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Sara's Soul

Page 7

by Deanna Kahler

  “What?” Sara asked, as she caught him staring at her.

  “I was just thinking of how lucky I am,” he confessed. He sat down on the sofa next to her.

  “No, Chip, I’m the lucky one,” she said.

  “I guess we’re both lucky. And, if memory serves me right, a relationship isn’t official until the guy introduces the girl to his mother. Ready to meet my mother?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  As Chip opened the box and saw his mom Celeste’s beautiful face looking back at him in a picture, he immediately sensed her presence. A tingly chill brushed across his cheek, and he clearly heard his mother’s words:

  Don’t ever let her go, Chip. Don’t make the same mistake I did in life. A love like that lasts forever.

  “I know,” Chip said aloud. “I won’t.”

  “You won’t what?” Sara asked, confused.

  “Oh, I was just talking to my mother.”

  “You think Celeste is here?” Sara asked with a slight hint of excitement. “Can I talk to her? Can I actually meet her? I’ve never communicated with a spirit before. Prove it to me, Chip. Show me that spirit communication is real. Give me a reason to believe. Please.”

  Chip was pleased with her interest in spirit communication. The so-called scientist wanted to talk to his mother’s spirit. Maybe on some level she sensed a presence, too.

  “Okay. I’ll ask her,”he agreed. “But I can’t promise anything. I have no control over the spirit world.”

  “She’s your mother. I’m sure she’ll listen to you. Just ask her already.”

  “Okay… Mom, can you talk to Sara, too?”

  No, Chip, I can’t. I’m sorry. She is too blocked to receive any direct messages from spirits while conscious and awake. Her heart is still filled with sorrow, disappointment, fear, and anger. I can’t help her right now. But don’t give up on her. You have already helped open her to love. Maybe in time you can help her overcome the negative energy. I’ll leave you two alone now.

  Chip was silent for a few minutes. He didn’t know how to break the news to Sara. He knew what this would do to her.

  “Well, can she?” Sara asked impatiently. “I didn’t hear anything. What did she say?”

  “I’m sorry, Sara,” Chip said. “Please don’t be mad at me.”

  “I’m not mad at you, Chip. Just life. It really sucks that those we love end up gone forever. I miss my mom. I really wanted to believe there’s such a thing as eternal life, but this is all new to me. I’ve never experienced any signs or communication like you have. I’m glad you have hope and faith, though. Life without hope is just a slow, torturous death.”

  “Don’t talk like that,” Chip protested. “There are a lot of beautiful things about life. Think about what we’ve shared.”

  “If it wasn’t for you, I’d be dead,” she announced. She looked at him with alarm, as if she had said something she shouldn’t have.

  “What do you mean by ‘you’d be dead’?”

  Sara shot him a nervous glance. “Inside, I mean. I’d be dead inside,” she said quickly.

  Chip got the feeling she was hiding something. The psychologist in him took over. She was bombarded by visions of death all the time. He remembered her reaction when he told her about his client who tried to commit suicide. She had even thanked him for saving the girl and her. And now she said she’d be dead if it wasn’t for him. He knew how hopeless she must feel. He wondered if she had considered killing herself, too. She did seem to fit the profile of a suicidal patient—sad, scared, moody, alone, introverted, plagued by thoughts of death. She very well could be on the brink of suicide. He had to keep an eye on her, just in case. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing her. If she was suicidal, he had to make sure she got the help she needed.

  “You can talk to me, Sara,” he said. “If there’s something bothering you or you’re feeling really depressed, I’m here for you. You don’t have to go through any of this alone.”

  “Thanks for your concern,” she replied. “But I’m okay.”

  “I mean it,” he said firmly. “Severe depression can lead to suicidal thoughts. I don’t want that to happen to you.”

  Sara looked away, diverting her eyes to the photo box. “Are you going to let me see what’s inside that box?” she said, changing the subject.

  “Okay. Sure,” he agreed. He pulled out the photos of his mother and handed them to Sara.

  “Wow, she really is gorgeous,” Sara exclaimed, flipping through the photos. She stopped at the one of Celeste with a man. “Is that Connor?”

  “Yes. That’s Connor. The picture is from when they were dating.”

  “They look so much in love.”

  “They sure do,” Chip agreed. He fished into the box and handed Sara a heart-shaped ruby ring. “This is the ring Connor gave her on Valentine’s Day.”

  “It’s beautiful.” Sara smiled.

  Chip slipped it on her finger. It fit perfectly. Sara removed the ring.

  “No, keep it on,” he insisted. “I want you to have it. A token of my affection.”

  Sara gasped. “I can’t take your mother’s ring. It’s too special.”

  “You’re special,” he said. Chip kissed her on the forehead. “I’ve never had anyone I’ve wanted to give it to, until now. Think of it as my promise to you. I promise to love and protect you.”

  A tear formed in the corner of Sara’s eye. No one had ever given her a gift like this before. No man had ever offered to protect her either. It was a touching gesture. Sadness mixed with gratitude as Sara wondered if she would be able to live up to his expectations of her. Despite the improvements in her life recently, her melancholy still lurked just below the surface. Just one small tip of the scales could send her plummeting back into darkness, to a place she fought hard to escape from.

