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Black Heart And Red Redemption (Iron Dogz MC)

Page 36

by René Van Dalen

  “My babies!” The bitch shouted and her eyes flickered around the restaurant to see if she got any attention. It was empty, so she didn’t.

  With a huff she slid onto the bench seat opposite them and her piece of shit man sat down next to her. His pupils where like tiny black pinheads and his hands shook as he started touching everything on the table distractedly. He was as high as a fucking kite.


  Beast didn’t say a word and neither did his girls, they just held on to each other and him even tighter.

  “I want my babies back.” The bitch snarled. “You stole them from me. They are mine.”

  “Stop fucking around. You have five minutes, if you don’t change your fucking attitude I’m walking out of here and taking them home.” Beast bit out through clenched teeth.

  “The court ordered you to let me spend time with them. You can leave now. We’ll have lunch and play in the kiddies play area and just chat.”

  Bettie gave a sickening little grin and she looked so self-satisfied Beast began to get worried. Something wasn’t right. Something definitely wasn’t right. Picking up his phone as if to check something he activated the alert and his men responded immediately. They were all standing ready to defend Beast and his girls.

  Bettie leant across the table and hissed softly at him so that no one would hear. Unfortunately for her, his phone was right there on the table and recording every single fucking thing.

  “I’ve made sure you’re going to regret ever going up against me. Those little bitches belong to me and I’ll do whatever the fuck I want with them. Today they will be mine and there’s nothing you’ll be able to do about it. They are property of my man’s club and have been promised to two of his men already.” She laughed wickedly. “Think about that while you rot behind bars.”

  Beast was about to rip her across the table and strangle the fucking piece of shit when Spider appeared right next to him and clapped a hand over his shoulder. He said one word and Beast’s insides froze.


  What happened next was a fucking joke. The bitch started howling and performing for the fucking pigs flooding the restaurant. She accused him of abducting her girls, of child abuse and with the fucking shit happening to women and children around the country the fucking pigs didn’t even think twice. They dragged him away from his girls, cuffed him and started dragging him out of the restaurant without asking him his side of the story. This was fucking bullshit.

  Beast was a big guy and he planted his feet and gave instructions to Spider.

  “Brother, you watch over my girls and if that bitch or her man touches one little fucking hair on their heads you have my permission to teach them a lesson. Take my phone, I recorded the entire conversation but I don’t trust the pigs to not erase it. Send it to Zig and to my lawyer. You keep those girls here until Saskia Gordon arrives. She’s bringing the court order and will take care of this shit. Fucking promise me you won’t allow the bitch and her drugged out piece of shit to touch my girls”

  Spider was furious as he nodded. “We’ve got your back, brother. Gerhard Van Wyk will meet you at the station and take care of this shit. Rider and Ratel are going to follow you and keep us up to date. It means these fuckers can’t take a little side trip with you. We’re going to sue the shit out of the SAPS and these fuckers individually. They didn’t do their homework and are arresting an innocent man.”

  The officers didn’t like that and shoved Beast roughly towards the exit. “You fucking bikers, you think you can break the law and get away with it, but not this time. We are going to teach you a lesson you won’t soon forget.” One of the pigs snarled at Beast

  Beast ignored him, his eyes on his hysterically crying girls.

  “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy! I want my Daddy! No! No! I want my Daddy!” Jossy shrieked and tried to claw her way past the fucker of a pig that shoved her back down on the bench.

  “You fucking hurt my girls and you’re in deep shit, pig!” Beast shouted.

  It was right then that Gino and his wife intervened. “We know these little girls, let my wife sit with them. They’re scared, and it’s you who are scaring them. Be aware that you’re on camera right now and I can’t control my staff as much as I want to. This shit is already on the internet. Especially you bastards manhandling those babies. The world is watching you right now.”

  The fuckers calmed down a bit but not by much. Thankfully the bastard in charge of this so-called arrest allowed Leona to sit with his girls and they calmed slightly but not much.

  “Spider, call your mum, get her here.” He called out as he was shoved out the door.

  “Already done, brother!” He heard Spider’s reply as he was shoved towards a waiting fucking aapkas (cop van).

  The trip in the back of the stinking van was rough and Beast couldn’t brace himself as his hands were cuffed behind his back. The bastards threw the van around and he hit his head and felt the blood trickling down his forehead and temple.

  Gerhard Van Wyk was going to have a field day with the fucking SAPS.

  Bruised and bleeding Beast was dragged into the station and locked in a cage. They didn’t remove the cuffs or offer him medical attention. Beast sat down on the bench in the damned cage and waited. He knew from previous experience that they were letting him stew. Little did they know the longer he sat here unattended the deeper the shit around them was getting.

  He ignored the taunts thrown at him by the pigs outside the cage and relaxed as much as he could.

  He smiled when he heard Gerhard Van Wyk demanding to see his client. Not long after Gerhard was escorted into the room where Beast was being held and he stopped in his tracks when he saw the state of his client. He turned to the smirking officers and smiled.

