything else. He didn’t plan on becoming that close to her.

  “Hey, Micah. Come here. Rachael has some tea for us.”

  Micah walked toward where Jeremy was standing next to a very shy-looking Rachael. She handed him his tea and then handed him a pastry of some sort. He looked at it then watched as Jeremy engulfed his in two bites.

  “That was really good,” Jeremy said.

  She blushed, and Micah had a hard time concentrating on what his friend was saying.

  “It wasn’t anything special. I had some bread dough left over, so I made about five of them. You can have the other two for dessert tonight after dinner.”

  “Jeremy’s right, they’re really good. Thanks.” He turned and headed for the composting pile to turn it some. He needed to put some distance between them right then.

  Several minutes later, Jeremy walked over and looked at him strange.


  “Why did you walk off? You said something nice to her, and then you just walked off.”

  “I was finished talking. There wasn’t any use in hanging around. There’s work to be done.”

  “I like her, Micah. I want her to stay.”

  “Good. I think the two of you make a fine couple. I’ll help you keep her safe.”

  “She likes you, Micah.”

  “No, she doesn’t. She’s got eyes for you. I scare her.”

  “I’m telling you…”

  “Enough, Jeremy. I’m going to check on the cows. Why don’t you see about the ones in the barn and put the chickens up.”

  He watched the other man walk off. He had to remind himself that despite Jeremy being his brother’s friend, he was only two years younger than himself. He felt ten years older than that now, though. They had been out in the Border Lands for three years, and somehow it seemed that it had been much longer than that. The days all slipped into each other until it felt like one long day during the spring and summer and an equally long night during the winter. Thinking about winter coming up made him realize that with Rachael there, it would be hard to keep his cock under control around her. They would be in close proximity much of the time.

  Somehow he would have to learn to control his libido and hide his lust for her. He wouldn’t make the same mistake his brother had made and fuck another man’s wife.

  * * * *

  Dinner that night was a quiet affair. No one seemed to want to say much. That was fine with Rachael. She wasn’t in a talkative mood either. What wasn’t all right was the obvious tension in the air. She didn’t know what the source of it was, but she was sure it involved her. If things were going to always be this strained, she needed to move on. She’d grown up in a house full of tension, and she’d sworn she wouldn’t live that way as an adult.

  Her parents had always been at each other about one thing or another. It didn’t seem that there was ever a moment that one of them wasn’t mad at the other for some reason. It meant she and her older brother spent a lot of their time outside or hiding in their rooms. She wondered again where her brother was, or if he was even alive.

  “I’ll help you with the dishes, Rachael. Dinner was real good.” Jeremy stood up and began gathering the plates and silverware.

  “No, you worked outside all day. I can handle a few dirty dishes. Go relax. I’ll bring some coffee in the other room in a few minutes.”

  Micah stood up and carried his plate to the sink. He stacked it next to the others before heading toward the living room. She couldn’t help but notice that he was as aroused as Jeremy seemed to be. They were both big men. Her body responded, and soon her panties were soaked. She hurried over to the sink to start the dishwater. Jeremy walked up behind her and closeted her in with his hands on either side of her on the sink.

  “You smell good enough to eat, Rachael.” He lightly brushed his hardened dick against her lower back.

  She felt her face heat up when she realized what he was talking about. Then he bent over her and nuzzled her neck just below her ear. His voice, deep and tender, whispered into her ear.

  “You’re just as turned-on as I am, aren’t you, Rachael? I want to bury my face in your sweet pussy. Would you let me lick your juices, baby?”

  “Jeremy.” Her breath left her when he pressed his stiff cock against her once again.”

  “Say yes, baby. Let me have that sweet honey.”

  “I–I don’t know. What about Micah?”

  “Don’t worry about him, Rachael. He’ll come around and realize he likes you, too.” He sucked on her earlobe in an erotic rhythm.

  She wasn’t sure what she said or did that made him think she’d agreed, but he hissed out a breath and nipped at her shoulder through her shirt.

  “I’ll take good care of you, baby.” He picked her up and carried her into the living room and started to climb the stairs.

  “Jeremy. Be careful of her. She’s a tiny thing.”

  “Then come make sure I am.” He continued climbing the stairs.

  Rachael was so aroused now from Jeremy’s whispered words in her ear that she didn’t have a clue what they were talking about. All she knew right then was that she wanted Jeremy in a bad way. He was kind and caring and turned her on with just his smile.

  But then Micah could flip her heart with just his voice. She was just as aroused when she was near him. It hadn’t even been twenty-four hours and she was already jumping into bed with one of the men. What did that make her? She started to pull away from Jeremy as he walked into the bedroom.

  “What is it?” He let her down when she struggled against him.

  “I–I don’t really know you, and I’m about to go to bed with you. That isn’t right.”

  “What’s wrong with it, baby? I’m crazy about you. Are you saying you don’t care about me?”

  “Yes—no. I’m saying it’s too soon.”

  Rachael ran her hands over her face and pulled on her hair. What was she doing? She’d never felt this way before.

  “Jeremy, don’t push her. She’s obviously got doubts of some kind.” Micah walked into the bedroom and stood between them.

