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The Fight for Creation: Book 02 - Scout Warrior

Page 14

by Saxon Andrew

  Pride stared at Jixie and said, “A million of us that go out to direct the fight.”

  “You’ve seen what Sam’s Warriors can do with their armor, have you not?”

  “I have; where are you going with this?”

  “What is it that allows their armor to be so much more effective than all the millions of other Life Warriors?”

  Sam said, “We hear our mother’s melody.”

  Jixie looked at Pride, “Do you hear that melody and have you looked to see if your armor would be different if you allowed it to select weapons?”

  Pride stared at Jixie not knowing what to say.

  Jixie said, “I placed four main beams that are used on Bristone’s Main Battleships into the skin of my armor. You saw what they did at the Grogat Weapons Planet. I used main penetrators and an Algean Attack Craft’s force field. What weapons could you absorb into your armor?”

  The Giant Cat said nothing.

  Jixie said, “You were once an apex predator. Now you stand back and watch others do the fighting. I would think that your species would demand an opportunity to go use the skills your species was born with. What do the other nine hundred and ninety nine million Cats do while the million are out directing traffic?”

  Pride continued to stare at Jixie and say nothing.

  “If my Mother was under attack, I would never allow her attackers a moment’s relief. I would do everything in my power to defend her even if it cost me my life.”

  “I thought we were here to speak with each other, not question each other?”

  Jixie smiled, “Ooops, I fogot.”

  The Cat stood, “We have not allowed our kittens to have armor because we fear they would go out and act irrationally in attacking forces that would kill them.”

  Jixie shook her head, “Children see things in simple terms. Trying to talk about enemy strength, numbers, weapons, possible death, and all the other things that makes an adult pause are only things that a child ignores to go out and play. A playground has many things that a child could be injured or killed on but it’s that play that prepares them for becoming an adult.”

  “That’s what you were doing against the Dremor.”

  “And the Megat; we were learning about how some seek to impose themselves on others. That’s a lesson that doesn’t come easy.”

  “Could your species come in and remove all the evil here?”

  “Yes, but the price would be worse than the cure.”

  Sam said, “Why?”

  Jixie looked at Sam, “It’s the struggle that makes one become more than they are normally. You wouldn’t be the person you are today without the struggle that your people are being forced to endure. Once a superior species comes in and saves you, your creation would then start comparing themselves to the ones that saved them and find a total sense of inadequacy. They would lose the sense of even trying to become more than they are. Stagnation sets in and ultimately you lose yourselves. That’s why one of our conventions forbids us from using any toys…I mean weapons, that the playmates don’t already have. Evil can never be completely removed. Evil is what teaches us what good really is. However, good can be overwhelmed by evil just like a body can be overwhelmed by cancer. That’s what’s happening here now.”

  Pride said, “Then why are you here if you can’t use all your abilities?”

  Jixie took a deep breath and blew it out slowly, “I actually came here to have a good time. I’ve always liked to play and this was a way to avoid starting my studies. None of the ones in my hatching would play anymore.”

  Sam said, “And now?”

  Jixie’s expression turned serious, “This is not a game. I’ve discovered that play prepares you for becoming an adult. It’s like riding a bicycle teaches how to drive a vehicle. This is adult behavior. It’s no longer just play.”

  Pride said, “So this is no longer fun for you.”

  Jixie laughed out loud, “Oh, it’s the most fun I’ve ever had. Being restricted in what I can do has made this the most challenging time in my life and it has been a hoot.” Jixie paused, looked at Pride, and said, “I really suspect that you would feel much the same if you were to participate in the fight. It’s what you were created to be; you’re not so different from me.”

  Pride stared at Jixie, “How am I able to hear your thoughts. You’re from a different Creation?”

  Jixie’s expression changed, “I’ve given that a lot of thought and here’s what seems right to me; my Creator and yours are related. They may have been siblings. Now mine is dead.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “We take family very seriously. Your Creator and I are related and I’ll not let her die without a fight.”

