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Billionaires On the Beach: The Anderson Brothers

Page 34

by Elizabeth Lennox

  “Great.” She pushed away the tightness in her chest. “Let’s work with that. How would you like to role play?” As she said it out loud it sounded so silly. “Let me just ask you this. When you have a business meeting with a woman, how do you deal with her? Do you have any hesitations, or is it only a problem when you are attracted to the women?”

  “I deal with the women in business the way I deal with all my work; professionally, respectfully and I don’t mix business with pleasure.” He said the word so softly, and catching his eyes move to her mouth again she was glad she wasn’t holding her wine glass. Her heart skipped a few beats and then continued thumping erratically.

  This time she knew it was not her imagination or wishful thinking. She was confused. Because he was treating her with respect and would not cross the professional line, confirming how he saw, and yet those eyes said…

  No, you’re the buddy, and don’t you forget it. He has hired your services, nothing more.

  Still thrown off by her gut instincts and what she read in those green eyes, she stood up, “Okay, so what will help you get more comfortable about approaching Jessica?”

  He stood up too and scanned her face. “I think we can grab dinner right now and we can pretend we’re on a real date.”

  “That’s not necess—” She shut up. Always impulsive, she still had some ways to go from stopping herself from answering too soon. She took a moment to think it through, admitted she was only afraid of forgetting that this was all part of role playing, and said, “Okay, I need half an hour, where would you like to meet?”

  “Where do you suggest?”

  She shook her head. “We’ll have to work on you taking more initiative, Alexander. But this once I’ll suggest the place.”


  Sitting opposite the lovely Olivia at the intimate dining table only feet away from the now dark sea, at the terrace of the busy yet relaxed South Beach Grill, Alex was enjoying their pseudo date. Of all the places in the world and all the high-class restaurants he had enjoyed over the years, this unassuming lovely hideout meant more to him than anything else. Because he was here with Olivia. Those memories of his excitement of their weeks together nearly a decade ago had not been exaggerated. His pulse still played that staccato drum beat. Every moment with her felt right.

  The nagging voice inside his head reminded him about his underhandedness. He never lied to anyone, especially in business, and he wholeheartedly agreed with Olivia that it was best to be open and authentic from the start.

  Now what the hell was he going to do?

  He would enjoy her company and get to know her, and earn her trust. If he didn’t kiss her by the end of tonight, he would admit he was the biggest coward in the world and throw himself in the sea. No thirty-year-old had a right to be this immature. Olivia was right, he ought to take more initiative! But knowing that did nothing to help him.

  “Tell me more about your sister, Lisa.” He speared a morsel of his grilled salmon with his fork and put it in his mouth. This was as good as he remembered on those lunches or dinners he had shared with Aunt Jenny spent laughing and enjoying watching the world go by. Even though the sea was too dark right now, he could hear it and the salty scent intermingled with the delicious dishes being served around them. It all inspired momentary peace within him.

  As Olivia talked about her younger sister it warmed him at how much she adored and worried about her. “She’s in her last year of business school and once she finishes her exams she’s got a job lined up at a law firm. She’s so sophisticated, smart and beautiful.”

  So are you, he nearly blurted out, but instead said, “She’s lucky to have you for a sister.” As they shared more about each other he relaxed and felt less like a fraud. He was not harming anyone, he was catching up with an old friend who was more than that. He had no idea how or when he ought to tell her that he didn’t know any Jessica, and he had no plans to attend any BBQ party this Saturday.

  “So you think she’ll move back home?”

  “I hope so, but she’s nearly twenty-two, she has a good head on her shoulders so I’ll support any decision she makes about her life.” Her eyes were betraying her worry, and again he wished he knew how to make her feel less alone. Why did she take on all the responsibility, helping every stray soul? And why had he taken advantage of that wonderful trait? Again, he counted his blessings for both his adopted and biological families here and in Greece.

  As if psychic or so attuned to him, Olivia said, “I’ll bet you don’t find our American food as palatable as what you’re used to in Greece.”

