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Page 10

by Natavia

  “I work for him,” Sy’noba said.

  “Does Koja know about him?” I asked Sy’noba.

  “No, but I can let him know what’s up if you want me to,” the stranger said.

  “You are on my property. I ask what the hell I want to ask. This matter doesn’t concern you,” I replied. He lifted up Sy’noba’s chin and gave her a deep kiss.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, beautiful,” he said. He leapt up a tree and vanished into the darkness of the woods.

  “How dare you act like a slut!” I yelled at her.

  “Lower your voice, sister, or you’ll be joining your pride sister, Elsey, in death,” she snarled.

  “Are you fucking that outsider?” I replied and she crossed her arms.

  “Why, what’s it to you?” she replied.

  “You cannot go outside of this pride.”

  “Shut the hell up for once. You make no sense to me. You’re concerned about me giving myself to someone else and about me being Koja’s next wife. We both know you’ll die if he makes me his wife. So, instead of scolding me like a child, you should be praising me for not wanting his disgusting ass,” she said.

  “You are going to bring trouble to this pride by spending time with an outsider,” I warned her.

  “Yesssss, mother. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I would like to get ready for work tomorrow,” she blushed.

  “I have to let Koja know about this,” I replied.

  Sy’noba slammed me into a tree by my throat. She raised me above her head and her menacing eyes glowed at me. Sy’noba pulled out a strand of her hair and it turned into a gold knife.

  “Don’t you dare threaten me again. You’re already on my bad side. Tell Koja about this and I will slaughter you the same way the hyenas slaughtered your mother. Do you know who I am?” her voice echoed. Her face began forming into the shape of her lion’s. Her nails sharpened and pierced through my neck. Blood dripped down my chest as she squeezed my throat tighter.

  “I am a server of Sekhmet. The Egyptian goddess of war but something tells me you knew all along. I can see it in your eyes. This pride doesn’t want to go to war with me, Asha. Do you understand?” she asked.

  “Y-yess,” I replied.

  “I can’t hear you. Cat got your tongue?” she asked.

  “YES!” I shouted.

  Sy’noba dropped me on the ground and watched me gasp for air.

  “My mother told me you were going to be a witch but I didn’t believe her,” I whispered.

  “Remember that time when I healed you? Koja attacked you because you didn’t make a big hunt. I was around ten years old and you laid in the middle of the floor with your neck slit open. I sucked the life out of you and breathed a new one into you. When I healed you, I saw glimpses of your life. Your mother was evil, she was going to drive a dagger right into my chest when I was a baby. But my goddess saved me, her spirit whispered into the ears of the hyenas and they attacked your mother. You were right there and saw everything but because she was your mother, I didn’t hold anything against you. You couldn’t have stopped her from trying to kill me. Father knew your mother was wicked, but he kept her around because of the love he had for you. So, don’t you dare call me a witch! I gave you life so you will show me some respect,” Sy’noba said.

  “Just leave! I won’t tell Koja about it. Leave our pride alone because you will destroy it. My mother was a great mate and I loved her!” I stood up to face Sy’noba.

  “You and your so-called gift don’t scare me. Leave my pride and don’t ever return. I will figure out a way to kill you with every breath in my body if you do,” I said.

  “This is the best thing you’ve ever done for me, although you’re a little late. I was leaving anyway. First, I have to get my things, I’ll wait until everyone is asleep first,” she said and walked away. Sy’noba was a stranger to me. She used to be a happy girl when she was younger. I wished I could rewind time and do things differently. The love and hate I had for her angered me. In a way, I didn’t want her to leave but I also couldn’t stomach Koja mating with her—my baby sister who I raised as my own. Maybe I could have escaped but where would I go? I didn’t know how to live amongst humans or work like them. Me and my cubs would’ve been homeless. Thinking about everything made me angry all over again. I was trapped with nowhere else to go.

  What am I supposed to do? I thought. Tears filled my eyes then suddenly they began to fall. I had two choices: stay with Koja or leave and possibly put myself and my cubs in harm’s way. The only way I could live a peaceful life with my mate is if I killed Toyi after Sy’noba leaves. The other females in the pride were older, Koja preferred younger lionesses. With Toyi and Sy’noba out of the way, Koja would rely on me and treat me how he used to. Instead of going in the house, I shifted into my cat and took off running through the woods. I’d gotten lazy over the years and it was time for me to find the strength I once had. Koja was going to be in for surprise. I was going to bring him back two deer. Sy’noba taught me one thing, the strongest survive.

  An hour later…

  Damn it, what was I thinking trying to drag two deer back to the house? I thought. One deer hung over my back and the other deer I dragged in my mouth. The mother and her baby were by a lake in the woods when I snuck up on her. I snapped her neck and the baby deer being so young didn’t realize how much danger it was in before I killed it. As soon as I made it to the house, I roared for Koja to come to the yard so he could see what I brought him. Seconds later, the back door swung open and Koja walked outside wearing silk pajama pants.