  Pride slowly shook his head, “You’re willing to die for our Mother while we sit back in cool reflection of what’s happening.” Pride rose to all four legs and said, “I had it wrong.”

  Jixie and Sam looked at each other and Jixie said, “Had what wrong?”

  “You should have come and interrogated us.” Pride disappeared from the hill.

  Sam’s wrist unit vibrated and he looked at it. He rejected the call but not before Jixie saw who had placed it, “Who is that?”

  Sam sighed, “Its Lyla Gardner; she and I were an item before I became a Life Warrior.”

  “An item?”

  “I thought we were going to be married but she dropped me when she found out Jon and Maranda were going to have a child. It appears she hoped to be Queen.”

  “Why is she calling you?”

  “She’s trying to get me back.”


  “She can’t have what isn’t mine to give.”

  Jixie’s eyebrows moved lower, “I’m not sure what you mean, Sam.”

  “She can’t have a heart that has already been given to someone else, Jixie.”

  Jixie tilted her head and then understood. She smiled and jumped into Sam’s arms, “She should have known what she had. Her loss is my joy.”

  Sam spun Jixie around and happiness ruled the moment.

  Chapter Eleven

  Lyla went into Admiral Gardner’s office and said, “Father, I need your help.”

  Thom looked at his daughter, “What is it this time?”

  “I need to see Sam. He won’t take my calls.”

  “That boat has sailed, Lyla; you’re wasting your time. Write it off to being stupid and let it go.”

  “Dad, one of the things I know better than anything else is that I can get any man I want. I may not be the finest upstanding citizen; but at that I have no equal. I just need some time with him alone.”

  Thom stared at his beautiful daughter and knew that most men would find her impossible to resist. Lyla saw his expression and knew what he was thinking, “I know I messed up in walking away but I see that now. He’s too good for me but I want the opportunity to try again. Just give me a chance. He has to be meeting with you soon.”

  “How would you know that?”

  “He’s a warrior and you’re the planner. The two of you must get together at some point to make things happen.”

  Thom sighed, “He’ll be here in three days to discuss plans for his unit.”

  Lyla rushed up and hugged her father, “Thank you so much. I love you.” Lyla turned and ran out of the room to prepare what she was going to wear when Sam arrived. Thom watched her go and shook his head; I’d love to have Sam as a son-in-law. He knew Lyla was going to be difficult to turn down for anyone.

  • • •

  The meeting finally ended and Sam stood to leave. Suddenly, the door to Admiral Gardner’s office opened and Lyla walked in. Every male in the room was stunned by what they saw. Lyla was wearing a shimmering, royal blue body suit that fit her like a second skin. It accented the parts of Lyla’s body that didn’t need it. She said, “Duke Robbins, may I speak with you for just a moment.”

  Sam stared at Lyla and was again impressed with her beauty. Lyla stepped out of the office and Sam hesitated but wen
t out behind her. Lyla closed the door and Sam immediately saw her tears, “Why have you not taken my calls? You’re breaking my heart.” Lyla rushed forward and wrapped her arms around Sam’s chest and pulled herself tight against him.

  Sam started to put his arms around her and then hesitated. Instead he grabbed her arms and slowly pushed her away. He looked into her teary eyes and said, “Lyla, I’ve seen who you are.”

  “I’ve changed, Sam. I’ve not been able to get you out of my mind since we separated. I’m sorry from the bottom of my heart and I need you desperately.”

  Sam smiled slightly and looked into her eyes, “Tears, anger, foot stomping, pleading, or anything else you want to try will not change who you are Lyla. The broken hearts you’ve left in your wake are too numerous to count. The disdain you’ve shown to those that mistakenly allowed you into their lives is only more evidence of who you really are. Your beauty belies what is inside your heart. Please don’t contact me again and go on with your life.” Sam pressed his wrist unit and disappeared, leaving a stunned Lyla behind.

  • • •

  Thom watched the short meeting on his display and listened to the conversation with an ear piece. He smiled and thought, “You’re so dumb. You might have gotten him to listen if you hadn’t dressed like a harlot.”