  He smiled, “There’s much more salt in the food than what I’m now used to. And the fish there almost comes out literally from the sea onto your plate. Porto Heli is still a small busy port and yet it maintains its natural unspoilt beauty.” He took out his cell phone and started searching for something. His smile told her that he was not checking business emails. As he offered it to her Olivia saw gorgeous images of a quaint boating village, and the cobalt color of the sea was breathtaking.

  “Wow.” She couldn’t help her wistfulness. “It’s like a dream, it’s so beautiful. Do you live with your father in Porto Heli?”

  “No. I visit often, but I have my own place near Athens. Grey likes to stay with Papa whenever he comes in for business, too.” He told her about Grey’s successful yacht manufacturing business. “We both love our boats and sailing.”

  “Yes, I met him when I was taking one of Gemma’s yoga classes. I love her gym. It’s amazing.” Increasingly Olivia felt more at ease with her own body image, being inspired and spurred on by Gemma, who was such an inspiration in many levels. She loved watching her and Grey together. “And they’re such a sweet and romantic couple.”

  “Yes, they are.” Alexander sighed but then immediately concentrated on his phone. He leaned so close their heads almost touched as he swiped to another photo. “This is the Asteria.”

  The yacht appeared so enormous, she felt the instant separation between them. His expression told her that this boat was like a favorite pet. Something he enjoyed and took for granted. It symbolised the many differences between their backgrounds. She swallowed the lump in her throat and asked, “What does Asteria mean?”

  He shrugged, “Something like Goddess of stars or dreams.”


  Alex enjoyed entertaining Olivia, and the way she listened so intently. He had never felt this at ease and this happy with any other woman. He talked about his many cousins who had welcomed him with open arms all those years ago, and had shared with him the amazing and delicious cultures that were his true biological legacy. As he talked about his father, the eccentric uncles and aunts, Olivia burst out laughing, grabbing her napkin to her mouth.

  “They sound just like from the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding. I thought Nia Vardalos had exaggerated it all in the name of art and comedy.”

  “No, that’s actually pretty much what I’m used to these days.” He could hardly breathe at the pleasure he took in her laughter. He realized he had missed it so much and knew he would do anything and everything to extract that genuine unguarded happiness from within her.

  “I love painting from those images of Santorini, that incredible blue is unique. I’ve always gravitated back here to Wrightsville Beach, no matter where I am, but Santorini is one place that’s always fascinated me.”

  He couldn’t get enough of seeing that sparkle of inspiration in her blue eyes. “It’s even more beautiful in real life. You must come and stay with me—or one of my many female cousins—and I’ll show you around. We can sail there and I can fly us over the various islands on my helicopter. You’ll love it.”

  And the guard came tumbling down as he watched her face. She did not need to say anything, because he realized how ridiculous his invitation was. She may as well have said, Yes, that’s what I’ll do, I’ll help you win over the girl of your dreams, and tag along while you sweep her off to paradise.

  Go on, just tell her
the truth right now. No time like the present, as his mother liked to say. But the coward stayed quiet.

  “So tell me the truth…” His heart nearly burst at her words. He stopped breathing until she waved a graceful hand towards the darkness and added, “Do you find all this…mundane?”

  Letting his breath come out slowly he watched Olivia bite into a piece of shrimp and envied the fork for being so close to her delicious mouth. He shifted in his seat. “Not at all, it was fun growing up here, I’ve always loved the beach and boating with Dad and Grey.” Although the bond between all his siblings was extremely strong, he and Grey seemed more like twins in many ways. He smiled thinking of his brother being shot by Cupid’s arrow, and how happy his brother and Gemma were. He just wished he could grow a little back bone and grab Olivia right now, right here and kiss her.

  For the first time in a decade he wanted what his brothers all now had. Soulmates, love.

  But he was different from them.

