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Accepting Eva [Slick Rock 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Becca Van

  “I’d love to confront this bastard and pound on him for scaring you,” Gray said in a growly voice.

  “Tim’s just as big as you are. You would end up killing each other.”

  “Just because he’s big doesn’t mean he has any muscle.” Quin scrubbed a hand over his face.

  “He does. Tim was in the army.” She hesitated and then went on, “That’s not all.”

  “What else is going on, baby?” Quin asked.

  “I’m worried that Tim may have followed me.”

  “What makes you think he knows where you are?” Gray picked up her hand and threaded his fingers with hers.

  Eva drew in a shaky breath. “I thought I saw him a couple of times.” She shifted in her seat. “I can’t be sure though, because both times I only saw the back of his head.”

  “Okay,” Quin said. “Never discount a gut instinct. If you think this guy has followed you, then we’ll look into it. And that settles it. You’ll just have to stay here. There is no way I’m letting you go back home. You’d be in danger.”

  “Excuse me?” Eva asked.

  “You heard me, baby. Get used to the idea. Besides, you don’t want to leave. All that stuff before was because you are scared about your feelings for us. Do you honestly think we don’t know you are beginning to care for us, Eva? Well, let me tell you something, sweetheart. We care for you, too, and there is no way in hell we’re letting you get away.” Quin got up off the bed and headed toward the bedroom door. “Now move your ass, baby, we have some sightseeing to do.”

  Eva’s mouth gaped open as she watched Quin leave without a backward glance. Gray released her hand and kissed her on the cheek. “You’re special, sugar, and I know you don’t realize how much, but we are going to make you believe it.”

  She was still in shock with the way Quin had just blurted out that they cared for her. She wanted to jump off the bed and run after him and throw herself at them, but she wasn’t that brave. It filled her with hope that they didn’t feel any pity toward her and honestly had feelings for her.

  When Pierson took her face between his hands and planted a light but sweetly emotional kiss on her lips moisture pricked the backs of her eyes. “We could have everything together, darlin’. Don’t push us away before we even have the chance to find out.”

  Chapter Eight

  Gray enjoyed taking the river cruise with Eva and his brothers. She had taken in all the sights and obviously loved the tranquility of water because she was more relaxed than he had ever seen her before. There had been a few exhilarating moments as they had shot various rapids on the tour. Though Eva had clutched at whoever of them was nearest, she had laughed the whole time. Today she seemed to have more vitality, and her cheeks were still pink from the experience and the fresh air.

  Quin turned off the highway into some picnic grounds they had found online, and Gray helped Eva from the truck while Pierson grabbed the basket and blanket they had stowed in the back. Gray wondered what time Eva had woken up to have made all the food for their picnic and then their breakfast. She had risen before any of them, as she usually did, and took such good care of them that he wanted her in their house permanently. But not just because of her nurturing side or the sexual chemistry between all of them. Although it had only literally been weeks since they had met Eva, Gray was in love with her and he knew his brothers were as well. He wanted to pull her into his arms and kiss her until neither of them could breathe. He wanted to strip her down and love on her body with his hands and mouth until she was writhing with pleasure, and then he would sink balls-deep into her tight, wet pussy.

  Adjusting his hard, aching cock, he watched the gentle sway of her hips as she moved. He didn’t see the slight limp she walked with or the bars on her leg. All he saw was the woman of his dreams. Quin and Pierson had the picnic area set up in minutes. Moving in closer to Eva, Gray took her hand and helped her down to the blanket. Together they passed out the food. Their woman was a veritable marvel in the kitchen, and he sighed after he inhaled the aroma of cooked chicken, potato salad, and a tossed salad. He also caught the scent of something sweet.

  “What time did you get up, sugar?” Gray queried.

  “Um, around five, I think.”

  “As much as we appreciate the time and effort you’ve put into this picnic,” Quin said, “we don’t want you running yourself ragged, baby. This is your day off, too. We could have just gone to the mall and bought food or taken you out for lunch.”

