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Descent (Fated Book 2)

Page 4

by Liza James

  “Amelia,” I whisper, hoping to gently wake her from her nightmare. I want to bring her out of the fear Danner holds over her.

  “I didn’t mean it. Please don’t, I’ll be good this time.” She chokes on a sob and I rush to the side of her bed. I place my hands gently on her shoulders and attempt rousing her, whispering her name over and over again.

  “No, no, no. I don’t like them, I hate them. I hate them, I promise.”

  “Amelia,” I say it louder this time and her eyes snap open to collide with mine. In an instant her small form shoots upward as her hand grips my throat in one movement. My airflow is immediately cut off and I lift my hand to wrap around her wrist, trying to break her grasp from my flesh.

  Our eyes are glued to each other, but Amelia doesn’t seem present in the moment. Her pale blue gaze is disoriented and unfocused. She doesn’t truly see me, in fact, I think she’s seeing someone else.

  “Let go,” I force the words through the tight hold she has on me, but it doesn’t seem to register. I vaguely hear the sound of her bedroom door being thrown open and see the lights flash on around us.

  I have a feeling it’s Nathanial, he would have been most likely to hear the commotion from below. I hold a shaky arm towards his direction, halting his movements so that he doesn’t interfere.

  I don’t need him.

  “Amelia,” I say again and slip my thumb under the palm she has pressed against the front of my neck. I break her tension just slightly and I see her eyes flicker in mild awareness.

  “Let. Go,” I say the words again, rougher this time as I work another finger under her hand until I’ve broken more of the seal. It takes a moment, but suddenly she releases me, and I fall to the floor as I gasp for breath.

  “I… shit, I didn’t know it was you,” she stammers as she tries to regain control of her emotions. I can see them spiraling through her mind. She doesn’t want to care about nearly choking me to death, but she didn’t realize it was me either.

  My hand lifts to my neck as I massage the painful throbbing away and turn to see who actually entered the room. It was Nathanial, I was right. His face is red, and his jaw is ticking as his eyes move between the both of us.

  “Leave. I don’t need you,” I demand, my gaze focusing on his when I drop my hand away from the injury.

  He watches me for a brief moment, clearly deciding the next best move when he swiftly turns and leaves the room, shutting the door behind him.

  My eyes move back to Amelia as she silently awaits my assumed reprimand.

  “I heard you from the hallway. I just wanted to help you escape Danner’s nightmare.” I shift forward and stand up, dismissing the unintentional aggression.

  She laughs, a bitter chuckle that chills the space around us. “Danner doesn’t visit me,” she states plainly and my brows furrow in confusion.

  “What? Then who—” I start, but she quickly interrupts my questioning.

  “None of your fucking business. However, it isn’t Danner. He’s but the tiniest speck of disgust on my radar now. My nightmares are filled with things you couldn’t last thirty seconds of,” her voice is ice cold. She sounds completely disconnected from the memories, like she’s been here before, forcing them away time and time again. It seems to be a usual occurrence from the sound of her explanation.

  Irritation sparks in my chest at her accusation. She just attacked me, after I tried to fucking help her and yet she feels nothing over it. I shouldn’t be surprised, but after everything that’s happened tonight, I can’t help but feel the sting over another frustrated rejection.

  “Okay, Amelia. Have a good fucking night.” I step away and move towards the door, twisting the golden knob and stepping out when her quiet voice breaks behind me.

  “Wait—” I don’t turn around, I simply halt my steps as I anticipate her next comment. “I—I’m sorry. I really didn’t realize it was you,” she mutters. I can tell that it’s difficult for her to say the words. I know she holds some sort of deep resentment and hatred towards mixed breeds. So even the simple apology is quite a step for her.

  I turn my head slightly towards her, but don’t meet her eyes when I nod in acknowledgement. I step out and shut the door behind me, only to see Nathanial silently waiting in the hall. I meet his eyes briefly and walk past him, into my own room and shut the door behind me without a word.

