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The Fallen (Book 1)

Page 31

by Dan O'Sullivan

  ‘Thank you Lias,’ said Elena gratefully. ‘I wonder if you know how much we appreciate this.’

  Lias shrugged. ‘I do. But don’t panic. I’m shielding your thoughts from anyone else. Trust me, nothing is getting through.’ He sat down on the rocks and watched them patiently, moving only to turn their undergarments over in an attempt to dry them faster. Lias upended the sack as the two girls climbed from the warm water.

  ‘Your undergarments aren’t quite dry,’ he stated.

  ‘Never mind, we’ll carry them back with us and change into them later,’ said Immosey practically.

  They dried themselves with large pieces of cloth, and began to dress in the clothing Lias had provided. The trousers proved easy enough to slip on as they were split at the sides of the waist to about a hand span’s depth. There were strings at each side, front and back and this had the sisters momentarily stymied. Lias laughed when he saw them fumbling with the ties on the trousers. Totally ignoring the fact that they were half naked, he reached around Elena and grabbed the strings which were attached to the sides of the front panel of her trousers. He drew them around her and tied them behind her back. With a gentle push, he turned her around and took the strings on the back of the trousers and tied them in front. He then repeated this process with Immosey who blushed almost as deeply as her sister. Lias rummaged through the pile of clothing and pulled out two long sleeved shirts which had been woven from soft cotton. He helped to slip these over the girls’ heads, and then drew two tunics from the sack. It took them only seconds to pull the tunics over their heads and he smiled as their faces showed similar expressions of embarrassment and gratitude. The tunics were very comfortable. They were thigh length with a high neckline split at the front to allow the head to pass through, and splits at the hips to allow for movement. They were cut off at the shoulders allowing free arm movement and there was a little pouch attached to the left hand side of the tunic. ‘A pocket,’ Lias explained, as he saw Immosey examining the pouch. ‘You can put things in there.’

  ‘What things, Lias?’ asked Immosey, spreading her hands to remind him that they had no belongings.

  ‘A comb, for a start,’ he said, holding up two small wooden hair combs. ‘My sister passed them to me to give to you when she caught me stealing her clothing, but it’s probably best for her safety if you keep them out of sight as much as possible.’ The girls’ eyes lit up as Lias handed them the combs. ‘I’d better get you back to Mil. He’ll be wondering where I’ve hidden your dead bodies by now,’ he joked. ‘Put on your boots and go into the bushes if you need, there’s a small privy trench back there that you can use, then I can take you back.’

  The girls quickly pulled on their boots and then darted into the bushes to relieve themselves before following Lias back up the slope towards the settlement and their little prison. Lias nodded to the guards once again and they moved away from the stairs.

  ‘Thank you Lias,’ Elena whispered appreciatively and Immosey patted his arm as they went down the stone stairs.

  ‘You’re welcome,’ he answered, dropping Milgorry’s boots and a clean shirt onto the floor.

  Milgorry looked at him gratefully. ‘I was beginning to wonder where you had hidden their dead bodies,’ he said accusingly and raised an eyebrow as Elena and Immosey laughed.

  ‘You want me to leave one of these here?’ Lias pointed to the knives at his side.

  ‘No. I don’t think it’s worth the risk right now. Be careful Lias. Don’t put yourself in any more danger.’

  ‘I’ll do as I please, and you needn’t be concerned.’

  ‘But I am concerned,’ said Milgorry with mischievous sincerity. ‘I don’t want to lose that bow again! It’s really well made. Not to mention two very nice knives.’

  ‘Thanks so much,’ said Lias drily. ‘I’ll bring some more food and clean blankets,’ he stated, and then he closed and barred the door and went back up the stairs.

  Chapter 31

  Lias of Tarl

  Dale slid from Callian’s back and landed lightly on the ground, glancing towards Enri as the Squire dropped from Timbul’s back. So far, all had gone as planned. They had hidden as the rest of the group led by Araas and Danil moved into Weema Forest, taking a path which they hoped would lead the fallen to believe they were trying to sneak through the forest and enter the settlement from the south. Callian, Dale, Timbul and Enri didn’t move from their hiding place high up in one of the massive pine trees which were so prevalent along the southern edge of Weema Forest. Within the hour a group of warriors came past their hiding place and continued on the tracks of the group moving south. As soon as they were out of sight Callian and Timbul took Dale and Enri onto their backs and ran through the forest to the southern edge of Weema.

