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Billionaires On the Beach: The Anderson Brothers

Page 30

by Elizabeth Lennox

  “Good afternoon, Ma’am,” a crewmember said. “Mr. Anderson asked me to let you know he will be detained and to have lunch without him. May I get you something to drink?

  She wasn’t big on drinking. She’d always preferred to eat her calories instead of drinking them, but when you were living large, a drink on a fancy yacht seemed in order. “Sure…” She checked the gold nametag on his crisp white uniform monogrammed with the yacht’s name: Sea Dream. “…Craig, something to drink would be nice. I’m not really good at picking though, so surprise me.”

  An hour later, with her tummy full of a delicious shrimp salad and a slight buzz from whatever alcohol was in the frothy drink, her eyelids drooped in the warm sun. She fought it, but eventually, she gave up. She fell asleep and dreamed of Grey kissing her neck, pushing her bathing suit aside and running his tongue around the pouty nub. Her back arched and she groaned as her core contracted each time he sucked her nipple into his mouth, and she stretched like a contented house cat.

  His warm hand ran down her chest, over her stomach and his fingers curved around her mound. Somehow her dream and reality meshed and became one. One moment dream Grey was kissing a path down her stomach, then she looked down and Grey’s head was between her legs.


  “Shhh, I’ve got this.”

  Oh, lordy, he did. His mouth closed over her, and her nails bit into her palms to keep from exploding like she did before, but he was making it hard for her even to remember her name. His tongue licked small circles around but never touched the very center where she needed him most. She groaned in frustration and grabbed his hair, trying to lift her hips and get him there, but he only laughed and pressed on her stomach, keeping her imprisoned for his torturously divine tongue.

  “Yes!” she screamed when two fingers entered her, and he finally sucked her swollen bud into his mouth. Then he released her, and she wanted to scream in frustration.


  “No. Don’t talk. Do more of that.”

  Grey chuckled and flicked his tongue back and forth.

  “There. Right there! Don’t. You. Stop!” She enunciated each word through clenched teeth.

  He chuckled as his fingers began to pump in and out, creating a friction which, coupled with his tongue assault, had her wiggling and moaning. She needed him to make her come and give her the release her body craved.

  “Come on, Gem. Don’t fight it.”

  Yes! No! The feelings were becoming too intense. “It’s too…much.” Her head rocked back, and her fingers pulled at his hair.

  “In three.” Grey started a countdown.

  The speed of his fingers increased and his tongue swirled around her. Licking her like a delicious treat. “I can’t…”


  His mouth closed around her, pulling her into his mouth where his teeth held her while his tongue flicked back and forth. “More!” she screamed.

  Grey crooked his practiced fingers, pressing in that one particularly sensitive place, and that was all it took.


  “Yes! Grey!” Her body shook from the powerful orgasm and her inner muscles clenched down on his fingers with each contraction. Before she’d even reached the pinnacle of her journey, Grey nudged her legs further apart and entered her in one swift thrust.

  “Oh, Gemma. That feels so incredible.” He held himself above her with only their most intimate of places connected. Their eyes met, and Grey began a slow dance with his hips, sending her on another journey upwards before she’d even come down from the first. Her body vibrated with each stroke, needing more.

  “Feels. So. Good.” Her eyes fluttered closed when she felt the twinge of pressure building for another release.

  “Watch, Gemma. Keep your eyes on me and watch what you do to me.” Grey increased the power and speed behind each stroke. His eyes deepened in color and pierced hers, making her tremble from the impact of feelings she saw cross his face. Her hands ran up his hard, muscular arms and her nails dug into his biceps, their labored breaths matching perfectly.

  Caught in his gaze, her voice no more than a whisper, she called to him. “Grey…”

  “I know baby, let go. We’ll go together.” Grey tilted his hips, causing a stronger friction on her already-pulsating center.

  Her back arched and she fought to keep her eyes connected to his as they both burst into shards of bright light. Her muscles clenched, squeezing his hardness, riding out their orgasms until she came back to earth from one gentle stroke at a time.

