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Dark Secrets Absolved (The Children Of The Gods Paranormal Romance Book 46)

Page 24

by I. T. Lucas

  “I know so.”



  “There is no lock,” Ronja commented as Kian closed the front door behind them.

  “There is one on the inside, but it’s only for privacy,” Sari said. “There are locks on the inner doors too, for the same reason.”

  Kian took Syssi’s hand. “We have no need to lock the front doors in the village.” They went down the steps to the pathway. “There are no burglaries or thefts of any kind.”

  “That’s good to know.” Ronja sighed. “Is Okidu taking us home?”

  “He is, but we will walk with you to the parking structure,” Syssi offered.

  “Can’t wait to get rid of us, eh?” Lisa teased. “I’m just joking. Thank you for everything.’

  Kian pulled out his phone. “What should I tell Bowen? Is tomorrow morning okay with you? Or would you prefer him to join you tonight and stay in the house with you and Lisa until you are ready to move?”

  Ronja hesitated. “It will be a little awkward to have a man who I barely know stay in the house, but I have to admit that I would feel safer having him there. It’s not like there is a lot of crime where we live, but I’m used to relying on Frank to keep Lisa and me safe.” Her chin quivered a little. “Does that make me weak?”

  “Not in the slightest.” Sari wrapped her arm around her shoulders. “You are very brave, and you are doing your best in a difficult situation. I admire you.”

  Ronja chuckled. “You are very kind, but it is I who admire you. You are a powerhouse, Sari.”

  “Not really. Just like you, I’m doing what needs to be done.”

  When they stepped out of the elevator on the parking level, Okidu was already there, the limousine’s doors were open, and Bowen was leaning against the hood.

  “How did you get here so fast?” Lisa asked. “And when did you have time to pack?”

  “I always have a duffle bag with a change of clothes ready for emergencies.”

  “This is not an emergency.” Ronja cast him an apologetic smile. “Just a silly widow who’s scared for no reason. We live in a safe neighborhood.”

  “Do you have an alarm?”

  “We do.”

  “Do you have a dog?”

  “We don’t.”

  “Then you need me there. Alarms can be tampered with. Besides, I understand that there is a lot of heavy lifting to do and errands to run. You can’t expect to do it all by yourself.”

  Sari wanted to kiss the Guardian on both cheeks. He was kind, and he made Ronja comfortable.

  “I could definitely use your help. I just don’t want to inconvenience you.”

  “I’m getting paid no matter what I do, and this is like a vacation from my regular job. I’m going to enjoy every moment of it.”

  He walked up to Sari and David and offered Sari his hand. “I promise to take good care of your future mother- and sister-in-law.”

  “I appreciate that.”

  David shook his hand next. “Thank you for helping my mother and sister. You are giving me much-needed peace of mind.”

  “I guess this is goodbye.” Ronja turned to them and forced a smile, but her quivering chin betrayed the tears she was holding back. “I don’t know why I’m being so emotional. I’m going to see you in less than three weeks.” Her eyes widened. “I need to buy dresses for Lisa and me.”

  Sari frowned. “That reminds me that I need to get a wedding gown, and David needs a tuxedo.”

  “Happy times.” Lisa pulled David into a tight embrace. “I’m glad that we have your wedding to look forward to. I’m excited. Am I going to be the ring girl?”

  “You’re going to be a bridesmaid.” Sari pulled her in for a hug. “Phoenix can be the ring girl. Which means that you don’t need to buy a dress because one will be provided for you.”

  “Oh, I’m buying a dress. After the ceremony, I’m going to ditch the bridesmaid’s horror and change into something that I actually want to wear.”

  “Teenagers.” Ronja rolled her eyes and smiled at David. “Come give me a big hug. It needs to sustain me for the next three weeks.”

  “Careful!” Sari warned. “Don’t crush your mother. You are much stronger than you realize.”

  Ronja looked much better, but she was still recuperating from her ordeal.

  “Right.” David loosened his hold, embracing his mom as if she was made from eggshells.

  After mother and son were done, Ronja pulled Sari into a quick hug and then ducked quickly into the limousine to hide her tears.

  “Have a safe trip to Scotland,” Lisa said before following her mother inside.

  “Take care of Mom.” David closed the door behind her.

  As the limo started to roll away, Sari wrapped her arm around his waist. “Are you okay?”

  David shifted his eyes to her and smiled. “My family is in good hands, and I’m with you.” He kissed her softly. “I’m not just okay. I’m perfect.”



  “Isn’t he adorable?” Cilia handed Richard the squirming bundle. “He said Dada.”

  “He was just gurgling, my love.” Richard took the baby and cradled him to his chest.

  One blue eye and one green gazed at him from a handsome little face. “Dada.” The boy smiled and reached with his little hand, grabbing Richard’s finger and pulling it into his mouth.

  “Don’t bite Daddy. It’s not nice.”

  Two tiny fangs pierced his skin, and the baby sucked on his blood.

