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Monroe, Marla - Escape to the Border Lands [Men of the Border Lands 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Marla Monroe

  “Stay away from my balls and I’ll let you.” He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her into his embrace.

  She couldn’t believe how much she had gotten out of him. She remained still so as not to give him any reason to push her away. His body felt like a furnace next to hers. She grinned when she felt his cock harden behind her. It took all her willpower not to squirm against him.

  After a few minutes, he pressed his elongated dick against the small of her back. She couldn’t help but respond this time. She pressed back against him. He nuzzled her neck. She adjusted her head to expose it to him.

  “Fuck, I want you, Rachael.” He bit her shoulder hard enough that it would probably leave bite marks for a while. “I want in that ass so badly, baby. Will you let me have your ass sometime?”

  She moaned, excitement coursing through her bloodstream. She would give him anything to feel his touch and hear his voice deep and low in her ear.

  “Yes. Anything, Micah.”

  He growled in her ear. It sent chills down her spine, and they weren’t from the cold air or sheets. Her body was heating up from the inside out now. Micah sat up, pulling her with him.

  “On your hands and knees, Rachael.”

  She stared up at him with wide eyes. Surely he wasn’t going to do that now.

  “I’m not going to fuck that virgin ass tonight. I’m just going to prepare you. On your hands and knees. Now, Rachael.”

  She instantly obeyed him. His gruff voice did something to her inside. She wanted to please him. Oblivious to the cold, she got to her hands and knees and watched over her shoulder as Micah lit a lamp then pulled something out of the drawer and walked around to climb up on the bed again.

  He ran his hand up and down her back in a soothing motion. She arched her back as his hand passed over it. He gently pressed down until she was on her forearms with her ass up in the air. For some reason, it didn’t bother her. She was too excited that he was paying so much attention to her.

  He took her by surprise when he plunged two fingers into her pussy and wiggled them around.

  Chapter Eight

  “You’re already wet. What got you so wet, baby? Was it me talking about fucking you in the ass or that I pressed you down to the bed?”

  “God, all of it. You make me wet just talking to me, Micah.”

  He stilled for a few seconds, and she was scared that she had said the wrong thing.

  Please don’t let him back away from me now. She wiggled her ass suggestively.

  He spanked her ass. “Be still.”

  She waited for whatever he would do next. He continued to fuck her pussy with his fingers. Then he rotated them and began to stroke over her hot spot. She moaned. She felt her juices run down her legs now. He scooped them up and coated her back hole with it. He ran his finger around and around the little rosette, pressing against it a little bit with every circle. Then he was pressing a little harder until the tip of his finger entered her. It didn’t exactly hurt. There was just some pressure.

  Then he brought up more of her cream and pulled his finger out to add more. This time he didn’t play around. He pressed his finger into her back hole, going farther this time. The pressure increased the deeper he went. He slowly pumped his finger in and out of her.

  “What in the hell is going on?” Jeremy walked in with his lamp.

  Rachael smiled, fairly sure her eyes were dark with desire. She’d never felt anything like this before.

  “I’m getting her ready to fuck her ass one night. Why don’t you help me and play with her tits?”

  “Rachael? Are you okay with this?”

  “Yes, Jeremy. I want this. Please come suck my breasts.”

  “It stops the second she says so, Micah.”

  “I’d never hurt her, Jeremy.” Micah’s voice came out gravelly and cold.

  Rachael pleaded with Jeremy with her eyes.

  “Fine.” He walked over to the bed and climbed in.

  He searched her eyes as if making sure she really was okay with it. Whatever he saw seemed to have settled him down because he relaxed and began to play with her nipples. Rachael moaned and backed up to Micah, needing more.

  Evidently he understood because he pulled his finger out and added something cold to her ass. He began to push in with two fingers this time, and the pressure turned to a pinch that hurt but wasn’t too bad. He slowly worked the two fingers in and out of her ass until they were moving easier without the pinch. She breathed out with each plunge of his fingers and found that it was much easier that way.