  “I’m not pushing her. I just want to know what she’s thinking.” He stepped to the side of Micah. “Tell me what you’re feeling, Rachael. I want to know how you feel.”

  “Confused. I’m confused. It’s as if my body isn’t my own anymore. I get all hot and uncomfortable around both of you. I shouldn’t feel that way about two men and definitely not so soon after I’ve met you. Something’s wrong, Jeremy.”

  “Have a seat, Rachael. Let’s talk.” Jeremy walked her over to the chair across from the bed and had her relax.

  “It’s all right for you to want us both, baby. Out here, men share their woman between them. Most women out here have two or three husbands. It’s safer that way for them. Two men can keep you safer than one man can. Plus, there are two men to work the garden and make sure there’s enough to eat in the winter.”

  “Jeremy’s right. But that doesn’t mean you have to accept me because you want Jeremy. You can be with Jeremy and not with me. I’ll help keep you safe, but I’m not pushing myself into your bed, Rachael.” Micah didn’t approach her at all. He remained standing where he’d stopped after coming upstairs.

  She knew he was being honest. It was there in his eyes, but all it did w
as making her want him more. She hung her head and shook it.

  “What, Rachael?” Jeremy asked holding both her hands in his.

  “I don’t understand how I could want both of you so soon. I care about you both a great deal, but I don’t really know you that well.”

  “Then let’s get to know each other better.” He picked her up before she knew what he was going to do and sat in the chair with her in his lap.

  Micah started to walk off.

  “Don’t go anywhere, Micah. This includes you. She’s interested in both of us. She needs to learn about you as well.”

  “I’m not in this, Jeremy. I told you. I don’t plan on courting her.”

  “I think she’s courting you, though. Stay, Micah.”

  “Are you saying you don’t want me at all?” She looked up at where he was standing with his back straight as a board.

  His mouth worked as he tried to fit the words through his lips. They were obviously hard for him to get out.

  “It’s not that I don’t want you, Rachael. It’s that you deserve better than me. You deserve someone like Jeremy who will always treasure you and put you first. Someone who will be able to take care of you in all the ways a man takes care of his woman. I can’t do that. I’m not strong enough to do it all. I’ll help keep you safe and make sure you have plenty to eat and clothes to wear. Jeremy can take care of the rest.”

  “So you’re saying you can care for me in all the ways except one. You can’t fuck me. I’m that hard to look at? Do I not turn you on enough?” Rachael was a little angry now. She would have been fine with him just not wanting her, but to say that yes, the attraction was there but he didn’t want to act on it? It hurt and pissed her off.

  “No, you’re beautiful, Rachael. It’s not that at all. I want you so much my cock is like a fucking flag pole and it won’t go down. I just don’t think I can give you the intimacy you need with sex. Jeremy can, though. Let him love you and take care of you, Rachael. Don’t put more into this than there is.”

  “I want both of you or nothing. I can’t hide my attraction, and to be near you and not have you is like asking me to stand next to a glass of water but not drink from it in the hot sunshine. I can’t separate myself from how I feel, Micah. I like Jeremy and I want him, but I want you, too.”

  “Micah. Don’t do this, man. She’ll leave.”

  “No, she won’t. We won’t let her.”

  “So now you’re going to keep me against my will? How is that not like the dealers, Micah? You’re kidnapping me just as surely as they would have.”

  “Fuck! What do you want from me?”

  “I want you to give all of us a chance. I care about both of you. If I’m going to stay and try, it has to be with both of you.”

  “Don’t you see that I don’t have the sort of feelings in me that you deserve? I don’t know that I can ever love you, Rachael. I like you and care about you already.”

  “There’s no guarantee that I will ever love either one of you, either. I’m willing to risk it, Micah. Jeremy is willing to risk it. What about you? Does the idea that I might never love you bother you?”

  “You’re determined to drag me into this, aren’t you?” Micah scowled at her before running a hand through his hair.

  “I think you’re worth it, Micah. I think there’s a chance I could love you like I could love Jeremy. I want to find out.”

  “And what happens if you can’t love either one of us? Are you going to leave us here caring for you, but without you anymore?”

  “No. Once I make a commitment to stay, I’ll stay. I expect the same thing from the two of you as well.”

  Jeremy hugged her close. “I already know how I feel. I could easily fall for you, Rachael.”

  “Micah, it’s up to you now.” Rachael leaned her head against Jeremy’s shoulder.

  The other man’s mouth thinned to a straight line as he mulled over what his answer would be. No doubt he was thinking that if he walked away, Jeremy would never forgive him. Still, he had the right to make that decision. Rachael prayed he wouldn’t, though. She wanted a chance at all three of them making a go of it. If having more than one husband was the norm out there in the Border Lands, she needed to have at least two.

  She waited for him to make up his mind, her nerves brittle and strung tight. What would she do if he said no? Would she settle for Jeremy, or would she have to move on? Where would she go?

  Micah sighed and ran a hand over his face.

  “Jeremy, lay her on the bed and let’s get to know each other.”