  “My wife has come to her senses, eh? A little competition never hurts,” he said.

  “I have gotten lazy,” I replied. He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my hips.

  “You are my first wife so you know me better than anyone in this pride. You even know me more than my brothers. I shouldn’t have to tell you to do things all the time, you should just do it, but because you showed me your old self, I will take you on a date tomorrow. You can wear a sexy dress and we can dance all night long to music I don’t understand,” he smirked. That was the Koja I fell in love with when I was younger.

  “Will Toyi be coming?” I asked.

  “She can stay here and watch the cubs. It will be just us like old times,” he replied.

  “Enjoy your late-night dinner,” I said.

  “If the cubs are awake, tell them to come out. Baby deer don’t have enough meat for me,” he replied.

  Sy’noba was in the kitchen drinking a pitcher of water when I walked through the back door.

  “Awww, Koja almost looked innocent,” she said and I hissed at her.

  “Lighten up, sis. It was a little humor,” she replied.

  Toyi came into the kitchen with a towel wrapped around her. She was fresh out of the shower from washing Koja’s sex off her body.

  “Doesn’t Sy’noba look happy? She’s glowing and her cheeks are always red. I wonder who he is,” Toyi said.

  “Why so you can fuck him, too, and give him cubs?” I asked.

  “Koja picked me in case you’ve forgotten. As I recall, you were the one who prepped me for him the night he took my innocence. You taught me everything about him and now you’re angry with me?” Toyi asked.

  “I taught you how to act like a second wife! Not the head bitch of the pride,” I replied.

  “I give y’all space and I only come when he wants me to. Maybe he enjoys me because I don’t care enough to ask him a lot of questions. I do what I have to do for this pride and my cubs and that’s it! If this is sooo much of a tradition, why are you so green with envy? I guess even you know the tradition should’ve stayed with our ancestors,” she said. My cat roared and Toyi backed away from me.

  “Don’t tempt me, Toyi. Respect the real queen of this pride. You’re still a cub to me, so if I were you, I would choose my words wisely,” I warned and Sy’noba laughed.

  “You have no clout here. You couldn’t even stop my punishment,” S
y’noba said.

  “Maybe because I didn’t want to,” I replied and sadness filled her eyes. She huffed at me before she went down to the basement.

  “Did you bring any food for the rest of the pride?” Toyi asked when she looked out the window and saw Koja eating.

  “There are steaks in the fridge,” I said.

  “Fresh meat is healthier,” she replied.

  “And so is Friskies. Good night, bitch,” I mumbled underneath my breath as I left the kitchen.

  Kill two birds with one stone. It will just be me very soon, I thought.


  T he house didn’t get quiet until four o’clock in the morning. I hurriedly packed my things while Riya was in Jinsi’s bedroom. There wasn’t a lot to pack because I didn’t have much. I only had a few clothes and shoes I made because everything else was work clothes. The clothes and shoes Eze bought me were at Saber Estates. Behind a dresser was a hole in the wall. I reached inside and pulled out money I managed to hide since I’d been working. It was only three thousand dollars but it was mine. When I heard the basement door open, I kicked my backpack underneath the bed and pretended to be asleep. Koja would’ve sent the whole pride after me if he knew I was escaping. I feared the pride would follow me to Eze’s home. As my bedroom opened, I closed my eyes and started snoring. The scent was familiar; I knew who it was without seeing his face. The bed squeaked when he laid his muscular frame next to me. My teeth gritted when he rubbed his fingers through my hair.

  “I have been thinking about you all day. You smell amazing,” he said against the back of my neck. His hand slid up my shirt and cuffed my breasts. His erection poked at my butt.

  “I need to feel the inside of you. My cat won’t rest until he does. I can smell the wetness that seeps from between your slit,” he rambled. My plan was to make a clean escape without fighting and being followed. Attacking Koja would alert the others. I was hoping fake sleeping would send him off. My body tensed when he slid his hand inside my panties. He plucked at my clit and gently bit the back of my neck. The light came on in the basement and I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. It was Asha.

  “Koja, I think Mekah ate too much. Come and help me. He’s choking in his sleep,” she said when she walked into the bedroom. Koja pulled his fingers out of my panties in frustration. Mekah was Koja’s favorite because he was the prince of the pride.

  “I’ll be back,” Koja told me before he left out of the basement. Asha’s eyes glowed at me.

  “Hurry up and get your things. I will tell him you went to hunt for breakfast,” she said. I hurriedly grabbed my backpack and ran up the stairs. She opened the back door in the kitchen and pushed me out.

  Thank you, I thought.

  GO! I hear him coming back down, she replied.

  I ran and jumped over the tall fence when I heard Koja yelling at Asha. Excitement flowed through my body, making me run faster. Saber Estates was miles away on foot but the run was worth it.

