Franz Schubert and His World
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Müller, H. F., 126
Müller, Wenzel, 162, 174, 177, 178n6, 179n13; Aline, 163, 163, 164, 169, 179n18; Fantasy’s aria, 174–75, 175; Wer niemals einen Rausch hat g’habt, 160–61, 161
Müller, Wilhelm, 116, 117, 145, 169, 236n6; Die schöne Müllerin, 152
Müller-Guffenbrunn, Adam, Old Viennese Journeys and Visions, 320
Munich, 64n16, 85, 100, 109n46, 110n64, 113n116, 130, 181n30
Musenalmanach, 146, 155
Musikverein (Vienna), 244, 252, 262, 284, 292n55, 346n70
Muxfeldt, Kristina, 111n75, 179n11
Nägeli, Hans Georg, Liederkranz auf das Jahr 1816, 148
Napoleon, 39, 132, 201–2, 236n2, 307
Napoleonic Wars, 109n55, 132, 167, 201–4, 236n6, 237–38n17, 240n40
nationalism, 204, 206, 226, 336, 242; German, 75, 112n95, 132, 203–6, 236n4, 237n13, 238n18, n21, 311 (see also Austro-German patriotism and pan-German movement); Hungarian, 185–86
Nazarenes, 99–101, 112n114
Nazis, 339, 340
neoclassicism, 319, 324
Nestroy, Johann, 159, 225, 240n41, 321, 328; Freiheit in Krähwinkel, 237n7
Neue Zeitschrift für Musik (Leizpig), 183, 199n1
Neumann, Emilie, 21
Neumann, Johann Philip, Deutsche Messe, 95
Newbould, Brian, 14, 295n92
New York, 329, 330, 335
Nonsense Society (Unsinnsgesellschaft), 1–37, 40, 69, 70, 158, 161–62, 179n15
Nottebohm, Gustav, 264
Novalis (Hardenberg, Georg Philipp Friedrich von), Hymnen, 146
Ockeghem, Johannes, 243
O’Donell, Johann Count, 286, 290n22, 298n144
Opéra-Comique (Paris), 189
Orel, Alfred, 157, 160, 177, 178n1
Orléans, Duke of (Philippe Égalité), 205, 215, 223, 239n32
Ossian (James Macpherson), 133
Ottenwalt, Anton, 39, 83, 86
Ottoman Empire, 203
Ovid, Metamorphoses, 213
Paccini, Giovanni, 244
Pachler, Karl, 86, 109n48
Pachler, Marie, 86, 109n48, 283
Paer, Ferdinando, Leonora, 236n2
Paganini, Niccolò, 85, 255, 258, 260
Pálffy, Count, 202, 223, 236n3, 292n55
pan-German movement, 327, 328, 335, 336, 339
pantheism, 95–96, 111n84, n85
Paris Opéra, 180n21
Parmigianino, 217, 239n32
Perinet, Joachim, 179n13; Aschenschlägel, 21; Das Neusonntagskind, 161–62
Perugia, 58–60
Pest, 185, 186, 188
Peter of Perugia, 58, 60
Peters, Karl Friedrich, 249
Petrarch, 62
Piarist order, 92, 106n6
Pinturicchio, 58
Piringer, Ferdinand, 244
Pisk, Paul, 339
Plato, 59n; Dialogues, 65n24; Lysis, 64n14; Theages, 64n12
Plutarch, 50
Pöckelhofer, Pepi, 15, 26n27
Pohl, C. F., 264
Poles, 325
populism, 326–28, 333, 335, 342
Prague, 188
Pratobevera, Marie von, 254–55, 259
Preen, Friedrich von, 313, 314
Probst, Heinrich Albert, 260, 261, 296n107
Prochaska, Eleonore, 202
Protestant Reformation, 97
Prunner, Netti, 110n64
Prussia, 40, 202, 203, 205, 206, 238n17, 306, 311, 327
Pyrker von Felsö-Eör, Johann Ladislaus, 95, 111n85
Pythagoras, 48
quodlibets, 162, 164, 173, 177, 180n22
Radicchi, Giulio, 244
Radziwill, Prince Anton, 37n46
Raff, Joachim, 126, 190; Alfred, 189
Raimund, Ferdinand, 157, 159, 177, 178n1, 181n34, 244, 328; Der Bauer als Millionär, 166–74, 168, 176, 178n6; Die gefesselte Phantasie, 173–76, 181n38; Der Verschwender, 181n38
Randhartinger, Benedikt, 250
Ranke, Leopold von, 310, 311, 314