  It didn’t hurt, which was proof that Richard was dreaming. He rarely dreamt, and when he did, he was aware of it not being his reality. He was continuing his and Stella’s virtual adventure, and the baby, who looked a lot like Vlad, had been fathered by a Krall male.

  A little alien, who instead of regular baby teeth had grown baby fangs and liked to suck on blood. And still, Richard loved him as if he were his own.

  Was that what the dream was about? Making him examine his feelings toward Stella’s grown son?

  Did he love Vlad as a father would love his own child?

  If he’d met Stella when Vlad was just born, Richard would probably have loved him just as much as he loved the dream baby in his arms. But he’d met Vlad as an adult, and he could only love him as a friend.

  That was good enough for both of them, and hopefully, it would be good enough for Stella.

  “Good morning, Richard,” the baby said in an adult voice. “How are you today? I hope you are feeling good and that you can hear me, and I’m not talking to myself. I brought a new book that Wendy recommended, so it’s probably a romance.”

  Was that the real Vlad?

  What was the kid doing in his bedroom? And why was he reading to him?

  Trying to open his eyes, Richard discovered that his eyelids were glued shut, and when he tried to lift his hand and rub them, he couldn’t.

  “Wha…” He couldn’t talk either. His throat felt as if it was lined with sandpaper.


  He heard a gasp, a flutter of pages, a thump, and a moment later, the patter of feet as someone rushed in.

  “I heard him say something,” Vlad said. “It might have been just a groan. But he’s awake, right?”

  “Go get your mom, Vlad. She would want to be here for this.”

  Richard recognized the voice. It belonged to Julian, the doctor, and he wasn’t in his bed at home. He was at the clinic because he was transitioning. Or had he transitioned already?

  It was difficult to think through the cotton balls filling his head.

  “Welcome back, Richard.”

  The doctor wiped his eyes with a cool, wet cloth, and then the back of the bed started rising.

  “Try to open your eyes now.”

  At first, all he could see was the doctor’s silhouette, and a moment later, a blur of colors as Stella rushed in.

  “Richard! You are awake!” She hugged him, kissing him and sobbing at the same time.

  Julian p
ut a hand on her shoulder. “You need to let go, Stella. Why don’t you give Richard some water to drink?”

  She leaned back, but her eyes stayed on him as she reached for the paper cup Julian handed her. Leaning in, she brought the bent straw to his lips.

  Richard latched on to it like the baby in his dream had latched on to his finger.

  “Drink slowly,” Julian cautioned.

  He tried to follow the doctor’s advice, but he was too parched to go slow. When nothing more came up the straw, he let go of it and managed to say, “More, please.”

  Stella’s smile could have illuminated the Dodger Stadium. “You are really back.” She handed Julian the cup and sat down on the bed. “Do you know how long you were out?”

  Richard shook his head. Had it been hours? A full night?

  “It’s Sunday. You started transitioning on Tuesday. Five days, Richard. I’ve been going out of my mind.”

  “I’m sorry.” He tried to reach for her hand, but his muscles refused to cooperate.

  “Don’t be, you silly man.” She leaned and kissed his cheek. “You are alive, and you are an immortal. It’s a cause for celebration.”

  Richard shifted his eyes to Julian. “Am I immortal?”

  “We still need to conduct the test, but I have no doubt. Your transition followed all the classic stages. You’ve even grown an inch.”

  Instinctively, Richard lifted his head and glanced down at his groin.

  Stella burst out laughing. “Typical male. Julian meant an inch in height.”

  “Bummer. I would have preferred it to go somewhere else.” He really didn’t care either way, but he wanted to hear Stella laugh again.

  Julian shrugged. “I didn’t measure you there, but once you are up to it, you’re welcome to use the measuring tape yourself.”

  “It’s not important. Where is Vlad? He was here when I woke up.”

  “He’s out in the waiting room. Do you want me to get him?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “I’ll call him,” Julian offered.

  Stella didn’t argue. She seemed unable to take her eyes off him.

  Richard smiled. “I’m not going to disappear when you don’t look at me. I’m here to stay for good.”

  She lifted his hand and kissed it. “I know. I just can’t take my eyes off you. You are so handsome.”

  After five days in a coma, he probably looked like shit. “You must really love me to say that.”

  “I do.” She squeezed his hand.

  “Hi.” Vlad walked into the room. “Welcome back, Richard.”

  “Thank you.” He waited until Vlad got closer. “And thank you for reading to me.”

  “Did you hear me?”

  “I don’t remember, but I must have because I dreamt of you. Only in my dream, you were a baby, and you liked sucking on my finger.” He omitted the part about the biting and blood sucking. “You were adorable.”

  Stella’s eyes misted with tears. “We are a family now.” Still holding Richard’s hand, she took Vlad’s with her other. “And I’m the lucky chain link in the middle.”


  The Children of the Gods Book 47

  Dark Haven Illusion

  To read the first 3 chapters


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  The Children of the Gods Series


  1: Goddess’s Choice

  When gods and immortals still ruled the ancient world, one young goddess risked everything for love.

