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Descent (Fated Book 2)

Page 21

by Liza James

  In the center, stands a large bed with four posts. Wrought iron rails line each stretch above the mattress, and I watch as Nathanial glances at it with an arrogant smirk on his lips.

  But what truly captures my attention is the wall on the far side of the room. It’s lined with those familiar chains, but these hold a variety of different objects hanging from their links. Some I recognize, some I don’t, and the fear or what they could be rips through my chest.

  I turn back to Nathanial, suddenly worried about my decision, unsure of how far he’ll take this. “Maybe, we should wait. I can feed from the crowd out there—”

  “Turn around.”

  I stop talking, instantly sucking my bottom lip into my mouth and pulling it in between my teeth. Fuck. But I turn around, obeying his order as he comes to stand behind me.

  “Are you scared, baby girl?” He doesn’t touch me, doesn’t brush his lips against my skin, doesn’t lift a hand to slide against my body. I don’t answer, because I am scared, and I don’t want to admit it. But he already knows, and he responds anyway. “Good. You should be.”

  I hear him walk away and peek back over my shoulder to try and watch him through the dimmed light of the room. “Turn the fuck around,” he bites out and I flinch at the harsh tone of his voice.

  “You said you wanted the darkness,” he starts, and my mind focuses on the slow and intentional footfall each one of his steps creates. “That you want to feed—from me. But my tastes run much more sinister than I think you’re aware of, Stella.”

  My heart pounds, raging to break free and run from the depths of what I’ve found myself in. But my Succubus is already stripped naked, bare and ready for everything Nathanial is promising. I hear the shuffle of several objects behind me, listen as they grow louder when he comes to stand at my back.

  “This—off.” He tugs the tied knot at my neck, letting my dress fall loose and around my waist. My tits are exposed, and the cold air brushes along my already tight nipples, hardening them even further into distractedly painful points.

  I fight back, because I fucking want to. And I want to test the boundaries of where he’s willing to go. “No,” I say, crossing an arm over my chest and hiding my breasts. I hear his steps falter and I can practically feel the heat of his gaze raking over my body from behind.

  “Excuse me? I won’t ask again, Stella.” His voice is clipped, irritation lining his tone.

  “I said, no. Take it off yourself if you want it gone.”

  Suddenly, he’s behind me again, his heavy hand gripping the back of my neck as he shoves me forward, so that I’m bent harshly at the waist and my ass is digging into his already hardening cock. He likes the fight too.

  His other hand grips the edge of my dress at the small of my back and rips, literally tears it open so that it falls around my ankles. “What the hell! I loved that dress,” I say quickly as I try to push up against his hand and stand, but my panties are next, and before I know it, they’re a scrap of used fabric discarded on the floor with my ruined clothes.

  “Listen, and I won’t have to break your things. Don’t listen—and I’ll have to break you.”

  Slap. His hand crashes against my bare ass and my back arches at the sting. A whimper falls from my lips and before I have the chance to fall to the ground, Nathanial is pulling me back up by my neck and dropping something to the floor in front of me.

  “Put these on, and then climb into the center of the bed. Hands together in front of your waist. Don’t fucking make me ask twice. You’re already in trouble as it is.”

  “Fuck off, Nathanial. I’m not the one who should be sorry,” I bite the words out as I bend over to pick up what he dropped, but I fall to my knees when his hand crashes against my ass once again. I won’t lie, it fucking stings, but my pussy aches and pulses with need at the same time, my arousal stirring and pooling at the apex of my thighs.

  “You have plenty to be disciplined for, believe me. All the times you’ve pushed and fought against me. Always disobeying, never doing as you’re told. Yeah, you’re being punished until you’re broken and screaming about who you fucking belong to.” He stands up while I’m still on the floor, and I feel his foot kick my knees apart so that I’m spread open for him. He steps back as the cool air brushes against my slick core and I feel the urge to push my ass farther into the air, give him a better fucking view.