Raphael, 57–63, 99, 100, 112n114, 313; Ascension of Mary, 58; Burning of Burgo, 59; Madonna im Grünen, 64n19; St. Cecilia of Bologna, 61; The School of Athens, 59; Transfiguration, 61, 62
Raulino, Tobias (Bubone di Stivali), 22
Redemptorist order, 100–101
Reichardt, Johann Friedrich, 147–48, 317, 318; Lieb und Treue, 147
Reissmann, August Friedrich Wilhelm, 190, 200n14
Rellstab, Ludwig, 148–49, 156n43, 187, 250, 259, 280, 291n34, 294n78
Renaissance, 99, 312–13
Restoration era, 39, 167, 203, 223, 226
Revertera, Anna von, 158, 178n6
Reynolds, Christopher, 296n119
Rice, John A., 180n22
Richter, Johann Paul Friedrich (Jean Paul), 91
Rieder, August Wilhelm, 68
Riehl, W. H., 301, 310, 311, 315–19; “Das Quartett,” 316
Riotte, Philipp Jakob, 244
Rochlitz, Johann Friedrich, 291n33
Rochus Pumpernickel (quodlibet), 164
Roman Empire, 61
Romanticism, 95, 113n134, 243, 270, 302, 305, 307, 308, 313, 319, 334, 335, 341; of Kosegarten settings, 135, 152; modernist rejection of, 330–31; of Schlegel, 96, 100–106; wanderer archetype of, 163–65
Rome, 8, 59–61, 77, 78, 80, 84, 99–100, 112n106, n114, 113n115, 203, 311
Rommel, Otto, 164, 178n1, 180n24
Roner von Ehrenwert, Franziska, 88
Rosen, Charles, 237n11
Rosenbaum, Josef Karl, 13
Rossau (Vienna), 16–18; map of, 17, 18, 19, 20–22, 25, 29
Rossini, Gioachino, 162, 253, 313
Rosthorn, August von, 35n14
Rubinstein, Anton, Festival Overture, 190
Rubinstein, Nikolai, 243
Runge, Philipp Otto, 132
Russia, 203, 252, 308
St. Peter’s Basilica (Rome), 61
Sallamon, Fanny, 298n138
Salten, Felix, 330
Sammler, Der (Vienna), 244
Sammons, Jeffrey L., 203
San Francisco, 335
Sanctio, Johann, 58
Sand, Karl Ludwig, 203–4
Sauerbronn, Baron Karl Christian Ludwig Drais von, 9
Sauter, Ferdinand, 108n36, 109n45
Sayn-Wittgenstein, Carolyne zu, 188, 190
Schauffler, Robert Havens, 290n5
Scheiger, Josef von, 238n24
Schelling, Friedrich, 96–98, 101, 112n89, n93, 112n108
Schellmann, Albert, 36n39
Schickh, Johann, 244, 260
Schiller, Friedrich von, 107n27, 116, 132–33, 153n8, 155n32, 162, 316, 317; Aesthetische Briefe, 113n134; “Elysium,” 30; “Der Handschuh,” 21–22; “Hektors Abschied,” 29; “Die Sendung Moses,” 239n34
Schindler, Anton, 158, 249, 250, 290n30
Schlechta, Franz Xaver von, 13, 284, 293n61, 297n135
Schlechta family, 290n22, 298n144
Schlegel, Dorothea von, 100, 101, 103
Schlegel, Friedrich von, 99, 101, 103, 107n13, 112n108, 113n116, 202; Bruchmann influenced by, 96, 97, 106, 112n96; works: Ansichten und Ideen von der christlichen Kunst, 100; Lucinde, 91, 101–5, 113n128
Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 96, 237n13; Reden über die Religion, 104, 113n134
Schlögl, Friedrich, 322–23, 325; Wiener Blut, 323
Schmiedel, Johann Baptist, 244
Schmidgall, Georg, 238n24
Schmidl, Adolf, 320
Schmidt, Klamer Eberhard Karl, “Das Lied der Trennung,” 150
Schmidt von Lübeck, Georg Philipp, 162
Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Julius, 100
Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Ludwig Ferdinand, 68, 100, 101, 107n13, 113n115, n116
Schober, Franz von (Quanti Verdradi), 48, 76–89, 108n34, 109n46, 110n59, 111n77, 158, 178n6, 186, 245, 283, 292n55; in Beyträge zur Bildung für Jünglinge project, 45, 49, 63n4; Bruchmann and, 88, 97–102, 104, 105, 107n23, 112n106, n111; circle around Schubert and, see “Scho
