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Black Heart And Red Redemption (Iron Dogz MC)

Page 25

by René Van Dalen

  Jossy and Ellie flew out of their chairs and rushed to me, clasping me around my legs and I bent over to give them hugs and kisses.

  “Morning sweet girls.” I greeted them and sank down to hug them.

  “Ellie wanted to spin. She was being a handful.” Jossy said. She obviously quoted one of women and I hid my smile and nodded.

  And that’s how we got to where we were now. A bunch of little kids and I were swirling around the floor giggling and having fun. But I kept my eye on Ellie. She was lost in a world of her own, feeling the music and swaying her little booty along with the beat, perfectly in time. Watching her I knew, as young as she was, she would either become a dancer or do something involving music when she was older.

  I would teach my little girl all about dancing, preparing her for the big bad world out there.

  My brain stuttered to a stop. I had just called her my little girl. Standing there watching the children having fun jumping and twirling and watching themselves in the mirrors I knew I wasn’t going to leave.

  Beast and his girls were my new future and the Iron Dogz right along with them.

  The club had given me a safe haven when I needed it so very badly. DC had given me this studio. Oh I knew it was a bribe to get me to stay, but what a hell of a bribe. And then there was the welcome I had received from the old ladies and their families, unbelievably warm and caring.

  I now had more friends than I had ever had before. During my career as a dancer I had very few friends and as I moved up, and they didn’t, they fell away until there was only Ilya. He had been my best friend, my confidant, and my harshest critic.

  If he had still been alive I knew exactly what he would have said to me.

  “Stop fucking second guessing yourself, Tor. Grab life with both hands and live it.”

  And that’s exactly what I was going to do. I was going to grab hold of this new life I had been given and live it.

  I was going to live it with my very unusual new family, the Iron Dogz MC.

  With the man who should have been by my side from the start, and his little girls.

  And maybe, one day, I would have a baby of my own with him to add to our family.

  Life was so strange. It took with one hand and gave with the other. It took Ilya and my career and gave me a chance at a normal life. Well, not exactly normal but it was close enough.

  Leaving the children I picked up my sweat pants and fleece, pulled them on then joined the women in the chairs.

  I sat on the floor in front of them slowly stretching my body as we watched the kids.

  And for once all I felt was peace.



  Wiping the sweat from his forehead Beast stood back and critically looked over the last piece for the fucking gazebo Ice had asked him to design and build. He’d been working since very early this morning to get the final piece done and wanted to kick his own ass for designing such a fucking airy fairy damned thing. Now that it was finished he could call the prospects in to help him carry the pieces to the selected spot and then he could start putting it together.

  But not today. Today was the day the dogs were arriving and he and Rider had arranged to have their ladies and kids ready to greet their new family member. A beautiful black and tan German Shepard female named Sassy. He and Rider had both trained with her and she had bonded with both of them. Their trainer had been wary at first but when it became clear that Sassy was fine with having two handlers he gave them the go-ahead. It was perfect for the living situation they had. Penny had readied the alcove next to the stairs for Sassy’s bed, giving her the perfect location from which to watch over her family.

  His girls had been asking for a dog ever since visiting Bulldog’s place where they had several dogs running around the property. Bulldog loved the Rottweiler breed and had always had several dogs guarding his property and his family. It’s no wonder that Ice and Spider had both chosen Rotties as their guard dogs.

  That was the great thing about the company Jagger had found. They trained several different breeds as guard dogs, service dogs and companion dogs. And some of those dogs were rescues they took in and trained then placed with the right person for them. They did not sign off on a dog if the dog wasn’t happy. The dogs came first, every single time and they checked up on their dogs after they had been placed and would keep checking even years after the placement.

  Packing his tools away and shutting down the machines Beast cleaned his workshop then headed back out to the clubhouse. He fucking needed something cold to drink.

