A Family Affair

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A Family Affair Page 14

by Rob Loveless

  “Sometimes,” Cal admitted. Sophie’s phone—which was silenced—vibrated to announce their fake Sleazr profile had received a message.

  “What does it say?”

  “Ew,” Cal grimaced. “It’s not from him; it’s some old guy. All he said was ‘tasty.’”

  “Ew, really?”

  “Yeah. Sorry, pal, I’m not into cannibalism,” Cal remarked. “Oh wait, here we go. Andrew said he’s good.”

  “Well, that doesn’t give us a lot to go off of,” Sophie determined.

  “Fortunately, this app isn’t usually about conversations,” Cal clarified as he messaged back.

  “What are you saying?”

  “I’m asking what he’s looking for.”

  “‘Nothing serious. Just looking and seeing what comes my way.’ What does that mean?” Sophie questioned with an edge to her voice.

  “It means he’s fucking us both over: me and Claire,” Cal muttered in disbelief.

  He had so desperately wanted to believe that Andrew had matured and that he had actually loved Cal—years ago and now. However, he came to the forced realization he had been played…again. The inner conflict he had faced when he left college for his first job, the sleepless nights spent pondering whether or not he had made the right decision to leave, the loneliness and isolation, the numerous dates that had left Cal missing Andrew, the three and a half years of emotional distress had all been caused by a fuckboy; someone who had never given and would never give two shits about him.

  Though Cal always suspected Andrew had played him, he was never able to confirm it. And with recent events, he actually believed Andrew had loved him and still loved him. However, it had all been a lie—their entire “relationship”—and Cal felt a familiar sense of grief—the same as he had experienced when Andrew first broke his heart. This time though, the grief was accompanied by a rage that had been buried for years.

  “Oh my God,” Cal spat in apparent understanding. “When we were out earlier, he said he had to run an errand tonight.”

  “Do you think he’s meeting up with someone tonight?” Sophie gasped. “What are you going to do? Should you tell Claire?”

  “I’ll tell you what I’m gonna do; I’m gonna beat the shit out of that motherfucker,” he snarled as he cast Sophie’s phone aside and reached for the door.

  “Cal, no!” Sophie cried as she hurried after her friend. She caught him before he was able to throw the door open and yanked on his arm. “Stop!”

  “Get off!”

  “This isn’t going to help anything.”

  “Only one way to find out.”

  “Cal,” Sophie hissed so they would not alert Andrew to their presence. She pulled on Cal’s arm, which was still grasping the doorknob, and spun him around to face her, causing the door to open slowly. “Breathe and think. What’s going to happen if you go and confront Andrew right now? You’re going to punch him and then what? How are you going to explain that to Claire and your parents?”

  “So what? I’m supposed to let him get away with this?”

  “No, but this is not the way to handle it.”

  “So what do you suggest we do then?”

  “I’m not sure, but—”

  The bedroom door creaked open and Andrew stepped out into the hallway. He must not have heard their discussion, since he seemed surprised to see them both standing in the open doorway of the guest bedroom as he walked by.

  “Hey there,” Andrew greeted as he pocketed his cell phone and car keys. “What’s up?”

  “Oh, we were just trying to figure out a movie to watch tonight,” Sophie lied.

  “Oh cool,” he replied. “Um, I don’t think we’ve met.”

  “This is Andrew,” Cal introduced.

  “Oh, Andrew. I’ve heard a lot about you,” she said with a subtle tone of disgust.

  “Uh, you have?”

  “Yeah…from Claire. I’m a family friend.”

  “Oh, okay,” Andrew said before a momentary, awkward silence fell upon the trio. “I’m sorry, I still don’t know your name.”

  “Sophie. I’m Sophie,” she stated with a stiff handshake.

  “Nice to meet you—”

  “So, where are you going?” Cal asked impatiently.


  “You said earlier that you were going to run an errand tonight.”

  “Oh…oh yeah!” Andrew replied. “Yeah, I’m running out to the store to grab a last minute Christmas present.”

  “At this hour?” Cal questioned with a faked pleasantry.

