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Honey Babe

Page 8

by Nikki Bolvair

  “You have a good time talking to the girls?” Aaron asked, bringing my gaze back to him. He was sitting beside me currently eating his own food.

  “Yes, they seem nice.”

  Seth settled into the chair at the desk. “Did they tell you they we’re previous FBI agents?”

  My head shook. “No. Actually, they didn't.”

  Seth chuckled. “We've known Melissa from a long time ago. For a brief while, she was in the foster home that we grew up in.”

  My eyebrows lifted. “Foster home? You were in the system?”

  Weston answered from the side of the bed. “Yeah. We all come from broken homes and made something of ourselves. And now we’re here with you.”

  I ducked my head back down to my food and pushed a piece of chicken around the styrofoam box. “I’m not sure what you want from me. It seems to me you want what the other two have, but with the three of you,” I lifted my head up to find all eyes on me, “I'm not sure I’m ready for that. You have to understand, I didn't know who I was a year ago. I barely know who I am, now. I'm not sure can have such a relationship when I'm still getting to know me.”

  Weston spoke softly. “We’ll go slow, then.”

  My gaze turned to his heated one. I spent the night with his body wrapped around mine. Going slow wasn’t in his vocabulary. “It seems you and I have passed the stage of going slow.”

  His lips curled up. Putting down his fork and twisting my way, he leaned across the space that separated the two beds. “Babe, fast or slow, days or weeks, you’re going to end up back where you were last night. It will just be up to you if I put on the heat or if you’re going to play coy about it.”

  The heat in my stomach and chest ignited, and I turned away from him to get my lust under control.

  “Such big talk,” Seth jested, and Aaron chuckled as Weston tossed a piece of chicken Seth’s way. He caught it expertly in his mouth.

  “What are your expectations for us being together?” I murmured. “You three are very handsome men. Worthy of getting any girl.” I swallowed, feeling the tingles all over. “I can't help but feel bad you get stuck with me. I mean, none of us asked for this. It was just decided that our feelings and emotions are so caught up in each other that we see no one else?” I lifted my eyes to Seth. “Is that what happened? Why you came my way at the gym? Why Weston slept with me? That pool of desire deep within my chest, the heat and crackle that trembles over my skin, my bones, it will never go away? Is it a curse or a blessing?” I asked, more to myself than to the others.

  “Look, I may not be the best with words,” Aaron stated from beside me, “but all of us are kind of stumbling in the dark with this. Relationship wise, let's try it. Let’s see if we all mesh together. Go on dates, talk, do whatever. See how it goes. But we can do that later, right now what we need to work on first is getting you safe. Which means finding Bane and figuring out how to shut him down.”

  “There was another woman taken at the same time as you. We don't know where she is now,” Weston butted in. “We need to find her, too.”

  Ah, yes. My friend at the hospital that was a ward of the state. At least, that’s what Trisha told me. Bringing her up sparked another question. “Have any of you had feelings for any of the other girls?”

  It was a legitimate question. Was I going to have to share them?

  All of them lifted their eyebrows and shook their head no.

  “There’s only one girl in each group,” Seth answered.

  Aaron took my hand, and I gave him my attention. “Are you worried our attentions will go to someone else?”

  I shrugged, unsure how I felt. It was all so new and different. “Maybe?”

  A little twinge of jealousy reared up inside at the thought of them finding another woman. Possibly one of them having a reaction to her. I watched as little sparks trickled out of Aaron’s fingertips onto my skin.

  He rubbed his thumb against the center of my palm to soothe me. “You don’t have to worry about that.”

  I took in a deep breath. “I'd be willing to try it.” My eyes glanced up to his own because there was something there. “So what's the plan now? Do I get to be in on the plan, too?”

  “Our plan is to get you in to see the doc then get you back to the mountain. We’re leaving tomorrow,” Seth supplied. “Aaron will take you. Weston and I are staying behind to see if we can locate the other woman who was taken and find Bane and his establishment.”