  “I have footage of the state my client left the restaurant in. I have footage of the state he was in when he was thrown into the back of one of your vans. I have footage of the entire trip from the restaurant to your station and the way your van was driven. And now I have recorded and seen with my own eyes he was given no medical attention on being brought here, he is still cuffed and has been for several hours because you stalled my request to see him. I am building a good case against the SAPS and several officers individually. Now. Let me see my client. In private.”

  The officers lost their smirks and quickly unlocked the cage and escorted them to an interview room where they took off the cuffs and left them alone. Beast sat down at the table across from his lawyer who had a notepad and pen out on the table.

  “My girls. Are they safe? How are they?” That’s all he wanted to know right now.

  “They are safely back at the compound. Saskia is handling that part of the case. I’m more concerned with the charges these bastards have levelled at you. They are charging you with resisting arrest, assaulting an officer, and kidnapping. The kidnapping will be thrown out, about that I have no doubts. It’s the other two charges that might give us some trouble. We can be thankful that the restaurant has such good security. Every little angle is covered as well as the outside and entire car park.”

  He tapped the table as he let that sink in and Beast knew he was in deep shit.

  “I didn’t touch anyone.”

  “These bastards are saying you head butted an officer, that’s why your head is bleeding.” Gerhard said mildly.

  “Bullshit. I was already bleeding when they dragged me out of the van. My blood is all over the back of that piece of shit.”

  Gerhard smiled, not a good smile. “I have that under control. One of my investigators photographed the back of the van and the two officers who escorted you here. We have someone who slipped us footage of your arrival which we’re going to use to prove the officers are lying.”

  Beast nodded and sighed. “When will you get me out of here?”

  “Unfortunately not tonight.” Gerhard sighed. “We’re going to have to go into court in the morning and have this thrown out so it never comes back to bite you in the ass.”
/>   “Fuck.” Beast whispered. “My girls must be frantic. They saw these fuckers drag me away from them and now I’m not home. They must be so scared.”

  “They’re being taken care of, Beast. We have to worry about you now. They are going to lock you down for the night and I don’t trust them, so let’s take some photo’s to safeguard you from attack during the night. I’ll take your kutte with me so they don’t get their hands on it. Let’s do this before they come back. Shirt off.”

  Beast did as requested. He handed his kutte over very reluctantly then grabbed his t-shirt behind his neck and pulled it off. Gerhard took photos of his front, back and sides. He even had him drop his jeans to take photos of his lower back and thighs. Beast dressed after they were done and sat down again.

  “My old lady, she had an appointment with her specialist today. Do you know how it went and if she’s okay?”

  Gerhard shook his head. “Sorry, Beast, I came straight here, I don’t know. I want you to do whatever they tell you to do within reason. Don’t aggravate the situation at all. I’ll have you out tomorrow morning, I promise.”

  Gerhard left soon after and Beast was escorted down to the cells, escorted past a packed large cell and locked in by himself. That pissed the other bastards off and they were taunting him through the bars between the cells. Beast stood and just looked at them and slowly a silence fell. Turning away from the bars he sat down on the bunk and leant back against the wall. No way was he going to lie down and get caught sleeping.

  It was a fucking long night as Beast rested against the wall. He was aware of every single time a pig walked down here and looked in on him. He sat and stared back at them and they soon turned and left. None of them had the balls to attack a man who was awake and waiting for them. If he had fallen asleep he would have been fair game.

  He was herded out of his cell along with the others that would be appearing in court that day but not given a chance to clean up or anything. He had fucking cuffs around his wrists and ankles and shuffled along as if he was a dangerous felon. Fucking bullshit move from the pigs. Blood was caked in his hair and beard and stained his t-shirt down the front of his chest.

  He sat in the cells below the magistrate’s court and waited for his turn to appear and finally his name was called and he was escorted upstairs. Gerhard was there waiting for him along with Saskia Gordon, they both shook their heads at the state of him.

  The proceedings were short and to the point. The prosecutor put forward a charge sheet and Beast shook his head as he listened. It was a total fabrication and he wondered if the prosecutor was in on the whole scam. He took note of his name and added it to the list of people he was going to investigate.

  Gerhard stood and handed several things into evidence, among them video footage of what had happened at the restaurant and of his ride in the back of the fucking van and the court papers awarding him full custody of his children.

  “My client, Mr Van Den Bergh, was wrongfully arrested and charged with crimes he did not commit. Crimes were committed against him, which we will be addressing at a later date. I move that all charges against my client be summarily dismissed.”

  The prosecutor was about to object when the magistrate ordered him to sit down. “I have here in front of me a court order providing Mr Van Den Bergh with the sole custody of his minor children as ruled by Judge Connelly. I therefore dismiss the count of kidnapping. The remaining charges are resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer to which Mr Van Den Bergh has pleaded not guilty. I will review the video footage and deliver my conclusions within the hour. Court is recessed for forty minutes.” The bailiff was about to take Beast back down to the cells when the magistrate turned back. “Bailiff, Mr Van Den Bergh can stay in the care of his legal team while I review the footage.”

  Beast looked at Gerhard and Saskia and they both just nodded and he knew he had to keep his mouth shut. The very pissed off prosecutor and the four cops who were to give evidence in the case stormed out of the courtroom. Obviously to cook something else up.