  I climb into bed and reach over to turn off the light of my bedside lamp before sliding underneath my white, knitted blankets. The soft glow from the hallway shines underneath my doorframe and I don’t miss the dark shadows of his feet as they come to a stop directly in front of my room. He waits for a few seconds before turning and leaving me alone. I shove away the sinking feelings of disappointment, of pain, and remind myself that I can do this on my own. I’ll figure it out, no matter what transpires in the future.

  Every night, I keep my eyes open for as long as I can. I stare at the ceiling and mentally prepare myself for the fight I’m about to enter into. Sometimes I can’t stay awake longer than a few minutes, sometimes it’s hours before I finally lose and slip into my nightmare. But it always happens, every single time I close my eyes.

  This time though, I’m ready for it.

  The next morning, I stir to the soft sound of Luna’s voice as she urges me awake. My heavy eyelids blink open several times as I clear the sleepy fog from my mind.

  “—breakfast. You need to eat, Stells. It’s nearly one in the afternoon.”

  “One?” I ask as a yawn stretches my voice and I slowly sit up. “How did I sleep that long?” I’m surprised, I usually never get this much sleep over one night. I lift my hands to rub my heavy eyes, wracking my mind over the events of the last evening. I remember the club, the miserable fuck, and even worse rejection I received from Nathanial. But I also remember him feeding me, just barely, and then the easy dismissal from later on.

  What I don’t recall, however, is Danner coming into my dreams last night. I don’t remember any visitation, which would explain how I got so much sleep. It would also be the first night since our separation that he hasn’t come to me.

  Instantly, my stomach sinks in anxious worry and I lift my eyes to meet Luna’s. “Danner didn’t come to me last night,” I say quietly, looking to her for answers I know she doesn’t have.

  “He didn’t?” she asks, surprise lacing her tone.

  “No, and I’m not sure what that means.”

  “He wouldn’t give up looking for you that easily. Not after coming to you every single night over the last few months,” Luna’s voice is tense as she stands and waits for me to join her. “We need to tell the boys. Maybe Amelia knows something.”

  I’m hesitant, unsure if I want Nathanial to have this piece of information. “Can we wait to tell Nathanial? You can tell Elijah and Amelia. But Nathanial’s already focused on several other issues at the Capital, like yours and Elijah’s declaration. I’d rather not bother him with something we know nothing about yet.”

  Luna watches me warily for a moment before nodding her head and turning towards the door. I quickly change into a pair of soft denim jeans and a pale-yellow, crew neck sweater that sits slightly cropped above my waistline. I hurry to follow her out and downstairs when the heady scent of eggs and bacon waft over us.

  A hungry moan slips from my lips as we enter the kitchen and find both Elijah and Nathanial huddled over the stove. Immediately, that milky fog breaches my mind as I take in their shirtless forms. Two complete opposites, one covered in dark and mesmerizing tattoos while the other is completely bare. Both beyond handsome in entirely different ways, but my attention always lingers on Nathanial. His bronze skin is taut and caresses each of his corded muscles in a powerful show of strength. His back flexes and bunches with each movement of his arms as he cooks. He does something so mundane, so domestic and yet the entire experience lights me on fire as if I was touching him myself.

  My gaze falls to the long, jagged scars that stretch over the span of his back, whe
re his wings once were before he Fell. While they stand out so starkly against the smooth flesh surrounding them, I can’t help but find that they simply prove to enhance just how beautiful he truly is. His golden hair is a shaggy mess on top of his head this morning, and his charcoal grey sweats hang dangerously low on his hips. I ache to pull them down just a bit lower, expose and release his incredible—

  “Stells,” Luna’s elbow sharply nudges my ribs as I slowly drag my gaze back to hers. I quickly realize the room is silent and I fight with all of my strength to blink the foggy trance from my mind.

  “Shit. Sorry,” I mumble and turn to take a seat next to Amelia. She sits in the far corner of the room, her legs tucked up underneath her while she watches everyone in silence. She doesn’t look angry or upset, however her face is tight with tension and clear discomfort. Her fingers are lifted to her lips as she chews on her nails and her long sleeves are pulled halfway up her hands. She meets my eyes as I settle near her and halts her movements just briefly. She quickly tears her eyes away again, resuming her actions.

