Monroe, Marla - Escape to the Border Lands [Men of the Border Lands 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Marla - Escape to the Border Lands [Men of the Border Lands 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 4

by Marla Monroe

  “He’s going to make you feel so good, Rachael.”

  Her pussy already felt stretched beyond reason, but when he began to push forward once again, she knew that she would learn just how it felt to be stuffed. He pulled out and surged forward again and again until his balls were slapping her ass. He went still, panting above her, as he let her adjust to his size.

  “Fuck! You’re squeezing my dick so tightly that I might not last long, baby.”

  “Oh, God. I’m so full. Please move, Jeremy.” She didn’t know if that would help or make it worse, but right then, she needed something to happen.

  Jeremy began to slowly move in and out of her tight cunt. The friction was unbelievable as he rasped over her hot spot with each thrust of his cock. She felt the climax building deep inside of her already. How was that possible when she’d just come not five minutes before?

  Micah continued pulling and pinching her nipples as Jeremy increased his pace. His cock shuttled in and out of her, gaining speed and depth with each thrust. She shivered as fire began to build in her womb. The splinters of pleasure that Micah produced teasing her tits only added to the already spreading sensations along her body. She groaned when Micah suddenly sucked in a nipple and lightly bit it.

  Jeremy groaned and cursed as she squeezed him with her cunt muscles. It made her feel good to know that she could affect him that way. She did it again, and he growled at her.

  “I’m going to come too soon, baby. I want you to come first.” His voice came out in a harsh rasp.

  “I’ve got her, Jeremy.” Micah reached between them and pressed hard on her clit.

  She screamed and bucked beneath them. Her clit sparked fire along her nerves and into her bloodstream as she contracted around Jeremy’s thick cock. She had no room to move between them, and she screamed out as her climax engulfed her in pleasure. She felt Jeremy thrust inside of her three more times before he shouted out her name and filled her with his cum.

  When she was able to breathe without gasping, she grabbed hold of both of their hands and squeezed. Then she rolled over and grasped Micah’s cock at the root and squeezed. He jerked in her hand.

  “What in the fuck are you doing?”

  “I’m going to taste you. I want to know what you taste like.” She leaned forward and licked just the crown and came away with a drop of pre-cum. His salty taste was a bit tangy on her tongue. She flattened it and dragged it over the slit again for more of the tasty substance. He hissed out a breath and grabbed her head in his beefy hands.

  “Fuck, Rachael. Do that again.”

  She repeated it twice more in quick succession. He groaned. She then sucked his cockhead into her mouth and ran her tongue around the edge. Then she backed off and licked him from top to bottom and back up again. She swirled her tongue all around his dick while she pumped her hand up and down his cock.

  Micah threw back his head when she took as much of his length as she could down her throat. She felt him bump against the back of it. Then she swallowed around him.

  “Fuck! Hell, yeah. Just like that. Ah, man.” He dug his nails into her scalp and began to pump his cock in and out of her mouth in short, quick jabs.

  “Let me fuck your mouth, baby girl. Will you let me?”

  She nodded her head and waited for him to start. He threaded his hands into her hair and held her head still as he thrust his long dick in and out of her mouth and down her throat in ever-increasing depths. Rachael reached between his legs and found his balls with her hand. She gently squeezed them, causing him to shout out once again. Then she rolled them in her palm and pulled on the sac just a little bit.

  Micah roared as she swallowed around him over and over. He was thrusting so hard and fast that if she hadn’t had her hand at the bottom to prevent him from going too far, he might have choked her.

  “I’m going to come, baby girl. Let go of me, or I’ll come in your mouth.” He tried to pull out, but she held on to his cock with her mouth and his balls with her hand.

  He groaned and pumped his cock into her mouth twice more before shooting ribbons of cum down her throat. She swallowed as fast as she could and then licked his cock clean as she came up off of him.