bert” circle; correspondence of, 71, 77–79, 82, 89, 97–98, 108n31, n40, 109n43, 251; family background of, 84–86, 110n62; Liszt and, 185–88, 192; librettos by, 32, 185, 179n11, 192; monument designed by, 286, 298n140; in Nonsense Society, 3, 22– 23, 31–33; religious nonconformity of, 91–92; Schubertiades hosted by, 70, 107n14; women and, 86–89, 103, 110n63; works: Alfonso und Estrella, 179n11, 183–200 184, 305, 344n14; An die Musik, 80; Briefe über F. Liszts Aufenthalt in Ungarn, 187; Hungaria, 187; Palingenesien, 91; “Titan,” 187; Weimars Toten, 187
Schoberlechner, Johann Karl, 244, 285
“Schobert” circle, 67–113; Bruchmann’s exit from, 86–106; egalitarianism and communitarian ethic of, 82–86; membership and identity of, 72–82 (see also names of members); performances and, see Schubertiades; religious nonconformity of, 91–96; sexual mores of, 86–91
Schochow, Maximilian and Lilly, 155n34
Schoenberg, Arnold, 331–34, 339
Schönstein, Baron Karl von, 82, 239n35
Schott, B., 260, 261
Schreiber, Friedrich, 130, 154n26
Schreyvogel, Joseph, 236–37n7
Schubert, Ferdinand (brother), 93, 129–30, 188, 244, 245, 248, 259, 262, 263, 283, 286, 294n81, 304, 325, 335; Requiem, 297n130
Schubert, Franz, 3, 7, 84, 331, 335; Adorno on, 340–41; as assistant teacher in father’s school, 16, 20, 27, 35n19, 82; Atzenbrugg festival participation of, 70–71, 76, 158; Beethoven’s influence on, 248, 253–54, 262, 291n41, 297n125, n127; as Beethoven’s successor, 282, 303–9, 313–14, 319, 334, 335; career strategy of, 251–54; circle around Schober and, see “Schobert” circle; concert on anniversary of Beethoven’s death of, 242, 254–55, 257, 258–60, 283, 284, 292n55, 293n66; correspondence of, 71, 77–79, 82, 97–98, 245, 251, 290n27; death of, 111n74, 241, 245, 246, 262, 283, 299, 340; education of, 39, 69, 82, 106n6; family background of, 82, 92; and Der Feuergeist, 11, 13, 14, 17, 33; funeral of, 283, 287; grave of, 245–46, 248, 283, 286–88, 287, 290n22, 297n134, 312; illness of, 71, 77, 86, 245, 251, 291n32; intellectual and social influences on, 39–40, 63n4; Liszt and, 183–200; memorial concerts for, 245–46, 284–86; monument to, 246, 247, 283, 288; as music master in Esterházy’s Zseliz summer residence, 14–16, 31, 82, 108n28; “My Dream,” 23, 304; and myth of Old Vienna, 319–28; in nineteenth-century musical culture, 299–319, 332; 1928 Centenary celebration of, 335–40; Nonsense Society membership of, 7–15, 29–30, 32–33; populism and, 326–28, 333–35, 342; portraits and caricatures of, 8, 25, 25–26, 37n44; possible meetings of Beethoven and, 248–49, 290n30–32, 291n33; posthumous discovery of works by, 67, 283, 288, 297n125, 304, 307, 308; publication of works of, 260–62, 286, 292n50, 293n68; religious views of, 91–96; as Ritter Juan de la Cimbala, 14; in the Rossau, 16–18, 20–22; in Senn circle, 69–70, 75, 107n21; sexuality of, 33, 68, 86, 87; songs composed by, 76–77, 107n27, 115–21, 201–8, 249–50, 308 (see also Lieder; titles of songs in Compositions Index); and Vienna residences of, 31–32, 75, 81, 85, 283, 292n55; Volkstheater plays attended by, 157–60, 166, 178n7; and Wagner’s appropriation of Beethoven’s legacy, 299, 302, 305–10; and Wiener Männergesangverein, 335, 336, 337; see also Schubertiades