  It was Enri’s suggestion that he and Dale accompany the guardians into Weema to rescue the girls. He reasoned that the point of the group led by Araas and Danil was to provide a diversion, and that he and Dale were too slow to keep up. Kelian was reluctant to agree even when Enri commented that as he and Dale were the least skilled in battle they were the most likely to be killed should the fallen catch up with them, and that if human thoughts were going to be leaked within a fallen settlement it was probably prudent to use his thoughts as he had little knowledge of any important Alkiran military or political information, so even if his thoughts got out of control the fallen were unlikely to gain anything of importance from him. Enri even boldly requested the right to choose for himself. Kelian stood firm that it was too dangerous and Enri was still a child, arguing that it wouldn’t matter to Callian whether he was actually in Weema or elsewhere. Callian and Timbul had reassured Kelian they would look after whoever was sent with them and by this Enri understood that if they were captured, the guardians would offer themselves to the fallen in exchange for Dale and Enri’s freedom. Kelian then asked what would happen if Callian and Timbul were captured, and Timbul merely laughed in disbelief. At this point Dale and Enri chimed in to say that no-one was going to sacrifice themselves for either of them, only to have Callian remind them that this was their duty. Kelian was unimpressed by this statement, and didn’t back down until finally Timbul’s temper got the better of him and he let fly at the Prince.

  ‘That is our duty!’ Timbul’s voice was an infuriated whisper. ‘Regardless of whether you accept this or not, that is what we do! This is what we’re here for!’ He let out an exasperated breath.

  A second later Borgulnay and Gilgarry stood between Timbul and Kelian. ‘Tim,’ said Borgulnay, ‘please remember who you’re speaking to.’

  Timbul sighed and his eyes closed momentarily. ‘I’m sorry, Kelian. I need you to understand that for guardians there is no choice. There are two humans and a guardian who need us to find them, and we will do our duty regardless of the outcome to ourselves.’ He waved a hand towards Enri and Dale. ‘Neither of these boys is a fool. They know why we’re here and they know what to do.’

  Kelian was unconvinced. ‘Surely two trained soldiers would be better suited…’

  Araas shook his head. ‘Enri was correct. Our diversionary group will need to be comprised of those with the greatest speed and military training, and you, because I’m not letting you out of my sight. Callian and Timbul need humans whose thoughts can be used to mislead the fallen. It might not be necessary, but it’s a lot easier if they’re close to Callian when they attempt this. Who better to do this job than the two boys who have known each other for such a short time but are like brothers?’

  Kelian had finally agreed to what he called ‘the mad Baron’s mad plan’, and now that Dale was within sight of Weema he agreed with Kelian. They had been hidden in the bushes for over an hour watching the settlement when the strangest thing happened. Someone came out of the bushes only two hundred paces from where they were hidden and began walking up the slope towards the settlement. He was very tall, with the almost black eyes of the fallen. His blond hair was tied behind his neck. He wore the trousers and loose cotton shi
rt typically worn by the men of the fallen and his body was sun-browned and muscular. He was closely followed by two very blond girls dressed in trousers and cotton shirts with tunics.

  Dale leaned forward and his mouth dropped open. He swung around and saw that everyone was watching the girls with similar expressions of astonishment. A smile broke over his face.

  ‘I get nothing from either of them,’ Timbul observed.

  ‘Why would the fallen be shielding their thoughts?’ Callian wondered.

  ‘Probably so it’s more difficult for us to find them,’ said Dale. ‘And maybe so you can’t alert them that you are here.’

  ‘What about Louisa?’ Enri asked. ‘Do you think she’s alive too?’

  ‘Yes,’ Callian answered positively. ‘If Elena and Immosey live I think we’re safe to assume Louisa is also still alive.’

  ‘But where is she?’ Enri asked no one.