  “Thank you,” she said. “This means a lot to me. I don’t know how I will repay you.”

  “You’re welcome,” Chip said. “But you owe me nothing. I just want to love you, that’s all. That is enough for me.”

  Sara feared that loving her would be harder than Chip thought. She was standing on thin ice and, at any moment, it could break. She could break, and then no one—not even Chip—could save her. She shuddered at the thought.

  “It’s getting late, Chip,” she said. “I’d better get going. Thanks for sharing your memories and your family with me.”

  “You’re welcome. Maybe one day I can get you acquainted with the spirit world.”

  “I’d like that,” she said.

  The two headed for Chip’s front door, where they shared a tender kiss goodnight.


  After Sara left, Chip sat for a long time on the couch, looking at the pictures of his mother and Connor. He sensed there was more to their story than he ever knew. Since his mother died when he was a small child, he never got the chance to hear more about Connor and their relationship. His father, Dave, didn’t talk much about Connor, and Chip couldn’t really blame him. In a sense, Connor had taken Celeste away from Dave. First, with spirit visitations, then with afterlife gifts, and finally by welcoming her with open arms into his world permanently. Apparently, Celeste and Connor shared a closeness that Dave was never able to achieve. Both in life and in death, they were powerfully connected.

  Somehow, Chip was strongly connected to Connor as well. He had never met him on Earth, but Connor had served as his guide and protector from the afterlife. Chip felt he knew Connor pretty well and had even come to think of him as a trusted friend and teacher. But why would a man that had never even met him want to be so involved in his life? What was the purpose of his visits? What was Connor trying to achieve?

  Chip began putting the pictures back into the box, but as he reached inside, the tan corduroy bottom of the box wiggled a little.

  Hmm. How odd, he thought. It seems the box has a loose bottom.

  Chip pressed on the bottom. The box popped open, revealing a secret, hidden compartment at its base. He pul
led out a folded piece of paper. It seemed his mother had a secret. Chip was perplexed, because Celeste wasn’t the type to keep secrets. She was always so honest and taught him to be the same. He carefully unfolded the paper, wondering what could possibly be inside. What did his mother have to hide? He glanced at the artistic handwriting and began to read a note his mother had written to his father.

  Dear Dave,

  This is a really hard letter for me to write. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. Although this happened four years ago, I have lived with the guilt since then, and I believe you deserve to know the truth. Although we’ve had our differences, I love and respect you. We may not agree on a lot of things, but you have always been a good husband and a good provider. I am thankful for the life you have given me and for our wonderful son, Chip.

  What I am trying to say is that when we were first married, I slept with another man. It only happened once, and it was a mistake. It wasn’t a stranger I met in a bar, and I had no intentions of ever cheating on you. But he and I have a history. He moved away, and I hadn’t seen him in a long time. When he came back home for a short visit, we agreed to meet. It was supposed to be just a simple chat among old friends. Somehow, our old feelings resurfaced, and we accidentally fell back into each other’s arms. I really have no idea how it even happened. I didn’t tell him I was married, so please don’t think he was trying to steal me away from you. He’s not like that. He’s a good man and would never interfere with my relationship with you.

  I’m so sorry, Dave. I never meant to hurt you. I hope you can take comfort in knowing that I chose to stay with you and that nothing else happened between us. And, I assure you it won’t happen again. Please forgive me.



  Chip’s face paled, and he sat there clutching the letter. Sadness filled his heart as he realized what this could all mean. He had to find out the truth.

  chapter 7

  divine intervention

  The sun was setting over the sparkling lake in radiant shades of orange and pink. Connor and Celeste sat together on the soft, damp beige sand, holding hands and quietly taking in the beauty of their surroundings. They enjoyed many moments like this—if you could even call them moments. Their encounters were actually timeless. Past, present, and future were not linear in their world. Time neither stood still nor moved forward; it was instead just one cohesive existence with everything occurring simultaneously. That’s just how the afterlife worked. Heaven was both eternal and timeless. There was never a choice of whether or not to live in the present moment. Every being that resided there was fully present, always loving, always forgiving, and always joyful. The fundamentals were quite different and much simpler than on Earth. They all remembered their earthly existence, and were still connected to those they left behind, but with a greater awareness and understanding of how their physical lives played out and why.

  On Earth, Connor and Celeste were friends, former lovers, and soul mates. Now together in the afterlife, their joint mission included helping to bring peace and understanding to the earth realm. They took this mission seriously and were honored to be working behind the scenes as guardian angels and teachers. Their love could transform even the darkest situation.

  Connor brushed a strand of Celeste’s wavy blonde hair away from her face and looked deep into her ocean-blue eyes. As he leaned in to kiss her, their bodies became illuminated in a shimmering white light. His lips met hers and sent tingling waves of electricity pulsing through both of them. Then it happened again, just as it had so many times. Their bodies effortlessly melded together as one, creating one of the most powerful forces of love between two souls that the universe had ever known. An explosion of color brought them back to the beach where they still sat.

  They lingered in silence for a while longer, basking in the warmth and comfort of their love and the love of all creation. Finally, Celeste spoke.