  “You’re taking to it real well, Rachael. I’m going to take your sweet pussy now. Are you ready, baby?”

  “Please, Micah. I need you inside of me.” She looked over her shoulder at him as she pleaded. “Take me.”

  He smiled at her, really smiled, and then guided his cock into her waiting pussy with one hand. He hadn’t removed his other fingers from her ass, and she wondered why until he plunged into her cunt. She felt so full with his dick and two fingers inside of her at the same time. She couldn’t imagine what it would feel like to have his cock there. Would Jeremy fuck her pussy at the same time? She’d ask—later. Right now she was busy getting used to Micah in her cunt with his fingers pressing down inside of her. She bet he could feel his cock through the wall of tissue.

  Jeremy began to pluck at her nipples with his fingers, getting her attention. The pleasure-pain of it centered in her clit. He pulled one of her nipples into his mouth with his teeth and teased it with his tongue as he continued to pull and pinch her other nipple.

  Then Micah was thrusting deeper inside of her until he reached her cervix. He bumped it over and over, pulling a scream from her lungs as it threw her up closer to climax. He pumped his fingers in and out of her ass and tunneled in and out of her pussy until she couldn’t breathe around the need building inside of her. It was like a ball of pleasure clogging her throat, trying to burst free but needing something else.

  “Fuck, I can’t wait till we both fuck you, baby. It’s going to be so good. You’ll come like you’ve never come before.” Micah’s strained voice barely made it past the ringing in her ears as she reached for her climax.

  Jeremy reached beneath her and rubbed her clit with his fingers as he nipped at her nipple. It was all she needed to explode into tiny pieces then plunge back into herself. She called out their names in a wordless scream. Her cunt clamped down on Micah’s cock.

  “Son of a bitch! Squeeze me, baby. Just like that. Ah—hell yeah.” He thrust into her twice more then grabbed her shoulders and held himself deep within her as he coated her cunt in his hot cum.

  Rachael collapsed beneath him, trapping Jeremy’s hand underneath her. He grunted and pulled it out, rubbing her breasts as he did. She grinned. She couldn’t help it. She’d managed to get to Micah on a basic level. Now if only he wouldn’t pull back away.

  Micah pulled his fingers from her ass then withdrew from her pussy. She sighed when he rolled her over so he could see her.

  “Did I hurt you, Rachael?” Concern marred his handsome face.

  “No. That was amazing. I can’t wait to try it with your cock in my ass.”

  He grinned and kissed her.

  Then as if realizing that he’d shown her some emotion, he backed off the bed and disappeared into the gloom. She heard the water running in the bathroom a few seconds later. Worry edged out the euphoria she’d been wallowing in. How could he withdraw so easily after what they had shared? She could only hope it wasn’t as bad as she feared.

  “Baby, come over here and let’s go to sleep.”

  “What about you, Jeremy? I don’t want to ignore you.”

  “You’re not, Rachael. I enjoyed that as much as you did. We have our alone times. I’m not going to begrudge Micah his time with you.”

  She snuggled up to him. When Micah came back to bed, she reached out and took his hand in hers. To her surprise, he slowly closed his hand around hers and squeezed it.

  * * * *<
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  Early the next morning, Jeremy woke to Rachael shaking him awake. He frowned at her, wondering why she was waking him up.

  “What is it, baby?”

  “It’s time to go get eggs and milk the cow. I’m going downstairs to start the coffee. Get dressed, or I’m going without you.”

  “Don’t you dare walk out that door without me, Rachael.” He rolled to the edge of the bed and stuck his feet out to get up.

  “Damn it’s cold.”

  “Hurry up and get dressed. Better wear your thermals. I’ve got on some.”

  “It’s a good thing those clothes fit you. You’d be one cold woman.”

  “If you both don’t shut up you’re both going to be out in the cold.” Micah’s sleep-roughened voice caught both of them by surprise.