  I glance up, swiftly enough to see that Elijah is casually leaning against the counter, a single, glossy red apple in his hand as he eats away. Nathanial is still facing the opposite direction, but his body has tensed, and he looks uncomfortably stiff as he moves to dish several plates of food.

  Luna steps forward and begins handing out plates to each of us. Amelia hardly ever eats, but my sister always serves her nonetheless. Once we all have our food, she returns to her usual place next to Elijah and Nathanial finally turns to face our small group.

  “I’ve arranged an emergency meeting. It’ll take place at the Capital. At midnight. It’s time Elijah and Luna announce their blood bond and Fated union.” His face is stoic, completely poised in professionalism and responsibility as leader of the race.

  My eyes dart back and forth between my sister and Elijah, seeking her reaction to his announcement. “Tonight? You guys decided already?” I ask, surprise edging my voice. I knew they planned on declaring what they were, but I didn’t realize it would be happening so soon.

  “It’s been nearly four months, Stells. We think it’s time to start transitioning things in a different direction,” Luna responds bravely. Her strength always impresses me. She’s never been afraid, even after everything she’s been through, everything she’s overcome. She’s the strongest woman I know.

  “Does this mean you and Elijah are stepping up to claim the throne?” Amelia’s cold voice cracks the space around us and everyone’s eyes fly to her. Suddenly, she isn’t quite so fidgety and anxious in the small room. It’s as though her familiar, detached persona slips back into place. She returns to her comfortable, dangerous self and puts each of us on alert.

  “Yes, Amelia. After countless long discussions, Luna and I have decided to step into that role. Nathanial is ready to move on and it’s time we accepted the positions.” Elijah speaks the words on a harsh command, actively asserting his dominance around each of us. His arm snakes around Luna’s waist as he tugs her possessively to his side. He emanates authority and leadership, but I know the truth. Luna has talked to me about it several times. Elijah’s concerned about the danger their reveal will place her in. He hates the idea that they will become even more of a target to those who wish to overthrow and eliminate Fated pairings.

  Luna, however, is always the constant reminder of hope and progress. She intends to rule justly and create safe houses for future Fated connections or bonded mates. Her mind is unraveling with ideas and revelations on how we can ensure the safety of our bonds. Allowing the Fated connections to return and thrive amongst the race is a top priority.

  Amelia’s resentful laugh pierces through me and instantly I tense next to her. “Funny how neither you nor Nathanial have ever wanted anything to do with the throne. Neither of you worked for it, sought it out, fucking killed for it. Yet it’s easily handed to you without a second thought.” Amelia stands and steps around the table, meeting their eyes head on.

  “Amelia,” I say, irritation lining my voice at her harsh remark. I watch as she slowly steps towards the edge of the counter, letting her fingers trail across the hilts of several knives resting in their blocks. Elijah shifts in front of Luna slightly and Nathanial takes a quick step forward just as she yanks a knife into her small hand.

  “I worked for this,” she starts, her voice quiet and flat. “I lied and manipulated for the throne.” Her eyes fall to the butcher knife in her hand, her soft finger grazing over the sharp tip. I slowly stand and begin making my way around the table, inching closer behind her lithe body. Nathanial’s eyes flick to me for a brief moment, but I ignore his warning gaze and keep forward.

  “I fucking destroyed for this,” Amelia’s voice breaks just a bit, betraying her supposed stone-like demeanor. “I gave up everything. I lost everything.”

  In a second, I shoot my hand forward and wrap it around her wrist, yanking it back while she turns in an anticipated lunge. The knife she’s holding slips forward and grazes across my skin, coming to an intentional stop as a warm stream of blood licks across my neck.

  I don’t feel it though, the adrenaline coursing through my body is too heavy and I find the strength to drag her small form up against my own. Her eyes meet mine in a chaotic war of power, and I feel the heat racing around us. Nathanial launches forward to tear her away, but I quickly interrupt the commotion with my own words.