  Before the last tremor left her body, Grey smiled. “I need more of that, Gem. A lot more.”

  “Me too. But I’m going to need a minute.”

  Grey picked her up with a squeal and carried her to their cabin below deck.

  Chapter 12


  Grey lay Gemma on the bed and reluctantly pulled the silky sheet over her. She’d fallen asleep even before he’d made it downstairs. Her face was still flushed a beautiful pink, and he wanted nothing more than to bury himself deep inside her again. He forced himself to turn away from her and walked into the bathroom to clean up and take care of the condom.

  He’d get one of the deck hands to bring their discarded clothes later. What had he been thinking? That was easy—he hadn’t been. When he’d seen Gemma asleep, stretched out on the lounger in that bikini, he’d lost it. Taking her. Claiming her had been all he’d been able to think about through the haze of need.

  He turned the water on in the shower and stood under the massaging spray as he tried to analyze his feelings. What he’d just experienced with Gemma felt far from normal. Taking her had been intense with a driving need. What he felt for Gemma was nothing like what he’d ever felt for another. Having sex with women he had no prior connection to was like dining from a buffet. Everything was good, plentiful, and satisfied your hunger. But a buffet wasn’t even comparable to sitting down to a four-star meal and consuming delectable creations from a well-trained chef. Was this what his older brothers had felt before they went to the dark side?

  A movement caught his eye, and he turned and stared into Gemma’s blue eyes. That side didn’t seem so dark anymore. He pushed the glass shower door open, and she walked into his arms.

  She tipped her head up and smiled. “I woke up and you weren’t there.”

  His heart gave a flutter at the simple honesty of her words. She looked up into his eyes and he had to kiss her. “I’m sorry my call took so long.”

  Gemma put her arms around his waist and rested her head on his chest. She shivered, and he shifted them so the water was at her back.

  “If that’s the way you make up for it, then please, stand me up often.”

  He rested his chin on the top of her head, and that quickly he wanted her again. Grey reached around her and turned the water off before picking her up. He pulled a towel from the basket by the shower and dried her, picked her up and carried her back to bed where he tried his best to prove that what he felt for Gemma wasn’t growing into something more. Something he’d told Xander would never happen to him. Exhausted and spent they finally fell asleep in the early morning hours without Grey proving a single thing.

  The next morning Grey woke and took one look at the way Gemma fit perfectly lying next to him and knew he’d never be the same again. “Let’s get dressed and have breakfast in the dining room.”

  “Okay. I’m starving,” she purred, stretching like a contented kitten.

  Grey laughed and rolled out of bed before he satisfied another raging appetite. He’d have to control himself, Gemma needed to eat. “If I recall, we skipped dinner last night and I ate you instead.”

  Gemma gasped, her eyes widened, and he watched pink bloom from her chest to cover her cheeks. He started toward her but stopped himself. Food. She needed to eat. “I’ll shower first and then meet you there.”

  Thirty minutes later, Gemma walked into the dining room with a beautiful smile on her face and her hair pulled back. To
day she wore one of those stretchy exercise outfits he loved. Now that he knew what she looked like underneath, he didn’t stand a chance. He waited for her to be served, then dismissed the wait staff.

  “What’s that smile for?”

  “I called to check on Pops on the satellite phone, but he didn’t have time to talk because Mrs. Berryman had stopped by with a breakfast casserole. He sounded…different.”

  “That’s good though, right?”

  “Yeah. I don’t believe Pops ever considered dating after Grammy died. But he giggled when he told me they were having breakfast and then going for a walk on the Greenway. At least I think it was a giggle.”

  He loved seeing her happy and not stressed about leaving her grandfather. “So, what do you want to do today? I need to put in a few hours of work, but I’m all yours later today.”

  “I thought I’d check out the gym and get in a workout, then I’ll probably sit by the pool and read.”

  “In the same bathing suit you had on yesterday?”