  Rachael giggled and ran for the stairs.

  “Don’t run down those stairs, Rachael.” Micah’s voice didn’t sound so sleepy now.

  Jeremy shook his head. This was going to be an interesting day. He quickly slipped into his thermals then pulled jeans on over them and added a long-sleeve, heavy shirt. He pulled on his boots and hurried downstairs, afraid that Rachael really would go outside without him. When he made it to the kitchen, it was to find her staring out the window with a smile on her face.

  “What is it, baby?”

  “It snowed last night. It’s so pretty with the sun coming up.”

  He walked over to the window and wrapped his arms around her as he stared out at the mess. She didn’t know how hard it would make it for them over the next few months. She would find out soon enough. He would let her enjoy its beauty for now.

  “How about some coffee?” He walked over to the stove and poured up two cups.

  Rachael took hers in both hands and blew on it. He looked at her with the early morning sun pouring through the window and bathing her in a soft halo of light. He loved her. He didn’t know what he would do without her.

  Setting down his cup, Jeremy pulled her into his arms after taking her cup and setting in next to his.

  “I love you, baby. I need you to know that. I love you more than anything.”

  “Oh, Jeremy. I love you, too. I was afraid to tell you and pressure you into saying something you didn’t mean.”

  “I mean it, Rachael, with all my heart.” He kissed her softly on the lips and then deepened the kiss.

  She pulled back and searched his face for something. Then she held his face between her hands and kissed him back. It was the sweetest kiss he’d ever had. In that moment, Jeremy knew real joy. He grinned and swung her around in the kitchen before letting her regain her feet.

  “We need to get out there and get things done before Micah gets downstairs.” Jeremy took a sip of his coffee and headed for the coat rack.

  He helped her put on her coat and gloves then grabbed the basket and milk pail. They opened the door and wind blew the snow inside the kitchen. It had piled up against the door.

  “Hold up, Jeremy. I need to get some of this off the floor or it will make a huge mess.”

  He helped her shovel the snow back out on the porch. Then they shut the door. The steps were obscured by the snow. He used the shovel to clean them off then helped Rachael off the porch. The snow appeared to be about a foot deep in some places. The wind was piling it up against the back of the house. They trudged their way toward the chicken coop. He led the way using the shovel to make a slightly easier path for her to follow. Then he opened the door to the chicken coop and handed her the basket for the eggs.

  The chickens flew out then promptly returned to the wooden structure. He could hear Rachael cooing to the birds as she robbed them of their eggs. When she emerged a few minutes later, he took the eggs from her and helped her the rest of the way to the barn. They closed the door behind them and laughed.

  “I can’t believe how cold it is. It wasn’t nearly this cold yesterday.” She took the milk pail from him and headed for Maggie Mae.

  “Another three feet and we won’t be able to find you in the snow.”

  “I’m not that short!” She stuck her tongue out at him as she warmed her hands between her legs then blew on them.

  “Don’t come outside without me, baby. I’m going to shovel the path back to the house so it won’t be so hard to walk with our hands full.”

  He grabbed the shovel and opened the door, letting in snow and the cold air. He smiled apologetically when she frowned at him. Then he closed the door and began moving the snow out of the way. He was damn glad he’d put on the thermals. It hadn’t been nearly this cold inside, but it was cold enough to freeze his nuts off.

  They would have to go check the cattle and break ice in the water troughs several times during the day. Since the sun was shining, they wouldn’t have any more snow anytime soon, he hoped. That meant one trip shoveling should do it for the day.

  As he made a path from the barn to the chicken coop, he glanced up and blanched. There were half a dozen wolves a good twenty feet from the woods behind the barn. He wasn’t sure what would be the best thing to do. He carried the shovel in front of him like a weapon and slowly made his way back to the barn. When he opened the door, Rachael looked up with a smile on her face.

  “That didn’t take you long, or did you get cold?”

  “There are wolves behind the barn, Rachael. Do not go out that door while I check the back.”