  He had to stop thinking like that. “And I have fond memories of this particular restaurant. I used to come here with Aunt Jenny until I left for good.”

  From her suddenly stricken expression he wondered what he had said.

  “You knew Aunt Jenny?”

  “Yes, with our family summer home nearby, I started helping her out cutting grass, etc. . . .” He waited for her to say something.

  “You never told me about that. And I never saw you here on those summers I stayed here with Maria. But of course, you spent them all in Greece.”

  “I have the best of both worlds.” He smiled again. “What do you do in your spare time, Olivia? Do you still play chess?” She shook her head and at the sadness on her face he could have kicked himself. He remembered too late that she had played chess with her father. He had only discovered this past week from Maria that Olivia had lost both her parents two and a half years ago. When he had asked for more information about her best friend and if she had any boyfriends, Maria had clammed up. “I’m sorry. I heard about your parents’ passing. It must be so difficult for both of you.”

  She nodded. “Thanks.” He admired her tenacity as he listened. Olivia had lost them within months of each other; her mother had died from complications of pneumonia, and a few months later she lost her father. “He seemed to lose any purpose to go on living. I’d heard of that, but never witnessed it. He died from a heart attack.” She then added, “But thank God Lisa and I have each other.” His heart went out to her, he wished he could touch her hand again, but knew it was inappropriate.

  He wanted to bring back that glint in her large blue eyes, “What about your painting? Do you have time for that? You were excellent from what I remember.”

  “Yes, it’s been my saviour.” Suddenly she stopped. The adorable blush blossomed over her features as she added, “I find painting very cathartic, healing and relaxing.” Olivia studied him and asked, “What about you? You still play tennis and squash?”

  He nodded, glad she remembered. “I now also enjoy a game of golf.”

  Her shoulders came down a little, as she smiled, “Is it true what they say, that many business transactions get done on the golf course?”

  “Yes.” The golf resorts he frequented were part of the many he owned, which he had developed over the past few years. The international locations of the Luxe Clubs were good for the bottom line and his extensive business portfolio.

  As they shared a decadent piece of chocolate cake he couldn’t help stare and enjoy Olivia’s patent pleasure of her every bite. He couldn’t hide his grin as she licked her lower lip and said, “Don’t look at me like that. Certain things are just worth it. Without my chocolate cake and a good bowl of spaghetti bolognaise—life’s not worth living.”

  He chuckled and said, “A woman after my own heart. My mother would agree with you, too.” Instinctively he refrained from saying anything personal, knowing that if he said what he felt—that to him she was perfect the way she was—Olivia would not appreciate him stepping over the professional boundaries she had set. She would not believe his interest in her was genuine. He was after all supposed to be getting ready to woo ‘Jessica’.

  But from deep within him a voice goaded him to go ahead, move even closer to her and kiss her.

  Their kiss could reignite their special connection. But what if it backfired on him and instead resulted in a swift end to their association?

  No, he sat immobile, staring at her as the moments of opportunity passed.

  Well, you made your bed, you lie in it. He told himself. Fool, Touvlo! The Greek word described him perfectly. The coward that he was, he was as thick as a brick.

  “So in preparation for the party we should hit the mall first thing tomorrow, if you like. That way if I’m delayed on site later you’ll still be ready for Saturday. Then you call Jessica tomorrow when you’re ready.”

  He felt like a heel, knowing that he could organize the so-called makeover by himself. She was generous to a fault. “Okay, thanks.” He couldn’t meet her eyes. He adjusted his glasses slightly back on the bridge of his nose.

  From little white lies big honking lies can grow.

  Chapter 5

  Alexander must have felt embarrassed last night at dinner to be reminded about the makeover. But Olivia took her responsibilities seriously and it was for a good cause.

  Yes, remind yourself that, Olivia!