  “Do you think he knows?” she asked.

  “I’m not sure,” Connor replied. “I’ll have to check in on him again soon. I do know he read the letter, so he may suspect by now.”

  “How do you think he’ll feel once he knows the truth?”

  “Well, everything will make more sense to him, that’s for sure,” Connor replied. “He’ll know why I’ve spent so much time helping him and visiting with him.”

  “But what about his feelings toward me?” Celeste asked with concern. “Do you think he’ll be angry? Upset? Forgiving?”

  “Chip’s a very loving man, Celeste. I doubt he could stay angry with you for long. I think he’ll come to understand why you made the choices you did. Besides, he’s got wonderful insight into both human emotions and the spirit world. He’s studying to be a psychologist, after all. He’ll work it out.”

  “I hope so,” she said. “I just don’t want him to feel hurt or betrayed.”

  “I’ve always loved that about you, you know.” Connor smiled in his usual charming manner.

  “What?” she asked.

  “You’re very kindhearted,” he replied. “I admire the way you’ve always put others before yourself.”

  “Oh that.” She smiled back at him shyly, sweetly, even after so many years.

  Connor thought back to when they were together on Earth. He would never forget that first night they met during a blind dinner date at his friend’s house. Her beauty, her charm, immediately entranced him. She wasn’t at all like the other girls he had dated. She had a sweet innocence about her. Celeste was never selfish or boastful. Her heart was kind and pure. She was the type of woman a man could love forever.

  Connor and Celeste continued to enjoy the breathtaking view of the beach scene that was all around them. Seagulls glided through the sky above, their calls floating around the beach in a harmonious, melodic tune. The gentle waves rhythmically flowed back and forth, creating a peaceful sound that soothed the soul. They were truly in paradise.

  Connor was thankful to have Celeste by his side again. He didn’t like the manner in which she had died. He shuddered when he thought about how she felt as the car struck her or the fear she experienced when she found herself in the afterlife. At least he was able to greet her and comfort her as she crossed over. And knowing that her death was a predestined event that led him and Celeste to their higher purpose also helped put things in perspective.

  Working together with his true love in the afterlife felt right, and it brought Connor an incredible sense of joy and peace. They hadn’t been able to overcome their differences and enjoy a happy, healthy relationship on Earth. But all was well now. They were closer and more connected than ever. Together, they had been helping so many lost souls to spiritually advance and had assisted countless people on Earth. Both Connor and Celeste took pride in their purpose and were always so thrilled when a person who had been hurting, grieving, or in a bad place was able to overcome their hardships and find happiness. Serving others was truly the greatest gift that God had given them.

  Connor could feel that they had another big assignment coming up. He had noticed something stirring deep in his soul that led him to believe the time was drawing near. It wouldn’t be long now.

  “What are you thinking?” Celeste asked, breaking his train of thought. He really didn’t know why she even asked him such questions anymore, since they had grown so close they could effortlessly read each other’s minds if they concentrated. But Celeste liked conversation. She enjoyed the exchange of words, even if she already knew what they were going to be. She believed that questions and conversation brought two souls closer together and that using telepathy was too easy. The real challenge was to take those thoughts and feelings and then convert them into meaningful words and phrases.

  “I’m thinking about you. About us. About our mission,” he replied with a contemplative look on his face. He always took these matters very seriously and was a very ambitious, diligent worker.

  “I feel it, too,” she said. “A new assignment is coming—an
d it’s big.”

  Celeste smiled at him as she ran her fingers through his wavy brown hair. She looked deep into his brown eyes, and he returned her gaze and flashed her his familiar charming smile. He couldn’t imagine loving her any more than he did at that moment. He was magnetically attracted to her and could not resist the pull that drew him closer. Connor leaned in to kiss Celeste, and their lips met gently yet passionately. He felt a wave of uplifting energy run through him and could tell that she was feeling the same. How did he ever let her go on Earth? Being separated from her seemed impossible now. Reading his mind, Celeste responded.

  “I don’t know how I walked away from you then,” she said. “I guess we both had a few things to learn and experience before we could be together.”

  “Yep,” he agreed. “It wasn’t the right time or place for us. What we have now is so much richer and deeper than we could have ever had then.”

  “For sure.” She smiled as a cool chill brushed across their bodies. That was the signal. It was time. Their mission was about to be revealed.

  A silvery swirling cloud appeared, followed by a bright flash of light like the bulb in a camera. Jorge Feliz stepped out in all his joyous, wise glory. Jorge had been their mentor since they had first arrived in the afterlife, and they had both learned so much from him. He was a more advanced soul, with a wealth of knowledge and experience in spiritual intervention, training new arrivals and ensuring each mission was carried out successfully. He had a calm, peaceful energy about him and always appeared in a white robe trimmed in shining gold. He was a mature man, with whitish-gray hair and kind blue eyes. He was a powerful force of good that God depended on to keep the universe in order.

  Jorge began walking toward them, and Connor could feel the increasing warmth of his presence. Jorge smiled radiantly and greeted Connor and Celeste with a friendly, warm embrace before sitting down in the sand to fill them both in.


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