  “Yeah, a lot of stores have extended holiday hours.”

  “Really? Even this late? It might be closed by the time you get there.”

  “I’ll risk it,” Andrew said.

  “Well, you’re a brave man,” Cal responded.

  “It’s not a big deal,” he shrugged before he shot Cal a curious expression. Andrew pulled on his coat and then brushed past Cal and Sophie.

  “I guess it’s not for you,” Cal muttered under his breath.

  “I think Claire is still asleep. Let her know I’m out running an errand if she wakes up and asks,” Andrew stated.

  “Oh, I will,” he called after his ex.

  “Ew, that’s the guy you’ve been crying over?” Sophie asked Cal once Andrew was well out of earshot since she had only seen pictures of him on social media.

  “Sophie, not now,” Cal retorted.

  “All I’m saying is you can do a lot better. He’s not even that attractive.”


  “He does have a cute ass though; I’ll give you that.”

  “Okay, that’s a conversation for another day. Let’s deal with the issue at hand: this prick is cheating on my sister.”

  “You’re right; I’m sorry. So, how do we prove he’s meeting up with someone?” Sophie wondered.

  Chapter Twelve

  Three years earlier

  November transitioned into a brisk December, and with two weeks left until graduation, Cal was in the process of packing up his apartment. When he was not packing, he was in the company of his friends so they could all enjoy Cal’s remaining time with them, which also helped to keep his mind off Andrew.

  One day, while he was in the midst of packing up his extensive CD collection, Andrew texted him:

  Hey just wanted to say good luck on your last set of finals ever!!

  What’s he playing at? Cal wondered.

  The two hadn’t spoken since their last date, which was nearly a month ago. Had Andrew decided he wanted him again? Even if he had, it was too late since Cal was all set to graduate soon, and he would be moving to his new apartment the day after that.

  Thanks you too!!

  Andrew continued to text him that day, but Cal kept his responses brief and steered clear of the conversation venturing anywhere toward the topic of them hanging out again. For the sake of his mental well-being, he could not allow himself to play any more of Andrew’s games.

  The following week, Cal’s parents and sister, along with several members of his extended family and a couple of close family friends, made the trek out to his college town in advance of Cal’s impending graduation. The night before the ceremony, Cal and his company celebrated early with light refreshments in the lounge of the hotel they were staying at. They were to have a larger graduation party with Cal’s college friends the next day, following the ceremony.

  Cal left the hotel and arrived at his barren apartment just after seven that evening. He put on the tea kettle and then removed his business-casual attire, which he replaced with fleece sweatpants and a loose-fitting graphic tee. He gazed around at the various cardboard boxes scattered around his mostly packed-up apartment. He took in the sight of its emptiness and the realization of the coming graduation sank in.

  The high-pitched whistle of the boiling kettle drew Cal back to the kitchen, and he poured himself a cup of green tea. He allowed the bitter tea leaves to steep in the steaming liquid for several minutes b
efore he tossed the tea bag in the trash. Then, Cal grasped the warm mug, exited the kitchen, and settled himself in front of a window. He stared out into the night that had settled over his college town and watched the twinkling headlights of cars passing by. As he shifted his gaze from the roads to the towering buildings, Cal felt a pang of regret. Never in his wildest dreams had he ever considered making this place his home, but now that he was about to leave, he wished he could stay.

  A sudden knock at the apartment door drew Cal’s attention. He set his cup of tea on a nearby box and made his way over to the door. Intrigued, he opened it to find Andrew standing in front of him.

  “Wh—what? How did you get over here?” was all Cal was able to stammer.

  “I took a bus,” Andrew stated and smiled weakly. “Can I come in?”

  “Why?” he responded, willing himself not to break now that he was in love’s presence.

  “I get that you’re probably pissed at me…and I don’t blame you. I’ve been acting like a little bitch lately,” Andrew admitted. “Can I please come in?”

  Cal remained silent and eyed him with suspicion.

  “I’m sorry I’ve been quiet. I’ve been trying to protect myself over the past few months because I’ve been falling for you,” Andrew confessed. “But no matter how hard I try, I can’t stay away.”