  He massaged her scalp with his fingers as she panted and gasped. They were both so out of breath that they couldn’t even answer Jeremy when he asked if they were okay. He rolled his eyes, and Rachael nodded her head.

  “That was awesome, Rachael. You pretty much took his entire dick in your mouth. That’s saying something. He’s pretty damn long.” Jeremy rubbed her back as she began to settle down.

  “I’m really tired, but I need a bath. Can one of you light a lamp for me?”

  “I’ve got it. I’ll go run your water for you.” Jeremy climbed out of bed and, after tending to the lamp, disappeared into the bathroom, leaving her and Micah alone.

  “This doesn’t change anything. I still can’t promise that I’ll ever feel the same way about you that Jeremy does.”

  “I know, Micah. I don’t expect you to fall in love with me. I’m not that narcissistic. I just want you to care like I care about you.”

  “I was married before the disasters hit, Rachael. I lost my wife and child. I just don’t think there’s anything left in me to care that deeply again.”

  “I’m sorry, Micah. That’s got to be horrible to live through. So many good people are gone. I lost my parents and my fiancé. I don’t know where my brother is, or if he’s even alive. He was stationed overseas when everything happened.”

  He nodded and looked away for a few seconds. Then he looked back at her and all the emotion from earlier had disappeared. Back was the same stiff Micah of before.

  “I’m sorry, Rachael. You deserve more. But it’s all I have to give you.”

  “Then you’ll be one of my husbands?”

  “Yeah. I’ll be one of your husbands. I just won’t be the one who loves you.”

  Jeremy walked back in carrying the lamp. “Your water’s about ready. Come on, and I’ll help you get in the tub.”

  She scooted to the edge of the bed and stood up to go with Jeremy. She looked back at Micah and wasn’t surprised to see him turn away from her stare. He wanted her, it was obvious, but he didn’t want to want her. He didn’t believe he deserved another chance at love. She thought differently, but she couldn’t make him change the way he felt. All she could do was show him how she felt.

  Jeremy took her hand and led her into the bathroom. He set the lamp on the counter and helped her step over into the warm water. It felt so good to her aching muscles. She was sure she would be a little bit sore the next day. The water lapped at her breasts when she leaned back against the back of the tub.

  “Need some help?” he asked.

  “No, thanks. I can manage. I’m going to soak a little while.”

  “I’m going to take a quick shower then. I’ll be out in a few minutes to help you get out.”

  Rachael relaxed and let the warmth seep into her body as she thought back over the last hour. She’d come no less than two times. She’d never been able to come any way other than by her on fingers. No one had ever used their mouth on her and brought her to climax, and certainly she’d never come during intercourse. She was satisfied in more ways than one and wouldn’t give it up for anything if she wasn’t forced to. They had taken good care of her. She just wished that Micah liked her better. Still, he had a reason for being like he was, so it wasn’t personal at all. That was of some comfort to her.

  She quickly bathed and was ready by the time Jeremy was finished with his shower. Micah walked in while Jeremy was still drying her off. He nodded at her but didn’t smile or wink or anything to give her any hope of his changing his mind about wanting more with her.

  She snuggled up next to Jeremy in the bed once they returned to the bedroom. He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her on the forehead.

  “Go to sleep, baby. Everything will be fine in time. Just give him some time.”

  “Guess I
’ve got plenty of that.” She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

  Chapter Five

  They settled into a routine of sorts, one Rachael was comfortable with though not fully satisfied. She ached for Micah. He was so sad all the time, and no matter how hard she tried, he didn’t seem to change much. She couldn’t help but wonder if the right woman might have been able to get to him. Maybe she just wasn’t the right one. What would happen if the right one came along? Would she lose her place?

  She tended to the chickens and the cow and then returned to the house. She was careful to watch for the wolves but had yet to see one. The men told her they were around and had seemed to have built up their numbers lately. They spent their days caring for the few head of cattle they kept for meat, while she tended to harvesting the garden they had planted and tended before she had arrived. The days were getting shorter, and winter would be on them soon.

