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Take A Chance (Running Into Love)

Page 6

by Nicole, Annalisa

  “Umm, no thank you.”

  She is really nice. I walk to his door and knock twice softly, crack the door open a hair, and peek in. Asher is sitting at his desk, his suit coat is off and his vest is unbuttoned as is the top two buttons of his white dress shirt. His tie is nowhere to be seen. He eyes me instantly with a smile and motions for me to come in and have a seat.

  He hangs up the phone, stands and walks over to where I’m sitting. Man he smells good. He bends over and kisses my cheek, “It’s good to see you, Willow. How is your day so far?”

  “It has been great, just like every day. I absolutely love working for your sister. I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

  “No, Willow, you could never be an interruption. Well, I take that back, you are an interruption but always a good one.” A buzz comes from his phone and the woman from reception tells him lunch has arrived.

  “Thank you Charlotte, you can just bring it in, thank you.”

  She brings in two bags of take out and places them on his desk and says, “Mr. Wellington, Ms. Emery, enjoy your lunch.”

  “Oh, please, call me Willow.”

  With a smile, she says, “Sure, it was nice to meet you, Willow. Enjoy your lunch.” She makes her way from the room closing the door behind her.

  “Your assistant is very polite, I don’t think I have met anyone at your company that hasn’t been.”

  Asher sits down in the chair next to me, pulling out food from their bags and it smells heavenly.

  “What smells so good?”

  “I knew you liked the deli food from the other night. I had more soup and sandwiches delivered. I hope you like them.” Dividing up the food, he hands me a spoon for the soup.

  “You really know a way to a girl’s heart. Comfort food is always a good choice.” We spend the next thirty minutes enjoying tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. The conversation is again light and easy. “I better be getting back, I still have a few things I need to prepare for Amelia for her meeting.”

  “She’s not working you too hard, is she? I know her boss and I can have him have a word with her.”


  I think I said that with a little too much force. “Really she’s not. Amelia has always been great. I don’t want things to change between any of us because we are seeing each other.”

  “Relax, Willow, I was just joking. But there was a little seriousness in there, I guess. You would tell me if it were too much for you, wouldn’t you?” He looks at me with concern.

  “I’m not sure if I would tell you that, I love my job. I know I have cancer, but I got this job based on my education and my resume. I wouldn’t want any special treatment. But thank you for your concern.” He gently takes my arm in his hand.

  “Willow, I know you got the job because you deserved to get the job. I’m not saying you didn’t, please don’t misunderstand me. I was only speaking out of concern. I know you are fully capable of doing your job and I admire your work ethic, even going through chemo. Please don’t be upset with me.”

  “Asher, I’m not, I think I overreacted. This is all new to me. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to snap at you.” Pulling me in to his warm body, he kisses me on the cheek.

  “Thank you for having lunch with me. I have a meeting until five, and then I’m hitting the gym. Will you have dinner with me tonight? There is this Italian place right by my house I would love to take you to. Can I pick you up at six thirty?”

  “That sounds great, thank you again for lunch.” He walks me to the elevator and pushes the down button. With another kiss on the cheek, I’m headed back down to my floor.


  After the gym, I head home to shower and get ready to pick up Willow. I had an ulterior motive to take her to the restaurant by my house, I wanted to bring her back here and show her my house. We have always spent time at her house, and I want her to be comfortable in my home as well. It will be the first time to have a woman in the house since Olivia, besides my sisters and mother. It feels right, and I know I’m ready to take the next step with Willow.

  Grabbing my keys and heading out the door to my car, I catch my reflection in the hall mirror. There is a smile there, slowly erasing the years of sadness. It looks good there on my face, I’ve missed the feeling of being happy. Stopping at the florist for another arrangement for Willow, I pull up in front of her condo.

  She answers the door looking beautiful with another scarf around her neck. I wish she felt like she could be more comfortable around me. “These are for you.”

  “Thank you, always the perfect gentlemen.” She walks back in to put them in a vase and places them on the kitchen island.