  “I’m moving in two days. I really want to let you in,” he began in a shaky voice, “but I can’t do that until I know what’s going on between us.”

  “Can’t we talk about that tomorrow?”

  “No, we can’t! I’ve had enough of your games!” Cal exclaimed, his voice reverberating through the empty hall. Both he and Andrew were caught off guard by his unexpected outburst, and the latter stared at the floor. “I’m not letting you in until I know what’s going on between us. You owe me that.”

  “You’re right,” Andrew mumbled before he fell silent for a moment.

  “Well?” Cal pressed.

  “I think that’s going to be a serious conversation to have, and I really want to be with you. Can we just enjoy tonight and then talk about this in the morning?”

  Cal remained unconvinced of his intentions until Andrew finally gazed up at him with those seductive brown eyes.

  “I really want to be with you,” Andrew repeated. “I want you.”

  Before Cal realized it, the door was slammed shut and the two men held each other in a passionate embrace within the apartment. They staggered over stray objects and stumbled into moving boxes as Cal guided him to the bed, stripping each other of their clothing along the way.

  He laid him on the bed and kissed him as his tongue explored Andrew’s mouth once again. Cal’s toned arms wrapped around the young man’s body, unwilling to ever let him go again. The last four months had been filled with angst as Cal attempted to make sense of what was going to happen next. What would happen after he graduated? What would happen if he relocated for a job? What would happen between him and Andrew?

  Despite the more pressing matters that had been dealt with that final semester of college, Andrew was still at the front of Cal’s mind constantly. He was always waiting for Andrew, wondering when he might receive a text or ever have the opportunity to see him again. Now that he was here in his apartment, making out on the bed surrounded by various boxes packed with personal belongings and memories, Cal’s mind wanted to make sense of what was going to happen next. Was Andrew only going to be here for a moment or for the night? And what was going to happen after this rekindling?

  Perhaps Cal had been naïve over the past four months and had made too much of the time he had shared with Andrew. He recognized that they were both young, and the handful of “dates” they had did not constitute serious dating. This certainly wasn’t a relationship, and maybe it wasn’t anything more than a simple fling despite how strongly he felt about Andrew.

  Cal willed his mind to be silent as he rediscovered Andrew’s body. In that moment, what was and what could be didn’t matter anymore. All Cal cared about was that the first man he had ever truly fallen for—the first man he had ever shared this much of his body with—was in his arms again. Cal broke away for a moment and stared longingly into his brown eyes as he ran the back of his hand over Andrew’s smooth cheek, remembering the warmth of his touch.

  They resumed their intimacy, kissing, teasing, and fondling each other as their bodies reconnected. Cal and Andrew both grew hard and soon yearned for more. They communicated through deep moans, and Andrew placed his legs on Cal’s shoulders, like he had done almost two months prior. Only this time, it wasn’t just a demonstration. This time, both men were completely nude, and their hearts longed for each other.

  Although Cal had never done anything like this before, he moved to retrieve lubrication and protection from a box he had purposely kept hidden under his bed. His head raced with thoughts, but he was quick to silence them as he focused on the sight of his naked lover in front of him. Finally, Cal entered him and Andrew groaned in pleasure.

  Beads of sweat began to coat Cal’s flushed face as he rocked his pelvis back and forth rhythmically. Andrew grasped the wooden rods of the headboard behind him as he gyrated in sync with each thrust. Cal panted as he made love to Andrew, their skin growing damp with perspiration from their passion.

  The two moaned with each motion, kiss, and heartbeat. Soon, a euphoric sensation began to tingle in Cal’s groin. Andrew must have been close to climaxing because he began to fondle his own erection. Cal’s heart thudded as the sensation of an impending orgasm gripped him. He could not hold it back any longer and allowed himself to let go with a grunt of ecstasy. His body tensed as warm spurts of semen were released into the condom, and Andrew arched his back, moaning as Cal came inside him. Andrew continued stroking his own penis until he too climaxed, nearly concurrent with Cal. As he came, Cal noticed that Andrew made an odd—and almost humorous—face while his eyes rolled back, and he released a long, carnal sigh.