  “Yeah. Probably. Why?”

  Grey picked up his knife and buttered his toast. “It was just…” He searched for the word. Too sexy. Too much for him to handle. Too many eyes looking at what was his. Grey gripped the knife tighter.

  Gemma’s eyes shot open and her hands went to her cheeks. “Oh, my gosh! It’s horrible on me, isn’t it? I told Mellie I couldn’t pull off such a skimpy suit.”

  He growled, “No. You are stunning, Gemma. Never doubt how beautiful you are. That’s not what I meant at all. It’s just that…well, you remember what happened yesterday on deck?”

  Her cheeks flushed. “Yes.”

  Their gazes met and sizzled. “That may happen again if I see you in that bikini.”

  “Ohhh.” Gemma was quiet for a moment and then looked around nervously. “Do you think they saw us?”

  “No. I dismissed them all and threatened bodily harm if they even thought of being within hearing range.”

  The first day at sea set the pattern for the rest of the week. Breakfast together, then Grey would work for a few hours and then join her. They’d swim or watch movies or just sit in the sun and read a book. The nights were spent in each other’s arms with Grey falling deeper and deeper into what could only be…love.

  Chapter 13


  “I don’t think I can do this, Grey.” Gemma stood on a 30-foot-high cliff, mesmerized by the swirling water far below, her chin and lips trembling.

  “It’s up to you, Gem. But you did say you wanted to do exciting new things. This is about as exciting as it gets.”

  “This is terrifying. Not exciting…terrifying,” she corrected, her body now trembling with fright from the dizzying height.

  “Come on. You can do it. You heard Torudon’s instructions. Jump out and go feet first.”

  Gemma gulped in air afraid she may be hyperventilating. “I heard him, but that doesn’t mean I’m crazy enough to listen.” When they’d sailed into port the day before and handed off the yacht to the new owner, Grey had checked them into a hotel where he’d had a romantic beachside dinner waiting on them. Then today he’d surprised her with cliff jumping. It did look exciting, but heights had never been her friend. Just looking at the water so far below them made her want to retch.

  From the corner of her eye, she glimpsed two bullets rushing past her, screaming at the top of their lungs as they flung themselves over the edge. She jumped at the sound and watched their flailing arms and legs pumping through the air as they fell and followed them all the way to their entrance splash.

  She took another step back shaking her head. The water was so far down. “I can’t do it, Grey.”

  “Honey, I promise it’s perfectly safe. Do you think those kids’ parents would let them jump if it wasn’t safe? Didn’t they look like they were having fun?”

  “They were twelve, Grey. They don’t yet understand their mortality. I, on the other hand, cherish my life and see no reason to tempt fate. I’ll just wait here and watch you jump.” Gemma took another step back and began to wring her hands.

  “I’m not going to push you into doing something you are afraid of. But Gemma, you are the strongest woman I know, and if you let this beat you today, tomorrow you’ll wish you had kicked this cliff’s butt. I’ll hold your hand and we’ll go down together.”

  Gemma bit her lip and took another peek over the edge as a group of three children not much older than ten went flying off the cliff beside her. It did look like fun. She never would have attempted a jump before she’d lost weight. She was so scared her whole body shivered in fright. But Grey was right. She would be upset with herself for missing the opportunity. She took a step closer to the edge, looked into Grey’s eyes and saw how much he wanted this for her. But she also knew that if she turned around and walked back down the steps they’d come up, he would be fine with that, too. “You won’t let go?”

  Grey smiled and squeezed her hand. “Never. I promise.”

  Could she do it? Grey was right, she would beat herself up about it tomorrow if she gave into her fear today and didn’t jump. Strange how he’d gotten to know her so well in such a short amount of time. “I’m really scared, Grey.”

  “Gem, do you trust me?”

  She didn’t need to consider his question before she honestly answered. “Yes.”

  “Then we go on three?” Grey asked and waited for her to give the go-ahead. At her slight nod, he took her hand and started the countdown.