Schubert, Franz Theodor (father), 10, 16–17, 82, 92, 245, 262, 325, 335
Schubert, Ignaz (brother), 92, 262, 325, 335
Schubertbund, 325–26, 339
Schubertiades, 8, 67–70, 80, 81, 100, 107n14, 108n40, 109n48, 152, 293n72; Spaun as host of, 67–68, 68, 70, 76, 88, 109n44, n49, 226, 258, 262, 283
Schubring, Adolf, 307
Schulz, J. A. P., 180n21
Schumann, Clara (née Wieck), 286
Schumann, Robert, 241, 245, 248, 280, 286–87, 293n70, 300, 302, 304, 307, 309
Schuppanzigh, Ignaz, 243–44, 252–53, 258, 259, 262, 291n41, 293n59, 298n138
Schuster, Georg, 238n24
Schuster, Marie, 34n7
Schwind, Moritz von, 85, 89, 101, 107n13, n15, 111n74, 112n106, 113n115, n116, n128, 178n6, 239n38, 346n70; Hönig courted by, 87–89, 92, 110n64; in “Schobert” circle, 71, 72, 76–82, 84, 86–92, 98–100, 104, 109n43, n46, 110n63; at Schubertiades, 108n40, 109n48; Works: Diana, 223, 224; A Schubert Evening at Josef von Spaun’s, 67–68, 68, 70; Vienna Court Opera fresco, 223
Scott, Walter, 85
Sealsfield, Charles, 237n7
Sechter, Simon, 126, 284
Sedaine, Michel-Jean, 180n21
Sedlnitzky, Josef, 204
Seidl, Johann Gabriel, 201, 231–32; “Lieder der Nacht,” 240n44; “Sehnsucht,” 226–27, 231, 234, 235
Senn, Johann Chrysostomus, 68, 79, 112n111, 204, 208, 237n11; arrest of, 68, 97, 99, 104, 107n24, 213, 238n24; Bruchmann and, 95–96, 107n23; circle of, 69–70, 74–75, 95–96, 107n21
Seipel, Ignaz, 340
Serov, Alexander Nikolayevich, 308
Seyfried, Ignaz Xavier Ritter von, 244
Shakespeare, William, 109n46, 307; A Comedy of Errors, 108n42; The Rape of Lucrece, 108n42; Romeo and Juliet, 270
Shamgar, Beth, 291n41
Shaw, George Bernard, 308
Sheehan, James J., 204
Siboni, Josef, 263, 264, 293n76
Siena, 58
Slavs, 325
Smallman, Basil, 294n87
Smetana, Rudolph Ritter von, 77, 83, 99–101
Smirsch, Johann Carl (Nina Wutzerl), 8, 27, 28; Windhosen: Der sechste Welttheil in Europa, 17–18, 18, 19, 25, 29
socialism, 333–36, 338, 339, 342; Christian, 327, 333, 336
Socrates, 47, 48, 51, 52, 62
Solomon, Maynard, 86, 249, 274–75, 290n30, n31, 231n33
Sombart, Werner, 329–31
Sonnleithner, Leopold von, 83, 259, 263, 264, 269, 284, 291n41, 293n75, 294n85, 295n89
Spaun, Anton von, 39, 45–47, 63n4, 64n9, n12, n14, 74, 107n20; “On Friendship,” 47–54, 166, 178n6
Spaun, Josef von, 39, 40, 86, 109n47, 166, 178n6, 202, 245, 249, 250, 260, 284; Mayrhofer and, 75, 107n25, 212; in “Schobert” circle, 72, 74, 80–84, 87, 108n31, 109n46; Schubertiades hosted by, 67–68, 68, 70, 76, 88, 109n44, n59, 226, 258, 262, 283
Spaun, Marie von, 86, 92, 110n63
Sperber, Jonathan, 236n4
Spina, C. A., 126, 128, 130, 154n19, n26
Spittelberg (Vienna), 19, 20–21, 29
Spitzer, Daniel, 330
Spohr, Louis, 346n69
Spontini, Gaspare, 162
Stadler, Abbé, 284
Stägemann, Hedwig, 148, 149
Steblin, Rita, 40, 69, 158, 179n15, 282
Stegmayer, Karl, 238n24
Steiner, Sigmund Anton, 244; publishing company of, 248
Stockhausen, Julius, 145–46
Stohl, Eleonore, 68
Stolberg-Stolberg, Friedrich Leopold zu, 59n, 65n24
Strauss, Johann, 126, 321
Strauss, Richard, 308, 315, 344n24; Der Rosenkavalier, 180n