  “Do you think a little blood scares me?” I ask quietly as I use my grip on her wrist to press the tip of the knife farther into my flesh. I feel more of that heated blood slip down my skin and glide over my breast through my thin sweater.

  “Stella,” my name is spoken on Nathanial’s deep growl and rattles my bones, but I’m not ready to give up yet.

  “I could kill you with a simple kiss, naïve little Stella. But you would like that, wouldn’t you?” Amelia shifts forward, bringing her face only inches away from mine. I watch as her eyes dip to my lips, clearly entertaining the idea of how possible that could be.

  But she doesn’t know me well enough yet. She doesn’t know my game or my intentions. Out of everyone in this house, I could possibly know her the best.

  I twist the grip on her wrist just slightly, but enough so that her hold on the hilt breaks and it falls crashing to the floor below us. I move my lips even closer to hers and for the first time, harness the adrenaline flowing between us to attempt feeding from her chi. I close my eyes, breathing her in until something sweet and filthy slips through my lips as well. I hear her gasp and suddenly the energy in the room shifts to something so much more tangible.

  It’s quick, and all too fleeting but I open my eyes to find her breathing rapidly with surprise pulling at her features. I can play her fucking game too.

  “You and I are the same, aren’t we little Amelia? You’re simply the insulting angelic version of my demonic Succubus.” I release her grip with a shove backwards and she stumbles away from me in irritation. Her face is a mixture of inner turmoil and revulsion, but I don’t miss the hint of intrigue mixed with what seems like relief. She quickly turns on her heels and stalks out of the room, leaving me alone with Elijah, Luna, and Nathanial.

  As soon as Amelia is out of the small space, the remaining adrenaline and racing tension crashes around me. The stinging pain of the shallow slice across the side of my neck throbs and I lift my hand to instinctually cover the wound.

  “Shit,” I say as I jerk my hand away and come back with a bloody palm.

  “Get out,” Nathanial barks to Elijah and Luna, but his eyes are glued to my crimson neck.

  Luna hurries forward and ignores his order, quickly placing her hand on my chin and turning my head to examine it herself. “Stella,” she says quietly. “You have to be careful. I don’t want Amelia hurting you.”

  “I’m fine, Lun. Promise.” I pull my face away from her grasp and take a small step back as Nathanial comes forward.

  “I said get the hell out.” This time, his v
oice is lower and darker with a rage that has Elijah immediately stepping into his space. The two men eye each for a moment, silently communicating before Elijah turns and tugs gently on Luna’s arm. I nod to her, letting her know I’ll be fine and the two of them step out of the room together.

  The moment we’re alone, Nathanial stalks forward until I’m backed up against the cold counter. Without taking his eyes off me, his large hands catch me off guard as they grip my waist in a tight hold. He roughly lifts me on to the granite surface and forces my legs apart so that he can settle in between them. Without a word, he grasps my chin and controls my movements, turning my head to the side and tilting it away so that the injured portion of my neck is exposed to him.

  I try to maintain a steady rhythm to my breaths, trying to focus on the pain of my flesh rather than his hard, rippled abs pressed up against my stomach. I try not to let my eyes drift down to the harsh V that leads directly below the waistband of his sweats, or the way his broad chest surrounds me in that heated warmth I crave so much of.

  “I’m fine, Nathanial. Let me go,” I mumble, letting my eyes fall shut so that I can’t see his powerful body in front of mine.

  “What you did was reckless. You should have never pushed Amelia like that,” he says as he reaches to the side of my body and turns on the hot water in the stainless sink. He maintains his grip on my jaw while his other hand wets a warm rag that he rests on the edge of the surface.

  “I can take care of myself, asshole.”

  He scoffs, the smallest smirk tugging at his lips when his eyes fall to my pale-yellow sweater. I look down as well, following his gaze when I realize how much blood has soaked through the thin fabric. It’s ruined, and it was one of my favorite tops but suddenly, I have a stronger urge to do something else with it.


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