  “Are you ready to go?” Extending my arm for her to take, we make our way to the car. I open it for her and help her get in. “I hope you like Italian, this place is amazing.”

  “Yes, I love Italian. Actually, I think I like all food. I don’t think there is much that I don’t like, except mushrooms. Oh, and brussel sprouts. Easy way to get me to throw up, brussel sprouts.”

  “We wouldn’t want that, now would we?”

  Parking at the restaurant, I head over to open her car door and extend my hand to help her out. “My lady.” She smiles and takes my hand. We walk hand in hand all the way to the table. Pulling out her chair, I sit across the table from her. We both order pasta and tiramisu.

  “So you got out of telling me again why the Gorgeous Eyes comment.”

  “You didn’t forget about that, did you? The first time I ran into you after the unfortunate shoe incident, the first thing I noticed about you was your eyes. They are the most amazing blue color I have ever seen, I wondered if you wore colored contacts. Hence the, are those your real eye color question I blurted out.”

  “Ah I see, well I have to say the first thing I noticed about you was the beautiful color of your hair and your green eyes.” Pulling out my wallet to pay for dinner, I guess it’s now or never time.

  “I only live a few blocks from here, I was wondering if you would like to go back to my place?”

  “For a drink? Because I can’t have alcohol right now.”

  “Actually I don’t drink much, but I would like to spend a little more time with you tonight.”

  “Sure, that sounds nice.”

  I am so glad she said yes. I’m so nervous. I’m not expecting to take her anywhere she isn’t ready to go, and I would never want to push her. If she’s not ready to take the next step, I will wait. I’ve been daydreaming about kissing her on the lips, they look so soft and I just want to taste her. Pulling up in my driveway, I see the expression on her face of surprise.

  “This place is spectacular! You live here by yourself?”

  “Um...Yes, I do.” But what I don’t say is that my wife and I used to live here. I know I should probably tell her, the timing just isn’t right. I can’t wait too much longer. I don’t want her to hear about it from someone else first.

  Opening her car door and offering my hand, she steps out with a smile as she takes in my house. Making our way inside, I ask her what she would like to drink.

  “Anything is fine, water would be great.”

  Grabbing two water bottles out of the fridge, I hand one to her and sit down in the family room.

  “I’ll give you a tour some other time, it’s getting late. I don’t want to keep you out too long, we both have work tomorrow.”

  She sits next to me and takes a drink, then sets it on the coffee table on a coaster. Our eyes lock and the moment is just there. I lean in just a few inches from her face, to see if she is going to pull away. She doesn’t, she closes her eyes and I close the distance placing my lips on hers. I don’t close my eyes, wanting to see if she is really comfortable with this. Her face softens, so I know she’s OK with it. I close my eyes and enjoy the softness of her lips. Deepening the kiss, I touch her lips with my tongue. She parts hers, accepting my tongue. It’s a soft slow tangle of lips and tongue. Her lips are everything I knew they would be. P
lacing my hand on her cheek and into her hair, I couldn’t have dreamt of a better first kiss. I slide my hand down her soft flesh, down her neck, between her scarf. She stiffens breaking the kiss.

  “I’m sorry, it’s not you, really it’s not. Please don’t get me wrong, I want to do this. I’m just a little scared. My last treatment is this Friday. Then pending some lab testing, I’ll have the port removed a week after that. To be honest, I just don’t know how I feel about you seeing it. Well, that’s dumb. I know you’ve already seen it, but just not like this.”

  “Willow, its fine sweetheart, we don’t have to take this any further than this. I completely understand. It’s just that I’ve wanted to kiss you for a while now. I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable.”

  “No, you didn’t, and if you don’t mind, I think I would like a repeat.”

  She moves back in to kiss me again, this time I let her take the lead and enjoy what she is offering. Pulling away again, she kisses me on the cheek and then smiles.

  “I should probably take you back home. Tomorrow, can you meet me for lunch again in my office?” I ask standing to get my keys. She stands and follows me to the door.