  A little unnerved by it all, I asked, “The doctor at the base, will he do tests on me? Like…surgery?”

  “No.” Weston sounded stern as he leaned between the space where the side table separated the beds and caught my hand. His green eyes glinted like emeralds with a hardness I had yet to see. “No, he may take some blood, but that’s as far as he goes at this point.”

  Relief filled me. “And what will I do at the mountain?”

  Weston let go of me and stood. I watched him put his food on the side table as Aaron answered, “You’ll get settled first, I suppose, then help us make the place into a home. Even help us come up with ideas on what type of things you’d like to see there.”

  When I twisted around, my food almost spilled off my lap as my leg caught my memory box on the right of me. The box tipped over, spilling out the contents as I caught the food.

  Glancing into Aaron's amused gaze, I twisted my lips at his amusement. “Hey, at least I caught it.”

  The guys laughed. Seth pointed his fork at the small box. “What’s inside? Will you share it with us?”

  Weston went back to the drawer with the gun and pulled it out. “I gotta go,” He holstered it on his side hip before he leaned down and planted an unexpected kiss on my lips as if we’d been married for years. He turned to leave. “I won't be long.”

  Seth got up and came to my side, having me scooch over so I sat in the middle. “So, what’s in the box?”


  I swept the contents back into the box and placed it on my lap. “It’s where I keep things that trigger a memory of some kind. Things that may not make sense but seem familiar.”

  Curious, Seth leaned closer. “What if something is too big to put in the box?”

  I opened it and pulled out a photo of the alleyway where the Jameses found me and handed it to Seth. “I take a picture.”

  Aaron slid the box off my lap onto his and pulled out purple nail polish that I bought at the store. He held it up. “What about this? Why did you choose this? Was it for the color?”

  I shook my head. “No and yes. I like the color, but it was the brand logo that caught my attention.” I took the small bottle from him. “Something about the curves and the lines seemed familiar.”

  He nodded, reaching in to grab something else.

  “Here, let me have it.” Seth held an arm across my body, reaching for the box. “It’s a long shot, but there might be clues to Bane in here that she’s not aware of.”

  Seth grabbed the box and sifted through my things. He held up a print out from the internet of the cancer foundation. “What's this?”

  “It just caught my eye.” I shrugged. “Now, I know why.”

  “And this?” He pulled out a picture of a Dalmatian.

  “I don’t know.” I took the photo from him and stared at the sweet black and white spotted dog. “The breed just seemed familiar. Did I have one?”

  “No.” Aaron took the photo out of my hands and looked it over. He glanced up, his gaze inquisitive. “Do you want one?”

  I blushed and gave a shrug. “I don’t know.”

  We went through a few more things with me explaining what they were about if I could, but when Seth came up to my latest memory spark, he grew keenly interested in it. It was the thin postcard advertisement for the fertility clinic. “Why this? Out of everything, why this?”

  I shrugged. “I don't know. Maybe because there was a baby on it? There was just something familiar.”

  Seth turned the card over, studying it until his ey
es widened. He passed it to Aaron. “Look at the name at the bottom.”

  My head turned with the passing of the card. “Wait, what name?”

  “Shit,” Aaron muttered.

  “Yeah.” Seth stood. “He was hiding in plain sight the whole time.”

  When I grabbed the card from Aaron, I found the small print at the bottom that listed Dr. Bane as the business owner.

  Aaron and Seth wanted to check it out right away, and nighttime was perfect to do something like that. They would check it out and get information on where Bane lived and what he was doing. But they weren't going to leave me behind. The two of them got on their phones while I sat there staring at the name I didn’t recognize.

  Moments later, Weston came in toting a large bag. My gaze drew up to his as he plopped it on the bed.

  “For you.” He dipped down without hesitation and kissed me straight on the mouth before turning away and pulling off his shirt. He headed back toward the entrance but veered into the bathroom.

