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Dragon Flight: Sisera's Gift 3 (Dragonblood Sagas Book 5)

Page 14

by Robyn Wideman

  The corridor was constructed from quarried stone, which was very impressive to Kai considering how long it went on for. He could not wager a guess as to how long or how many men it would have taken. It was probably built with magic, he thought. It was wide enough for five grown men to walk side by side and so tall that Kai could jump and just barely touch the roof. The stone slabs were cut to the exact same size and shape which gave the hall a mesmerizing feel as they walked. There were no decorations to break up the pattern which amplified the feeling.

  The one thing that really stood out to Kai was how the walls glowed as they did at the Tower of Kings. The magical glow was comforting for him and reminded him of home. He wondered if he would ever see the Tower again.

  They walked for ten minutes down the twisting hall until it came to an abrupt end. Bastion continued forward and walked through the end wall as if it were an illusion. Kai was not surprised by this and followed the boy through without hesitation.

  Kai was strangely delighted to find that they had entered a massive cavern that bore incredible similarities to the cavern on Droll where Frida lived. Kai had previously thought the cavern on Droll was a natural anomaly but seeing a nearly identical cavern on Evresh had him questioning that. The only difference he could discern was that this cavern had many more mushrooms including giant ones growing prominently in the center, close to the stream that ran through the middle.

  This must all be created by magic? he thought. Kai decided he would ask about it at a later time. Bastion did not seem like he was in any mood to be answering questions as he rushed them down the meticulously maintained path toward the large house that was tucked into a grove of trees by a small pond.

  “Try not to track mud into the house,” Bastion said as they approached the entrance to the large two-story house. He led them up the front steps and into a wide foyer.

  Even the house is the same, Kai thought. The layout of the house was the same but the décor was vastly different. In this house, the walls were painted a rich blue with white trim and they were not covered in tapestries and artwork but instead with all shapes and sizes of mirrors.

  “Hey. Your boots,” Bastion shouted.

  Kai was startled and looked at his boots, which were tracking in bits of dirt and gravel on to the fine rug that lined the hallway. He apologized and went back outside to clean them off. He scraped the sole of his boots on the thick lawn that ran around the front of the house. When he was satisfied that they would be suitable, he went back inside to find Aarav already in discussion with an older woman.

  “And, this must be Kai Woods,” the woman said with a warm smile, raising her hand to pause Aarav in mid-sentence.

  Just one surprise after another, Kai thought as he greeted the woman who bore an incredible resemblance to Frida.

  The woman read his expression exactly. “Frida is my sister,” the woman said with a laugh. “She didn’t tell you, did she? Probably thought it would be funny. We came from the same pod. My name is Fronya.”

  Kai bowed his head in response. “I was just thinking how everything here was the same but different,” Kai said. ‘We came from the same pod’? I will have to find out about that, Kai thought but decided he must wait until the right moment.

  “It is quite something, isn’t it?” Fronya said as she led him and Aarav into the sitting room which had the same blue and white walls lined with mirrors. There were four large, overstuffed, leather couches in the center of the room. Fronya sat on one and motioned for Kai and Aarav to sit on the couch opposite. “There are caverns like this all over the world. Sanctuaries created thousands of years ago. We don’t know how they were made but they were already old when we came along. The Sisters hold a dozen or so of these caverns and each one is similar in design. They are all set in places of great power so we suspect the A’kil of ancient times used them for the same reasons we do today.”

  “Which are?” Kai asked.

  Fronya laughed. “Being in this place amplifies magical powers. Also, the caverns are well hidden from the world and protected by powerful wards. Very handy to have a well-protected home.”

  Bastion entered the room with a platter of mugs and a jug.

  “Oh good. Refreshments. Thank you, Bastion,” Fronya said and waved her hand. From the empty floor in the center of the square of couches, a table appeared. Bastion set the platter down on it and poured liquid from the jug into the mugs, handing out each one as he filled it. When he was finished, he took one for himself and settled down on the couch to the left of Fronya.