  “I would really love that.”

  After taking her home, I climb into bed. I actually want to get to sleep. I want to talk to Olivia again. It seems weird, but I want to ask her advice on how I should proceed with Willow. She has already been such an inspiration to get me to open up again. I don’t want to screw this up. The longer I lay there, the longer sleep doesn’t come. I toss and turn for hours. Finally after what seems like eternity I fall asleep, but she doesn’t come to me. I wake the next morning saddened, first because I didn’t get to see her and second I really was looking forward to her advice.

  Chapter 10


  After Asher took me home and walked me to my door, he again kissed me on the lips, a warm and slow passionate kiss. He kept his hands in mine, not trying again to remove my scarf or put his hands under it. I shouldn’t be so self-conscious of it, it’s not like he was trying to grab my boob or anything. The port is just below my collar bone and I freaked. I didn’t know where he intended to put his hands. I should have known he wasn’t trying to rip my clothes off. It was stupid, and I’m more embarrassed now to think I even thought that.

  I shouldn’t have been afraid for him to touch it. He was well on his way to touching it, and if he wanted to, I shouldn’t have been embarrassed. I probably would have been more upset if he was repulsed by it, but he wasn’t. Not at any point has he been anything but a gentleman. If he was willing to touch me and not be grossed out, I should have let him. Now it will be almost two weeks before it’s out. Curling up in my bed with Lucy, we are both soon fast asleep.

  Waking the next morning, I groan to myself thinking about last night and how stupid I was. I should get myself up and into the office.

  At the office it’s like any other day except for my lunch date with Asher. Just thinking about it puts a smile on my face. Wearing a button up blouse with just the top button undone, I went sans a scarf. Most of my wardrobe is lower cut blouses. They are modest, but I just feel more comfortable with a scarf to cover anything that may peek out and to cover the bulk so it doesn’t draw unwanted attention. But I’m feeling daring and why the heck not. A quarter to twelve I peek my head in Amelia’s office and mouth the words that I’m going to lunch. She has her ear to her phone and nods with a smile. Walking off the elevator, Charlotte greets me with a smile.

  “Here, these are for you.” She hands me a bouquet of flowers. “He’s in a meeting in the conference room, he asked me to tell you to go on into his office. Lunch will be here any minute, and he will join you in a few minutes.”

  With a stupid smile on my face, I say, “Thank you Charlotte.” I take the flowers from her and make myself comfortable in Asher’s office. A few minutes later my hair is swept off my neck and he kisses me just below my ear. Turning around to see him, his smile changes to a look of concern.

  “Sorry, was that OK?”

  Placing the sweetest smile I can manage, I say, “Yes, that was nice. How has your day been so far? You look tired.”

  “My day has been busy. I didn’t sleep very well last night, but I’m fine now that I get to see you. How about you? How is your day?” Just then Charlotte enters the room with lunch.

  “You look beautiful today, by the way. It’s nice to see you without the scarf. I know you’re self-conscious about it, but I have to tell you, you can hardly notice anything and you look stunning. I ordered sandwiches from the deli again, that seems to be our thing.”

  “Thank you,” was all I could say, hoping he knew it was not only for the food but for the compliment and the encouragement.

  “Saturday, if you are feeling up to it, I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to a benefit I need to attend?”

  Instant fear takes over me. I wouldn’t have anything to wear to a benefit, there’s nothing more I’d like than to spend time with Asher. I would hate to turn him down because I don’t have anything to wear. I don’t want him to think that I don’t want to spend time with him. It was almost like he was prepared for my mini freak out though.

  “I was originally going to take Ava, but she insisted that I take you instead. She has offered to take you shopping Saturday morning to get the perfect dress, my treat of course.”

  “I couldn’t ask you to do that, Asher, that’s too much.”

  “Again with the asking. When will you realize that it is my pleasure? Anyway, it’s already a done deal. Ava won’t take no for an answer and neither will I, unless you aren’t feeling well that is.”