  I wasn't sure what to do. Both Aaron and Seth followed him, explaining what was going on while my mind rushed a mile a minute. I opened the bag and found new bras, clothes, a pair of shoes, and underwear. I also discovered another bag inside. It was a grocery bag with my favorite cereal. I don’t know how he knew, but my heart warmed at his gesture.

  The guys argued in the bathroom about who would go and investigate the fertility clinic. Finally, Seth took the upper hand when they came out, stating that this was originally his mission. “You guys came along, and I’m in charge. Aaron, you’re staying behind.”

  Aaron tossed me a wry grin. “I guess that’s not too much of a hardship.”

  I swung my feet to the floor and stood, folding my arms. “You guys want to clue me in here?”

  Seth passed the other two and cupped his hands around my shoulders before sliding them down to my hands. His gaze softened. “Sorry, honey. We didn’t mean to leave you out. Weston and I are going to check out a place. We think it’s Bane.”

  Still in the dark about how dangerous this man was, I nodded and lifted on my toes to kiss his lips. His fingers tightened on mine, and when I drew away, Seth’s gaze darkened.

  The roughness of his voice skated along my skin. “What was that for?”

  “Shit, a girl kisses you, asshole, you do not ask why.” Weston shoved him away. “You go with it.” With a gleam in his eyes, he curled an arm around my waist, cupped the back of my head, and laid his mouth on me. His body was hard and unforgiving in that moment.

  “Let the woman breathe, Wes.” Aaron chuckled.

  Memories of what took place last night surfaced, and my body came alive. He let my mouth go, nipping at my bottom lip. “Shut it, Aaron.” Then, he addressed me with a growl. “Later, you and I are going to finish this.” He eased me from his arms and the intensity he held for me, getting back to the mission. “Let's go!”

  While the other two left, I dropped back onto the bed, and Aaron followed, eyeing the bag Weston brought me. “What did he get you?”

  “Clothes and stuff.” I shrugged, handing off my half-eaten dinner. Aaron got up and tossed it in the trash. “Did he get you any, you know…” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Anything to wear for nighttime?”

  I wanted to roll my eyes, but resisted. “I brought my own clothes, my own things. I don't know why he went out and got me new ones. Yes, I have a nightgown.”

  He nodded, dropping his hand. “Good. He probably just needed to do something for you. Take care of you. You didn’t bring a whole lot of stuff.”

  My lips twisted as my eyes narrowed in on him. “You didn’t give me a whole lot of time.”

  He shoved his hands into his pockets, nodding. “Yeah, I guess there is that. You should take a shower.” His eyes widened, realizing what he said. “Not that you smell or anything. It’s just the other guys are gone, and you might be more comfortable doing it now before they’re back.”

  I chuckled, amused at his discomfort. I did need to shower.

  Then my laughter fell as I remembered the last one I had… I swallowed, now embarrassed that he might not be far off from the truth. “Yeah, I guess I should.”

  I grabbed the bag of new clothes and slid it off the bed. Going over to the corner where the AC unit was, I put the shopping bag beside my own bag and pulled out my own things for my shower.

  “Towels are in there,” Aaron said. “I'll jump in after you. And maybe we can watch a movie afterward?” His voice rose up at the end in question.

  Giving him a small smile, I answered, “I’d like that.”

  “Okay, good.” He nodded with a little more enthusiasm.

  I went into the bathroom and locked the door, then went through the motions of getting in the shower.

  Once lathered and washed, I rinsed and got out, putting on my PJ shorts, which looked more like boxers with the cute pink band around the waist, and a gray tank top.

  When I came out of the shower, Aaron had his things already gathered in time to switch with me. He leaned in just like Weston had and gave me a kiss before he walked into the bathroom, shutting the door. Again, it shocked me how there wasn't any barrier.

  I threw myself back on the bed, wondering how much longer Weston and Seth would be gone. Not wanting to go down that road, wondering if they would be caught or not, I switched on the TV and surfed through the channels the hotel offered. They only gave basic cable. Was Aaron willing to pay for a movie? He did say a movie, didn't he?