  “That’s right. Show me that pretty pussy of yours. So, fucking wet, already soaked and greedy for me.” I hear him crouch down from behind, the scuff of his dress shoes scrape the floor as he moves. My phase has already slipped over my eyes at his authority, my Succubus is already feeding and filling herself from this moment. I push back even farther, doing as he says in the subtle hope that gives me that reward of the two words I love hearing leave his lips.

  But instead, I hear the slap before I feel the burn. Not on my ass, no. This time, his hand comes hard against my pussy, smacking it brutally as I launch forward and try to pull my legs together. He reaches out and quickly grips my hip. “Nah, baby girl. You aren’t running away from this. I told you to put that shit on. Now do it and get your ass on that bed before we have some real fucking problems.”

  My breaths fall out on choppy intervals as my eyes land on the strappy leather that lays before me. There’s something else, a pair of black heels with gold accents, two things I don’t understand the meaning of.

  I stand up slowly, my cunt and ass sore from his touch. But my body is on fire with a new energy that courses through us. Our Fated connection isn’t bonded, but it’s there, a live pulsing wire that subtly draws from our interactions as well.

  One by one, I slip my feet into the red leather straps, pulling them up and over my ass until they’re snuggly resting on my hips. Nathanial finally steps around me, coming to stand in front as he reaches down and grasps the golden buckle that rests over my lower stomach. I didn’t even realize something on this is adjustable, but as soon as he pulls on it, the leather bites into my flesh and I gasp at the intrusion. His eyes stay glued to mine as he pulls it tighter, a wildfire blazing in his dark blue irises while he watches my reaction. “Too tight?” He asks, a vicious smirk playing on his face.

  “Yes,” I say honestly. Because the leather is causing mixed amounts of pain and pleasure.

  “Good. Now these,” he points to the shoes, but doesn’t reach for them. Instead, he stands there, inches away while I bend over in the tight leather and pull them into my hands. I slip one on each foot—miraculously my size—and then turn around so that I can walk towards the grand bed.

  I shouldn’t be surprised to see the comforter is a menacing twist of black and purple, as is everything else in this strange place. But when I lift a knee to climb into the center, something nips into my ass in a bolt of cruel pain. I look back quickly and see that he’s standing on the other side of the room, watching. He didn’t touch me, but something sure as hell did and when I look down at the shoes he had me put on, I realize each heel is adorned with a small wheel of sharp spikes. What the—

  “Don’t sit back, don’t fall, don’t disobey, and you won’t feel them. But every time you fight, or falter, they’ll be there. Marking your flesh in my name. Now, into the center you go, we don’t have much time and I want to destroy you.” His voice is cold, calculated. A deliberate addition to his already commanding aura. Everything about him screams dominance—Daddy. And fuck if I don’t love and hate every second of it.

  Anger sparks in my chest at the punishing tool he’s using, but a thrill threads through my blood at the challenge and promise of pain. I step up again, this time careful not to set back too far, and make my way to the center of the bed. Once I’m there, I slowly turn towards him, watching him take slow, intentional steps near me.

  Once he reaches the foot of the bed, he lifts his hands to the buttons on his dress shirt, calmly releasing each one until it falls open and he slips it off his shoulders. My eyes drift with his hands the entire time, absorbing the vision of h
is washboard abs and wide chest. His skin shines with a heat that calls to my own, my body begging to touch his and feel him against me.

  He folds the shirt lengthwise and lays it across the edge of the bed without a second thought. When his eyes come back to mine, his magnetic gaze envelops me in something filthy and twisted. It muddles my mind with perverse thoughts, and licks between my legs with greedy desire. He lifts a hand, bringing his thumb up and pushing hard against my bottom lip. His touch falls slowly, tracing patterns along my collarbone and then down the valley of my breasts. My breaths pick up, my lungs reaching for air while my heart races in anticipation of where he’s going.

  His fingers fall to the leather straps around my waist and thighs. They cross in the back, spanning my ass in few thin lines and two small golden chains. Tracking each strap, his eyes drift to his fingers, watching the slow movement of his own hand. “I love this, the way your creamy skin reddens and rises at the edges of the binds. Your blood surges to the surface, sensitizing your flesh even further. That’s my drug—your blood. Knowing what it holds and promises my own. God, I fucking love it. I get off on the vision of us bleeding together, finally giving into the craving we both have.”