  Cal collapsed onto his back next to Andrew. Feeling satisfied, they struggled to catch their breath as the gratifying sensation they experienced lingered. Andrew turned to face Cal with an alluring smile, and the two lovers shared a tender kiss. Then, he lay his head on Cal’s chest, and they soon drifted off into sleep.

  The next morning, Cal awoke naked and alone in his bed. He gazed around his empty apartment to discover that Andrew was nowhere to be seen, and his discarded clothes were gone. He had left. There had been no conversation; no goodbye. Just as he had done numerous times before, Andrew popped in and out of Cal’s life when it was convenient for him. He had left, and this time there would never be a future reunion; Andrew was gone.

  The rest of that day was a confusing blur to Cal. He barely recalled crossing the stage to receive his diploma at graduation. His heart, weary from four months of Andrew’s toying with him, ached like never before. He had given his all, both physically and emotionally, to Andrew and had received nothing in return, not even a goodbye.

  Despite the routine heartbreaks, Cal had told no one except Sophie about Andrew. His lover, who had hurt him repeatedly, was now merely a fragment in Cal’s mind that would haunt him. However, Cal continued to force a foolish smile as his family and friends congratulated him, unaware of the previous night’s events—unaware of his four-month-long affair.

  The next day, Cal and his family loaded up a moving truck with all of the possessions that he had packed over the past two weeks. Within a few hours, his place was utterly bare as if he had never even lived there. Confused, broken, and feeling as empty as his apartment, Cal handed over his key in the building’s leasing office. Then, he got into his car and drove off into the grim future, allowing himself only one quick glance back at the college town where he so desperately craved to stay.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Cal and Sophie hurried downstairs—past Claire, who was still napping on the couch as she recovered from her hangover—and slipped out the side door as Andrew started up his car. They watched the glow
of headlights back out of the driveway and then ride off into the night. Cal and Sophie sprang toward the latter’s car—so as not to be easily identified—and sped after Andrew. They maintained a natural distance to avoid suspicion and followed him down the main street.

  Andrew merged onto the nearby highway and drove west for about ten minutes until he took the exit into a neighboring town. Cal and Sophie tailed him through a tranquil suburb—which glowed with holiday lights and décor—as they wondered about Andrew’s destination. Finally, he turned into a driveway that led to a community of townhouses.

  “Don’t turn here,” Cal instructed. “Drive past the entrance.”

  “Are you sure?” Sophie asked.

  “Yeah, I don’t want him to see us. We can loop around and then pull in there. We’ll look for his car.”

  Sophie followed Cal’s instructions and drove them through the neighborhood once more. When they approached the townhouses, Sophie turned on her blinker and pulled into the community. She steered through the development as they scanned for Andrew’s car and, after a short search, they found it parked outside a townhouse toward the end of the road. Sophie parked a few cars ahead of it and then killed her engine.

  “Can I see your phone?” Cal inquired.

  “Yeah,” she replied and she retrieved it from her purse. Cal took the phone and opened Sleazr before browsing through nearby men.

  “Here’s Andrew’s profile. It says he’s 297 feet away,” Cal informed her.

  “Ew, Mr. Right Now?” Sophie squealed as she read the profile name of the mystery man in the townhouse.

  “Yeah, great profile name,” he scoffed. “So Andrew is in there somewhere with Mr. Right Now.”

  “What do we do?”

  “We wait for him to come out.”

  “And then?”

  “I’m not sure,” Cal admitted.

  He and Sophie both fell silent as they eyed the row of homes from the car and waited. Despite his solemn demeanor, a vengeful anger boiled within Cal as he criticized himself for being played by Andrew not once, but twice. Images of his ex and a sleazy, aroused stranger fornicating in the townhouse relentlessly played through Cal’s mind, only increasing his anger—which quelled any heartache he may have experienced. While he did not know how to handle this situation, Cal knew he would not allow himself to be a victim any longer.


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