  Chapter Four

  Jeremy let out his breath as relief poured over him like a cool glass of water. He had really thought Micah was going to walk out. The other man had never been the same after losing his wife and child. He couldn’t really blame him, but it was time to move on. There was nothing that could be done about it. Everyone had lost someone close to them. He’d lost his entire family as well.

  He stood up with Rachael in his arms and carried her to the bed. When he laid her on the bed, Micah walked over and began removing her shoes and socks. He took the hint and helped her off with her shirt. She didn’t balk this time as they slowly stripped her of her clothes. She smiled up at them when they began peeling theirs off as well.

  Micah climbed on the bed next to her and reached out to touch her face. Jeremy stayed where he was until Micah was caressing Rachael’s cheek. She closed her eyes and rubbed her face in his hand much like a cat would.

  Jeremy climbed over the foot of the bed and eased up behind her. She was concentrating so hard on Micah that when he nuzzled her neck from behind, she jumped in surprise.

  “Easy, baby. It’s just me.” He nipped her shoulder then returned to kissing and touching her neck and shoulders.

  He watched Micah as he rubbed his hand up and down her arms, getting her used to his touch. His friend leaned in and kissed the corners of her mouth before licking along the seam. When she opened for him, he plunged his tongue inside and kissed her.

  Jeremy ran a hand over her arm to her chest and found one of her stiffened nipples to play with. He rolled the pebbled nub between his thumb and forefinger before pulling at it. She moaned, but he didn’t know if it was for him or Micah. He smiled. He really didn’t care. He just enjoyed hearing her do it.

  He slowly made his way down her body, using his mouth to paint a wet trail of licks and kisses along the way. When he reached her pelvis, Jeremy placed openmouthed kisses at the juncture of her pelvis and hips. She squirmed beneath him. He chuckled and repeated the kisses just to see her move like that. It was so sensuous to watch her roll her pelvis.

  After that, he settled between her legs and spread her pussy lips apart so he could see her better. He blew on her pussy before licking from her slit up to her clit and around it to return to her slit. Then he blew on it again, and she arched her lower back. The sound of her hips popping told him she was already releasing some stress. She would explode when they made her come. He couldn’t wait.

  Jeremy had always been one to plan and make lists to check off as things were accomplished, but since the disasters, he’d become more laid-back and relaxed. He didn’t make lists much anymore and took things as they came instead of living by a list of objectives. It just wasn’t practical anymore with the way things had turned out. Now he lived life as it came, and Rachael was in their life now. He would enjoy her and all the pleasure she would bring. He had no doubt that Micah would fall in love with the woman eventually. She was so hard not to love. He knew it had only been a day, but he already had feelings for her. Love was bound to be close by.

  He ran his tongue up and down her slit then stiffened it and dove inside of her sweet pussy. He pulled back and licked his lips.

  “Your pussy tastes like warm honey, baby.” He sucked on her pussy lips then dove inside of her with his tongue once again.

  Micah grunted and pulled back from kissing her. He looked down at Jeremy and licked his lips.

  “Go a
head and get a taste.”

  Micah reached down and trailed his finger through her juices then brought them back to suck off his finger. He closed his eyes and hummed his approval. Then he turned back to Rachael and attacked her breasts. Jeremy grinned and returned to his own feast. He entered her cunt with his finger and pumped it in and out of her. When she began to move with him, he added a second finger and curled it around to find her hot spot.

  “God! Yes.”

  He stroked over the spot again and again as she thrashed on the bed. Micah continued sucking and plucking at her nipples despite her moving around. The more noises she made, the harder Jeremy became. He lapped at her pussy then latched on to her clit and sucked hard, rubbing the tip of his tongue across it over and over again.

  He felt her explode around him. She screamed their names and bucked as her cunt squeezed his fingers. He could hardly wait to feel that around his dick.

  “Please, please. No more.” She turned her head from side to side as she held on to Micah’s hair.

  Micah released her nipple with a pop and gently extracted his hair from her fingers. Jeremy smiled at the contented expression on the other man’s face. Then it was gone, and he was pulling away again.

  Jeremy pulled from her wet pussy and lifted her legs over his arms so he could fit his aching cock at her entrance. Micah watched him intently as he slowly slipped his thick dick against her opening. He thrust and nearly passed out at how her pussy tightened around the head of his dick. He couldn’t imagine how much better it would feel once he made it all the way inside her. He glanced down and realized she was scared.

  * * * *

  Rachael’s eyes got wide at the feel of Jeremy’s thick cock at her opening. There was no way he would fit. She panicked and grabbed for his arms to stop him.

  “Easy, Rachael. He won’t hurt you. Just relax. He’ll be careful. Right, Jeremy?” Micah soothed her with his hands on her arms as she dug her nails into Jeremy’s.

  “I won’t hurt you, baby. Just relax and let me in.”

  She looked back and forth between Micah and Jeremy, trying to decide if they were being truthful or not. She chastised herself. How could she think they would lie to her or hurt her after what they had just shared? She relaxed and let go of Jeremy. Micah continued to rub up and down her arms. He whispered into her ear how good it would feel once Jeremy was inside of her.


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