  My eyelids fall lower, halfway while my body lists off into a lust filled trance at his words. His hands work over my skin, eliciting the sparks that charge through my limbs. I reach forward to touch him, but his hand instantly grips the front buckle of the leather as he shifts my hips back, throwing me off balance until I accidentally sit on the sharp spikes on my heels. I shoot upwards, trying to escape the severe pain when my eyes fly to him and narrow.

  “Don’t touch, baby girl. Keep your hands in front of your waist like I told you to,” he admonishes roughly, reminding me of my place. I straighten my spine, intentionally clasping my hands in front of me when his touch shifts to rest on my hips. He grazes them upwards, flexing his fingers against my flesh in heavy imprints. His grip is hard, demanding and while I arch my back seeking more, he lifts a knee and climbs on the bed in front of me.

  He moves closer, until he takes one hand and grips my wrists together tightly, dragging them up my stomach, over my breasts and above my head. Without a word he releases my waist and reaches for his shirt. “Don’t move.”

  I remain still, aside from the way my breasts fall and rise against his chest with each of my breaths. I can’t control that, and my nipples are straining against my skin painfully. He wraps his shirt around my wrists, securing them together before he takes the remaining silky fabric and ties it to the top bar that spans across the bed frame. My breath catches in my lungs, my heart hammering at the fact that he’s tying me in place, securing me to something so that I have no means of escape.

  Once I’m successfully trapped, I pull my hands just slightly, testing the restraint he put in place. I’m fucked, the fabric bites into my wrists in a way that allows absolutely no movement or hope of release. His fingers trail down my arms, slowly, confidently as he watches my face. I try to remain impassive, but I know he can see through it. My body is aching for more while my mind is trying to logically form a way out if necessary. It’s that cautious side of me, the one fighting for control against my Succubus.

  One of his hands slides down the front of my throat, flexing his grip casually until my head is firmly held in place, eyes directed toward him. His other hand glides further down as he brushes his thumb against my nipple, again and again in torturous cycles that have me whimpering and pulling at my wrists.

  He drops his head, bringing his lips seductively close to mine as he speaks. “You’re going to be a good girl, right Stella?” His voice drops low, almost quiet in a way that has my eyes falling shut and drowning in his sound.

  “Yes,” I whisper, bending my back into his touch as he rolls my nipple tightly between his fingers. Pulling, tugging, and then dropping his head at my agreeance until his teeth graze across my breast, moving down to suck my nipple into his mouth. He bites until it burns and I try to pull out of his touch, but my ass stings when it scrapes my heels again and I have no choice to give into him. Succumb to the pain in order to release the pleasure.

  I gasp, and he laughs against my obvious discomfort, gripping my waist and pulling me even farther against him. His mouth continues to move across my chest, biting and then sucking, soothing and then aching.

  “Jesus, Nathanial,” I say breathlessly, as my body naturally feeds from the energy between us. My pussy is soaked, practically dripping with arousal as he trails his lips even farther down my stomach. The straps of this leather piece don’t cover my core in any way. They wrap around the tops of my thighs and then over my ass, so I’m completely open and bare for his taking.

  “Not Jesus. Not even God. But I am your fucking daddy and I’ll put you in your goddamn place just the same.” He grips my thighs, his hands spanning them almost completely as he yanks my legs farther apart. I fall down on the binds around my wrists, pulling them painfully tight as my weight shifts on the mattress. I look down, just in time to watch as Nathanial slides lower, crashing his mouth against my core and slipping his tongue through my slit.

  “Fuck,” I say as I instinctually try to pull away, my body already overly sensitized by everything that’s happened so far. He slaps a hand against my ass as he drags my pussy against his face again, sucking my clit into his mouth on a low growl.

  “So sweet, just like I knew you would be. Fucking you with my tongue, tasting your body when it’s so fucking ready for me.” He moves lower, teasing my core in slow and languid cycles. He slips to my entrance, and then licks back up until his teeth scrape across my clit again.