  They sat in silence for a long time with the relief of seeing Elena and Immosey alive washing over them. As Dale pondered their next move the strangest feeling he had ever experienced came over him. It was as if someone was searching his heart, but gently, so softly and tenderly it felt like a feather was caressing his heartstrings. He drew a deep breath as Callian’s eyes fell on him with an expression between amusement and alarm.

  ‘What was that?’ Dale wondered aloud as the sensation was suddenly cut off. He was immediately filled with a sense of yearning, as if something beautiful that belonged to him had been taken away.

  ‘Not ‘what?’,’ said Callian, ‘more like ‘who?’.’

  ‘Who was that?’ Dale echoed, searching his heart desperately for the feeling but finding nothing.

  ‘A woman,’ said Callian shortly. ‘But now is not the time to let you become distracted.’

  ‘I thought you were shielding my thoughts.’

  ‘I am. At least I was making sure no-one could hear your thoughts,’ Callian confirmed. ‘Now I’m also making sure no-one can make you hear theirs. Though how she knew you were here...’

  ‘Ahhh...Callian, I’ve never felt anything quite like that before,’ said Dale, mesmerized by the experience. ‘What did she want?’




  ‘Who was she?’

  ‘A woman of the fallen.’

  ‘Why would she want me?’ Dale frowned.

  ‘Not now Dale.’ Callian didn’t meet Dale’s eye. ‘Can we concentrate on the task at hand please?’

  ‘Of course.’ Dale took a deep breath, searched his heart hopefully once again then resigned himself to the fact that the feeling was gone.

  Another hour passed before Callian became impatient.

  ‘We’re going to need to find out soon where they were taken,’ he said. ‘I wonder if I should go in now.’

  ‘Have you never heard of darkness Callian? It’s a lot easier to hide in, you know!’ said Enri. ‘Look, we have a plan, and part of it is not going into Weema until it’s quite dark.’

  ‘It’s getting darker every minute,’ Callian pointed out.

  Enri frowned. ‘Then it won’t hurt you to wait a few more minutes, will it? You need to be patient until it’s truly dark. Rushing in whilst it’s still partly light would be dangerous and stupid.’

  ‘Very stupid,’ a voice behind them commented and Timbul and Callian leapt to their feet and swung around, drawing swords as they saw this was the man they has seen earlier leading Elena and Immosey.

  ‘Please don’t,’ the man said quietly and though he carried a sword, bow and several knives, he had drawn no weapon.

  Callian looked into the man’s eyes momentarily and sheathed his sword, but Timbul remained standing with his sword raised.

  ‘Stad!’ Callian commanded and Timbul lowered his sword.

  ‘Callian?’ said Dale in alarm.

  ‘Dale, he’s carrying a bow,’ Callian explained patiently. ‘If he wanted to return us he would have put an arrow through one of us before we even saw him.’

  The man nodded in agreement. ‘Who are you?’

  ‘This is Baron Dale of East Inlet, Squire Enri of Western Downs and Timbul of the Dwellings. I’m Callian.’

  Lias’ face whitened. ‘Guardian General. I am Lias of Tarl.’ His voice revealed a hint of fear. ‘I saw movement here as I took the sisters back to Mil. If you stay here you will certainly be discovered before sundown.’

  Enri stared at Lias. ‘First we see Elena and Immosey being led along by one of the fallen and then the same person appears and tells us our hiding place isn’t good enough.’ He threw up his hands. ‘You know, I have no idea what’s going on.’

  ‘Not all of us believe what Nandul’s doing is right. Milgorry was the first to openly oppose him,’ said Lias.

  ‘What happened to him?’ asked Enri curiously.

  ‘He’s being held in a secure unit with Elena and Immosey. It’s bizarre actually,’ he added, almost to himself.

  ‘Which bit of this incredibly bizarre situation is bizarre?’ asked Dale.

  Lias frowned darkly. ‘The bit where the person who is considered to be the most deadly and dangerous warrior of the free to have ever lived, gets himself locked up because he’s acting like a guardian to some human girls.’

  Timbul gave a low whistle. ‘Do you know what happened to the third girl?’

  ‘The guardian? She’s being held on the south side. There are lots of guards.’

  ‘Where’s Nandul?’ asked Callian.