  Gemma screwed her eyes tightly closed. Grey did like his countdowns. Some she delighted in, this one she didn’t.


  He grabbed her by the face, kissed her until she was dizzy, and then in quick succession yelled…

  “Two. One. Jump!”

  Gemma felt a tug on her hand and then the ground fell out from beneath her feet and she was airborne. Her stomach dropped and a scream left her lungs just before she plunged into the warm water and swallowed a mouthful of salt water. Another tug on her hand brought her to the surface. Coughing and sputtering, she screamed, “I did it! I did it, Grey!”

  Grey laughed and pulled her into his arms, treading water for them both. “You sure did. I’m so proud of you, honey.”

  Adrenaline rushing through her body, she wrapped her legs around Grey’s waist and kissed him until they were both breathless. A sudden, powerful need for him shook her to the very core of her being, and as if a light had suddenly appeared, she knew beyond a doubt that she loved Greyson Anderson. She needed him with an intensity that frightened her. “I want you, Grey.” Gemma felt him against her stomach, and watched his eyes darken.

  Grey looked down and saw her hardened nipples push against her bathing suit top, his smile faded, and his eyes began to flame. He didn’t waste time. “Come on. Time to go.”

  They swam to the stone stairs carved into the side of the cliff. Grey wrapped her in a towel, collected their things, and had them back to the hotel in record time, where he spent the afternoon giving her exactly what she needed. After a romantic dinner on their balcony, they walked hand in hand in the moonlight on the beach. That night Grey made love to her until she fell asleep from exhaustion.

  For the rest of the weekend, Grey surprised her with one great adventure after another. Swimming with dolphins was her favorite. They also went on an undersea walk which at first she wasn’t sure about. The tour guide put a huge helmet on their heads, and they literally walked on the ocean floor. She couldn’t believe the vibrant colors living below the water. And all the different types, colors, and sizes of fish that would swim so close they could reach out and touch them.

  On their last night on the island, Grey once again had a romantic dinner sent to their room afterward, then they kicked off their shoes and took a last moonlight stroll.

  “I can’t believe this is our last night in paradise.”

  “It’s been wonderful, Grey. Thank you so much for inviting me.”

  “Gemma, I…” Grey paused, an
d Gemma turned into his arms.

  By moonlight, she could see the conflict in his eyes. “What, Grey?”

  He took her face in his hands. “I don’t want this to end.”

  Gemma closed her eyes when she felt them begin to sting. She had hoped Grey would want to continue to see her. He made her feel beautiful and desirable with a simple glance, and had proved how much he loved every inch of her over and over through their time together. He’d given her a confidence she hadn’t even known she’d needed. Grey kissed her forehead and she felt a tug low in her belly. She wanted to say the words to tell him how she felt, but what if he didn’t say them back, or what if she’d misunderstood. “Grey, I…”

  “No, Gemma. After what we’ve shared this week, don’t you think it’s time to admit that what we have going is something special? I don’t want our time together to end.”

  “I don’t either, but I’m afraid,” she whispered, and fixing her gaze on his.

  “Trust me, Gem.”

  She rested her head on his chest and his arms wrapped around her. Denying her feelings for Grey wasn’t something she could do any longer. Going back home and never seeing him again hurt even to imagine. Grey’s lips found hers, and she forgot about the reasons why a relationship with Grey wasn’t a good idea.

  Back in their room, Grey took his time undressing her. Every inch he uncovered he kissed, and by the time he lay her on her bed, she was begging for him to take her.

  “Not yet, Gem.” He took her mouth, plundering every crevice inside. He slid into her warmth inch by inch until he was seated deeply inside and held himself above her, locking their eyes together. “I need more, Gemma.”

  Slowly he pulled out to the tip and gradually pushed back in, heightening her senses with each movement. “Yes.” Grey wouldn’t give her what she needed until he’d driven her to the edge of sanity, then together they crashed into an intense orgasm that left them both breathless and clinging to each other.


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