  It’s too much, too fucking perfect and I feel an orgasm coiling in my stomach already. Suddenly, Nathanial steps away so he can shift onto his back, laying down on the bed only inches in front of me.

  “Come here,” he demands, his voice continuing that erotic domination I’m so turned on by. I try to shuffle forward, and struggle to get to where he wants me. But he doesn’t offer any help, he just waits, impatiently watching until my thighs are straddling either side of his face.

  He slips a hand between my legs, dragging his thumb through my pussy and pushing down harshly on my clit. I moan, rolling my hips forward while he continues the movement. “You like this. Enjoy this dark place where I tie you up and fuck with you.”

  I do, and my answering mewls of pleasure are everything he needs to grip my hips and pull me down on his face. But my ass hits the heels and I try to straighten back up.

  “No,” he says, pulling me back down until I feel the sting against my flesh and his tongue sweeps through my slit.

  “Wait—” I say breathlessly, trying to focus enough to fix my stance. But I’m stuck. When he’s pulling me down I feel the heels cutting into my flesh and the tightening hold around my wrists.

  “I said, no,” he repeats himself, but the icy tone in voice tells me he won’t say it again. My mind attempts focusing on the pain, but his tongue slides inside of me and my body immediately surrenders to the pleasure. He eats my pussy, licking and ravaging me until the pain becomes just as addictive as the orgasm that’s cresting in my body. He’s dragging me closer to the edge, fucking me with his mouth and feeding me with his Incubus in a way I’ve never experienced before.

  “That’s right, baby girl. Ride my face, let me taste everything I’m doing to you, everything you’re giving me.” I watch as his hand slides down his stomach, across his tight abs and down to the front of his slacks. He’s rock hard, I can see the outline of his thick cock as it strains against the expensive fabric. He’s slow, deliberately stroking himself through his pants while my eyes zero in on the motion.

  Fuck, it’s hot and all I want is to watch him release his cock and stroke himself in front of me.

  “Show me,” I say in between heavy moans and heated breaths. “I want to watch you.”

  He responds, rewarding me with what I want as he unbuckles his belt and unzips his pants with one hand. He slips his thu
mb under the black waistband of his briefs, casually dragging it down until he reveals the head of his cock and he pauses his movement.

  He lifts my hips just slightly, “You want to watch me do what?” he taunts, only showing me a sliver of what he has to offer. But now my mouth salivating at the sight of just his head, craving to see the rest of him, remembering what he fucking tastes like in my mouth.

  “I want to see your cock, watch you stroke yourself while I’m riding your face.” I give it to him without hesitation, rolling my hips inches above his face while I drag in a heavy breath and eagerly await his response.

  “Good girl,” he says proudly, gripping my thigh and pulling me back down onto his face. The familiar sting erupts in my wrists and ass again, but I love it now. It’s an integral part of what’s bringing me closer to my release. He exposes his heavy cock completely, letting it spring forward while his fingers wrap around the base of it. “Just like that,” he says against me, as he begins slowly sliding his fist up and down the length of his dick.

  I’m moaning, uncontrollable sounds slipping from my lips as I continue moving across his face. His tongue delves inside of my pussy and his teeth bite my clit before sucking deliciously. He brushes a thumb over the head of his cock and pumps faster, twisting and pulling with each stroke. I feel the orgasm beginning to unwind inside of me. But just before it’s there, Nathanial pulls back and shifts me away from him. Moving to the edge of the bed as he stands and turns back to face me.

  Irritation and frustration settle in my chest at the fact that he took me so close to the edge without giving it to me.

  “You’ll come when I allow it, never before.” He lifts his hand to my mouth, slipping the fingers he had playing with my cunt between my lips and against my tongue. “Taste that? Your body on my flesh, your need for me marking my own skin. I fucking own you, Stella. You’ll never belong to anyone else.” He pushes his fingers even farther down my throat, until all I can taste is him and me and us together. He’s right though. His rough touch and demands speak to my spirit, calling my Demons forward and enticing them to partake in his darkness. Because it’s my darkness too, it’s our blend of perfect misery.


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