  “Speak for yourself,” Pierson piped up. “Eva, this is all delicious. If you want to cook, I for one welcome every mouthful you’ve prepared.”

  “I didn’t mean I don’t appreciate what she’s done, Pierson.” Quin scowled at his brother. “But Eva needs rest, too.”


  “Guys,” Eva interrupted, “please don’t argue. I know what you meant, Quin, but I’m used to getting up early and I’m sure you’ve all realized how much I love to cook.”

  “You are getting dark smudges beneath your eyes, darlin’.” Pierson handed out the plastic cutlery and began to load his plate with food. “We are worried about you. Are you still having trouble sleeping?”

  Since Gray was sitting next to Eva, he heard her draw in a long breath, even though he knew she was trying to hide that fact. He turned toward her and saw an expression he’d never seen on her face before and couldn’t quite discern what it was.

  “I’m fine.”

  Gray realized she wasn’t fine at all and hoped she would open up more with them but decided to see if she would trust them with whatever was worrying her without pushing her. Trust worked both ways, and he needed her to trust him and his brothers without being too commanding. He could be just as determined and dominant as Quin, but this time he felt the need to let Eva open up on her own terms. Quin obviously wasn’t as patient.

  “You aren’t fine, baby. Tell us why you are having trouble sleeping.”

  “I said I’m fine, Quin.” Eva glared at his brother where he sat on the blanket across from her. “Just leave it alone, okay?”

  Gray looked from Quin to Eva and back again. Quin’s eyes narrowed into slits and he glared at Eva with frustration. Eva stuck her chin out toward his sibling, and he could see if he or Pierson didn’t butt in and change the subject, a fight would result.

  “You make the best food, Eva. It all tastes delicious. Thank you, sugar.”

  “You’re welcome,” Eva replied and concentrated on her food. The silence and tension was so thick Gray swore he could have cut it with one of the plastic knives brought for their picnic.

  “Stop changing the damn subject,” Quin snapped. His words were directed at Gray, but his eyes were still on Eva. “Damn it, Eva, we want to be able to help you. If you won’t talk to us, how the hell are we supposed to know what is going on with you?”

  “Maybe you aren’t,” Eva replied vehemently.

  “You aren’t happy with us, are you, darlin’?” Pierson voiced the one question Gray would never have had the guts to ask. And from the look Quin shot toward his brother, he wasn’t too happy either.

  “I’m not sad,” Eva replied, and Gray let go of the breath he hadn’t known he was holding until then.

  “What is going on in that beautiful head of yours, sugar? We don’t mean to pry, but your welfare and health mean a lot to us.”

  Gray placed his plate on the rug and reached out to gently caress her face with the tip of a finger. When Eva looked up at him, he could see how forlorn she felt. He wanted to pluck her off the rug, pull her onto his lap, and envelop her in his arms, but he also needed her to tell them why she was so sad.

  “You only feel sorry for me,” Eva blurted and her cheeks slowly turned pink.

  “Eva, we don’t feel pity for you.” Gray frowned. “Why would you even think that?”

  “Then why are you so worried about how much sleep I get, as if I were an invalid? Just because I’m disabled doesn’t mean I’m a delicate flower.” Eva was as red as th
e tomato on her plate by now. “I don’t appreciate being babied. That’s why you waited weeks to kiss me, isn’t it? I know you aren’t the type of men to wait around for what you want. You’re scared I can’t handle you. And it’s what everyone else always feels toward me.”

  Gray was stunned. Eva’s sassy side had made an appearance, and he couldn’t believe how much he’d misread her. But it made sense—Eva knew she had been running from her feelings for them, and now she wanted them but was too scared to come out and say it.

  “Eat your food,” Quin commanded and pointed toward her plate. “When you’re done we are going to talk about your insecurities.”

  The rest of the meal was eaten in tense silence. Gray kept his head down as he ate to hide his smile. He knew Quin was just biding his time, planning how to show Eva that they knew she could indeed handle them.

  Once everyone was done, Gray and Pierson began to clear away the remnants of their picnic.

  “Come here, Eva,” Quin demanded.