  So, I surfed to the movies, found one I’d been wanting to see, and left it there, waiting for Aaron and hoping I could convince him.

  A cell phone buzzed on the side table. It wasn’t mine, and I debated whether I should answer it. The vibration stopped and started up again. After the vibration stopped the second time, a beep came in a moment later, signaling a text.

  I knew I shouldn't, but I picked up the phone and clicked the messages. There was one marked urgent from a guy named Tristen.

  I skipped his, not knowing who it was, and opened the other message that was from Weston.

  Weston: The clinic is closed up. Found his house and everything is gone. I don't know what to think. Looks like he just left in a hurry.

  A knock to sound at the door, and I flipped the phone closed. I tensed because the shower still ran, and I didn't know if I should answer.

  The knock came again. “Housekeeping.”

  Did they do housekeeping this late at night? I didn’t think so.

  The door opened, and a woman came in wearing black. She was definitely not housekeeping. I scrambled up as she aimed a gun at me and fired. I ducked, but not quick enough. I dropped to the ground, my eyes rolling back in my head, and everything went black.



  Hot water sliced down my back as I lathered up, thinking about Amber in the other room. She was sweet, timid, smart, and beautiful. I needed time with her. Just to hold her, to keep her safe…in those tiny fuckin’ shorts she wore. They rode up just inches away from giving me a peek of her delicious ass. I thought about it, rubbing soap all along my chest. An ache and need coursed through my body, and I let my hand drift down to my cock and gripped it.

  I closed my eyes, placing my free hand against the wall, head bowed as I stroked myself, thinking about Amber in those shorts. How she’d curl up to me in bed, her sweet curves pressed against my frame. That beautiful laugh. How her eyes would light up. How I’d strip her down, lay her on the bed and make her gasp and moan as I touched every inch of her body. Until I made her mine.

  My thighs clenched as the pressure built up. I came quick and fast, groaning my release, and continued stroking myself to make it last longer. Lost in my euphoria, my body sagged, and my knees went weak. I barely registered the small scream muffled by the steady stream of water over my head.

  Now on alert, I scrambled out of the shower, letting the water still run so no one would know the difference, and slammed the bathroom door open to find people in masks
on the other side. Fuuuuck! They must have taken the opportunity while I was busy. The fuckers.

  Jumping into action, I threw a punch at the nearest guy before something caught me on my shoulder. I tore it out as another one stabbed me.

  “You don't want to do this,” I growled, sinking down to my knees, the knockout darts taking over.

  I heard the unmistakable voice of General Bane underneath the mask he wore, “Oh yes, son, I do.”

  Then, it was lights out.


  I woke up wearing only a pair of jogger pants and a gray shirt. Around my ankle, a metal cuff with the chain link attached me to the bed, which was bolted to the ground.

  What the fuck? Who did Bane think he was? He couldn’t hold me. He must know the others would come after us. I glanced around while testing my ankle restraints, trying to see if I could pull them apart. Our strength was beyond average. Bane knew that, though, and the cuff didn’t budge. I jerked the chain. It didn’t break. I used all of my strength.


  It must have been a new kind of metal, one that would hold us supers. I slammed my head down into my hands, gripping my hair. How the hell was I going to get out of this? I couldn’t sense Amber. I didn’t know if she was here with me or not, or where here was.

  I needed to come up with a plan. I got up, letting the chain swoosh around as a paced back-and-forth, contemplating ways to get out of this while I waited for someone to come. I considered all of our talents.

  Weston's persuasion. Seth with his agile abilities. He could always land on his feet in a fight. He was fast on his feet. Then my own ability to remember things and take in information like a photographic memory. The problem was, I wasn't able to do anything. I hadn't seen where we came in to process the information for escape. I didn’t know where they took Amber. I was in the dark.

  I went through all the other talents and abilities our guys had and knew that for this situation, none of them could help.

  Maybe I could reach out to Kellen. . . but he was nowhere near us. If he was near, I could possibly project my thoughts to him. I read about doing that somewhere in a book. Projecting thoughts and images.


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