  “Wolves? Oh, my God. How many?”

  “About six or seven.”

  “What are we going to do?”

  “Nothing right now. Finish up milking the cow while I check the back.”

  He headed toward the back of the barn and climbed up in the loft so he could look down on them. When he opened the back window and looked out, they were much closer to the barn now. Fuck! What were they going to do?

  One of the wolves chanced to look up and saw him. He lifted his head and howled. The others joined him. Jeremy climbed back down the ladder and hurried back to Rachael. He was sure she would be spooked by the howling. He found her trying to calm the poor cow down.

  “Why are they doing that?”

  “I don’t know. One of them saw me and they started to howl.”

  “What are we going to do?”

  The sound of a gunshot made them both jump. He wrapped his arm around her and held her close.

  “Micah must have heard them and came to see about us.” Jeremy was pissed that he hadn’t thought to take a rifle out with him. He’d seen the snow and all he thought about was shoveling a path.

  A few minutes later, the door flew open and Micah ran inside. He looked wild with worry.

  “Are you both okay?”

  “Yeah, I saw them while I was shoveling snow and came back to the barn. I should have had a damn rifle with me, but I was more worried about the snow then safety, evidently.”

  “No more going out without a gun. Rachael, you are not to go outside at all without one of us and a rifle with you. Understand?”

  She nodded her head. Jeremy could tell she was still scared to death by how wide her eyes were. He squeezed her closer to him.

  “Let’s get back to the house. I don’t like being out here like this.” Micah went out the door first to watch for the wolves.

  Rachael picked up the basket and the milk pail, but Jeremy took them from her. He didn’t want her weighed down in case she had to run. He doubted it would have occurred to her to drop them and go.

  They carefully made their way back to the house. Jeremy didn’t relax until they door was closed and locked. He looked at Micah and saw worry in his eyes. They had a problem, and it wasn’t going to be one they could easily solve. What were they going to do about the wolves?

  Chapter Nine

  Two difficult days later, Rachael followed Micah back to the house with Jeremy behind her. Both men carried rifles. They weren’t taking any chances that the wolves would sneak up on them again. They had tried to convince her that they should do the morning chores, not her, but she refused. One of them
would go out there and try to watch for wolves while they did the chickens and carried everything back. It was too dangerous as far as she was concerned, so she insisted that she would do the work and they could watch for wolves. Evidently Micah saw the wisdom in it because he had agreed when Jeremy had fussed about it.

  The men made trips out to check the cattle three times a day. The snow hadn’t cleared up since the temperatures hadn’t risen above freezing. Unfortunately snow clouds were building in the distance again. Micah said they would have snow again the next morning. She had liked the way it looked at first, but now she dreaded it because it meant so much more work on the men.

  “What are you frowning about over there?” Jeremy asked as she pulled off her coat and gloves.

  “I’m just thinking about it snowing again. If it gets much deeper, you’ll have a really hard time shoveling a path. How did you manage last year?”

  “We got out there and did it. You don’t have a choice.”

  “One good thing is that if it gets deep enough, the wolves won’t be able to bother us,” Micah pointed out.

  “That’s a very good thing,” she said.

  She got busy cooking breakfast as the men returned to the living room to work on the fire. It wasn’t long before she had the kitchen heated as well. They ate breakfast and returned to the living room to sit in front of the fire. Rachael climbed up on Jeremy’s lap in the recliner and snuggled up with him.

  She’d tried sitting with Micah, but he would move around with her in his lap too much. She could tell he was uncomfortable with her there, so she didn’t try it again. She wasn’t sure if he was relieved about it or disappointed. It was hard to tell with him. Ever since the night they had connected to some extent, he’d been a little less gruff with her. He wasn’t exactly relaxed around her, but much better than before. It was a good change.

  Rachael ended up taking a nap and waking up some time later when Jeremy shifted beneath her.


  “Sorry, baby. I can’t get comfortable. I guess I’m getting too hot.”


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