  Eva eyed his outstretched hand and shook her head and then rose to her feet.

  “I’m going for a walk,” she stated, turned, and began to walk away.

  Gray looked at Quin and saw he had planned on baiting Eva. There was a decided sparkle in his brother’s eyes and the knowledge that Eva would balk at another command from Quin. His brother stood up and had snagged Eva around the waist before she had taken more than five steps.

  “You will do as I say when I tell you to do something.” Quin growled through clenched teeth. “This is your only warning, baby. The next time you go over my knee.”

  “Don’t you dare threaten me, you asshole.”

  “Oh, it wasn’t a threat, Eva. If I decide you’re going over my knee, you will, and you’ll like it. That’s a promise. And I know I have already told you to watch that mouth. You are going to get a spanking, so next time you want to cuss, you’ll think about it before you even speak.”

  Quin lifted Eva up into his arms. One arm slid to her knees and the other wrapped under her shoulders. Eva shrieked and wriggled, trying to get free, but Gray knew that wasn’t about to happen.

  “Stop!” Quin ordered. “I don’t want you hurting yourself.”

  “Screw you!”

  “Oh, we’ll get to that eventually, baby, and that is also a promise.”

  Quin knelt on the blanket but kept one leg raised with his foot flat on the ground. With expert ease he quickly but carefully tipped Eva up and over his knee, her stomach across his thigh.

  “Let me go. What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Eva yelled.

  Gray moved across the rug and grasped her hands and stretched them out so she couldn’t harm herself trying to get away from Quin. He saw Pierson move to her feet and clasp her ankles in his hands.

  “Why are you helping him?” Eva asked angrily. “You should be helping me get away.”

  “Why would I help you get away?” Gray brought her hands together so he could hold them. “I think Quin’s right.”

  She looked even more outraged. “You think that I should be spanked?”

  “No. I think you’re going to like it. And I’m going to like watching.”

  Eva stared at him, her expression stunned. Before she could continue arguing, as Gray had no doubt she would, Quin caressed his palm over Eva’s denim-clad bottom, and her struggling stopped. She drew in a gasp and then tipped her head to the side, trying to see Quin.

  The first smack to land wasn’t hard, but it did make a lot of noise as Quin had cupped his hand. Eva squeaked, but that was the only sound she made and then she tried to hide her face again. Her head hung down and her hair covered her cheeks.

  “Get her jeans off.” The danger of being caught out in the open only seemed to add an exciting element to the air.

  Gray expected Eva to protest, but again she didn’t speak. He bent down slightly, trying to see her expression, but her hair was in the way. With a gentle hand, he swept her hair over one shoulder and caught her nibbling on her lower lip. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were closed.

  Pierson pulled Eva’s jeans down to midthigh but kept her panties on. The second smack landed on her satin-clad backside, and Eva let out a breathy sigh. Quin landed ten smacks in all, making sure not to hit the same place twice and treating both of her buttocks evenly. By the time he had finished Eva was moaning and thrusting her hips up at his brother, demanding more.

  “Does this feel like we pity you, Eva?” Quin smoothed his hand over her butt, waiting for an answer. When she didn’t, Quin slipped a thumb beneath the elastic of her panties and slowly drew them down. “I’ll bet you’re wet, aren’t you, baby?”

  Gray wasn’t certain if Quin expected an answer. He watched as her pink cheeks came into view. His brother pushed the little scrap of material down until all of her beautiful ass was exposed. His hand slid between her legs.

  “Oh, you are soaked, baby. Did you enjoy your spanking?”

  “Yes,” Eva moaned.

  Gray could see Quin’s forearm flexing and moving and wanted to watch what his brother was doing to their woman. He released her hands and placed them palms down on the rug. “Leave your hands where they are, sugar. I don’t want you to hit your head on the ground if you wriggle around too much.”

  Rising to his feet, Gray moved around Eva’s backside and sat on the rug next to Quin. He was right where he needed to be to see what his brother was doing to Eva as Pierson had spread her legs as wide as he could with her jeans bunched at her knees.