  Rachael wiped her forehead with the back of one arm as she stirred the tomatoes she was preparing to can. The kitchen had heated up despite the slightly cooler temperatures outside now. There really wasn’t anything left of the garden, and the men planned to turn it under later in the week.

  The back door opened, and she looked over her shoulder to see Micah walk through holding his arm with one hand. She quickly turned off the stove and followed him to the sink.

  “What happened?”

  “Damn barbed wire caught me when we were working on the fences.”

  “Let’s see how bad it is. Move your hand.”

  Rachael stifled her gasp at the long slash in his forearm. It looked to be at least four inches. She quickly rinsed it off and determined it would need stitches. She hurried over to the first-aid kit they kept in the washroom and brought it back into the kitchen. She pulled out the peroxide and poured it over the cut.

  “Damn that hurts.”

  “Peroxide doesn’t hurt. It just bubbles.”

  “Anything touching it fucking hurts,” he fussed.

  “This needs stitches. Do you have whiskey?”

  “Yeah. Hell, I was afraid of this. Have you ever sewn anyone up before? Maybe Jeremy should do it.”

  “I’ve never sewn up a human, but I’ve been sewing all my life. I can do it if you can handle it.”

  “Ah, hell. You would throw in a challenge, wouldn’t you?” He grumbled all the way over to the table where he sat in a chair and rested his arm on the table. “Whiskey’s in the back of the cabinet next to the sink.”

  She pulled it out and handed him the bottle, not even fooling with a glass. This called for a bottle. He took it and took a healthy swig as she set out the supplies she was going to need. By the time he’d had several swallows of the stuff, she was ready to start.

  “I wish we had tetanus shots.”

  “I had one less than ten years ago. I’ll be fine. Now get to work.”

  Rachael looked him in the eyes and nodded. He nodded back. She took the first stitch and felt him stiffen as she slowly began to sew up the wound. By the time she was halfway through it, he was swigging the whiskey and cursing with nearly every breath.

  The back door opened, and Jeremy walked in. He walked over to where she was working on Micah.

  “Hell, I knew something was wrong when I found the fence half done.”

  “Do you want to take over? She’s fucking killing me.” Micah’s words were a little slurred.

  “I couldn’t do it any better, Micah. She’s make it look a lot nicer than the last ones I put in you.”

  “I don’t give a rat’s ass about pretty. I want it done. She’s dragging it out.”

  “Shut up, Micah. She’s doing fine.”

  Rachael had to fight to keep the tears from her eyes. She hated that she was hurting him but knew she was doing the best that she could. Maybe she should insist that Jeremy finish the last few stitches. She hesitated.

  “Go on, Rachael. You’re doing a good job. He’s just drunk and hurting. Nothing either one of us can do about the pain.”

  She finished the last few stitches and then poured a little more peroxide on the wound before patting it dry and covering it with a dressing. Then she gathered up the supplies and threw away the used ones before putting up the others. She was trembling so badly by the time she had finished that she had to sit down before she passed out.

  “Easy, baby. You did great. I’m going to go settle him in the recliner so he can relax and sleep it off. You might want to have some coffee ready in about two hours. He’ll wake up with a slight headache, and the caffeine should help.” He hugged her and gave her a quick kiss before walking over to where Micah was still cursing under his breath.

  She waited until they were safely in the living room before she let the tears fall as she returned to finish up the tomatoes. By the time Jeremy was back, she’d managed to stop her crying. She kept her back to him as he walked up and wrapped his arms around her.

  “He’s asleep already. Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. I just hated hurting him, and I knew there was nothing I could do about it.”

  “He knows it, too. You’ll see when he wakes up and gets past the headache.” He sighed. “I’m going out to finish that fence. It needs doing or the cows will get out and wander off.”

  “Be careful, Jeremy.”

  “I will. See you in a few hours. I still have the chores to finish up as well.”