  Kai raised the cup to his lips and found the contents to be the juice of a fruit he was not familiar with. The clear liquid had a green tinge but a sweet, delicious taste.

  “Monkpear juice,” Fronya said. “It is Bastion’s favorite.”

  Kai looked to the tall boy, who scowled at the comment but remained silent. Kai could see that he was not comfortable talking about himself but had respect for Fronya so did not correct her.

  Fronya took no notice of the boy’s discomfort. “So, you’ve had quite the adventure already. I was expecting your arrival months ago so when Oshri contacted me it came as little surprise that you had gotten yourself into some trouble. Tell me.”

  Kai launched into the tale from the beginning. His companions all listened intently, including Bastion, whose scowl morphed into fascination. Fronya would gasp out loud occasionally during Kai’s recounting of his life on the island.

  “I owe you all a great debt for saving my life,” Kai said as he finished the story.

  “Aarav did most of the work. We just made it a lot easier for him,” Fronya said. “I must say though, you will have many more adventures before your journey is done. Evresh is not a land for the easily defeated so perhaps your time on the island was a test of your resolve for the road ahead.”

  Kai considered her words. “Perhaps you are correct. I worry that I won’t handle the road physically but, mentally, I am prepared for anything.”

  “That’s good. There are many dangers on this place that you can’t even imagine,” Bastion said. “And, that is not including the Pyx.”

  “The Pyx?” Kai asked, confused.

  The lanky boy broke into laughter. “You don’t know about the Pyx but you agreed to travel through their lands. Oh man. You are either really stupid or very brave.”

  “It does surprise me that Frida did not mention them to you,” Fronya said, a look of concern crossing her face. “The Pyx are a very old race of beings that control the Isle of Evresh. They allow the humans to populate only the southern tip of the island and only because they require a small amount of trade. They allow humans to mine the rich mountain ranges and the Pyx receive luxury goods that they do not have available to them here. It has been that way for many millennia.”

  “Even in the time of Dragons?” Aarav asked.

  “An ancient legend says the Pyx fought the dragons when they first came to Evresh. They won and took the island for themselves. They banished the lizards so there has not been a dragon on Evresh for many millennia. Mind you, dragons have a tendency to eat the larger, more vicious beasts so in that respect the island has suffered but the Pyx keep them away from the human settlements, on the understanding that we don’t disturb their way of life. The arrangement has worked well for everyone.”

  “So, what are they Pyx? If they are so much stronger than dragons, why haven’t I heard of them before?” Kai asked, confused by the new information.

  “You have. They are usually called fairies or sprites but those are just common names for tribes amongst the Pyx. The Fairies are a tribe that scouts and explores the world as their body type is more suited for the task. The Sprites are messengers because they can travel on light. They are the most common seen by humans. The others prefer the solitude and protection of Evresh. It is not the only settlement in the world but it is by far the largest. The Pyx consider Evresh to be their homeland.”

  “So, those little people from children’s stories are real
?” Kai was still trying to wrap his mind around what he was being told. “The one’s that sneak into houses and hobble boots?”

  “Don’t be so daft,” Bastion said and stood quickly. He was clearly not impressed with Kai’s ignorance. “The Pyx are powerful beings that should be shown the utmost of respect.”

  Kai was taken aback by Bastion’s outburst and left speechless. He looked to Fronya for assistance.

  Fronya smiled. “Bastion can be a little sensitive when it comes to speaking of the Pyx. He is studying with us to prepare himself for the Citadel. You will be passing through there on your journey to visit Sova, by the way.”

  “And you had best not embarrass me there,” Bastion said firmly.

  Kai looked again to Fronya for answers.

  “Bastion will be your guide. He travels frequently into the heartland of Evresh which is not something that many humans can say.”

  Kai looked at the young boy with surprise. The youth was tall for his age, standing eye to eye with Kai but did not have matching muscle structure. He looked to be more suited for a library than the wilderness.