  The magistrate was back in less than forty minutes. It took him twenty five to make up his mind. Beast was hoping and praying the man had not been bought off.

  It took several minutes for the court to settle down before proceedings could start.

  “I’ve never seen such an obvious attempt at incarcerating an innocent man. Mr Prosecutor, this case should never have reached my courtroom. You should have dismissed it out of hand. You have wasted your time, that of the accused and his legal team and that of this court. All charges against Mr Van Den Bergh is hereby dismissed.”

  Gerhard stood and thanked the magistrate. “Thank you, your honour.”

  The magistrate however wasn’t finished. “Mr Van Den Bergh, this court regrets the treatment you have received from officers of the law. Be reassured that I will not let it rest here. You are free to go.”

  With that he brought the gavel down and Beast was free. He turned and shook hands with Gerhard and Saskia and nodded his thanks to the magistrate who just tipped his head slightly to the side.

  There was no need to go back to the cop station so he walked out of the courtroom a free man. His brothers stood waiting for him outside. At first he grinned at them until he saw the looks on their faces and in their eyes.

  Fuck. Something had gone down. Something bad.

  Several of the brothers were missing. All of Tori’s security team as well as Jagger and a few others.

  His gut churned as he came to a halt in front of his prez. “Tell me.”

  Hawk silently handed him his kutte and Beast shrugged it on then waited. And it was as bad as he had suspected.

  “Your babies are safe with Bulldog and Aunt Suzy.” His jaw clenched before he continued. “Tori’s SUV was hit on their way back to the compound.” He grabbed Beast’s arm as he started to turn to get to his bike. “Your old lady is fine. The doc kept her overnight because of concussion and back pain. They’re doing an MRI this morning and further x-rays.” Beast threw his head back and groaned heavily before he looked back at Hawk. There was pain there in his eyes. Fuck.

  “Tell me, brother, don’t fucking drag it out.”

  “They were hit by a truck and two cars. We lost Petey at the scene. Sam is in a coma, he hit his head against the pillar and the steering wheel during the crash, and it’s not looking good. Dollar has a broken arm and leg and concussion. Dizzy has a gunshot wound, torn ligaments in his right knee and concussion. Scar suffered a glancing head wound and has concussion with fucking cuts all over his body, and brother, he has limited feeling in his legs. Buzz is out of danger as of this morning. He has gunshot wounds to his shoulder and abdomen. Bullet was shot in the thigh and lost a lot of blood but is doing okay. Army is in a coma, he has swelling around his brain and a serious back injury. We don’t know more yet. Your old lady’s specialist is taking care of him and Scar. Niknak was lucky, he only suffered a concussion and cuts and bruises after they shunted his bike off the road.”

  “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I should have been with her. I should have fucking been with her. My brothers should have been in a cage. No one should have been on their bikes.” Beast was sick with the loss of their brother and the injuries to the rest.

  “No, brother, you had to be with your babies, if you hadn’t they would be fucking gone. I suspect this shit was carefully orchestrated by the fucking vile bitch. Not going to mention names out here where we can be overheard. Let’s stop talking and get to the hospital. Your woman needs you. We haven’t told her about the shit that went down with you because she was totally out of it with the medications they gave her.”

  “They drugged her with a concussion? I thought you had to wake them every hour or so to check for brain bleeds.” Beast was fucking worried.

  “No brother, apparently they were monitoring her with the shit attached to her. I don’t fucking know. No more talk. Let’s get the fuck away from this place, it gives me fucking hives.”

  Beast accepted his keys
from a very serious looking Will and got on his bike. They started up and followed their President and VP away from the magistrate’s court. No one tried to stop them as they took up the entire left lane leading out of the city.

  Curbing his impatience Beast followed his prez as they rode, at speed limit, to the hospital. Because of course they had the pigs following them all the way out there.

  He parked and didn’t wait for his brothers. He had to get to his woman.

  His brothers streamed into the hospital after him, completely ignoring the security guards and receptionist as they made their way to the stairs. Not waiting for the damned lift.

  “Third floor, room 302.” Hawk said behind him as he started to climb the stairs two at a time.

  On the third floor some asshole tried to stop him from going into his old lady’s room and an argument ensued. Beast left it to his prez to sort it and rushed through the door of her room.

  She lay in the hospital bed looking right at him as he came through the door. At first she smiled but then tears overflowed and ran down her cheeks.

  Beast had no idea how he got next to her bed, he was suddenly there and had her in his arms, holding his crying woman against his chest. With his eyes closed in a silent prayer of thanks he stroked a hand down her back, felt heavy bandaging and stopped immediately when she flinched.

  He carefully laid her back down and looked her over.

  She had cuts to her face and arms and the fucking brace was back on her leg. But what the fuck was wrong with her back? He would ask, but first he had to let her know why he hadn’t been by her side the entire fucking night.

  “I’m so fucking grateful you’re alive, Ladybug. Don’t know what I would do if anything happened to you.”

  He didn’t get a chance to explain about his absence because his girl fell apart right in front of him.


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