  Once he’d left, she eased into the living room to see for herself that Micah was indeed asleep. He was snoring in the recliner with his feet up and his arm propped up on a pillow from the couch. She winced. He might get blood on it. She hurried back to the kitchen and grabbed one of the older dish cloths and slipped it under his arm, praying the entire time that he wouldn’t wake up.

  Rachael returned to the kitchen and began canning the tomatoes. She managed to get six quart jars out of this batch. She left them to cool in the dishpan while she started dinner. She didn’t know when Jeremy would make it back since he was finishing everything alone. She looked at her watch and noted that it was closing in on the two-hour mark. She put coffee on to boil and had just pulled it off when Micah staggered into the kitchen.

  “Could you make me some coffee? I’ve got a hell of a headache.”

  “Got it all ready for you. Do you want to sit in here or back in the living room?” She poured up a cup and waited for him to make up his mind.

  “I’ll sit in here.” He took a seat at the table and propped his arm on it.”

  She carried the coffee and a biscuit to the table for him.

  His mumbled “thanks” made her smile. He wasn’t cursing anyway. That was a plus.

  “Um, sorry about being such an ass earlier.”

  “You were hurting. I’m sorry you had to hurt. I tried to go fast, but I wanted the stitches to hold. I figure you aren’t going to take it easy on them.”

  He gave her a wry smile. “You’re right about that. I’m never easy on them. Usually pop at least one before they come out. Jeremy fusses at me all the time.”

  “Guess that’s my job this time. Don’t pop my stitches. I worked too damn hard on them and suffered all sorts of verbal abuse.”

  He winced and ducked his head. “Said I was sorry.”

  “I know. You’re forgiven. Drink that coffee before it gets cold.”

  She concentrated on cooking and left him to his thoughts as he watched her. It made her a little nervous, but she didn’t dwell on it. After what seemed like hours, he stood up and walked over to the stove to pour up some more of the dark liquid.

  “I could have gotten that for you.” She looked up from what she was doing.

  “There’s nothing wrong with my legs. I can do it. I’m going to go back to the living room. I think I need another nap. My head is still hurting.”

  She smiled at him despite being a little peeved. She knew his arm probably throbbed as well. It was too bad they didn’t have something for pain, but it wasn’t safe to use any of the medications leftover from before the disasters.
She wasn’t even sure she would use any of the newly made stuff. She didn’t trust that they were of the same quality as they had been.

  She had to light a lamp before Jeremy made it back inside. He looked worn-out. She was sure it had been hard doing everything by himself. After putting dinner on the table, she sent Jeremy to wake Micah up and get him to the table.

  Jeremy and Micah talked about what was going on outside while they ate. Rachael didn’t really have much to say. She just listened to them and ate, content to think about what she needed to work on the next day.

  After she had finished the dishes, she decided to make it an early night. She was tired, and the emotional upheaval hadn’t helped. She walked into the living room, and the two men stopped talking to look up.

  “I’m going to go take my bath and head to bed. I’m really tired tonight. Micah, you’re going to want to prop your arm up on an extra pillow tonight. I’ll get one and put it on your side of the bed.”


  “I’ll be up before long, baby.” Jeremy pulled her down for a quick kiss.

  She carried her lamp up the stairs and into the bathroom. It reflected more light from the bathroom mirrors so that she had plenty of light to see as she filled the tub with warm water. When slipped into the tub, she sighed at how good it felt to her aching muscles. Standing over the stove and then leaning over Micah to sew him up had been hard on her hips and back. She quickly bathed then relaxed and let the heat seep into her body.

  Just as she climbed out and was drying off, Jeremy knocked and walked in.

  “You okay, baby?”

  “I’m fine, Jeremy.”

  “I’m going to take a quick shower, and then I’ll come to bed.”

  She smiled up at him and left him in the bathroom with the lamp to make her way by the light of the moon and stars to the bed. The sheets were cold to her naked skin still warm from the bath. She curled up and hoped Jeremy would hurry in the shower. She could use his body heat right about then. She grinned and waited.


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