  The boy caught his gaze and frowned. “Does that surprise you?” he asked with a snort.

  Kai was embarrassed and quickly apologized. “I did not mean to offend you.”

  Bastion scoffed again then turned to Fronya. “I’ll go get his things before they burn them,” he said then left the room without further acknowledging Aarav or Kai.

  “You’ll have to forgive him. He has spent a lot of time in the wilderness so his manners have suffered.,” Fronya said.

  Kai shrugged. “We will have to get used to each other, I guess,” he said. “Frida said that was to meet with Astrid Mallor in the marketplace. Are you Astrid?”

  “Oh my, no,” Fronya said with a laugh. “You will go see her tomorrow, though, before you leave. She is the only one of our order who still maintained contact with Sova Zlo after her … transgressions. You were to supply yourself there but that was before all this happened. We will outfit you here but you will still have to go see her for information.

  “Bastion had gone to recover your gear from the Scarlet Shade. Frida gave you a box, did she not?”

  Kai nodded as he remembered the intricately carved box. He had forgotten all about it when he was on the island but he recalled that it was still in his traveling bag.

  “Yes, well, the contents are imperative to your task. Hopefully Bastion can recover it. Until he returns, get cleaned up,” Fronya said, pushing herself up from the couch. She led Kai and Aarav down the hall and to a large bathing room, with two large pools. “There are fresh clothes for you both. Take your time and when you are ready return to the sitting room.”

  Kai and Aarav both took advantage of the large pools, a luxury Kai had never considered he would enjoy again when he was on the island. The two men happily let the hot pools soak out the seawater and soreness.

  “How about I come with you?”

  Kai opened his eyes when Aarav broke the silence.

  “I’m here already. I might as well come with you. You could probably use the help.” Aarav pulled himself up on the edge of his pool to look over at Kai’s.

  Kai considered the offer. “I would be happy to have you along,” he said. “Especially if it as dangerous a journey as they are telling us it will be. Are you not needed at back home? You have not told me any news yet.”

  “That is true. Too much going on that I completely forgot. Well, where to start. The cleanup of the Tower was progressing quickly after Oshri arrived. Jaime assumed command of what little remains of the Daxrah, maybe thirty men altogether. He split the men into two groups, one to travel to Prozia and the other to Kosal. They will recruit as many as they can through the countryside. There are many displaced soldiers who moved to the countryside once they were released from duty when the armies of the north dissolved. He wanted very badly to go on the mission to rescue you but he had to remain behind to oversee the process.”

  “What of Rosalie?”

  “She is with Amelia and Adina at the mine, caring for the afflicted. I don’t see much of her at all, even when I am there.”

  Kai pictured Rosalie hard at work and it made him smile. He longed to hold her again, run his hands through her soft hair as he kissed her full lips. His heart began to ache as he missed home but then his thoughts turned to Raven as she was as much a part of home as Rosalie was. He envisioned her being held captive by the Sacred Blood priest, her mind twisted to accept his commands. The smile quickly left his face and a sudden urgency overtook him.

  “Come on,” he said, pushing himself out of the pool. “Let’s get ready.”

  Fronya and Bastion were engaged in quiet conversation when Kai and Aarav entered the sitting room. Kai saw his weapons and satchel piled in the corner of the room. He had not even been sure that the pirates retrieved his belongings from the shack on the island. Kai was happy to see his bow still appeared to be in pristine condition.

  “Ah, good. As you can see, Bastion managed to get your belongings. He took the liberty of checking for the box which is thankfully still in your bag. I have some matters that need my attention immediately but you fellows could probably use some rest anyway. You will leave first thing in the morning. I will see you off,” Fronya said, standing up. “Bastion will show you to your room. Good night.”

  Fronya disappeared leaving Kai and Aarav in the care of the scowling boy.

  “Follow me,” Bastion said and led the two men upstairs to a room that contained two large beds. On a table to the side of the room was a variety of food.