  Jixie had been watching the meeting to get a heads up on what their next assignment would be. When Lyla entered Jixie was surprised at just how beautiful she was. She knew she was a light bulb compared to Lyla’s battleship’s main beam in comparison. She heard Sam’s response to her and felt something deep inside her. She saw the thoughts of every male human in the meeting and knew that Lyla had a powerful attraction over them. But Sam had not fallen under her spell.

  She couldn’t see Sam’s thoughts but she could see Lyla’s. She just wanted Sam to improve her stature in the Realm. She still wanted to get with several other men she had put off. She was exactly as Sam described her. Jixie shook her head and knew that Sam was only interested in her. But what was going to happen when she had to leave? She hadn’t thought about that and she wondered if Sam had considered it. She needed to discuss it with him…soon.

  • • •

  Lyla teleported to her quarters and was furious. She threw a lamp against the wall and watched it shatter. How could he have said no? No one could say no to her. She pressed her wrist unit and said, “Can you come here for a moment?”

  Jason Mirabal teleported in and saw Lyla’s expression. He looked at what she had on and laughed. “What’s so funny!?!”

  “You are.” Lyla’s anger surged and Jason said, “What did you expect? You walked away from him without so much as an excuse and you expect him to fall into your arms?”

  “They always do!”

  “Only the ones that are incapable of thinking; a man would be crazy to allow you into their life.”

  Lyla glared at Jason, “Why I keep you around is beyond me.”

  Jason laughed, “I tell you the truth. You don’t get that from everyone else.”

  Lyla leaned back in her chair, “Why do you say a man would be crazy to want to be with me?”

  “That’s not what I said; I said he’d have to be crazy to allow you into his life. Every man alive would like to be with you. I mean just look at you.”

  “I’m not clear on what you mean.”

  “Lyla, you’re beautiful and beautiful really doesn’t do you justice. Every man would give a great deal to be with someone as beautiful as you. But once they are, there is only hurt and suffering ahead. You use them and dispose of them totally disregarding their feelings.”

  “Most would say it was worth it.”

  “No they wouldn’t! They might say it if they had experienced love from you. You know how it goes; better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. But in your case you leave them knowing without any doubt that you didn’t even really care about them. That destroys a man’s ego and self-esteem and that’s a wound that never completely heals. You’re only getting what you’ve been dishing out for years.” Jason paused, “How does it feel?”

  Lyla glared at Jason and spat out, “Not very good!”

  “Now is when you start thinking you’ve lost your touch?”

  “How do you know that?”

  “That’s part of it. You’ll rush out tonight and break more hearts to prove you’ve still got it and everyone you touch will end up suffering.”

  Lyla stared at Jason and after a long moment said, “Why have you never tried to get my attention?”

  Jason shook his head, “I know you. I’ve seen what you’re capable of doing to anyone that tries to get close to you. I learned long ago that is not a price I’m willing to pay.”

  “So why do you remain my friend?”

  Jason sighed, “I knew you before you knew you were beautiful. I remember our first years at school and how you fascinated me with how you knew so much about the universe. The stories you told me is what led me to where I am today.”

  Lyla smiled, “Those came from being an Admiral’s daughter.” Lyla paused, “You’ve not done much with your life.”

  Jason sighed, “Perhaps, but I’m happy and content with what I do. Can you say the same?” Jason stared at Lyla as he reached for his wrist unit and said, “I’m still learning from you, Lyla.” Lyla looked at him and he said, “I’m learning how not to treat those you care about. You are still a great instructor.” Jason teleported out and Lyla stared at where he had been standing. She turned and looked at herself in her dressing mirror. For the first time in her life, she didn’t like what she saw.

  She went out that evening with one of her chosen targets and saw his excitement at being with her. She thought about what Jason said and went home early…alone. Her heart wasn’t in it. She sat in her room and stared at herself in the mirror and finally cried herself to sleep. She had finally learned the difference between lust, love, and the misery of rejection.