  Eva’s pussy was so wet and creamy he wanted to get between her splayed thighs and lick her pretty little cunt, but he didn’t want to interrupt what Quin was doing to her as she seemed to like it.

  “You are so hot, wet, and tight,” Quin rasped as he pumped a finger in and out of Eva’s pussy. “We want to make you feel good, baby. Will you let us?”

  “Please.” Eva moaned.

  “Please what, darlin’?” Pierson questioned.

  “I want you.” She bucked her hips up. “I want all of you.”

  Quin removed his hand from between her legs, grasped her ribs, and turned her over while helping her to sit upright on the rug. “That’s all we needed to hear, baby,” he said and looked to him and Pierson. “Get her clothes off.”

  Pierson unhooked the cuff at her knee and then pulled both her boots and socks from her feet. Once they were gone, he helped remove her jeans and panties while Quin undid three buttons on her shirt and then lifted it up and over her head. Next he unclasped her black lace bra and gently lowered her to the blanket until she was lying on her back.

  She was absolutely perfect in Gray’s eyes. Her red hair looked like it was on fire as it shimmered in the afternoon sunlight, causing the gold threads through her tresses to stand out even more. Eva’s green eyes were half-closed. She would have looked dazed but for the passionate glow as she stared at all three of them. Her naturally pink lips were parted, gasping in pants of air.

  Never had he seen a more beautiful sight or a more innocently sexy woman. Her breasts were lush and tipped with dusky rose areolas and her hard nipples stood up from the glorious globes. Although she wasn’t skinny in that wafer-thin model way, Eva was nowhere near to being called fat. Her rib cage, encased in milky-white skin, tapered to her slim waist, which then gently flared out to her perfect hips. She had long, shapely thighs and calves, and the trimmed hair on her mound nearly exactly matched the hair on her head, including the threads of gold.

  Gray groaned as the dappled sunlight caressed her body through the trees. Slowly, almost as if in a dream, he knelt down next to her and then he lay down on his side close to her. Leaning over, he lightly kissed her lips and traced them with the tip of his tongue. Eva surprised him by reaching up, grabbing handfuls of his hair, and pulling his lips tighter against hers. He moaned, tilted his head for a better angle, and kissed her with a deep hunger.

  His tongue pushed into her mouth, and he twined it with hers and then tasted every inch of her mois
t cavern. The little whimpering sounds Eva made as Gray made love to her mouth only enhanced the desire he felt for her. When he withdrew, they were both panting heavily. Movement on her other side caught his attention, and he watched Pierson get down on the rug next to her. He looked down her body and saw Quin moving in between her lax legs, pushing them wider as he laid belly down on the blanket, his mouth hovering over her mound.

  Gray cupped a breast, testing the weight, and then kneaded the soft flesh with his palm and fingers. Just as Quin lowered his head and took his first taste of their woman, Gray shifted his thumb and rasped it over her turgid nipple. Eva cried out and arched her neck while pushing her chest forward and wriggling her hips.

  He wanted to make love with Evana right this instant and knew his brothers wanted the same, but he was less sure that Eva knew what she was asking for. She might want them just as much, but despite what she’d said, Gray couldn’t stop guiltily wondering if she could handle them.

  Chapter Nine

  Eva couldn’t believe how turned on she was after having her ass spanked. Throughout the spanking, cream leaked from her pussy onto her panties, and they were so wet they were ineffectual in containing her desire. Her thighs were damp and her pussy felt swollen with need. One moment Quin had been ordering his brothers to strip off her clothes, and the next she was laid out on the picnic blanket like a feast.

  Gray leaned over and kissed her hungrily. His tongue pushed into her mouth and explored. Eva knew she would never be able to get enough of him. She knew that other people wouldn’t approve of her being naked before three men, but she melted against Gray as he kissed her. She couldn’t fight anymore. Eva had been drawn to them from the start, and they had gradually worked their way into her heart. She didn’t want to need them or feel anything for them, but she did, and it scared the bejesus out of her.


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