  There was no one behind the bar as he walked in and Beast walked around and helped himself to a bottle of water then sank down into a chair in the back corner of the semi-dark common room to relax for a minute. He quietly sipped his water and enjoyed the coolness after the heat in his workshop. He was sweaty and was contemplating going up to his room and grabbing a quick shower when he heard a bike pulling in. Tipping his head to the side he tried to place where the bike was parking and frowned when it sounded as if whoever it was hadn’t parked with the other brothers.

  He sat without moving and waited. Soon after the door swung open and a tall man stood silhouetted in the doorway. He paused as he allowed his eyes to get used to the gloom then stepped inside and let the door close behind him. Beast recognised him immediately and rose to greet him dropping the bottle of water on the small table next to his chair.

  What he hadn’t expected was the bleakness in the eyes of a man who despite his road name used to smile and laugh all the time. There was none of it left in the cold green eyes. He gave a small smile when he recognised Beast but it didn’t reach his eyes.

  Fuck. This was going to be a problem. Their brother was lost in that dark wasteland Beast knew only too well. He was going to recommend that Scar shadow him along with Wolf. They would make a good team.

  “Welcome home, brother.” Beast grabbed Scar and pulled him close then slapped his back, hard, twice.

  “Thanks, brother. Don’t know if I’ll be staying though.” Scar said as he stepped back after delivering two hard slaps to Beast’s back as well.

  “Make no mistake, Scar, you’re home, brother. We need your skills.”

  Scar frowned and glanced around the empty room. “What’s going on?”

  “Not talking about it out here, brother. You never know if you have fucking ears flapping in the breeze out here.” Beast growled. “Let’s go see the boss and then we’ll get you settled in.”

  Beast led the way down the passage to Hawk’s office and after a knock opened the door to walk inside. He knew the minute he stepped one foot inside that Hawk was fucking his old lady. In his office. With the door unlocked. Again.

  “For fuck’s sake, Boss. Lock the fucking door if you’re going to fuck your old lady. Now I’ve got that shit burned into my fucking retinas.” Beast growled as he backed out the door.

  Hawk’s voice was deep and breathless as he answered. “My fucking office. Can fuck my old lady...anywhere I want.” The sounds of flesh connecting with flesh rang through the air along with his old lady’s moans.

  “Close the damn door.” DC gasped out between moans.

  Beast and Scar retreated, and he closed the door then beckoned Scar to follow him back to the bar. He now needed a fucking beer. Grabbing two out of the fridges behind the bar he gave one to his brother and sank down on a couch on the far side of the room.

  Scar grinned. “Does that shit happen often?”

  “All the fucking time, brother. The boss couldn’t give a shit who’s watching when he fucks but his old lady changed that shit. She’s never going to allow him to fuck her in public, so the bastard gets his jollies by not locking his door and having us poor unsuspecting sods walking in on him giving it to her on his desk, or the couch or the floor, any fucking surface would do for those two.” Beast took a deep draught of his beer.

  “I heard talk about that shit and I’ve seen him with the club whores in Durban. But it wa
s usually just him getting a blow job not full on fucking.” Scar replied with a faint frown. “Is he still fucking those whores he has at all the clubs around the country?”

  Beast shook his head. “His old lady will cut off his dick and feed it to him if he so much as looked at one of those bitches. You weren’t in Durban at the time all that shit went down, but you must have heard how she laid out that club whore and told her old man to piss off.”

  Scar shrugged. “Heard it, just didn’t believe she would stand up against him.”

  Beast gave his new brother a knowing little smile. “You’re in for an education, brother. The prez’s old lady is a force to be reckoned with and he’s only too glad to give her what she wants. She wanted his whores gone, and boom, they are.”

  “Sounds good. I have no fucking time for fucking whores. I don’t talk to them, I don’t fuck them and as far as I’m concerned they don’t exist.” Scar snapped then took a deep drink of his beer.