  “Aarav is going to come with us,” Kai said placing his belongings in a corner of the room.

  “Oh good. Another one to keep alive,” Bastion said dryly. “Fine. Just make sure you are both ready to go in the morning. Astrid is expecting us early.”

  The boy shut the door hard behind him as he left.

  Kai and Aarav were both ravenous and attacked the food table, not bothering with plates and just eating from the platters themselves.

  After they had finished, each man chose a bed and retired for the night. Aarav was soon snoring but Kai had troubles falling asleep.

  What does Evresh have in store for me? he thought before drifting off.


  “What are people going to say when they see six large dragons flying together in a group?” Isabella said with a laugh. “Most people have never seen one dragon. Six will make them soil their pants and preach the end of days.”

  “Eight dragons. Six will carry Caritha while the other two provide an escort as well as rotate with the carriers,” Brendoth said.

  Isabella, Sisera, and Brendoth had departed from Cargoa as soon as Apophis heard her second-in-command’s idea to move Caritha. They had flown all day and were now using the cover of darkness to cross over Seron undetected. The six dragons that Apophis were sending to help would not have that protection and would likely be spotted from the ground by a multitude of people.

  “Even better,” Isabella said as she shifted to a standing position on Sisera’s back. They were nearing the monastery and she wanted to see it as they flew over so she had to move into a better position. The darkness made it very difficult to find but she soon saw telltale pinpricks of light that made the small monastery stand out on a dark mountain.

  Isabella had looked to see if she could spot the Tower of Mara but there was nothing but darkness where she figured it would be. “Someday, I will return home,” she thought.

  “We will return home.”

  Sisera’s sentiment made her smile.

  “Yes, we will return home,” Isabella said, rubbing a spot on the dragon’s back. “I would like to make a stop at the monastery just to let everyone know what is going on,” she said loudly enough for Brendoth to hear.”

  “It’s a good idea. Perhaps they will have an idea on what we can use for netting. I would like you to take me to Caritha first so I can set up the signal for the others,” Brendoth said.

  As they grew closer to the cave, Isabella could see that there was a fire going inside but it was being obscured so it could not be seen from a great distance. “Clever woman,” she thought.

  Adina was waiting outside the cave when they made a landing. “That didn’t take long,” she said as she embraced the Dragonblood girl. She looked up in awe at Brendoth as he passed her on his way into the cave to see to Caritha. He knocked over a woven bark shade that was set by the fire, allowing light to spill over the clearing in front of the cave.

  “You’ve been busy,” Isabella said as she pointed to the work table the healer had set up using the crate of materials she brought along. Covering the crate was a wide variety of apparatus that Adina used to make her potions.

  “She has responded to a few different treatments but I would need more time to really make a difference,” Adina said. “I managed to get her to eat half a cow so I know I am making progress.”

  “That’s incredible,” Sisera said, overjoyed at the older woman’s report. “I wish we had told you sooner.”

  “Why, may I ask, did you not?”

  Isabella and Sisera looked at each other, both with guilty expressions. “We didn’t think of it,” Isabella said. “You heal people, not dragons.”

  Adina laughed. “That may be so but the principals are the same.”

  “The dragon’s want to move her to Cargoa, their island near Droll. They can better help her there,” Isabella said. “That is Brendoth. I will introduce you later but he is the second to Apophis.”

  “He is massive,” Adina said unable to contain her excitement at seeing another dragon. “He has a very similar coloring to Caritha.”

  “The color she used to be,” Isabella said sadly.

  “Do they have any idea about that?’

  Isabella shook her head. “They don’t know too much about how the bondings happen.”

  “That is unfortunate. So, why then are they in a hurry to move her? And, how is that feat going to be accomplished, I may add?”

  “There is something going on within the dragons. A power struggle of sorts. They fear for her safety here alone. Also, there is a civil war brewing on Droll and there is another Dragonblood involved so she has to stay near but she also wishes to tend to Caritha.”


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