  ‘He’s looking for you, or at least he’s looking for the Alkiran Prince. I think he feels this will be easy.’ Lias grinned. ‘If he knew you were here he might not be so complacent. So, where are the rest of you?’

  No one answered, and Lias looked from one closed face to another. ‘I suppose there’s no reason I need to know that.’

  ‘We need to get the girls out of here, and the guardian,’ said Timbul. ‘You could be a trap.’

  Lias stared at Timbul for a long time before answering. He swallowed uncomfortably. ‘Test me,’ he eventually whispered.

  Timbul was startled. He had rarely been given the opportunity to gather thoughts from one of the fallen and never with permission. Lias stood looking straight into his eyes and Timbul delved into his thoughts. Minutes passed. ‘I sense only the truth,’ said Timbul finally.

  ‘So,’ said Enri impatiently, ‘can you take us to find Elena and Immosey?’

  ‘Yes. I can, and then you will die. You would see four guards at the unit, but there are many more close by, out of sight.’

  ‘Where were you taking them, when we saw you earlier?’ asked Dale.

  ‘I took them to bathe. When you saw me I was returning them to the unit.’

  ‘Were they being watched by others then?’ asked Enri.

  ‘Definitely,’ said Lias. ‘We were followed by guards who held their distance. I’m trusted but only to a point. Many are suspicious because Milgorry and I have ever been friends.

  ‘So, where to go from here…’ Dale mused.

  ‘Do you have any idea what you’re doing, or are you improvising?’ asked Lias bluntly, folding his arms across his wide chest and looking at Dale skeptically.

  Callian and Timbul looked insulted but Dale and Enri grinned. ‘Absolutely no idea whatsoever,’ Enri answered.

  ‘That’s not exactly true!’ Dale countered. ‘We were going to lead everyone astray with my random but intelligent thoughts whilst we were somewhere else entirely, rescuing the girls,’ he informed Lias, as Enri rolled his eyes.

  ‘Are you joking?’ asked Lias, and his mouth remained open in surprise as he spread his hands questioningly.

  ‘Not joking,’ said Callian grimly.

  ‘Well…we are a little desperate, aren’t we?’ said Lias, looking from one guardian to the other. He turned abruptly, gesturing as he disappeared into the trees. They followed him for several miles through the forest until he seemed satisfied they were in a place where they were less likely to be n
oticed. He pushed through a wall of thick green vines and led them into a small clearing. At the rear of the clearing, stony cliffs rose and the ground at the base of the cliffs sloped gently away.

  ‘What stopped you?’ Lias asked, turning to face Callian.

  ‘What stopped me returning you the second I saw you? You drew no weapon and you didn’t hide your thoughts,’ said Callian. ‘You were thinking of Elena and Immosey and I sensed…pity?’

  Lias inclined his head in agreement. ‘I do pity them. They’re being used, firstly to keep the guardian under control, and secondly to stop Mil from escaping. There’s no doubt he could escape if he chose to.’

  Timbul shook his head as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. ‘Are you saying he could escape but won’t do so because…’

  ‘Because he knows one or both of the girls would be killed immediately, and then the other if he didn’t return,’ Lias explained. ‘Nandul doesn’t believe in his enemies being killed quickly or painlessly,’ he added contemptuously. ‘They will all be killed when they’re no longer useful.’

  ‘So Nandul is looking for us?’ asked Enri.

  ‘He’s out hunting the rest of your party, which I think he believes is all of you,’ said Lias. ‘He will be back in Weema when he has killed them all, or if he decides they’re too strong to attack, in which case he will call for reinforcements before he attacks again. If their only job is to be a diversion, I would say you have a couple of hours before Nandul realizes there must be more of you.’

  ‘Could the guards around Elena and Immosey be distracted?’ asked Dale.

  ‘Maybe,’ said Lias. ‘Your idea of revealing your thoughts to distract them wasn’t such a bad idea. Just a little difficult to control, I think.’

  ‘What if you were seen battling Callian or Timbul? Would that distract them?’ asked Enri.

  ‘I don’t think the Guardian General would appreciate having twenty or thirty of the free suddenly rushing out to attack him,’ Lias observed.


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