  2: Goddess’s Hope

  Hungry for power and infatuated with the beautiful Areana, Navuh plots his father's demise. After all, by getting rid of the insane god he would be doing the world a favor. Except, when gods and immortals conspire against each other, humanity pays the price.

  But things are not what they seem, and prophecies should not to be trusted...


  1: Dark Stranger The Dream

  Syssi's paranormal foresight lands her a job at Dr. Amanda Dokani's neuroscience lab, but it fails to predict the thrilling yet terrifying turn her life will take. Syssi has no clue that her boss is an immortal who'll drag her into a secret, millennia-old battle over humanity's future. Nor does she realize that the professor's imposing brother is the mysterious stranger who's been starring in her dreams.

  Since the dawn of human civilization, two warring factions of immortals—the descendants of the gods of old—have been secretly shaping its destiny. Leading the clandestine battle from his luxurious Los Angeles high-rise, Kian is surrounded by his clan, yet alone. Descending from a single goddess, clan members are forbidden to each other. And as the only other immortals are their hated enemies, Kian and his kin have been long resigned to a lonely existence of fleeting trysts with human partners. That is, until his sister makes a game-changing discovery—a mortal seeress who she believes is a dormant carrier of their genes. Ever the realist, Kian is skeptical and refuses Amanda's plea to attempt Syssi's activation. But when his enemies learn of the Dormant's existence, he's forced to rush her to the safety of his keep. Inexorably drawn to Syssi, Kian wrestles with his conscience as he is tempted to explore her budding interest in the darker shades of sensuality.

  2: Dark Stranger Revealed

  While sheltered in the clan's stronghold, Syssi is unaware that Kian and Amanda are not human, and neither are the supposedly religious fanatics that are after her. She feels a powerful connection to Kian, and as he introduces her to a world of pleasure she never dared imagine, his dominant sexuality is a revelation. Considering that she's completely out of her element, Syssi feels comfortable and safe letting go with him. That is, until she begins to suspect that all is not as it seems. Piecing the puzzle together, she draws a scary, yet wrong conclusion...

  3: Dark Stranger Immortal

  When Kian confesses his true nature, Syssi is not as much shocked by the revelation as she is wounded by what she perceives as his callous plans for her.

  If she doesn't turn, he’ll be forced to erase her memories and let her go. His family's safety demands secrecy – no one in the mortal world is allowed to know that immortals exist.

  Resigned to the cruel reality that even if she stays on to never again leave the keep, she'll get old while Kian won’t, Syssi is determined to enjoy what little time she has with him, one day at a time.

  Can Kian let go of the mortal woman he loves? Will Syssi turn? And if she does, will she survive the dangerous transition?

  4: Dark Enemy Taken

  Dalhu can't believe his luck when he stumbles upon the beautiful immortal professor. Presented with a once in a lifetime opportunity to grab an immortal female for himself, he kidnaps her and runs. If he ever gets caught, either by her people or his, his life is forfeit. But for a chance of a loving mate and a family of his own, Dalhu is prepared to do everything in his power to win Amanda's heart, and that includes leaving the Doom brotherhood and his old life behind.

  Amanda soon discovers that there is more to the handsome Doomer than his dark past and a hulki
ng, sexy body. But succumbing to her enemy's seduction, or worse, developing feelings for a ruthless killer is out of the question. No man is worth life on the run, not even the one and only immortal male she could claim as her own…

  Her clan and her research must come first…

  5: Dark Enemy Captive

  When the rescue team returns with Amanda and the chained Dalhu to the keep, Amanda is not as thrilled to be back as she thought she'd be. Between Kian's contempt for her and Dalhu's imprisonment, Amanda's budding relationship with Dalhu seems doomed. Things start to look up when Annani offers her help, and together with Syssi they resolve to find a way for Amanda to be with Dalhu. But will she still want him when she realizes that he is responsible for her nephew's murder? Could she? Will she take the easy way out and choose Andrew instead?

  6: Dark Enemy Redeemed

  Amanda suspects that something fishy is going on onboard the Anna. But when her investigation of the peculiar all-female Russian crew fails to uncover anything other than more speculation, she decides it's time to stop playing detective and face her real problem—a man she shouldn't want but can't live without.

  6.5: My Dark Amazon

  When Michael and Kri fight off a gang of humans, Michael gets stabbed. The injury to his immortal body recovers fast, but the one to his ego takes longer, putting a strain on his relationship with Kri.

  7: Dark Warrior Mine

  When Andrew is forced to retire from active duty, he believes that all he has to look forward to is a boring desk job. His glory days in special ops are over. But as it turns out, his thrill ride has just begun. Andrew discovers not only that immortals exist and have been manipulating global affairs since antiquity, but that he and his sister are rare possessors of the immortal genes.

  Problem is, Andrew might be too old to attempt the activation process. His sister, who is fourteen years his junior, barely made it through the transition, so the odds of him coming out of it alive, let alone immortal, are slim.


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