  “I hear you, brother. I’ve finally claimed an old lady and we’ve had some fucked up situations with the club whores. My girl almost walked out on me because of that shit.” Beast growled as he shook his head. “It’s the one piece of advice I’m going to give every single fucking prospect that walks in that door from now on. Don’t shit where you eat. You bring an old lady home and the club sluts you used to fuck are going to make her life fucking unbearable.”

  Scar leant forward and clinked his bottle against Beast’s in a silent toast. “Best advice ever, brother, but those little fuckers aren’t going to listen. They’ve been watching the brothers fucking those bitches while they were prospecting and weren’t allowed a taste. Those bastards are salivating for a piece by the time they’re patched in.” Scar frowned heavily. “The night of my patching in party the first opportunity I got I called my girl and she rushed her tail to the fucking clubhouse. She stayed by my side and took care of me. Should have given her my patch but shit went down and I let my dick choose for me.”

  Beast nodded. “I know all about that, brother. Have a fucked up ex myself. Got sole custody of my girls a little while ago but I’m not letting my guard down. I don’t trust the silence from her and her piece of shit new man.”

  “Ja, but at least the piece of shit new man isn’t your own fucking brother. That shit fucking blows chunks.” Scar said quietly.

  Setting his empty bottle down Beast tapped the table to draw Scar’s attention. “There are a few things you should think about, my brother. He’s no longer your brother, Scar. Not by blood or by club. A real brother will let you know he’s attracted to your woman and seek a transfer away from temptation. A real brother will send that woman on her way when she approaches him. A real brother will go to his brother and lay that shit out for him. A real brother will never stick his dick in a brother’s woman, no matter what.” Beast looked deep in to those cold green eyes and felt the connection between them. “He’s not your blood anymore, Scar. He doesn’t deserve that honour.”

  Scar looked down and picked at the label on his bottle. “The bitch said she fucked my brother because I didn’t know what to do with my dick and that I’m shooting fucking blanks. We’ve been trying to have a kid for two years and nothing. She got inside my fucking head, brother.”

  Beast was so fucking angry at first he couldn’t say a word, then taking a deep breath he laid it out for his brother.

  “I bet if you went and had your spunk tested you’ll find your swimmers are perfectly normal. She was never going to have your kid, Scar. She played you, brother. Bitches like her, they like to break men down, it’s the only way they get to feel powerful. And comparing two brothers in bed is just totally fucked up. Physically you guys look almost exactly the same. That bitch took your lookalike to her bed then tried to make you feel like shit. I’m calling bullshit. She’s going to do the same thing to that little fucker, just you wait and see. And just so we know you’re covered, when was the last time you fucked her?”

  “Six maybe seven months ago, brother. She always made excuses.” Scar slowly shook his head. “They cost me my club, my brothers and my place at the table. I worked my fucking ass off for my club and had goals to sit at the table and supporting my president. Now I have nothing. I’ll be going out as a nomad with only the road in front of me, nothing else.” Scar ground out bitterly.

  Beast snorted. “Bullshit. I don’t want to talk out of turn but you have some surprises coming for you, brother. Keep your head up. We’ve got your back.”

  Beast looked up as he spoke and into his presidents yellow eyes. The man had heard the shit their brother had been through and he was pissed off.

  “Scar, brother, come to my office. Beast, you as well.” He ordered before turning and stomping back down the passage.

  “You would think after fucking his old lady he would be in a mellow mood.” Scar said softly as they followed.

  “He has a lot of shit on his mind at the moment. Let’s hear what he has to say.” Beast said quietly.

  Hawk was already behind his desk when they walked in and focused on something on the laptop on the desk in front of him. He waved one hand at the chairs without looking up and Beast and Scar sat down and waited.

  Their president was pissed at something he was reading and Beast knew they would have to wait until whatever had pissed him off had been handled.

  And what do you know. Hawk slammed the laptop shut and shoved it away from him.