Streicher, Johann Andreas, 244
Streinsberg, Josef von, 83, 99
Sturmberger, Hans, 236n7
Sullivan, Louis, 330
Suppé, Franz von, Franz Schubert, 303
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich, 243
Teltscher, Josef, 250, 286
Temperley, Nicholas, 248
Theater an der Wien, 13, 158, 164, 178n5, 202
Theaterzeitung (Vienna), 27, 126, 162, 172n11, 181n38, 258, 290n17
Thimann, Michael, 239n32
Tietze, Ludwig, 259, 285, 292n54, 293n63
Titian, The Death of Actaeon, 214, 214–15, 216, 2
Treitler, Leo, 242, 276, 277
Treitschke, Georg Friedrich, 236n2, 240n40
Treitschke, Heinrich von, 311
Trentsensky, 108n42, 109n46
Unsinnsgesellschaft, see Nonsense Society
Urania (journal), 236n6
Urbino, 57, 59
Uysdael, Ritter von, 83
Vatican, 61
Veit, Dorothea (née Mendelssohn), see Schlegel, Dorothea von
Veit, Philipp, Friedrich von Schlegel, 103
br /> Veit, Simon, 103
Verdi, Giuseppe, 313
Vial, J. B. C., 164
Vienna, 1, 3, 40, 64n18, 71, 73, 74, 80, 82, 85–86, 89, 91, 97, 101, 108n34, 185, 187, 201, 252, 261–63, 286, 300, 303–4, 307, 316, 318, 319, 322, 327, 333; amateur musicians in, 302, 303, 306, 324–25, 331; Art Academy, 2, 23, 29, 30, 37n44, 110n64; Beethoven memorial concerts in, 255–60, 256, 257; cemeteries in, 245, 246, 254, 263, 283, 286, 287, 288, 311; censorship in, 31, 75, 90, 107n25, 111n75, 204, 223, 236–37n7; Congress of, 45, 89, 167, 202–4, 206, 212, 215, 226; German Sängerbundfest in, 335–36, 338; informal clubs and circles in, see Senn circle; “Schobert” circle; names of clubs; Library (Wienbibliothek), 1, 34n7, 63n, 126, 235, 239n35; museums in, 1, 2, 26, 34n7, 64n19; old, myth of, 319–28; opera houses in, 90, 223–24, 303; opposition to Metternich’s government in, 204–7, 226, 231; popular culture of, 299, 312; Schubert centenary in, 334, 335, 337–40; Schubertiades in, 81, 88, 109n48, 226; Stadtkonvikt, 39, 69, 74, 82, 106n6, 159, 204; suburbs of, 16–22, 19, 109n46, 164; theater in, 157–82, 188, 202, 239n38, 337
Vogl, Johann Michael, 67, 80, 86, 95, 164, 202, 223, 225, 253, 259, 283, 291n45; Ich widme dir mein ganzes Leben, 164
Volkstheater, 157–82
Vormärz, 308, 326, 335
Wagner, Otto, 331
Wagner, Richard, 243, 299, 302, 305–10, 312, 313, 315–19, 326, 328–29, 332– 35, 340; Der fliegende Holländer, 183; Die Meistersinger, 306–7; Das Rheingold, 199n1; Der Ring des Nibelungen, 316; Tannhäuser, 189; Tristan und Isolde, 416
Währing Cemetery (Vienna), 245, 246, 254, 263, 283, 286, 287, 288
Waidelich, Till Gerrit, 292n56
Walcher, Ferdinand, 92
Walden, Bruno, 302
Waldmüller, Ferdinand, 328
Walker, Alan, 190
Wasserburger, Anton, 298n140
Watteroth, Heinrich Josef, 76, 109n47
Watteroth, Wilhelmine, 109n47
Watteroth family, 30
Weber, Carl Maria von, 307, 313, 346n69; Euryanthe, 183; Der Freischütz, 108n42
Weber, Ernst, Lyrik der Befreiungskriege, 236n2
Weber, Max, 314
Webern, Anton, 331
Weigl, Josef, 244
Weimar, 162, 183, 184, 187–91, 200n14
Weimar Republic, 344n25
Weimarer Zeitung, 183
Weingartner, Felix, 318
Weinmann, Alexander, 126
Weintridt, Vincentius, 109n48
Weiß, Eduard, 181n34
Weiss, Franz, 244, 252, 259
Weissmann, Adolf, 328–29
Welker, Ernst (Kritzli Batzli), Die Redaction: Herr Schnautze, 4