  After specific instructions to the designer hair stylist about how to trim Alexander’s hair and beard, she sat down to check her many messages. She tried not to laugh at Alexander’s expression as he stared at his reflection. She couldn’t wait to see him in a suit and a dress shirt at their next stop. How could he be as successful as he obviously was from what she had seen and heard about him, when he dressed so casually compared to his other brothers? Did he have a suit for work and that was all he needed or cared about? If she had spare money she would have a closet full of gorgeous outfits and shoes. Sure, she preferred comfortable and flowing outfits, but she now admitted that adopting her so-called bohemian style in decor and fashion from the gregarious Aunt Jenny were partly an excuse.

  When she looked up she had to search for Alexander, as he seemed to have moved. Focusing, she saw a taller man with familiar striking eyes. How could the stylist have transformed Alexander in less than half an hour? She stared at the reflection until her Cinderfella swivelled in his chair to face her. “So, do I pass the test?” As he smirked and put his glasses back on, his designer beard now accentuated his bone structure, delicious mouth and that strong jaw line. His haircut and beard trim highlighted the shape of his well-formed skull and his proud Greek nose, and his eyes appeared even greener and more astute.

  And dangerously sexy.

  She inhaled realizing she had stopped breathing momentarily. “Yes, absolutely.” Her voice seemed strange. She stood up and turned away from him. “Let’s go. Next stop, suit and accessories.”

  An hour later they left the mall with Alexander’s divine Armani suit and the rest of the paraphernalia. Olivia had to get back to the beach house not because she was needed there, but because she was too shaken up by seeing the newly outfitted Alexander.

  Something within her boiled dangerously. Why would he be hiding behind the dark, loose-fitting clothes? Or did he wear designer suits for business and he was merely relaxing here on holiday?

  That wasn’t really what bugged her.

  She was livid with her own reaction and the strong pull towards him. In her opinion all his brothers were great looking but from what she had heard about and seen for herself from Sloan and Grey, all the siblings were the whole package; wonderful human beings and great husbands. Maria and Gemma gave Olivia hope that real ‘happy-ever-afters’ existed outside fairy-tales. That there were trustworthy and loving guys out there. Yes, his brothers were incredible men, but Alexander’s modesty made Olivia want to scream. He was the perfect specimen of masculinity and sensitivity and she constantly wanted to blurt out, “You shouldn’t pretend
or try to be something you’re not. Don’t do anything you don’t want to in order to attract some girl. Be yourself and she should accept you just the way you are.”

  Boy, oh boy, look at how he cleaned up! Before she cried like a fanatic fan facing her Hollywood idol, or before she grabbed him, planted a hungry kiss on his sensuous lips, and jumped his bones in the middle of the high street, she resolved to escape into her work.

  As they reached her car Alexander said, “Thanks for your help. I have a favor to ask you.”

  He looked sheepish, but she was too distracted by his gorgeous thick black lashes, now that his eyebrows had also been tamed.

  “Yes, what is it?” at her rushed words she stopped. Calmly, Olivia! In a more civil voice she said, “I’m at your service.” And smiled.

  “There’s a social function tonight. Would you please join me?”

  Before she could refuse she counted to five and then asked, “What kind of do is it? What do I wear?”

  “It’s formal, but we don’t need to stay for long.”

  Having packed solely for work and the beach, she supposed raiding Maria’s wardrobe was in order. She nodded.

  She saw his relief and gratitude in that smile, “I’ll pick you up at eight?” For someone who could have anything or any beauty he desired his self-consciousness amazed her. Or perhaps it was his sensitive and shy nature. After having spent many hours together over the past weeks she understood that to Alexander women and relationships were an alien world.


  Alex was stunned and couldn’t help staring at Olivia. Her little black dress showed off her delectable curves and she looked even more feminine and sexier. But she appeared a little self-conscious in it and in the black high heels that accentuated her lovely ankles and her long, shapely legs.

  Tonight, she seemed less distracted about her work, having hurried back to the beach house earlier today. He wished she would look into his eyes. Because he wanted to read her thoughts and couldn’t. Was she angry with him for some reason? Should he ask her about it?


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