  “Right, let’s do this. Scar, brother, welcome to my house. I’ve spoken to Hotdog and I’ve informed him that I would be offering you a position as a Lieutenant at this chapter. We run things differently up here, you will be shadowing one of the officers and become part of his team. Hotdog had hopes that you would return to Durban after spending a bit of time away.”

  Scar immediately shook his head. “Never going back, Prez.”

  Hawk nodded. “Good. Have you given thought to staying here instead of going Nomad?”

  “Beast has been talking to me and it looks like you run a very different type of set up here. Don’t get me wrong, Hotdog is a very good president but he inherited a lot of rotten apples when he took over the gavel. We were slowly working them out.” Scar shrugged. “I was disliked because I never hid my opinion regarding the rot in the club from my brothers. I suppose not telling me what was happening behind my back and allowing me to walk in on Pesto fucking my wife was their revenge.”

  Resting his forearms on the desk Hawk leant forward, his eyes intent on Scar. “What did Hotdog do about the situation?”

  Scar snorted. “Hotdog did what he could but when it came down to a vote the little fucker survived, he didn’t lose his patch. He won’t be eligible for promotion for the next five years and that’s all, which is fucking ridiculous. It’s a fucking insult to me, to the club, to the bylaws we have in place. I couldn’t stay and watch him swaggering around the club one more day. So I packed up my shit, and what I didn’t throw out I sold. The bitch is trying to grab the house in the divorce settlement but she won’t get it. I wasn’t alone the day that shit went down. Claw was with me and he recorded the entire sordid mess. My lawyer now has the recording and is using it in the divorce. Because of my spoilt little brother I lost my club, my friends, and my family. My parents chose to believe their version, that I had been abusing her for years and denying her the children she so badly wanted.”

  Shaking his head Hawk tapped his fingers on the desk and Beast knew his president would be following up on the shit at the Durban club. He wasn’t the National President for nothing. He would be sending the Nomads in to clean house if he wasn’t satisfied with the explanations coming from Hotdog and his officers. Fuck, he might still send them even if he believed their explanations. You never knew with Hawk Walker.

  “You didn’t lose your club, brother. What you did lose was dead weight. I’m hoping you’ll decide to stay here with us because we need your skills. I run a different kind of table than most other presidents. I want my men to have opinions of t
heir own and to share them openly with the rest of us. I value those opinions. You can ask any of the brothers at this table, we’ve had some huge differences of opinion but in the end we work them out because we all put the club first.” Hawk grinned. “And sometimes we climb in the ring and sort our problems out the old fashioned way.”

  Beast nodded when Scar glanced at him then back at Hawk.

  “Give me a day or two, Prez. Let me look around and get a feel for the brothers. I’ll give you my answer by next week.” Scar agreed.

  Beast hid a smile. The brother wouldn’t be going Nomad.

  A sharp knock sounded and Ice and Kid followed by Sin came strolling in. “Dogs are almost here, Boss. Jagger and the brothers are waiting for you outside.” Ice grinned. “And your old lady is sitting on the front steps, waiting for her dog. No one wants to piss her off so they sent us to come and get you.”

  Hawk laughed and stood. “Brothers, meet Scar, our brother from the Durban chapter.”

  After shaking hands we followed out president out of the office. Every single man there excited to go and check out the dogs.

  Beast joined his president and brothers on the front veranda. All of them standing in a row, arms crossed over their chests, waiting.

  Must have looked like some fucking photo from the days of the Wild West, Beast thought.


  All morning the clubhouse had been thrumming with excitement because the guard dogs the men had been training with was arriving. DC was anxious to get our therapy session over with. She rushed out of the studio as soon as we were done and I sat on the floor and laughed softly as I watched her leave. From where I was sitting I could see part of the front of the club but it was at an angle and all that was actually visible was part of the steps and veranda. I grinned as I watched DC sink down on the steps to wait for the dogs.

  It was hot today and the studio doors were open all the way to allow some air to move through as the air conditioning hadn’t been installed yet. I had found that the studio became very hot as the day progressed so we were getting air-conditioning.


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