  “Well alright, if it’s being insisted by both of you, who am I to argue? Thank you, I would love to go with you.”

  After eating a roast beef sandwich on rye and vegetable noodle soup, our lunch hour is almost over. Asher cleans up the wrappers throwing them in the trash under his desk. Walking over to me, he reaches out his hands for me helping me up to stand.

  “Thank you for keeping me company during lunch again. I could get used to this,” he says.

  Pulling me into a hug, we both stand there enjoying each other’s warm bodies. Pulling slightly away, he looks into my eyes and kisses me on the lips. It’s not an out of control kiss but sweet and slow. His tongue enters my mouth and I am lost in the moment, until Charlotte buzzes in and tells Asher that his next meeting is waiting for him in reception. Breaking away from the kiss, he walks me to the door. He kisses me one more time.

  “I’d like to see you again tonight if I can. Can I bring dinner to you and see you again tonight?”

  “I would love that, but you don’t have to keep feeding me. I can go shopping and cook for you, I love to cook.”

  “Don’t worry about it, I love feeding you. I like knowing you are getting more than water and ketchup. If you want after we eat, I can go to the store with you and help.”

  “That sounds really nice. I’ll see you tonight then after work.”

  “See you then. Oh, don’t forget your flowers.”

  Turning back around, I take the flowers from him.

  “Duh, how could I forget? And thank you for these, they’re beautiful.”

  “You’re welcome, and I will see you after work.” With one last kiss I head back to the elevator. Charlotte gives a little wave and has a small smile on her face. I press the down button and I step onto the elevator along with another woman. The doors close and the woman turns to me.

  “Nice flowers, are those from Asher?” the woman says.

  “Yes, they are.”

  Telling her the truth, I’m not exactly sure if our relationship is supposed to be a secret, I didn’t think it was. Asher, Amelia, and Aiden all said it wasn’t breaking any policy, but I need to check with Asher and ask him how he feels about other employees knowing we are dating.

  “It must be nice dating the boss. Such a shame about his wife though, isn’t it?” the woman says again.

  Immediately my heart sinks in my chest. What, he’s married? He never indicated he was married and none of his brothers or sisters did for that matter. I sat at dinner with his family and not one of them said anything, or even looked like it was wrong that I was there. What is wrong with these people? I can’t even look at this woman, I’m so embarrassed. I can hear the blood pounding in my ears as I get off the elevator on my floor. I’m just heartbroken and angry beyond belief. Walking to my desk, I throw the flowers in the trash, knock on Amelia’s door, and crack it open just a little. She looks pleased to see me.

  “Amelia, I’m sorry but I need to go home. I’m not feeling too well,” I tell her barely holding in my anger.

  “Willow, what’s wrong? Do you need me to go get Asher?”

  “NO! No, in fact please don’t tell him I’m leaving, please. Don’t bother him. I’m really sorry I’m leaving on such short notice. I’ll make up the hours, I promise.”

  “Willow, don’t worry about it. I’m not sure if I’m comfortable not telling Asher though. You know he’ll be worried about you. But if you insist, I won’t say anything. I hope you feel better. If you need tomorrow off too, just let me know.”

  “Thank you, I will be here tomorrow. I just need to go right now.”

  I need to get far away from all of these people and think. Think about how I can get out of coming to work tomorrow, maybe I should pick up a paper and check the want ads. I can’t believe he’s married. If that woman knows about me then so do a lot of other people. I must be the laughing stock of the company. Poor cancer girl who thinks she’s dating the owner of the company, but she’s the idiot, because he’s married and I’m being played.

  I close Amelia’s door barely keeping myself from sobbing hysterically. Once I get to my car, I can’t hold it together any longer and start sobbing, uncontrollably. I was really starting to fall in love with him. How can he be married? I didn’t notice any pictures at his house last night. How could I have missed that? Wiping my face with the back of my hand, “Get a grip Willow,” I say aloud.


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