  • • •

  Sam and Jixie flew a shuttle to Bristone. The King had requested Sam’s presence and said he was needed immediately. Sam asked Jixie to go with him so he could introduce her to the King. She wanted to talk with Sam first but knew her concern about the future would have to wait until after the meeting with the King. Sam was worried. “Something has happened.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I know my brother. Something serious has happened; I could tell it in his voice.”

  They entered Bristone’s orbit and Sam received the coordinates in his wrist unit. He and Jixie teleported down and arrived at a hospital. A doctor met them and said, “Come with me.”

  “What’s happened!?!” Is Jon OK?”

  The doctor moved up the hall and opened a door. Sam rushed in with Jixie right behind him. Sam ran up to Jon who was standing next to a hospital bed. He turned and Sam saw Maranda holding their new baby. Jon said, “We wanted you to be the first to see him.”

  Sam looked at Miranda and she smiled, “His name is Jon Anglo Mica Robbins.”

  Sam looked at Jon and he nodded, “I suspect the way you’re making a difference that it will be his third name that he’ll want to answer to.”

  Sam went around the bed and Miranda handed the baby to Sam. Sam was overcome with his emotions, “He’s so beautiful, Maranda.”

  “He’s got your and your brother’s eyes, Sam.”

  Jixie looked at the baby and felt Miranda’s heart. She saw the King’s heart and suddenly it all made sense. This is what the Creator felt for all life she had made. She looked at Sam and though she couldn’t hear his thoughts he could see his love for the child on his face. She thought about what would happen to Maranda if someone killed her baby. She knew Maranda would not survive easily and the Creator’s children were being killed by the trillions. It had to be devastating. Sam handed the baby back to Maranda and then saw Jixie, “Jon, Miranda, this is the one the Cats wanted to meet; this is Jixie.”

  Jon looked at the beautiful blonde woman and said, “I
t’s a real pleasure to finally meet you. You have caused some disruption in the ranks.”

  Jixie bowed and said, “I never intended to do that, Your Majesty.”

  Jon looked at Sam, “I can see why you didn’t want her to leave.”

  Jixie looked at Jon and said, “Why is that?”

  “Sam loves you. I can see it in his face.”

  Jixie looked at Sam and saw him frown. Neither of them had mentioned the word. Jixie smiled but remained silent. Sam looked at Jon and said, “The succession has now been established. I know how happy you both are.”

  • • •

  Sam and Jixie finally left the hospital and teleported back to the shuttle. They moved away from the planet in silence and after they teleported away from Bristone Jixie said, “Sam, I need to talk with you.”

  “I’m sorry Jon said I loved you.”

  “Do you?”

  Sam looked at Jixie and nodded.

  “You do know that I’m going to leave and return home?”

  “I suspected you would.”

  “And how does that make you feel, Sam?”

  Sam stopped the shuttle a mile from the Fourth Sword and looked Jixie in the eyes, “I think you are also aware that I will be leaving you as well.”

  Jixie did a double take and said, “No, I’m not aware of that at all. Are you going back to Lyla?”

  “Nothing that simple, Jixie; I know that you’re going to live much longer than I am. When I die of old age, you’ll still be young and I will have left you alone. I’ve thought about you going home and no matter how I try to change it, one of us is going to leave the other no matter what we choose to do. If you leave or stay, one of us will be left behind.”

  Jixie stared at Sam and knew he was right. She was just a young adult and she had lived more than three hundred years. The majority of her long life was still ahead of her. The thought of losing Sam troubled her greatly. She hadn’t even considered the possibility of him leaving her behind.

  Sam saw her expression and continued, “I was attracted to you the first time I say you with your third tray of food in the training commissary. I fought my emotions once I discovered who you are. I knew what would happen if I allowed myself to love you but your exuberance and smile finally took me. The way I see it, if you leave me and return home after a short time, it will be the same thing as me leaving you when I die. If I only have a year or two or even just a few months, the joy I have from being with you will be worth whatever follows. I want you to know that I won’t make you feel bad if you have to go.”


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