  The sun was peeking over the clouds when I arrived at Eze’s home. I rang the doorbell, exhausted. I’d never run so fast in my life. Seconds later, Quanir opened the door, yawning and stretching.

  “What’s going on?” he asked.

  “Where is Eze?” I replied.

  “Upstairs. EZE!” Quanir roared.

  “I’ll go wake him,” I replied and he shrugged his shoulders.

  I ran up the spiral staircase then down the hall to Eze’s room. When I pushed the double-doors in, time froze. Lynx was lying on Eze’s chest as he peacefully slept. She was wide awake and smiling at me.

  “You’re at work early, don’t you think?” she asked. She pulled the cover off her body and was wearing a provocative panty and bra set.

  “EZE!” I called out to him and he hurriedly jumped up.

  “What’s going on?” I asked.

  “It’s not what you think,” he said.

  “Tell her I’m your mate,” Lynx said.

  “No, you’re not my mate! Just chill out and let me talk to Sy’noba in private,” he said. Lynx snatched her robe off the chair in the corner of the room before she left out of the bedroom. She wasn’t the only one who felt betrayed.

  “I thought we had chemistry.”

  “We do but I slipped up the other night and slept with Lynx. She came over last night wanting to do it again but I couldn’t. We fell asleep together last night and that’s it,” he said.

  “It doesn’t matter. I only came here so you can open the portal to Tiban. I’m going there for good,” I replied.

  “For good?” he asked.

  “There is nothing here for me anymore.”

  Eze walked over to me and I stepped away from him.

  “I made a mistake, Noba. You know my heart is with you and only you. Lynx went in heat the other night and it was hard to resist,” he admitted.

  “She’s carrying your cub?” I asked.

  “I think so,” he said.

  “How dare you put your nasty mouth on me if you had it on her? What kind of man are you? Let me guess, you thought I was a charity case. Take me shopping, tell me romantic things then you go and fuck her! Someone you said is your sister. I was thinking about giving my body to you because I thought we connected. Looks like I was wrong,” I replied. Eze’s eyes pleaded with mine, but I was used to hurt coming from those I cared about. His sad eyes meant nothing to me.

  “We weren’t together when I slept with her!” Eze yelled at me.

  “FUCK YOU!” I yelled back.

  He ran after me when I stormed out of his bedroom.

  “Sorry for yelling! Stop walking and talk to me!” he called out as he followed me down the stairs. Suddenly, he jumped over my head and ended up at the bottom of the stairs.

  “This isn’t like us. Can we just talk?” he pleaded.

  “My cat doesn’t talk, she’s a fighter and she’s ready to come out, so I suggest you move,” I said.

  “I’m trying to get some sleep!” Quanir said when he came around the corner.

  “All I want is for you to open the portal. If you can’t, I will do it myself,” I said.

  “Go ahead, ‘cause I’m not doing shit,” Eze said. I pushed him out of my way and headed for the library.

  “Get off your bullshit!” Eze called out to me and I turned around to face him.

  “I will soon as I get home. Who knows, I might meet a nice wholesome cat who isn’t full of milk!” I replied and his eyes glowed.

  “Are you trying to make me jealous? Plus, I’m the king so what I say goes! Your mate will have to answer to me and bow when he sees me,” Eze said. His ego was bruised.

  “Let her go,” Lynx said when she walked into the library.

  “I thought I asked for privacy, so why are you still here, Lynx? I’m trying to talk to my mate in peace!” he yelled at her. Eze calmed himself down after a while. He was getting frustrated and the hair of his animal was sticking out of his skin.

  “Look, I apologize to the both of you for yelling but I just want to explain myself,” Eze said and I crossed my arms.

  “You called her your mate,” Lynx said.

  “Yes, I did because I want to mate with her when she’s ready,” Eze replied.

  “But we mated,” Lynx said.

  “We had sex. Mating is when you take an oath of being together for life, something we didn’t do nor talk about,” Eze said.

  “You just met her. Why on Earth would you think she’s the one?” Lynx asked.

  “I know she’s the one and she knows it, too,” Eze said while staring at me.

  “I’m emotional,” Quanir said and wiped his eyes.

  “You can have him, Lynx. Do whatever you want with him because obviously males seem to like weaklings. The ones that say, ‘how high do you want me to jump.’”

  “I’m not weak!” Lynx said.

  “Y’kiki does have a point. You practically begged for the dick last night. I heard you all the way downstairs from the game room,” Quanir said
, scrolling through his cellphone. Lynx snatched it from him and smashed it against the wall. She shifted and attacked Quanir. While they were fighting and Eze tried to break it up, I snuck off to the portal. I moved the picture from the wall and hurriedly slid down the dark tunnel until I came to the big stone wall. Eze was stronger than I was, he could move the heavy stone with ease. Suddenly, the symbol on my necklace glowed and the wall rattled as it opened. The gold light beamed in my eyes and then it went away. I jumped out of the portal and Ockbutu was sitting on a rock in front of me.


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